Conflicted (Boyxboy)

By InfamousLove

3.4M 132K 70.5K

~ "When I first met you I had no idea how much you would end up meaning to me." ~ When Riley is once agai... More

chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 23
chapter 34


37.7K 1.2K 542
By InfamousLove

:new: you no longer need to read the side book, it is here in the chapter 

"Why did you have to stay out so late" was what we were greeted with by Luca when we arrived back at like 10 at night. 

This day, was so active. 

Just no. 

Chester just rolled his eyes at him and pushed past him into the living room and I smiled sheepishly, receiving a suspicious glare in response.

Oh, okay. 

"What did you do? You didn't do anything did you?" I walked into the living room to see Nate interrogating Chester with Zac silently sitting with a frown next to him. 

"No, Riley did manage to get a random boy's number though" Chester replied in monotone as he stood typing on his phone and I stopped still, not managing to back out before they spotted me. 

"Riley what the hell!?" Nate shouted and I rolled my eyes. 

"What?" I asked and he just gave me an incredulous look.

Reminded of that fact, I got the card out of my pocket with a frown, indeed it was a number. 

I'm really not usually one to do that though, been acting strange recently, even I myself have noticed. 

Psychology, no need to explain it just accept it. 

Chester disappeared from the room and walked upstairs as I sank down on an unoccupied chair, ignoring Nate's glare. 

It was kind of an awkward silence after Nate gave up questioning me, and I just got my phone out and texted Erin.

Dude I made everyone awkward ;v; I just got someone's number jeeez

"Who're you texting now!?" Nate asked incredulously just as Luca walked in the room and he seemed to make him jump. 

"Nathan quieten down please, it's hard enough with the usually loud people in the house" he lectured him and I chuckled. 

"Who are you texting?" he then asked and I sighed.

"Erin, who else" I said with a smile as I received a text.

Erin: bro, in short, don't get people's numbers then ;P 

"Must say I dislike that Erin kid" Chester said as he walked into the room with casual clothes on, and I snickered as I texted Erin back.

Dude D: I was just being friendly -.- okay maybe not, but i'm not harming anyone!! o-o 

"You only met him once...twice" I said and looked up at him, taking note of what him only wearing a t shirt revealed and Zac glaring at him before deciding to put my phone away as to not create further tension.

These people, honestly. 

I stood up when I noticed Nate giving me an annoyed look and made my escape through the hall.

"Riley! You better not go outside!" I heard Luca call and cursed. 

So cruel. 

"And before you say it, I know that bird can look after itself, so don't bother" he said as he turned round the corner and looked at me with his arms crossed.

I was about to complain when  heard running outside the back door and turned my head just as Hunter burst through.

"Thunder has escaped again!" he yelled and I cringed at the noise. 

Thunder? I'm guessing a horse?

"Ugh, seriously! Right, Riley you stay here, and don't move!! Nate Zac come on! Where's Chester?" Luca looked back into the living room and Zac and Nate moodily walked out a few seconds later.

"Damn that horse" Zac muttered. 

"Why can't I help look?" I asked and Luca gave me a look as he walked to the door.

"Chester!!" he called and ignored me. 


"Yeah!?" I heard his reply from the study room and cringed at all the shouting.

"Ugh, just, just look after Riley okay make sure he doesn't get  into trouble, we're going to find Thunder!" he called and I smirked, wondering how often this was an occurrence. 

"Riley, stay! I swear if I find out you went outside I'll flip. Do ANYTHING but go outside okay?!" Luca huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Roger that" I commented while crossing my arms and he sighed before following the others out the door.

"...Well...At least it's peaceful now" I said to myself then jumped a foot when Chester called my name really loudly.

"Jesus! ugh , what?" I said as I controlled my breathing and he appeared round the corner, sighing in relief when he saw me. 

"Sorry, thought you'd made a break for it" he explained and I scoffed. 

"Oh come on I'd at least wait a few minutes before escaping, I'd be caught wouldn't I" I stated then bit my lip when he stopped still and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Right, well in that case I'm not letting you out of my sight" he said and I groaned. 

Alone with him again, this better not get awkward! 

"Hmm..have you seen a black memory stick around?" he asked me as he rushed passed  looking at all the surfaces and I thought about it.

"Nope" I replied and popped the 'p', causing him to roll his eyes.

"Well why don't you be useful and help me look for it" he said and I started chuckling. 

He gave me a look when he passed again and I shook my head with a smile.

"Didn't think of you as the type to misplace things" I explained and he tsked.

"I didn't mean to! Just help please" he said in frustration and I smiled again, frowning and tilting my head when I spotted a black object where all the keys were stored.

"Is that it?" I asked and he looked  to where I was staring then sighed.

"Wow, I'm tired okay!" he said in exasperation and I chuckled.

He then stopped in his tracks and made a weird face.

"I know this is a dangerous thing to ask, but I need to work upstairs, and you're going to have to come with me" he explained and looked back at me. 

Bitch what? I've been told never to step foot in his room!

"But I thought you hated people going in your room?" I questioned and he smiled.

"I hate my brothers going in my room, you're fine, come on" he said then walked upstairs, without leaving me time to be unsure.

Ugh, damnit!

I followed after him and shrugged to myself.

Meh, as long as I'm not murdered I am fine with whatever happens.


"How long until they're back?" I asked while sitting on his bed in utter boredom. 

He was sat at a black desk working on something that I definitely didn't understand, looked like calculations.

No thanks.

The black desk kind of stood out in the white room, and I couldn't help but notice his bedroom wasn't really 'his' ; it had nothing personal in it.

Why wouldn't he want anyone in his room if he had nothing to hide? 

Thought he had My Little Pony posters or something. 

Okay maybe 'or something' was the more likely scenario.

"Knowing Thunder a loooong time" he replied with a smirk of amusement. 

"..Which ones Thunder again?" I asked with a raised brow.

"The black thoroughbred." he replied bluntly without turning around.

"Don't like him much?" I asked, wondering about his attitude.

"We....Don't get along" he explained and cringed. 

"Why? What happened?" I asked and he smiled.

"Lets just say, two negatives repel each other; he's rather headstrong" he said and I chuckled.

Only he could include physics in casual conversation. 

"Aww just like you" I teased and he turned round and gave me a look.

"'Chester the 'mighty' stallion vs. Thunder the yearling Thoroughbred'" I continued to tease and he cracked a smile while rolling his eyes.

"You'd make a very annoying horse yourself thank you very much" he said and I laughed. 

"True, but I'd be fabulous." I said and he chuckled. 

"Hmm...What time is it?" he asked and I got my phone out and looked.

"11:45" I said then noticed a few text messages, how did I not notice them before?

I frowned then looked at them, they were just Luca saying Thunder had been spotted in town, so they'd be out for a while.

"Oh wow" I snickered as I thought about the lanky yearling trotting around having the time of his life. 

"What is it?" Chester asked and I looked up briefly to see him by his closet and in the middle of taking his shirt off.

Don't get changed while I'm here dangit.

"Um, apparently Thunder has been seen in town, so they'll be even longer" I said awkwardly, well aware of the fact he was now only in his briefs. 

I heard him snicker as I put my phone away and looked back to see him approach me with sly amusement on his features. 

"Why so timid Riley, do I intimidate you?" he said in a low tone as he leaned in close to me. 

Oh come on I'm a teenager what do you expect. 

I almost just sat there with my jaw dropped but managed to put on a fake confident face and raised a brow at him while smirking.

"Depends what you mean by intimidate" I said in a teasing tone and he chuckled.

"Oh I think you know what I mean" he said with a sly smile as he brought his face even closer to mine, teasing me by just keeping a few centimetres apart before lightly brushing his lips against mine.

Holy shit my heart is beating out of my chest I swear.

How the fuck does he do that? I most definitely am reacting to this if you know what I mean.

A shit I know what he meant by dangerous now!

He leaned over me more causing me to be nearly lying flat on the bed before kissing me in a rough manor. 

He put one hand on the side of my neck as he leaned over me, then lightly nipped my lip causing me to take a sharp intake of breath and taste blood. 

Why'd he reopen my cut? Rude.

He then licked along my lip and sucked it , almost making me gasp.

How the fuck is this hot?! Holy Shit.

Him putting a hand up my shirt sent a shiver down my spine and he smoothly brought it up and over my head before kissing the side of my neck. 

I could only concentrate on controlling my breathing as he licked and kissed along my chest and torso.

He reached and undid my jeans buckle and I moved up the bed to help him pull them off. 

And also to not be awkwardly on the end of the bed...kind of uncomfortable. 

He followed then crashed his lips to mine in what only could be described as a hungry kiss.

I was all too aware of one of his hands travelling up my thigh and looming over my crotch. 

I bit his lip when he gripped me there and he jumped. 

"Ow" he chuckled huskily but didn't move his hand and pulled my briefs off in what felt like half a second. 

Aah fuck. I brought this on myself though, didn't I.

Realising he wasn't just going to stop with that I decided to bring up an issue. 

"You're not planning on having unprotected sex are you? How do you know I'm clean?" I asked with an amused tone while biting my lip and he stopped and looked me straight in the eye. 

"Well, you've been tested since you last had sex haven't you? I have, if you're worried about that" he asked then raised a brow at the end, causing me to chuckle.

"Well, yes" was all I could think up for my reply and he gave me a cocky smile. 

"Then, you're fine?" he asked for reassurance. 

"Yeah, I'm fine" I answered before kissing him again. 

Totally fine. 

--- R ---

Chester seriously wasn't letting the cut on my lip stop bleeding anytime soon, like seriously was he a vampire or something?

He kept on nibbling it and sucking on it, like he was trying to remind me that he was the reason it was there in the first place.

The fact that we were both naked with raging erections and the ever present hand near my crotch kind of distracted me from thinking about it though, as it wasn't exactly at the top of my priorities to be honest.

My breath hitched has his hand trailed further down, and he smirked at my reaction.

His kisses trailed down my neck again, and I cringed from him seemingly biting me before his hand changed direction and lifted my leg up instead.

He then continued to cause pain in my neck before abruptly thrusting, causing me to give out a sound of shock at the sudden pain, as well as be slightly horrified of how much he'd managed to make pain turn me on.

He's kind of scary like that.

He moved his head away from what must of been a nearly permanent hickey before kissing me gently, freezing when he thrusted again before letting out a sharp breath.

I tried to steady my breathing, and give out the least amount of noise possible, but I was kind of failing at that.

He pulled my legs up higher and thrusted in deeper, and this time I couldn't contain a gasp and winced from the pain.

"Sorry" he apologised with a strained voice, and I smirked and gave him a look with one eye open.

I couldn't hold my expression when he thrusted again, and gripped his arm tightly.

He then lowered my leg a bit, and settled into a gentler rhythm, it was still nearly impossible to catch my breath though.

I felt his eyes on me as I kept my stare to the ceiling while I dealt with the pain, and only looked at him when he put one of his hands on the side of my cheek and seemed to run it along my jawline.

It did send shivers up my spine, but I still gave him a look of questioning to which he responded with a smirk.

"What? As I said; you're nice to look at" he explained with amusement and I rolled my eyes before closing them in slight pain when he gave a strong thrust.

He continued to give strong thrusts then gripped my shaft tightly, causing me to gasp and moan as I was overwhelmed with sensations.

His head lowered till it was resting on my shoulder, as I guessed he was trying to control himself as well.

"Shit" he muttered with a strained voice and heavy breathing, what is he struggling so hard to not do?

He's not trying to make me cum before him is he? Not happening.

He then started sucking on the mark he left again, causing a slight stinging sensation but still managing to create feelings of pleasure.

He's making me feel like a masochist honestly.

It only took a few seconds of him doing that and him running his hand down my side and to my hips causing shivers for me to climax but at that moment I didn't really care as the sensations were rather overwhelming.

I strained to control my moans but they seemed to work in my favour, causing him to give a strained noise himself before a hot liquid filled my inside.

We stayed in the same positions practically panting before he slowly shifted his weight from his arm onto me as he lay half on me half on the bed.

"You planning on cleanking yourself up?" I asked when a few minutes passed and he just stayed lying with his head down on my shoulder.

"No." was his blunt and muffled reply and I chuckled as he simply reached over to a remote on his bedside-table and turned off all the lights without even lifting his head up.

"Okay" I replied with amusement before breathing out heavily and staring out the window.

A few minutes later with him still lying with evened out breathing made me guess he was definitely not planning on moving, and I slowly gave into my tiredness and closed my eyes.

I think I will regret this in the morning.

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