Miles Per Hour 2

By YamiJaquez

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"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough" ― Mario Andretti Living with Ralph now, the... More

Author's Note
Highway Gas
Pepper Spray
Hacking Aid
Melvin Again
Old Friend
Fear Drives Speed
The Day of the Wedding
Racing in Reality: Bullets per Second
Mansion Down
Not ready to forgive
Landing in Thailand
Turning Point
Flare of love
A Joke
MIA Bound
External Freedom
Flashbacks: Military Acad Days
Back To Druid Hills part 2
Hot & Dry, New Mexico
Dirty Business
Ascension, Mexico
Eve's Crisis
La Sangre
Blood Runs Thick
High Hopes
No more dead Bodies
Near the Abyss
Rebellious yet Free


104 5 0
By YamiJaquez

The next Day

I wake up screaming, and crying. Crying hard. Earlier, I barely cried, I was numb but now, that numbness left. All I see is Sasha, in her stained wedding dress, on the floor, dead. Dead and never coming back.

"You okay." I hear Sean. He's waking up, sitting on a couch next to my bed. Seeing him calms me down a bit. I reach over for his hand and he comes and lays down next to me. I move a bit to the side so that he has space to lay down.

I didn't even  realize when we got to this hotel, or when I fell asleep.

"I'm here Rosie. And never going anywhere again." He says and I hold him tightly. Sean is here, physically here.

"She died saving me." I say crying silently and resting my head on his chest. "This is all
my fault. Everything is my fault."

"No, it is not. Thanks to your bravery, Ralph is dead now." He says. I suddenly remember he died.

" he will ever tell me where my mom is or what happened to her." I say shaking my head. He was the only one that could have told me, but a part of me is glad he died.

"Melvin and Chris filled me in on some details while you slept. We will find out what happened to your mom once we get to Thailand don't worry. By the way, Owen was captured off the coast of Greenland like 10 minutes ago. Thanks to the files you guys got, they were able to locate him." Sean grabs my hand kisses it. With the storm comes the beautiful sunsets and rainbows and that is Sean right now.

"I don't know what to feel...I'm still in shock." I say as I find myself not crying anymore. Pain is so common to me that I know crying doesn't change anything.

"I am too. Believe me Rosie, we are all human here and were kids. What we did out there though, saved many lives and hundreds of girls in prostitution." Sean says caressing my hair.

"I know. I know that, but we had to lose someone who was important to us. You didn't know her Sean. She was like our second mom... She cared about us and she was there helping us." I say standing up and walking towards the window. I look out and see that Los Angeles skyline right in front of me. Illuminating the dark sky. Sasha became someone I truly cared about during these weeks living with her. She would make sure we were okay at anytime. She died saving me.

Sean comes behind me and holds my waist. I get goosebumps on my skin, I never realized how much I missed his touch. I turn around and stare into his eyes. I know I'm not alone with this confusion of feelings, I know we are feeling this way. Together we will cope with it somehow, I know we will.

"I missed you." I whisper leaning my forehead on his nose. He kisses my forehead and then holds my cheeks with his strong hands. I feel so safe with him. I haven't felt this in so long. I lean in for the kiss but he lets go and walks away. I feel hurt but I understand why he is acting like this.

"Today, you and that Robert kid.." He says that look of hurt and disappointment spreading across his face. I take a deep breath.

"It's not like that. He is my friend, Sean." I say walking up to him and holding his hands. "Only my friend."

"Well he doesn't seem to think that. He was about to kiss you." Sean says. He is jealous just like I would if I walked in on him and a girl about to kiss. But I didn't want to kiss Robert.

"Do you trust me?" I say backing up and testing him. He reaches for my hand but I back away.

"Rosie- of course....look I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't be bringing this up in a time like this..." Sean says turning around to walk out the door. I will not let him walk away this time. We both  are too good at this game. "If you want something, you never let it go." Sasha once told me, and I will never let Sean go again. Thank you Sasha, for everything.

"Sean." I say as he is like one step from the door. I know it's probably too early, but life only gives you a certain amount of chances. Those chances eventually run out and then you are stuck, a hole in your conscience.."I...I love you." I say a word I've never said before because I thought I didn't know what it was. But Sean came at the right time to teach me.

"What did you say?" He says as he turns around slowly. He has a sexy grin on his lips.

"You heard me." I say mocking him. Everything suddenly evaporates as he walks up to me, and holds me really close.

"Say it again." He whispers and shivers run up my body. His eyes are locked on mine and in them, I find a different universe, one in where is just him and I; no problems, no nothing, just us.

"I love you Sean. I need you." I say bringing my arms to his neck.

"I've loved you since the first time I saw you in that parking lot." He says leaning in for a kiss. I kiss him with a force and passion; I only dreamed of being in his arms again, kissing him. I throw him on the bed and lay on top of him still locked in our kiss.

"What changed you? Like this is Rosie Shaw saying that word." Sean says breaking the moment. I lay next to him catching my breath. We stay silent for a while and then the pain comes back. I explain to him the whole Sasha and Deckard situation and how they kept their affair a secret and all that.

"You being so far away from me Sean, it killed me. I guess what changed me was the fear of never seeing you again." I say after a long speech on distance and love between Deckard and Sasha.

"No way. You think Ralph ever found out?" Sean asks and I tell him that I don't know, but I would be very surprised if he never suspected anything. I then get into the whole issue with my mom and Thailand.

"Oh yeah. Simmons has tickets to Thailand for tomorrow evening. He gave us six tickets, so I guess Maggie and Robert won't go." He says and I know he is very content with Robert not going. I decide to change the subject.

"So all of a sudden you want to show up in our mission?" I say rubbing his hair as I stare up to the ceiling.

"I'll explain that all later. Simmons has a lot to with it." Sean says smirking. I then realize I have something to do.

"I have to talk to the rest of the crew. Where are they?" I ask.

"Maggie is in the room right next to you. Melvin and Robert are at the end of the hallway in some hall lounge. Chris and Alice, I don't know." He says as I quickly get out of bed. I dress up, put my boots on and fix my hair. My feet are full of blisters. I tell Sean to meet me at the lounge as I walk out the room to talk to Maggie.

"Hey Rosie." She says with a sad expression. I give her a huge hug and she cries a bit. We talk about what happened. I explain to her how I am feeling and all that. I then I ask her to come to the lounge to do quick meeting. We need to all speak, and let out any thoughts. We will get through this together.

I get to the lounge room. It's an empty room with two couches and a T.V., Melvin and Robert are both on their phones when Sean, Maggie and I walk in.

"Hey guys." I say and it comes out like a whisper. I sit next to Melvin and hug him really tight. Maggie just stands in corner, with the saddest expression ever. Melvin asks me if I'm alright and I tell him the truth, I am not okay, but this is life and we had to prepare for the worst.

"Everything happened so quickly." Robert says sitting on a corner of the couch. He puts his phone away and looks down.

"Is your dad okay?" I ask as I walk to sit next to him. I hug him too even if Sean probably doesn't like this. Oh well, Robert is my friend and we all need each other right now.

"Hes okay. But locked in a jail cell for the rest of his life." He says and I understand how he is feeling.

"That makes two of us." I say rubbing puLling away from our hug.

"He deserved it. I told him many times to stop working for Ralph. But he never listened.." Robert says with a hard expression. I tell him to not worry about it, that things happen for a reason.

I take out my cellphone and text Alice and Chris. I tell them we are having a crew meeting real quick. They arrive like 10 minutes later. Chris comes in really quiet which means he is sad and mad. Alice has puffy red eyes from crying. I sit down when everyone is settled.

"I know this is probably like, weird. I don't know. I just wanted to say that whatever happened yesterday happened for the cause to save others worldwide. We lost someone very important, but-" I start to say but a storm starts to form in my throat as I hold the tears.
"...I know that she would've wanted us to keep going and never stop." I continue and Sean comes and rubs my back, making me feel safe like always.

"Uh, well. I leave tomorrow morning after Sasha's funeral to Miami. What you guys did yesterday, shows how powerful and how strong you all are together. It was a great experience, the one I got to share with all of you. You taught me that in life, you have time, and time is valuable. But you should know how to spend that time doing great things...I will never forget this and thank you all." Maggie says tearing up. " And Sasha, well I got to know her and spend a lot of time with her and she was such a great person. This has impacted me in a way I never thought it would ." A moment of silence passes. We all are just shocked and hurt.

"I started doing this mission months ago. It was hard to imagine how it was going to end. Sasha was one of the best friends I ever had in that damn mansion. She would help me get out of trouble, she was just like a mom to be honest." Robert stops and stares down. He shakes his head." ...You all aren't just co-workers when it comes to this, but you are family. And I um, want to thank yall for letting me in this family."

"I don't want to say anything." Chris says tearing up, moments after Rob talked. He knew Sasha very well , I know this is hard for him. "We killed that son of a bitch. The mission went as planned but, Sasha, man. She was what Deckard never was to me." He covers his face and looks down. Alice hugs him.

"I came late to this whole missions thing. But, everyone cooperated like a real team yesterday. We are staying strong, don't get me wrong. Things will only get better from now guys. Look at how far we have come, and now we will help Rosie and Chris find the truth about their mom...together as a unity we are unbroken." Melvin says and his encouragement makes me feel hopeful and calm all over again. This is why we are a crew because all our different characters and skills mix to create something big. We all contribute to the foundation of this family.

"I literally came late to this whole mission. But definitely like Melvin said, look at how far we got. We started in Miami, went to Europe and came back to America to show our unity and power." Sean says giving Melvin a fist pump.

"Best for last." Alice says and we sort of smile. She takes a deep breath. "It's hard. This is hard. Killing people without thinking. People dying here and there. It's not what we are used to. However, we knew we we're doing it to help others. I thank you all, like the family we are. We are in this together. The cliche phrase. Together for ever."

We stand up and all group hug together. I would never have done this without them.

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