The Chosen One (NARUTO FanFic)

By LyzelGamboa

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The war between Tobi (the mysterious man) and the whole Shinobi world is over. The battle between Naruto and... More

The Chosen One
Chapter 1: The first encounter
Chapter 2: Meeting with the Hokage
Chapter 3: Some Revelation
Chapter 4: Settling down and Memories
Chapter 5: First exposure
Chapter 6: Second exposure
Chapter 7: Ritual
Chapter 8: Upcoming Chounin exam
Chapter 9: Approaching enemy and Research
Chapter 10: Little conflict and new team
Chapter 11: Life and precious ones
Chapter 12: First Chounin exam
Chapter 13: Second exam: Early encountered danger
Chapter 14: Collecting scrolls and pushing the limits
Chapter 15: New development and prelim exam
Chapter 16: Loren's Match
Chapter 17: Confusion and departure
Chapter 18: Explanation
Chapter 19: Confrontation
Chapter 20: Revelation of The Chosen One
Chapter 21: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 1
Chapter 22: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 2
Chapter 23: Reminiscence, Akatsuki Part 3
Chapter 24: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 4
Chapter 25: Reminiscence, Akatsuki Part 5; The conclusion
Chapter 26: Bonds Part 1
Chapter 28: Bonds part 3

Chapter 27: Bonds part 2

1.2K 54 14
By LyzelGamboa



Loren's POV

I fumbled with both of my index fingers, pressing and circling them at one another as I chewed at my lower lip. Whenever I'm very nervous, I always find myself doing these childish habits of mine.

Having had enough, I balled my hands and heaved a weary sigh.

'Seriously! Why am I this nervous over such a trivial thing!? I only need to call the Uchiha so that that old woman won't bug me tomorrow when I get back!'

After more self-argument, I sweat dropped at myself for being weird. I leaned in the palm of my left hand as I propped my elbow at my crossed thighs. I stared at the woods for a long time with hooded eyes, contemplating what to do and how to properly do it. What was wrong with the idea of contacting Sasuke? Big time! Because this will be my very first time calling someone with my necklace. Usually, I'll let them talk first before me, and I'll let them carry the conversation even if it's for a short duration.

I peeked at the corner of my eyes, glancing at my discarded robe that was lying on the dirt ground. I couldn't understand why but when a minute passed after Lady Tsunade's call, I felt so warm, especially in my head part. My churning stomach and incredibly fast beating heart were also not helping me! Ugh!!

My fingers played on my necklace as I continued to be in a trance. Ever since the night were Sasuke told me the words "welcome home" I became more comfortable with him, to the point that it was frightening me. Gai-san was the last person I was comfortable with but not as much as Sasuke was to me.

Ever since he let me cry on his warm embrace on the night before the Prelim match, I kept thinking about him. And ever since he carried me bridal style, I kept searching for his presence. This last two weeks and five days, Konoha hadn't left my mind, especially Sasuke. His always on my mind that one time, inside the forest where Ryo once live, I was distracted as Sasuke's face suddenly popped on my mind when a 20 meter black snake with black eyes lunged at me. I was hesitating to cut it down with the sword Sasuke bought for me that it had a chance spat poison on me, good thing that I had dodge at the right time or else Kusa's going to deal with a melting and screaming Loren. There was also this one time that I was confuse of what was happening to me that I teleported at a random place in the forest and what's worse is that I teleported near the exit of the forest, not in the middle part which is my initial destination. That was very unlikely for me to even happen!

I ran my palms down on my face in frustration as I let out a strained grunt.

"Why, why, why, WHY!!??" At this time I was already tugging down my long black hair. My eyes felt a bit stingy, which surprised me. And I knew that right at this moment my eyes are red, probably from confusion and frustration.

I let go of my hair and let my hands fall on my side, with my shoulders drooping. It's already been thirty minutes since my last conversation with Lady Tsunade.

I looked down on my chest and eyed the small crystal ball with a blue four leaf clover inside.

'Should I call already? Does he already know that I'm going to contact him through his crystal ball? Did Lady Tsunade already tell him how to use it? But what if he will be the one to call? Or what if he couldn't care less to even grab the crystal?' I kept silently asking myself with these dreaded questions until Kusa snapped at me.

'You are too whiny my child! This is not like you! Just give the damn Uchiha a call and get over it! You are bothering my slumber if you must know'

"Sheesh! Don't need to be grumpy about it you know? Please understand that this is my first time to call someone. I don't even know what to do in here" I grumbled in the middle of a whine as I wore a depress atmosphere around me.

She sighed, knowing that I was right. 'I understand, but this is not the child that I raised. The Loren that I cared is braver than you. She do not cower over such trivial thing'

I was dumbs trucked as her words process on my mind. Kusa was right. I shouldn't cower with my tail between my legs. How can I face my future battles if I am being bothered over such trivial things?

I smirked playfully as my confidence has boozed up a notch. With my game face kicking in, I thanked Kusa for cheering and making me realize my flaw before I said my good night,


'Good. Now give him your best shot' is her final words as her voice became so far away to hear.

I rolled my eyes but didn't let my smirk faltered. I breathed in and out before I grabbed my necklace and channelled my chakra, directing it to Sasuke's chakra crystal ball.

Third person's POV

As Sasuke leaned his head in the sofa's back rest in the living room, his last conversation with the Hokage kept replaying on the back of his kind.


"That's right, it can connect with Loren's necklace and enables you to communicate even in a long distance. It just requires chakra to do that" Lady Tsunade confirmed.

He peeked at the corner of his eyes, examining the crystal ball with red rose frozen inside it lying still in his coffee table.


"Watch for it for tonight. I told Loren to call you just in a few minutes" she added

Sasuke frowned, silently asking why he has to do that. What benefit does he even get out of it?


Having have read his silent question, she sighed. "You are the only one beside me who got that crystal ball. You have to make her promise to you that she'll come home tomorrow. If she swears to many people, the more chance she'll have to go back just in time. You know how keen she is in keeping her promise to someone, what more if she swore to a bunch?" She explained with a swig of her sake.


Sasuke shifted his weight at his other foot as he contemplated. She does have a point. But why is she so eager to get her back? 'Something's not right here'


"You are saying that you want to bring her back immediately so that you can secure your hands on her correct?" He smirked at her as he shook his head from disbelief.


She glared at him, her lips tugging in a small frown. "No Sasuke. I want her to be back just as she promised because I cared for her. She is now one of the Leaf's ninja that is why I wish for her safety, just as I cared for the others, and that includes you" with her last remark, her eyes softened and the small frown was replaced by a soft gentle smile.

Sasuke's hooded eyes stayed starring at the ceiling, like there was something only he could see. When Lady Tsunade said that to him, he couldn't help but to obey her. Not with all those emotions she kept stimulating inside him, emotions that he longed to experience again from his deceased mother.

Sasuke's hands balled on his sides as he shut his eyes tightly. No, his heart still hasn't completely settled from his turmoil in 'revenge' for his family and for his brother who sacrificed his all just for the sake of this village. But what could he do when the one who ordered Itachi to do the grave sin was dead. Danzou is dead brought by his own hands. And added to that was when the previous Hokage's had talked him into 'revenge is not the answer', though Sasuke won't openly admit it.

But his revenge just felt....unsatisfied, like he still wanted to do something to quench his thirst. But he doesn't know how, especially when Naruto had already taken that job.

That's right. Naruto had already taken the job of receiving his anger. Sasuke's body relaxed and his eyes opened half-way, and the memory of his duel with Naruto flooding in his mind like it was only yesterday.



An onyx eyes were outlining the rays of the rising sun through the flat valley. Falling of the water and chirping of the birds were heard on the background. The Final Valley is where the boundaries of the Leaf village reached. And this is where everything between them started, and this is where everything should also end.

He closed his eyes, savoring the morning breeze as it kissed his pale face, swaying his raven hair smoothly at the same time. With the demeanor of the figure's relaxed sitting position, one wouldn't notice that he was prepared to face the one battle that he's always dreading on.

Today is the day that everything will end. He will make sure that only one of them will come out of this fight victorious. And he will make sure to be the one who will become victorious, not with all of the pride of being an Uchiha.

A soft dull thud was heard meters away from behind him, and as a response, he opened his eyes and continued watching the rising sun, but deep within he became alert a hundred folds than before.

"Sasuke" the new comer greeted with remorse and at the same time familiarity laced through his voice.

Millions of different emotions were swimming in his blue eyes as he regarded the back of his ex-teammate and, hopefully, friend.

He is not in a way fond nor comfortable of the thought on what will entail in the next couple of minutes. As much as possible, he wants no blood to be spilt.

Naruto's blue orbs left the back of Sasuke and into the ground, sighing tiredly for several reasons.

Why did this have to happen? Is there no way to settle this through conversing? Why did his ex-teammate still wanted to fight him after he joined the war to help them.

Sasuke joined the war with the four supposedly deceased Hokage's. And because of that, the tables had turned, much to their akin. The three of them, being Sakura as the other, even fought side by side like how they used to, and that made him hope for the better. But his celebration was early, too early, because after the war, Sasuke just disappeared, like he had never been there.

And after a couple of days, when the Shinobi world was experiencing the after effect of the great war, a letter was found just in front of Naruto's humble door of his apartment. A letter of challenge to settle their postponed fight.

As the saying goes, news travelled fast, and before the day ended, the ninja's that were involved or concerned had already heard the news and came running at the Hokage's office were Naruto and Lady Tsunade had discussing that.

Indeed, the war only ended only a few days ago and the other Kage's were still staying at Konoha for further more healing, even Tsunade was still healing from her injury, from her body splitting in half. One would think that after her body was split in half, she would die, especially when her top priority at that time was healing the other Kage's even if she knew that she could die. But with the lack of her chakra, her summoning disappeared in a puff of smoke, and at that time, it seems that all hope is loss. But not until a miracle happened. Under her blurry and fading vision, a figure crouched beside her and sniggered, but still healed them in an unseen, unbelievable, and strange way. The stranger left or, in the right word to say, implanted something on every Kage's body, saying that it will do a lot of wonders in their body.

Back in the main topic. As everyone confronted Naruto, they all gave their own thought, and almost every one of them was against with the idea of Naruto accepting the fight for he was still recovering from the war not too long ago. Naruto only shrugged their comment away and flashed his signature goofy grin then said.

"Sasuke's also the same as me, both of us are still in the process of healing so that means that we both stand on the same ground, dattebayo"

But that didn't seem to convince them well so he added. "Besides, this is what I have to do! This is between me and Sasuke that should be ended. And I will make sure to bring him back! Believe it!"

After that was said, everyone just literally quieted down or sigh in defeat while the others gave him a smile of gratitude and a little mix of concern.

Now Naruto is here, standing solemnly behind Sasuke. He looked up once again, eyeing the statue opposite of where they are place. This is where everything started. This is Konoha's valley where they fought three years ago. And this is where everything will end. Right?

"This is where everything started remember?" Sasuke voiced out his thought, their though actually, that made Naruto focused back on him.

Sasuke finally made eye contact with Naruto, by glancing over his right shoulder with hooded eyes. "And this is where it's all going to end"

Naruto's face scrunched, but not from disgust, but from pain. He gulped the slightly forming lump in his throat before hesitantly opening his mouth and spoke, or more like asked the dreaded question that has been residing in his mind and everybody's mind the moment he read the letter of challenge.

"Why Sasuke? Why do we have to do this? I-I thought that everything is fine now? But why? Why did you disappear?"

By these questions, Sasuke hastily stood up and faced Naruto, his smooth face showing remorse, rage, and bitterness.

"WHY!!?? Because the fact that they used my brother to kill our whole clan is unforgivable, repulsive, and twisted!! And you thought that everything is fine!!? NO! Everything is not fine! You may be happy and contented with that make shift paradise of yours but I am not! I am not in the least bit please!"

Naruto's face frowned with his own, his hands balling on his side as his voice raised an octave. "Then why did you helped us in the war!? I thought that you've finally came back to us!"

"It's because those bastards are trying to destroy the things that my brother sacrificed for!!??. . . And I still need those who ordered him alive for them to pay for what they had done to us. I still need them to vent this anger in me or else I might get insane" as he said his second reason, a dark, twisted smirk played on his pale lips, making Naruto's face display more pain with pity hiding in his eyes.

But that didn't go unnoticed by the sole Uchiha as his left hand tightly balled on his side and his right hand tightly gripped the handle of his katana strapped on his hips, resulting for both of his knuckles turn white.

"Don't ever look at me like that! I don't need your pity!"

Just as he said those, he disappeared out of Naruto's sight and appeared behind him, with his katana's pointed part locating at Naruto's liver.

"I will end this and then I will finally get my revenge" Sasuke whispered at Naruto's right ear, his voice full of poison in all places.

Naruto didn't move. He only closed his eyes and came in a conclusion, a strong conclusion at that. If Sasuke wanted a punching bag to vent his anger, then a punching bag he will get. He opened his eyes, shinning under the sun and determination clearly displayed in his beautiful orbs.

"Is revenge do you want? Then give them all to me! I will receive them until you are satisfied dattebayo!"

Sasuke scoffed smugly, pressing the tip of his katana further on Naruto's jacket. "You are not enough to quench this thirst of mine. You are not even worth it!"

Naruto smirked, pointing his self with his left thumb. "Try me!"

Sasuke gnashed his teeth, pushing the katana through Naruto's body even further, only for Naruto to disappear in a puff of smoke.

Sasuke turned around and met Naruto's chakra infused kunai with his katana. They both pushed their weapon to try to gain dominance in power. When no one seems budging, they skidded back.

"You better be ready or you will die easily! Where's the fun in that then!?" Sasuke exclaimed before leaping forward.

"Heh! Ready is my middle name!" Naruto also leaped forward to meet Sasuke in the middle.

Their fight lasted for a day, with no one disturbing them. Everyone back at Konoha could feel the intensity of their battle, but couldn't do anything because that is what Naruto wanted.

Both used every jutsu that they knew, both used every weapon that they had, and both poured everything that they have been bottling for a long. Sasuke used his Eternal Sharingan to Naruto and put him in a genjutsu, the Tsukuyomi in particular. But Because Sasuke still hadn't mastered the technique; Kurama had helped Naruto escape the dreaded genjutsu before the stabbing for 72 hours started.

With Sasuke's Sharingan activated, Naruto didn't give a glance at his eyes, not even a single bit. With the Kyuubi's chakra coating him, he only got a small problem in keeping up at Sasuke's speed but eventually got used to it.

With Kurama's time limit, Naruto dispersed the coating and immediately leaped forward, punching Sasuke across the face. "It's not the whole village's fault why you greatly suffered, Sasuke! There are innocent people in there that doesn't deserve suffering!"

Sasuke's scowl deepened and delivered his own punch across Naruto's face. "Then what about those who are innocent in my clan that died in brutality!?"

Gritting his teeth, Naruto gave an upper cut on Sasuke's jaw that made the Uchiha stumble backward and into the ground. "Because that will only result in another revolution and another cycle of revenge!"

"Shut up! You don't know everything!" Sasuke crouched low before jumping and kicking Naruto at the gut that made the latter to fly and crashed on the side of the cliff. "You don't know this pain I am suffering! You don't even have the right to lecture me on this!"

When the debris had settled, Naruto emerged from the rubbles and spitted out the blood from his mouth. "I may not understand your pain because I am not you, but I assure you this, I know your pain because I had also lost those who are dear to me, but revenge is never the answer!" at that Naruto created two more clones and engaged Sasuke in another heated taijutsu battle.

"You are a fool! All of you are a fool! Until I am alive, my wanting for revenge will continue!" Sasuke exclaimed in between their fight.

Naruto blocked the incoming fist of Sasuke, Shoving it aside and giving his own punch of realization to Sasuke. "That is why I am here! Give me all your anger! I will make sure that that revenge will end on me! I will make sure that nobody's going to be hurt anymore!"

Their fight continued, until Sasuke used Susanoo while Naruto used his gigantic beast mode, both repelling each other's attack.

Black and orange flames filled their surroundings. The once Final valley was now deformed together with the unrecognizable statue. The water from the water fall were also scattered, some in the dent that the two made while some continued to go with the flow.

Both Sasuke and Naruto panted inside their gigantic coatings, with the sun, their only spectator, bidding its final rays of the day for them. Their body was full of cuts and bruises in every place, their clothes full of slashes, and their overall appearances can be compared to a rag.

They both know they are already on their limits, the only thing that was pushing them is their will to end all what they started.

Naruto, who was inside the head of the chakra formed Kurama, looked down at Susanoo's feet and directly at Sasuke's face.

With that final look, they both cancelled their technique and jumped above the deformed statues, with Sasuke on top of Madara's head and Naruto on top of Hashirama's head.

Naruto wiped the blood dripping from his head, his eyes trained on Sasuke who was also gripping his bloodied left arm.

"I will give everything in this final shot Sasuke! Let's end it with this!" Naruto loudly informed before creating two more clones and made his famous Rasengan Shuriken. And as he said, he did put his everything in the technique, his every bit of chakra, his emotions, and his memories.

Sasuke didn't need to be told twice. He spat the blood from his mouth before weaving the familiar series of hand signs with great difficulty although he expertly concealed it. Electricity started forming on his hand and the sound of a thousand birds chirping was heard from it. The Chidori, his signature technique.

When both party had gave their last chakra in their technique, they jumped at the same time, with their battle cry echoing through the once was the Final Valley.


How befitting, the name that is. The valley was called after the fight of their ancestors, and now, history repeated itself, the memory of the valley being re-lived by their descendant. As their technique met, something that can be considered as a miracle happened between them. They say that a great fighter can stand on the same ground with another fighter when they can channel their memories through their technique, that they can share their memories in a matter of time. And that was what is happening to Sasuke. All of Naruto's emotions, all of his memories when he was a casted child of the society, his loneliness, his happiness, his academy days, his memories of team seven, his training to bring him back, his wins, his loses, his pains, his friends, and his ideals. All of these were being sent to Sasuke, just like last time, but it was now even more intense.

Although this time is a little different because it was not just Naruto who was doing this, but also Sasuke. All of his memories of his childhood, the massacre of his clan, all his pains, his happiness, hardships, loneliness, their old team, his betrayal, his training with Orochimaru, and his brother.

Naruto saw all of these in that split second and he couldn't resist but to wanted to help his friend overcome this. Sasuke does not have to be alone anymore because he's here, not just him but also their friends who were back at Konoha. They are present and ready to share their shoulders to Sasuke's pain. He doesn't have to do everything alone. And Naruto will make sure Sasuke realize this!

All of that flowed to Sasuke, and the corner of his lips slightly twitched upward before pressing them in a straight line. He intended to end everything in here, meaning there will be no more after this.

"NARUTO!!" Sasuke shouted once more as he gave his final thrust of his hand.

"SASUKE!!" Naruto also shouted as he gave his last thrust of his hands at the same time as Sasuke did.

The Rasengan and Chidori molded with one another, both circled each other in complete sync, until both Naruto's and Sasuke's body were engulfed with blinding light. Everything was quiet or more like there is a deafening sound, as in nothing can be heard. The light spread more in the deformed valley until it stopped and suddenly reverted back, but not completely as a loud and big explosion was followed that even the ninja's back at Konoha had felt the intensity.

A stinging wind whipped everything in its way, sending all away from the source of the explosion. Naruto's unconscious body soared away and crashed in a broken tree while Sasuke's unconscious body soared away and crashed in the wall of the cliff.

When all has calmed down and when debris and ruins had settled, the sun had finally gave its final rays, kissing the skin of the two unmoving figure before bidding farewell. After a while, when the leaf shinobi classified that it has ended, they took it as their cue to also end their tension and self-control to not run in their battle and interfere. This calm was all they needed to finally set out in their seats and in their doors.

Dark, everything was cold dark, except for the lone man clothed with nothing was in the middle. His hooded, lifeless, onyx eyes were plastered below, staring at nothing but darkness. His head was propped in his knees, close to his chest, and with his arms wrapped around them.


Why is he here? Why does he have nothing to cover him? Why is cold? Is he dead? What made him dead? Everything was so confusing inside his head. He kept asking his self with different questions only to distort it even more. It was like he cannot think straight. It was like his reasoning has escaped him. He doesn't even know who he is anymore.




Sasuke's POV


My hooded, lifeless eyes lifted up, staring at the source of the voice.


'Sasuke? Is that me?'


A tall man with onyx eyes and slanted lines underneath them was staring directly at me. I also stared at him with hooded eyes. He opened his lips, my eyes following them, and he spoke.




"... Is that me?" I asked through my hoarse voice.


"Yes, you are Sasuke. My brother"


'My brother? I have a brother? Sasuke is my name?'


I eyed the man in front of me, scrutinizing him under my hollow eyes. He has long black hair tied in a low ponytail and he adorned the unusual familiar shinobi attire.


'Shinobi? What is a shinobi?'


The man in front of me took several steps toward me. He crouched at my eye level and poked me at the forehead before patting my head.


"Wake up little brother"


I slowly closed my eyes, savouring the calming sensation that this man gave me. Then without my knowledge, my mouth opened and said one word, the word that made me remember everything.




When I opened my eyes, they met the eyes of my brother, who was smiling the smile that was only meant for me.


"B-Brother?" I confirmed, disbelief heard on my shaking voice.


"Yes little brother. It's me"


My once lifeless eyes were now full of pain and regret. I reached out for his hand and enveloped it with my hands. My now fully clothed body shook and tears rolled down on my cheeks, sorrow clearly heard on my broken sobbing voice. I embraced him tightly as I let everything out, for some reason I felt so vulnerable inside this world. But for once, I'll let my strong front shamble into pieces in front of my brother.


He took my broken form in his gentle arms and stayed quiet, waiting patiently for me to sober up.


"You've become strong little brother . . . but you have also experienced many sufferings under my account"


"No. . . no" I shook my head stubbornly, my eyes still tightly shut.


"Tell me the truth. Are you in pain?"


Me? In pain? Yes, for my whole life I am in pain. I was only ignoring it and buried it with my revenge that was wrong from the beginning. I only buried this pain of mine to my madness. But I cannot ignore it much longer, even I can get tired.


"Yes, I am in pain, I am tired" I answered through my trembling voice.


Both of us became quiet for a while, but the first one to break it was him.


"You don't have to suffer anymore brother. I know that I have no right to say this but you don't have to be alone anymore. You have a lot of friends who are waiting for you, who were willing to help you"


"No, I don't need them. What I need is you" I retorted lowly.


I heard him sigh above me before he continued. "I know that we both know that I could no longer do that anymore. Don't imprison yourself any longer. Try reaching out for their hands, try doing what I should have done so from the beginning. I don't want to see you in pain. Please I'm begging you, live your life together with your friends' grace, redeem your previous life were everything is still in harmony. Please don't make us regret our wrong doings even more"


I only squinted my eyes in regret before sighing in defeat. My brother is right, but not just right but also in pain because of what I had become, but. . . "How?"


He grabbed my shoulders and slightly pushed us apart. He smiled softly at me which made me remember how badly I missed his true brotherly smile.


"That's what friends are for" he stated before standing us both.


I was confused for a moment before a warm light came descending from above. Itachi stepped back and poked me on the forehead.


"We don't want you to be in pain anymore" he then ruffled my hair before he continued. "And remember, I'll always love you no matter what. Now and forever"


He put his hand down just as the warm light stopped in front of me. I was in daze for a while, dazed as warmth enveloped my whole body, repelling any coldness from me and lightening my surroundings.


I searched for my brother's figure, only to find nothing except for the warm glowing light.


"Also. . ." My brother's voice echoed from everywhere, sounding so distant to my ears. "Don't forget that I will always be with you"


Warm, calming wind brushed on my face. I closed my eyes and spread my arms on my side.


"I won't brother. I won't"


As I opened my eyes, I came face to face with blue eyes, blond hair, whiskers on the cheeks, and a big goofy grin was plastered on his face.


He stretched his glowing hand towards me, waiting for my hand to grab his own.


"Come on Sasuke. It's time to go home"


Even his voice was calming, enticing and warm. Unable to resist, I reached for his stretched hand, grabbing it with my own.


I smirked, staring directly in his blue orbs. "Lead me. . . Dobe"




We slowly floated, taking the path to save me from drowning, the path to change.


Third Person's POV

When Sasuke finally opened his eyes, the first thing that he saw was Naruto who was towering upside down over him. Naruto was down on two knees with his hands on the ground and beside Sasuke's head.

Sasuke only looked at him coolly, showing barely anything. Naruto let out a sigh of relief before settling with a soft smile.

"I'm glad you're okay"

Hearing Naruto say that made the Uchiha irritated for it sounded like he lost when he was so sure that they both got knocked out.

And sensing that Sasuke was irritated at what he said, Naruto's eyes bulged, shaking his head from side to side vigorously.

"No! No! No! No! Don't misunderstand me dattebayo! I only said that out of instinct! And I'm sure that you'll also say something like that along the line to me if you're the first to wake up! Oh! And I only woke up first because a squirrel passed and brushed its tail on my nose that got me sneezed and all!" And to prove him right, a small, fuzzy, brown squirrel popped on his right shoulder, squeaking cutely as it did so, not that the Uchiha found it cutely. "And believe me if I say that i only crawl my way here and-"

"Shut up!" Sasuke hissed under his hoarse breath, too tired to go all out in shutting the blonde's big mouth.

Naruto flinched, his body going rigid before he scratched his right cheek. ". . . Sorry 'bout that"

Sasuke sighed before he closed his eyes. He then felt Naruto shuffling to lie down on opposite way of his body, but their heads were just a foot apart beside each other.

A satisfying silence befell them, their calm, normal breathing were the only sound heard between them.

Naruto watched the twinkling stars in the dark sky, dancing around the full moon to their hearts content in the vast space.

"I'm going to take you home Sasuke, believe it" Naruto whispered.

With eyes still closed, Sasuke answered. "It's not that simple . . . bird brain"

Although Naruto clearly heard the insult, he only smiled in relief for Sasuke's way of talking to him has reverted back to the way how they were before, when they were still in the same team.

"If you're talking about your stubbornness, then I already handled that" with that said Sasuke gave a scoff. "And if you're talking about the village, then I already have a plan, 'ttebayo"

Sasuke didn't say anything. He only opened his eyes half way and smirked lopsidedly on Naruto's blind spot.

"You know, Grandma Tsunade told me everything about the Uchiha and said that Danzou was the only one truly behind it all" Naruto informed slowly after a moment of silence.

". . . I know" was Sasuke's reply.

This made Naruto's eyebrow knitted together. His head angled to the side, staring at the side of Sasuke's face.

"If you knew then why? Why must we do this?"

"Because I was angry, mad, bitter even. I needed someone to vent these with. And I still need to settle a score with you"

Humming, he slowly re-angled his head to stare at the starry sky once again. How beautiful, for the heaven was also celebrating for them as there was an abnormally big amount of stars. It was just too beautiful to ignore.

"Are you still wanting for revenge?"

". . . I. . . don't know"


"Of course his revenge is not fully quenched you idiot" a new voice of a girl suddenly butted in between their conversation.

Sasuke and Naruto both peeked at the corner of their eyes, watching as the pink haired girl landed not too far away from them, then followed by the other shinobi's that they all knew. The Konoha 12 are now completely assembled, with an extra character that is Kakashi.

Sakura took several steps toward their laying figure, tears threatening to spill from her eyes and a smile plastered on her smooth lips. "Sasuke"

Sasuke didn't respond. He only regarded Sakura under tired hooded eyes, then afterwards the others before he closed his eyes again.

Sakura only sighed, depression showing on her face. She kneeled beside Naruto, forming a series of hand signs before her hands were glowing bright green, and by this time, all of the gang were surrounding them in a circle, watching at the three sternly.

Just as Sakura was putting her glowing hands above Naruto's chest, he stopped her by grabbing her wrist. Sakura tilted her head in confusion and sent a bewildered look at Naruto.

He flashed his signature grin, hoping to ease the kunoichi. "Heal Sasuke first. Kurama's healing me already" he said.

Sakura shifted her eyes between Naruto and Sasuke, her face showing doubt of what she's supposed to do. Slowly, she nodded and stood up, heading to Sasuke's side and healing him.

Kakashi crouched down beside their head and opposite to Sakura, giving them his famous closed eye smile before speaking. "So what's next?"

Naruto gave him a grin with close eyes, making everyone relax and silently rejoice, for their friend has finally come back.



Sasuke's POV

I let out a content sigh with my eyes close.

The aftermath of that event was a complete disaster for the whole shinobi world, even for me, though it's a little good in my case. They interrogated me with, as much as possible, less pain, courtesy of Naruto's request. They put me under surveillance 24/7. Made Naruto practically live on my house and put me on a verdict. They made me swear to work for them, made me swear to not use my Eternal Sharingan unless necessary and many more.

And they made me babysit this women that I am so sure doesn't need to be watch anymore, if we are talking about the age. And because of this woman, my emotional state was slightly distorted.

I opened my eyes, regarding the crystal ball on my coffee table with hooded eyes, wanting for it to glow any second. When nothing happened, I slowly breathed in and closed my eyes, trying to find any patience that I know that is wearing thin.

More time passed by and when nothing still happened, I concluded that she won't contact me, so I gave up. But when I was pushing myself from the sofa, the crystal ball glowed, and chakra was clearly felt coming from the ball.





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