
By thatTJgirl

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Twins, Tera and Stormy Montgomery have had their lives turned upside down after a tragic accident on their ei... More

Chapter 2: New Opportunities
Chapter 3: Jobs, boys and mistakes
Chapter 4: Ideas are flowing...
Chapter 5:First days
Chapter 6:First Date and Mistaken Kisses
Chapter 7: Inner Turmoil
Chapter 8:Confessions...
Chapter 9:Office Mischief
Chapter 10: Work Shenanigans
Chapter 11: Night before the party
Chapter 12: Day of the party
Chapter 13: Party Tricks
Chapter 14:Friendship Blues
Chapter 15: Accidents Happen
Chapter 16: Helpful Friends
Chapter 17: Where am I?
Chapter 18: Not Again!
Chapter 19: Trip to the hospital.
Chapter 20: The truth is out!
Chapter 21: Overnight Stay
Chapter 22: Being followed.
Hidden Secrets.

Chapter 1: Moving on

669 120 261
By thatTJgirl

Life ain't always easy for the Montgomery twins, growing up as witches and then having their parents die on their 18th birthday. But as long as they have each other, everything will be fine.

It may only just be January 31st, exactly three months after their parents' death. It's time for the girls' to move on and make the best of this horrible situation.

"Stormy, what time do the removalists get here?" Asks Tera.

Today is the day the girls are moving into their brand new apartment with their best friend, Bailey Jones. Tera thought it would be for the best to sell their family home and use that money to buy a new apartment together to start out fresh.

"I don't know but they better hurry the hell up cause we have to pick the keys up before 3 and it's about an hour and half drive," replies an impatient Stormy.

"Oh alright, you want me to call them then?" Asks Tera.

Tera and Stormy have been fighting a lot more after the accident because they can't seem to agree on decisions.

"Do whatever you want! If they aren't here in half an hour, I'm leaving and you can wait for them," replies Stormy.

"Stormy, forget about it I will drive myself to our apartment. Just go now," yells back Tera. Stormy rolls her eyes and starts up her Chevy.

"If you insist. See you at the apartment," yells Stormy as she drives off down the street. Fifteen minutes after Stormy leaves the removalists finally decide to turn up.

"Are the boxes all inside and the furniture?" Asks one of the guys from the truck.

"Yes, they are in the living room. Would you be able to take them inside at the new place?" Questions Tera.

The guys nod their heads and go inside to gather the girl's belongings. Whilst the guys are busy gathering the girl's belongings, Tera does a quick bedroom check and makes sure everything is out of the family home. As she does her last check over the house, the tears start to well up in her eyes. She wasn't ready to let go of all the happy memories here but she knew that if she didn't they would all be destroyed by her grief.

It took the removalists half an hour to get everything from the house into the truck. Once everything is in the truck and the house is all locked up, Tera hops into her car and starts to head for the new apartment. Where Bailey and her sister are waiting for her. Her new beginning is starting and she is going to be stronger than ever.

Bailey is at the apartment building before both girls arrived; Stormy arrived first then an hour and a half later Tera arrived. The drive isn't easy for Tera to do, having to leave her hometown and whilst driving she can feel the presence of her parents' alongside her. She knows that her parents will be watching over her and Stormy and will protect them. It still hurts knowing that she is never going to see them again and that they are never going to watch her grow as a person.

"Hey girlie, you ready to get the key to our new place?" Asks Bailey.

"Surely am," responds Stormy.

Tera just nods her head and follows the girls inside to collect the keys. The girls bought the penthouse apartment with the money they inherited of their parents and the money from the sale of the family home. Bailey has agreed to pay rent to the girls for them letting her move in with them.

"Keys to the penthouse apartment," orders Stormy as she clicks her fingers at the doorman.

"Yes and you are?" Asks the doorman.

"Hello. Sorry for my sister not introducing herself. I'm Tera Montgomery, and this is my sister Stormy and our best friend, Bailey Jones," replies Tera.

"That's alright, Miss Montgomery. Here are the keys to your apartment. Would you like someone to help take your things up?" Asks the doorman as he hands Tera the keys.

"No thanks. Our things will be here later when the truck arrives and they are going to bring it all up. Thank you anyway," replies Tera.

"Alright, have a good day Miss Montgomery," responds the doorman.

Tera walks over to the elevator, turns around and says, "You coming up?"

Bailey nods and hurries over to Tera, whereas Stormy rolls her eyes and stomps her way over to the elevator.

Once in the elevator Tera says to Stormy, "That's how you talk to people."

Stormy rolls her eyes and responds, "I can talk to people how ever I want to."

"Stormy, if you keep talking like that towards people, no one will treat you with respect," replies Tera.

"Seriously Tera, who died and made you queen," responds a pissed off Stormy.

Stormy only realizes after the words leave her mouth, that they ain't the right words to say to her sister.

"Mum died Stormy. And if she was here she would tell you the same thing, you need to realise how much of a bitch you are at times," responds Tera.

It may have been hard on Tera but it's also hard on Stormy. Stormy just rolls her eyes and responds, "Tera, stop being such a goody two shoes, learn to have some fun for once. I swear your going to die a virgin or something." Just as Tera is about to reply two hot guys hop into the elevator.

"Hey, haven't seen you around before. Are you new?" Asks the blonde haired guy.

"Yes we are. Do you live here too?" Questions Stormy as she winks at them.

"Yes we do. What's your name?" Probes the blonde hair guy towards Tera.

"Oh me. I'm Tera; this is my sister Stormy and our best friend, Bailey. And you are?" Inquires Tera. 

"Well Tera, let's just say I can rock your world. This is Toby, my best bud," replies the blonde guy.

"So Stormy right, what level do you girls live on?" Asks Toby.

"We just bought the penthouse apartment and are moving in today, what level do you boys live on?" Questions a flirty Stormy.

"I live on the fourth level and Seth here lives on the third level," replies Toby.

"So your name is Seth?" Probes Tera.

"Yes but I can still rock your world. Well this is me. Catch you later cutie," replies Seth towards Tera.

"Laters bro," replies Toby.

"Um bye," responds Tera.

Tera is thrown back by Seth's remarks, she has never had a guy talk to her like that before and she loves it.

"Well this is my level. Maybe we will meet again. Seth and I are hitting up the beach later, if you girls want to join us?" says Toby as he hops out of the elevator.

"We will see," yells Stormy.

Tera looks at her and gives her a curious stare.

"What he was cute, I can't help being so luring towards guys. Do you want to hit up the beach later?" Queries Stormy.

"Stormy please don't bring random guys home now, if you're going to take them home. Why don't you just go back to their place?" Asks Tera.

"But he isn't a random guy, is he Tera? If you stop me bringing him home, I will make sure you don't get Seth. I saw you flirting with him. You didn't answer me, beach later?" Questions Stormy.

"I wasn't flirting, I was being friendly and okay yes beach later," replies Tera.

"Girls, you can both have the guys, just stop arguing at each other over petty little things. We all know Stormy is bitch at times and is really flirty. Just like we know Tera is a good girl. So for god's sake stop fighting already," announces Bailey.

"We don't fight, we just have a difference of opinions," responds Tera.

"Darling, you fight with each other all the time," replies Bailey.

"Sorry, I will try to stop fighting with her," says Tera.

Stormy announces, "I guess this is our level right?"

The girls finally reach the penthouse, Tera replies, "Yes it is, ready to go inside."

"I'm ready, if you are Stormy?" Asks Bailey.

Stormy nods her head; the girls hop out of the elevator and start to head towards the apartment. Tera puts the apartment key in, turns the lock and opens the door to the girls' new beginning.

"Wow, it's magnificent!" Exclaims Bailey.

"We are going to have the best parties here," announces Stormy.

"Uh ah no parties Stormy. It really is amazing. Look at the view from here," responds Tera as she walks over to look out the window.

Bailey walks over to join Tera at the window and asks, "Girls, want to go to the beach now?"

"Yes. My bikinis are in my bag in the car. Tera, do you have your bikinis?" Asks Stormy.

"Yeah I do, I'm wearing them right now. Let's hit the beach, girls!" Responds Tera as she drops her bag on the table near the window.

"Ok let's go, but I have to get my bikinis out of the car," replies Stormy.

"Quickly go get them Stormy," says Bailey.

Stormy nods her head, as she quickly runs out of the apartment to catch the elevator down to the ground level. Stormy is in the elevator on the way down, when it stops several times as it descends and luckily stops on the fourth level.

As the elevator doors open in walks Toby and Stormy says, "Fancy meeting you again, what's up to?"

Toby laughs and replies, "Was thinking about going for a surf now rather than later, what are you doing?"

"I'm on my way to my car, to grab my bikinis. As we are heading to the beach now," replies Stormy.

"I see, guess I will see you sooner than I thought. Come find me on the beach and I can give you a surfing lesson, wouldn't mind getting my hands on you," says Toby as the elevator stops at the ground level.

Stormy giggles and replies, "Well if we see each other, you can give me that surfing lesson."

Toby and Stormy hop out of the elevator and Toby says, "Deal."

With that Toby walks off with his surfboard under his arm and Stormy runs to her car. She grabs her bag and races back to the elevator. Stormy presses the top-level button about ten times before the elevator starts to ascend up the building, this time the elevator only stops on the third level. Seth jumps in to the elevator and presses the ground button.

"What are you doing?" Asks Stormy towards Seth.

"Oh, hey Stormy right?"

"Yes and your Seth, the douche who was flirting with my sister," replies Stormy.

"Speaking of your sister where is she?"

"She is getting ready to go to the beach. Why do you care?" Questions Stormy.

"I was just asking a question, jeez is it a crime to be curious?"

"When it comes to my sister yeah it is, if you dare to hurt her, I will literally cause physically pain to you and make you wish that you never my sister or me," replies a protective Stormy.

"I swear I won't hurt her."

"Going to tell me, what you are doing?" Questions Stormy.

"Hitting the beach for a surf with Toby."

"Oh ok, well see you later Seth," replies Stormy as she reaches her level and hops out of the elevator.

Stormy walks back to the apartment and goes inside to find her sister and Bailey ready to hit the beach.

"Get changed quickly please," says Tera.

"I will only be a minute. Tera, you wouldn't be able to guess who I ran into in the elevator?" Asks Stormy as she walks into one of the bedrooms to change.

"Well it would have had to been a guy, let's see a guy with black hair and goes by the name of Toby. Am I right?" Inquires Tera.

Stormy walks back out of the bedroom in just her bikini and responds, "Yes him and Seth as well. They are both heading down to the beach for a surf."

"So we will see them at the beach?" Probes Bailey.

"Yes it looks like we will. Toby offered to give me a surfing lesson and Seth was really curious about you Tera," responds Stormy.

Tera blushes and replies eagerly, "Well what are we waiting for."

Tera quickly walks out of the apartment and the other girl's are quick to follow. She pushes the elevator button a dozen of times; the elevator finally gets to their level and the girls hop in. This time in the elevator there were no stops along the way down.

Once at ground level Tera walks over to the doorman and asks, "May you please hold on to our key whilst we go to the beach?"

The doorman nods and takes the keys of Tera. As Tera is walking away, she turns around and says, "Thank you. Oh and when the removalists gets here with our stuff please let them up."

All she can hear as she walks out of the building is someone yell, "Yes ma'am"

The girls have their eyes set on making it to the beach.

"Wow, I think I'm in love with the beach. It looks amazing. Wow look at the surfers and them waves," says Tera.

"Come on girls, let's hit the water," replies Bailey.

"Race you in!" Exclaims Stormy as she starts running towards the water.

Tera and Bailey chase after Stormy, once at the water Bailey says, "Hey isn't that Toby and Seth walking this way with their surfboards?"

"Oh it is too," replies Stormy as she runs up to near the guys.

"Hey Stormy," says Toby as he sticks his surfboard into the sand. Stormy takes a seat down next to Toby's surfboard.

"Is Tera here?" Asks Seth.

"Yes she is, she is over there in the water," replies Stormy as she points over to where Tera and Bailey are.

"Cheers bro," replies Seth as he walks off to Tera.

"Don't call me bro," yells Stormy as she watches Seth walk away.

"You're hot when you're feisty," announces Toby.

"You think I'm hot?" Gasps Stormy.

"Yeah I guess. Anyways want to learn how to surf?" Inquires Toby.

"Sure," says an eager Stormy as she jumps up from the sand.

"Hold your horses, first of all I will teach you how to jump up on the board," says Toby as he picks up his board and lays it on the ground.

Stormy sits back down and asks, "Okay, what do I do first?"

"First you lay on the board," as he shows her how to lay down.

Stormy lays down on Toby's surfboard and asks, "What now?"

"Ok slowly push yourself up and place your feet sideways on the board," replies Toby as he places his hands on her hips to help her up.

Stormy slowly pushes herself up but when she is trying to put her feet sideways on the board, she starts to fall but luckily Toby catches her. "You stopped me from falling," says Stormy as she stares into his eyes.

"I would never have let a girl as hot as you fall on to the hot sand," replies Toby as he leans down towards Stormy. Stormy pushes her head up a bit and kisses him. As they are kissing, Seth and Tera are walking towards them.

"Isn't that just so cute," says Seth.

"What are you talking about, our lips accidently touched as I was getting up," replies Stormy.

"Stormy, I know when you're lying and that was just a big fat lie, who cares if you are kissing, anyone can kiss," announces Tera.

"Fine then Tera, if anyone kiss why don't you kiss Seth then," says Stormy.

"Okay," replies Tera. Tera wraps her arms around Seth's neck and kisses him.

"Wow Tera, you actually did it. Good on you girl," says Stormy.

Toby has his arms around Stormy's waist whereas Seth is so shocked that Tera had just kissed him.

"Hey, anyone want something to drink from the café?" Asks Tera.

"Can I have a coke please?" Inquires Stormy.

Tera nods and asks Toby, "Want anything?"

"Sure a coke will be fine and Seth will have one as well," replies Toby.

As Tera walks into the direction of the café, she nods and can't help but smile. That is the first time she has ever done something like that before and she likes doing things on a whim.

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