Hired by the Billionare


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"I know this is a stupid question but Venice Halsey will you be my fake girlfriend?" He is the heir of the w... More

Hired by the Billionare
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 2O
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 [Last]
Chapter 1: The New Beginning (2)
Chapter 2: There are two sides of the story left untold (2)
Chapter 3: The "Talk" (2)
Chapter 4: History itself repeating all over Again (2)
Chapter 5: It was just a kiss (2)
Chapter 6: Newfound Friendship (2)
Chapter 7: "I Love You" (2)
Chapter 8: No Judgments (2)

Chapter 23

7.9K 329 67


As soon as Cole calmed my nerves, we immediately went to the hospital where Charles was still lying helplessly. I couldn't imagine myself standing at the foot of his burial, it was supposed to be me not him. The warm scent of lemon engulfed me as I entered his room, there was no one in the room and Cole left me be. He wanted to give me some time to talk with him, even if I look crazy talking to myself.

I neared his bed and took a seat right beside him,  taking his hand as I look deep into his critical state. There were still wires around his arms and a bandage was place on his forehead, some of his wounds were healing and he looked so pale and weak. I can't imagine what his reaction would be when he wakes up. If he does wake up. I sigh in dismay as a tear escaped from my eyes "Charles, I know you can't hear me right now but please wake up, I don't want you to die" I cried out softly.

"You probably can't hear me right now seeing that your in a coma" I spoke softly brushing a strand of hair from his face "But please wake up Charles, I can't stand seeing you like this everyday and if you don't wake up sooner or later the doctors are gonna get you out of life support, so please wake up Charles, please. Fight for whatever is in there that's holding you down, do it for your family Charles" I caressed his angelic face "Do it for me" I mutter under my breath enough for him to hear me as I squeeze his hand lightly.

As soon as I squeezed his hand, I felt someone squeeze it back. I suddenly shot up from Charles, my eyes widened in shock, he was moving. I called out Cole from the outside, he was sitting on one of the waiting chairs, his eyes pressed on the wall "Cole! He's awake! He's awake!" I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't. All I know is that Charles is awake and he listened to what I had said, or maybe it was his instinct to finally move. Cole widened his eyes in surprise while looking at me and just like that, he bolted up from his seat and went over to Charles room, panting.

As we reached Charles room again, his chocolate brown eyes were staring right towards the both of us, his face was scrunched up in confusion while looking at me. What? Do I look like shit? I raise an eyebrow at him, his look was odd. It was like he never met me before. "Charles, finally!" Cole exclaimed in delight lunging at his best friend and giving him a hug. He missed him. He really does.

"Ow, Cole, what the fuck am I doing here in the hospital?" Charles commented with his usual grumpy attitude. Wow, for a person like him, he can easily be grumpy while at a hospital.

"An accident happened" Cole replied without adding some of the details that might scare the shit out of Charles.

Suddenly, his eyes averted towards my direction. I was grinning all the way up from my eyes, I didn't know whether it's the emotions or the feelings going right inside of my head "Hey" I tried to say as I walked towards his direction. Cole smirked at his best friend before giving space for me and him. Cole leaned on the chair right beside his bed.

Charles scrunched up his face in confusion while looking at me "Um, hi?" He replied like it was a question rather than a greeting.

I raise an eyebrow at him "Charles, I know you're mad at me about what happened but i'm here to say sorry, i'm never gonna leave you again" I spoke as I touch his hand gently from the bed.

He quickly let go of my hand before I could even continue to speak, he looked at me weirdly like I was a lost puppy "Sorry, you're hot and all but who the fuck are you?"


I stormed my way out of the hospital doors letting the tears escape from my eyes as I tried to calm myself down, he doesn't know me. He fucking doesn't realize who I am. I thought everything was going to be okay when he'll wake up, I was ready to confess my love for him but then he doesn't remember who I am. He doesn't have a clue to who I was in his life. I should have blamed myself for all of this, I was the reason for his amnesia. I was supposed to be in his position right now.

Without realizing that I was already crying my eyes out in the lonely night of New York City, some people were already staring at me crazily and some had sympathy on their eyes. I kicked the nearest trash bin beside me as I dropped myself down on the ground "He doesn't even know you Venice" I cried out as the words that were let out by my lips kept on repeating inside my head.

Suddenly, I felt someone right beside me "You shouldn't be lying here on the ground, you might catch a cold" I heard a familiar voice say which made me look back at him "Are you deaf or what?"

Charles was standing right in front of me, with his hand crossed on his chest as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow "Great, you're deaf and mute" He concluded his sentence before turning his back at me. Cole was right behind him with a sympathetic look on his eyes, he must have sent him here to try to comfort me "C'mon Cole, she doesn't even want to go back, let's just leave her be" Charles encouraged as he went towards the entrance of the hospital without giving a second glance at me.

"Go ahead Charles, i'll be right behind" He replied making Charles grunt.

"Suit yourself"

Right after he went inside, Cole immediately went by my side and sat down right beside me "I'm sorry" Those were the first words that came right out of his mouth "I tried to talk some sense into him about you but he eventually didn't listen"

"It's not your fault Cole, it's mine" I say wiping away the tears from my eyes. It was no one's fault but mine. I caused Charles accident which lead him to a critical condition which has now created an amnesia on his brain, that he eventually doesn't remember me at all. I've caused Charles to become like this "His attitude is back on track" I tried to comment.

Cole let out a laugh before sighing heavily from his place "You wanna go home? I can take you home by my car" He offered as he got up from the ground. He offered a hand at me and I gratefully took it as I slowly got up from the cold hard ground. I admit, my butt was now cold because of it.

"No, it's ok" I rejected the offer "Charles needs you and I can go home by myself" I wipe off the droplets of snow from my pants as Cole slowly nodded his head. I waved goodbye to him as he went towards the entrance of the hospital "Take care of him for me okay?" I said to him before I went. He nodded his head and smiled.

"Don't worry, i'm gonna make him remember who you are"


I walked sadly at the cold night street of New York City, as I covered my scarf tightly on my neck. I was in the middle of the park where I tried to reminisce the memories between me and Charles. My mother texted me awhile ago, asking me where I was, I told her that I have already eaten and that I was just at the park hanging...not. I was in the park because this was where I get to reminisce my memories with him.

Whether it was good or bad.

Letting the tears fall freely from my eyes, I could remember the times where I bicker with him all the time, and the kiss that we made during Christmas. Not to mention when we slow danced to the song Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. It was truly a great memory to cherish forever now that he doesn't remember me. Are you just gonna give up like that? I was already tired chasing for Charles. So, just like that, you're gonna give him up? I was through with the questions that lingered through my head. I shake my head in dismay as I closed my eyes.

Will I fight for him? Fight for love? Fight for the man that I truly care? Of course, I wanna fight but the question was, does he wanna fight with me back now that he doesn't remember me? But I was never a girl to easily give up on. Of course, I was already tired of chasing Charles, I was tired of waiting for him to like me back. But I once did decline him when he asked me about our kiss. I said it was a mistake. I slowly stood up from the bench that I was currently seated. I'm going to fight for him whether the effect would either be bad or good. But I will fight for Charles. I will.

Because, I, Venice Halsey, would fight for the person I love no matter how hard it is to try to make him remember me.

I'm going to start myself from the beginning.






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