Gone - Harry Styles [AU]

By UnrealUnicorns

155K 4.8K 344

And just like that she was Gone... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
A/N - Covers


2.4K 91 3
By UnrealUnicorns


"This is it?" I said as I pulled up on the side of the road where Rose told me too.

"Yea, kind of. Come on" She said as she got out the car and I followed.

"Can I just leave my car here?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yea don't worry about it" She said as she walked off after the mud and I followed behind her.

A couple minutes later we can to an abandoned junk yard which had fences all around which signs saying, 'No trespassing'. Just as I was thinking why we were here, Rose started climbing over the fence.



"I don't think you can do that" I said unsure.

"Its abandoned and has been for years. I've done this before its fine" She said and jumped down the other side. "Come on scaredy cat." She smirked as she looked at me through the fence.

"Fine" I groaned as I climbed over the same way Rose did and then jumped down next to her.

"Come on, nearly there" She said as she started walking off into the junk yard and started to climb up some things. I didn't want to lose her so I hurried along behind her and did exactly what she did.

"Here" She said after a couple of minutes.

We had climbed up some of the junk and down others. We had finally got to where Rose wanted to be. Where she'd apparently been before.

We were now sitting on a sofa which was on top of a pile of junk. I weren't sure if it was secure at first but looking and sitting on it now you can tell it is. Also it has the best view here. Its got a view of most of London and the sky.

"The view is great isn't it?" Rose said taking in the view just like I was.

"Yea it is"

We stayed quiet for a couple of minutes before I heard something in my ear and that's when I remembered the boys were still in my ear and listening to our conversation.

"So.." I said wanting to start the conversation but not knowing how.

"I can here when I was a kid you know" She said and I looked at her but she just looked out at the view.

"Really? Why? Not really a place I would think a little girl would play you know"

"Yea I know but I didn't play here. I ran away to here"

"Why'd you ran away?"

"I wanted to be free and the only way I thought I could be free when I was younger was to ran away from everything. Reality and family, ran away from it all, you know?" She said now looking at me.

"Yea I guess I kind of do but you know it all catches up to you in the end"

"Not if you run far enough"

We stayed quiet for a couple more minutes before she broke the silence again.

"Anyway, I think we both know why we are here. Why I called you"

"Yea I guess we do"

"Its about what happened three days ago. I have a lot of questions and I think you probably do too."

"Yea I do" I said as we both moved, so we were looking at each other better.

"Is it okay if I ask mine first?"

I hesitated at first before I heard Lou's voice in my ear to say yes. That answering questions first will be easier.

"Yea of course, shoot" I said after a couple of seconds.

"Well my first question is how do you know how to shoot a gun?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I listened to the boys talking in my ear, before repeating what they said.

"I went to a shooting range once with my dad. He wanted to take me out on a father/son day and he thought teaching  me to shoot would be fun for the both of us as we've never done it before" I lied through my teeth as I smiled at her shyly.

"Oh wow what a day" She chuckled and I did too. "Second question. How did you know where to shoot them men? I mean you shot them in places that wouldn't seriously hurt them but would leave a scar for a while and would cause them pain for a while"

Again I listened to the boys talking into my ear before talking.

"The same place I learnt to shoot. The shooting ground my dad took us too taught us where you would shoot someone to kill them instantly, to kill them slowly and how to only hurt them a little bit. Like I said it was an interesting, yet fun day out" I chuckled and she looked at me with a straight face before breaking into a smile.

"That place sounds quite fun to be honest. That's cool they teach you that stuff not many places do"

"Yea I know dad was lucky to find it before it shut down"

"Oh when'd it shut down" She asked

"Not too long after we went, which was a couple years ago now. I was eighteen when we went"

"Oh fair enough. I have a question about them men." I froze when she said this. Did she know I know them? "Did you know them or something? Cause you looked so mad when you saw them"

"That was because I hated what they were doing. They were putting innocent peoples lives at danger, especially them two little kids. I didn't like it so I got mad. Weren't you?" I answered this question without the boys help as they were taking to long to decide on a answer. I said what I knew would work. What I knew would be the best. I wasn't exactly lying cause I did hate what they were doing but I do know them. That was the part I was lying at.

"Of course I was but I don't know it was just a question on my mind"

"Is it my turn to ask questions yet?" I asked wondering.

"Yea I guess so. I mean I've asked all the ones I can think of" She said and I knew right now the boys would be listening very close to see if she says anything important. "What's your questions then?"

"Why did you have a gun in your bag?" The question seemed to catch her of guard. Like she didn't expect that to be my very first question.

"It was something my mum taught me. She told me to keep a gun in my bag in case I got into any trouble and I'm glad I listened to her to be honest" She chuckled but I was shocked that she's literally telling me the truth right now. This answer could bring up so many more questions, like why would her mum say that? She'd have to tell me about her being in a gang. Why would she just say it like that? Is it cause she actually trusts me?

"How did you know them men were going to do something bad? Like you noticed it before anyone else in that café?" I decided to ask the questions I was going to in the first place and then go onto ones that have been brought up now. Its not like I don't know the answers to most of these. I mean I know she's in a gang. I know she probably got taught how to shoot at a young age like me by the gang members but I want to know how she does it. How she is so skilled that she can take down four grown men. How she notices things others don't.

"I don't know to be honest. I mean I just notice things. I have seen a young age. I notice things others don't. I don't know why or how I do, I just do. I mean it was obvious they were bad news. As much as I don't like stereotypes but the way they looked. All dressed in black. Looking at one another before doing something. Talking with their eyes. Continuously touching there pockets to check they still had something there, aka a gun" She said and this shocked me. All these tiny things were so big to her and she knew. She just knew.

"Wow." I said shocked and she chuckled. "Okay next question. How do you know how to shoot a gun?"

"My uncle taught me. He thought I would need it one day" She said keeping it short and sweet. She was good at these questions. Like she was use to answering questions. Like she had practiced the answers over and over again. Like she had been taught how to do this too.

"Did he teach you how to shoot someone in the places they wouldn't seriously be hurt too?"

"Yes he did. He taught me all I know"

"Okay. Why would he think you would need it one day?" I asked wanting her to say she was part of a gang. Wanting her to trust me.

"When I was younger he use to say because there's a lot of bad people in this world and you never know when you might need something like that. I never knew what he meant until I grew up" She said looking down and then looking up at me again.


"I think that's enough questions for one day, don't you?" She said looking back out to the view.

"I've only got one question"

"Yea well I don't want to answer anymore. I think I've answered enough" She snapped looking at me before looking back at the view.

The boys were talking in my ear to ask more questions. To get more answers out of her but I couldn't. Looking at her now just looking at the view. I didn't want to ask anymore questions. I didn't want to push her. Looking at her now she looked broken. She looked vulnerable. My dad would say this is the best time to get information out of someone but right now I didn't want to. I didn't want to be one of them bad people her uncle told her about when she was younger.

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