It's Not My Style (EXO Kris f...

By MinionBlehBleh

72.3K 3.7K 4.4K

If you think your life is messed up, then you haven't seen the half of mine. I'm a 25 year old female named... More

Bad Luck
First Day
Work WorkWork
Hell Began
I'm Broke
Let's Date
Our First Date
You're Embarassing
Sixth- Sense
You Again
My Sassy Boss
I Love You
Heart Dont Do This
Somewhere Really Far
Somwhere Really Far, part 2
I Won't Give Up
Why I Love You
Maybe You're Wrong
My Style Day!
A Different Side Of You
Our Relationship Is A Secret
This is not an update, but you still have to read it!!!
It Was Her
Stay Out Of It
You're Scared
Not an Update.
Not An Update.....Again
Not An Update....Again part 2
Whenever I'm Sad
Who Are You?
I'm Your Boyfriend
Make It Up!
She'll Be Alright.
The Things She Left
The Sheep Phone
Detective Henry
Book Review
Makes No Sense
Got You
Picture Tag
The Code
Slipping Through My Fingers.
'I Don't Give Two Shits About Your Name'
Not an Update
An Unexpected Visit
Caroline Connahan
I Never Got to Say I Love you
It Was Fun Though
Strange Caller
A Heart and A Kiss
Engagement Party
Catching The Culprits
Catching The Culprits part:2
The Last Fight
I'll Miss You
See You Later

Happy Birthday

743 39 20
By MinionBlehBleh

"Hello?..........hmmm.....already?........Alright then, bye." I hang up and place my phone on the table continuing with my breakfast.
"Who was it?" Kris asks suspiciously.
"Just a shop." I casually reply stuffing bacon in my mouth.
"A shop huh?" He asks once again raising his eyebrows.
"Aha. By the way I've wanted to ask you something....." I say getting his attention fully on me,

"You don't want to?" He asks walking over from his side of the table to mine, and I shake my head, "So you want to sleep with me?"
"Yes!" I evidently nod.
"Then come on." He grabs my hand, "Let's go." and winks while licking his lips.
I stare at him stupidly for some time trying to understand what he meant......

.....and then it hit me

"No!" I protest pulling my hand out of his grip, "I didn't mean it like....that..."
"Oh come on David! You're like 25, what are you afraid of?"
"26." I correct him.
"What?" He asks in deep thought and so I explain, "My birthday was 2 days ago."

He looks at me to the point where his eye starts to twitch and then points to the door.
"Get out."
"I said get out!" He yells and drags me towards the door, kicking me out and locking it shut.

Kris's (POV)

Why didn't she tell me? How stupid can she be? 2 days ago...2 days!!!

David's (POV)

What just happened? "Kris! Kris!" I bang on the door, "Open up!" It's f-f-freezing here. Why? Why did he have to kick me out in December? When I'm wearing only pjs!!!

"Kris! You better open this door before I break it down!" I threaten him and the door swings open. And there stands a fully dressed Kris, in his black sweater, jeans and a coat.
"Yah! Break my door, and I'll break you!" He yells and starts pushing me towards his car.

"What are you doing?"
"We're going out!" He states continuing to push me.
"Kris wait!" I push myself against him, making him stop, "I can't go like.....this!" I point at my clothing incase he hasn't noticed, I'm still wearing pjs.

"Ughhhh!" He grunts, shifting his eyes from me to the house. "Just change in the car." He says and shoves me into the backseat.

"Seriously David, don't you care about yourself?" He annoyingly asks while taking a sharp turn, which resulted in me smashing against the door, "I mean I know you've got no manners, no class, low IQ, absolutely no standards, but still.....shouldn't you care about your birthday at least? It only comes once a year."

"Ughh!" I grunt while rubbing my shoulder which hit the door so hard, I'm surprised it isn't broken-----Wait! Did he just insult me?

"How do you usually spend it?" He asks and just as I'm about to answer, he talks again.
"Do you stay home, snuggled up in bed with a turtle neck sweater, watching T.V while petting one of your many cats? Or do you read a book all alone, while drinking hot chocolate, wearing glasses and blowing your snot in a tissue? Or do you just sit and look out the window, wearing a gray shirt that you haven't changed in 4 days while petting a grey cat? Or do you stay in a dark room with a candle in your hand, staring into the darkness, surrounded by cats?"

"Kris what the hell?" I retort, "who do you take me for? I don't even have cats!"
"Well then what do you do?" He asks making me think for awhile. What do I do?

"Nothing." I bluntly state, "I haven't celebrated my birthday in a long time now. I can't even remember the last time I did."
I can see his eyes looking at me through the mirror- "Kris watch OUT!" I scream reaching for the wheel and making a hard turn.

Phew! A car was coming towards us! Can't believe Kris went out of lane.

"Just shut up and change." He orders me focusing his attention on the road.
"Change into what..exactly?" I raise my voice looking around.
"Huh?" He naturally asks, "You didn't bring any clothes with you?"
*face palm*

"How could I?" My limit of tolerating his bullshit burst and I yell in rage, "when you first kicked me out and then shoved me in here!!"
"Your fault." He states, "but anyway, where we're don't need clothes."

"What?" I ask confused as a thousand thoughts rush through my mind.
"Tsk! Tsk!" He clicks his tongue while smirking, "Such perverted thoughts you have there David."
"YAH! Get out of my head!" Him and his stupid mind reading gift, that little- I hope he-
"It's not good to curse David."

He pulls up the car at a street with some fancy shops and gets out. I open the door and look at my bare feet. I can get over the idea of going out in public in pjs.......but going barefoot!
Wait- maybe he'll carry me? I look at him and smile as the image of me in his arms plays in my mind.

"You're gonna sit there all day?" He scoffs and walks off leaving me dumbfounded. "Kris wait!" I get up and run after him. Well more like try to run, because the feeling of concrete in winter....isn't exactly pleasant.

We enter an elegant boutique and the staff immediately rush to us, greeting Kris in such a way as if they're familiar with him. "Another one?" One of the staff asks. "Just make her look good." Kris says pushing me towards them and then turning towards the exit, "oh and I almost forgot," he turns slowly and looks at me......intimidatingly, "Yah idiot! If I call you, and this time you don't pick up, I'll seriously bury you!"

Huh? Is he leaving "Let's get started shall we?" The man who spoke to Kris earlier asks and out of nowhere about 6 people pop up behind him.....and I am shoved in all directions, with all kinds of stuff. Just like that other time when Jae took me to a similar shop, where I met Alex.

After hours of HELL!!! Well kinda fun hell, I'm placed in a chair to get my hair done. "So David, how did you two meet?" Harris asks me, the hairstylist. "We met at work."
"Are you a hooker?" A woman asks.
"No! I work at TBS. I'm an assistant."
"So he's into office girls now huh?" That woman speaks again, and for some reason..she annoys me, "How long have you worked there? A week? 2 days?"
"More like a couple of months." I answer trying to suppress my anger. Why am I angry?

"Now that's something new!" The woman exclaims, "I feel like we've got a real one here!"
"I know right! I thought about it too." Harris adds slightly pulling on my hair.
"Huh?" I ask in confusion looking between both of them.
"Oh honey you see," that woman explains, "Kris is a top notch player. Brings girls in here all the time. Almost every week a different girl, and every time we gotta dress them up. Make them look all bubbly, then they go on a date, do their business and-"

"And the next day they're seen on the streets with smudged mascara, bawling their eyes out, begging Kris to take them back." Harris continues, "But we haven't seen him around for months now and I think I know why."
I look at him with narrow eyes trying to get a hold of this situation, but thank God, he continues to explain.

"We've witnessed Kris play around with girls all the time, but we've never seen him this way. It's like he seemed happy and relaxed."
"Hmph!" I scoff, "Happy? That guy frowns more times in a day than there are days in a year."


Meet me at the hokey rink. And you better not be late!

I gently place my phone in the beautiful ruby red purse that has been given to me, thank everyone for their hard work, and run to get a taxi. But halfway through I stop, what the hell am I going to pay the taxi with? I don't have my wallet! Ughhhh Kris!!!!!!!

I ended up speed walking to the rink. It wasn't that far. I made it in like 20 minutes. But it was a bit awkward though, everyone kept staring.

'Wear these' a note is stuck to the white skates placed right in front of the entrance to the hokey rink. I pick them up and can't help but smile......Kris.....

I push the doors to the stadium open, placing my heels on one of the chairs and walking to the rink. I can already see someone standing in the middle of it. I step on the ice and slowly skate towards him.

He is standing tall in a black suit, hands in pockets and looking down. It feels like there's a spotlight above him. As the sound of my skates against the ice echoes through the place, he slightly raises his head and stares at me with a half smile, enough to make me faint.

Swallowing hard I hold my breath, and stand in front of him. I raise my head and stare into his eyes that seem to pierce through mine. He doesn't say anything but gently takes my hand, softly pulling me after him as we skate in silence. It almost seems unbelievable, not a word escapes our lips.

"Could you stay here?" He politely asks and skates towards the door, "Don't move. I've got a surprise for you."
"Okay." I cheerfully reply watching his back leave. Hmmm....he has a surprise for me!!! I squeal spinning around. I did not expect that.

I wonder, what's the surprise? It's taken him quiet a while. Come on David, it's been only 15 minutes, don't overreact.

What the hell kind of surprise is it??? It's been an hour! Hour!! Where on earth is he? He wasn't just going to leave me here right.....right? No David come on! Don't think negative, he's trying his best for you....maybe what he was planning got delayed a bit, so he's late. Yeah that's probably it!

Why doesn't he pick up? I've called! I've texted! How many times should I drill his phone huh? What if something happened? No no! Someone from his family would've called me. Well at least now I know how he feels when he calls and I don't answer. Kris I'm sorry for ignoring your calls.......but 2 hours is too much now isn't it? What if he decided to just leave me here? No! Only an idiot would do that...........-wait!- Kris-......yup he left me.

Suddenly my phone rings and as I try to answer it in a rush...... I drop it, and then end up accidentally kicking it. No no don't hang up. "Kris!" I answer the call without looking at the screen.
"It's Mia."
"Oh..." My mood suddenly drops.
"Listen..ummm... David, could you come to our house....right now." Her voice shakes, "I've got something important to discuss with you."
"......Kris...." I whisper as my phone hits the ground, and run out not even bothering with shoes.

"TAXI!" I knew something was wrong....why didn't she call me sooner?

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