Miles Per Hour 2

By YamiJaquez

3.5K 148 1

"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough" ― Mario Andretti Living with Ralph now, the... More

Author's Note
Highway Gas
Pepper Spray
Hacking Aid
Melvin Again
Old Friend
Fear Drives Speed
The Day of the Wedding
Racing in Reality: Bullets per Second
Not ready to forgive
Landing in Thailand
Turning Point
Flare of love
A Joke
MIA Bound
External Freedom
Flashbacks: Military Acad Days
Back To Druid Hills part 2
Hot & Dry, New Mexico
Dirty Business
Ascension, Mexico
Eve's Crisis
La Sangre
Blood Runs Thick
High Hopes
No more dead Bodies
Near the Abyss
Rebellious yet Free

Mansion Down

87 6 0
By YamiJaquez

Chris and Melvin shoot straight at the guards. Maggie, Rob and I turn around and walk backwards, covering Chris and Melvin just in case guards come from any direction. All the guards are down by the time we run pass them. We reach the end of the hallway.

I peek from the wall and see that there are guards everywhere and all the guest are scared and running out to the patio as the alarm keeps ringing. We all separate and take different hallways. Robert comes with me as we run straight to the kitchen. Even if I have two guns, I shoot one at a time because the impact of both guns shooting at the same time, will push me back.

"Come down!" Robert says to me as a group of guards round the hallway to the kitchen. We crouch and hide behind a wall inside the kitchen. I break my bracelet and reload one of the clock guns. The other I just leave on the ground, I hand some bullets to Robert, however he is using his submachine, not his clock gun.

"Everything good?" I say through the speaker to the crew. All I hear are gunshots, but I do hear them all say yes. Even Maggie is shooting, which I never thought she knew how to do.

I look at Robert as I hear some guards get closer, they shoot and break pieces of the ceramic in the kitchen. "On my mark." I say as I wait for the guards to get a bit closer. I put down the clock gun and swing the submachine and place it on my hands. I pull back to make sure it is loaded. I hate this, I really do..once I feel them getting close enough. I stand up, Rob behind me...I am waiting to drive past the opponent. I barely whisper a "go" to Rob before we run across the kitchen, to the other side shooting our huge machine guns. We then crouch and hide behind the middle counter. Some guards are still shooting. I stand up and shoot and crouch again. I do this like ten times along with Robert.

One guard remains and I take a class cup I find from inside the the sink cabinet in back of us. I stand up and throw it at the back of his head. I grab my taser and run to him as he falls and and taser him. I catch my breath. Robert comes behind me and places and arm on my shoulder. I turn and hug him. I need to feel human again, because that was not Rosie back there..that was a machine programmed to kill.

"It's okay." He rubs my head. I place my head on his chest and I feel like crying. I hear gunshots in the distance left and right. Is this really happening? "It's not your fault." He says. He then holds my face with his hands.

"I'm a monster. " I say trying not to look at his eyes. After a few moments, we awkwardly make eye contact. Then the impossible happens. Robert reaches down to kiss me. Kiss me? I'm trying to process what he is about to do, It just feels like the wrong time, but I don't have time to think because a familiar voice stops my tracks. Stops the race. Stops my heartbeat..stops the blood flowing in my veins.

"Rosie." Sean says a disappointing look on his face. He is standing in the entry of the kitchen. No it can't be him. I let go of Robert to face Sean. He is so close yet so far away... Right away though, some guards run around the kitchen's exterior to enter. We see them through the many windows. Rob and I run towards Sean.

"It's not what you think!" I scream as I run with Sean and Robert out the kitchen. We shoot here and there at some guards.

"Don't even.." Sean just says. It breaks me inside and kills one of my engines, and I feel like I don't have the enough speed to continue. There aren't enough miles left to race anymore.

"Rosie!" Chris says through the earpiece. He sounds worried..I stop and hide inside the first door I find, a bathroom. Sean and Robert hide in it with me.A bit of awkwardness between us all... "Rosie.!" Chris keeps screaming.

"What Chris?! What's wrong." I say looking straight at Sean's eyes, but he looks away. Great, when will I have time to explain to him what happened in the kitchen. I feel nothing for Rob, only gratitude.

"Alice. She doesn't respond. He has her." Chris says and I close my eyes in pain. Shit, not Alice.

"Where are you?" I ask him and he tells me he is hiding in some room, and that Maggie and Melvin are with him. I tell him to meet me in the front of the house, where the stairs are.

"Are you crazy? That's where all the security is." Melvin says through the device.

"Don't you see this is a trap from Ralph." I say desperate. "Do what I say okay."

"It's true." Sean says and I feel bit better as he agrees with me. The crew agrees on my plan." You guys be careful, watch out for cameras." Sean says pressing his ear device. Oh, so Simmons brought him here.

"Sean?" Melvin says confused.

"Yes its me. But let's go guys. Hurry." Sean says. He looks so grown now that I get to see him closely. With his tuxedo and all. I want to hug him, to kiss him right now. But the thought of Alice being under Ralph's hands, infuriates me. Rob and I take off our submachine guns and leave them in the bathroom. He hands me one of his clock guns.

"I really want to kill him." I say as we run out the bathroom and reach Chris, Maggie and Melvin. We togther just walk towards the entrance of the house. The alarm has stopped ringing and no gunshots are heard.

There we find Ralph with some guards and Alice, covered in blood. I start to run to her but one of the guards stop me.

"Let her go!" Chris says and a guard stops him as well.

"Oh look who showed up late to the party." Ralphs says to us. He claps while he laughs. "You really thought you were stronger than me." I stand back and hold Chris's hand. "Especially you Rosie..and you, Chris. I gave you everything. You were my favorite, even out of all my sons and this is how you pay-"

"You gave me what I wanted not what I needed." Chris spits. I hold his hand tighter. "You never gave me love Ralph and you never told me what truly happened to mom."

"Your mom deserved what she needed for being an intruder to the family." Ralph says. It takes everything of me not to run up to his face and kill him, right now."And I see her kids are the same way..."

"You have run out of time Ralph." I ignore his comment and instead I mock him. "You are trapped."

"I will never be trapped sweetie. Jail was not made for me-" He gets interrupted by Sasha, walking in from the back patio with a gun in her hand. She lifts her dress from one side as she keeps walking to join us.

"But hell was." She says and all the guards face her with their guns. We all take out our clock guns as we aim for the guards.

"You?" Ralphs looks back surprised.

"Looks like the jokes on you." Sasha says. Then I hear Simmons finally communicating with us through the ear device.

"Sir, they have someone on their transmission." The guard that has Alice says. He has her ear device plugged into his. Ralph takes the device and listens closely. We hear everything Simmons is saying as well through our own device.

"Hello Ralph. This is the CIA and FBI. Let the kids go, and we will retreat from your house. Yes, look outside you house.." Ralphs asks a guard to look out the window and the guard nods. Looks like the FBI has surrounded the area completely. "Like I said, let them go, and this will all come to a conclusion."

"I don't trust you." Ralph says turning around and looking at us as we still have our guns pointed. I change directions and instead aim for Ralph. He looks at me and gives me a malevolent grin as he listens to what Simmons is saying.

"Rosie what are you doing?" Sean whispers and I don't care. I want to kill this man who has brought all this malice to the world.

"And obviously we don't trust you, so that's why on my signal you will either leave out your house and leave the kids, or we enter and capture you." Simmons continues.

Alice looks up to us and mouths 'run' and taps her wrist. That means run on Simmons mark. I remember when we came up with all this code language back in Spain. We were driving on the black bird...It's this what is like when you are about to die, you remember all the good times like you lived them the day before? But I won't die because I need to save Alice and find what happened to mom first.

Ralph orders the guard to push Alice out of his way as he listens closely to Simmons. I drop my aim as Chris and I run to grab her.

"I'm fine." Alice says standing up and fixing herself even though she has bruises and all this blood on her. She quickly stands behinds Chris.

"Three." Simmons begins his countdown. The FBI is ready to barge in, they tricked Ralph." ....two.." We all are ready to run out to the patio. The end of the race is near. Ralph just stands there, he looks nonchalant as he grabs his gun and looks around. He orders his men to drop their weapons. I get ready to run at more than 100 miles per hour.

"One.." Simmons says and Ralph runs to reach the stairs. The FBI barges in. We run forward past Sasha, I am about to grab her hand... but then everything happens too quickly...

"Rosie watch out!!!" I hear Sasha scream. Two shots go off . And by the time I notice what happened, she is on the floor, covered in a pool of blood. Her white dress, stained with red. I hear no sound..I know there is shooting going back and forth between the FBI and the guards but I don't hear it. I kneel to the ground and hold Sasha. I scream. "No!" I refuse to believe this. This is not happening.

Ralph shot her in the back, two times. He was going to shoot me, but she ran and saved me. I know I'm crying, but I feel like I have no reaction. Maggie kneels next to me and I hear her telling me we have to go.

"Rosie. Come on let's go." I hear Sean's voice in the distance as well.

"We have to go." A crying Chris says. I stand up and I feel everything in slow motion, like I am lucid dreaming. Wait? Am I dreaming?

I know I'm running, but again, I don't feel it. I don't feel when we aboard the helicopter, when we fly up high into the sky, watching Ralph's mansion get demolished into pieces. He is captured now, I hear Simmons telling us. He is captured and killed. Ralph knew he was going to die, that's why he tried to get rid of me first. Maybe he should've ... How will I live knowing I killed so many people today, especially Sasha...I killed her it was me. I should have died today, not her. And that's when I reached the ending of the race, but I didn't cross the finish line because all my engines died before the race was over...

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