I am and He is Sam Lee Garcia...

By CountingBackwards

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If you are, by any chance, named Sam Lee Garcia Concepcion. Then, Join Sam and Sam, two different people, who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 2

819 23 11
By CountingBackwards

Uncle Berth claps his hands.

"Now, we have two Sam's in the house! Isn't this interesting," he says apparently amused.

"Wait. I thought Aunt Filarme's last name is Digg!" I say

"Why, of course dear. My boy right here is also adopted." I frown. Don't they have kids? And then I was answered by the delighted squeals of two children running towards us from the house.

"Daddy! Daddy!" the little girl tugged on his father's shirt. The girl is too cute for words, with her blonde pig tails, big brown eyes, like mine is, and a smiling face. "Is this our new sister?" She continues excitedly. Uncle Berth smiles and ned nods at her.

"Yay! We have a new sister! We rule" the little boy cheers. It is obvious thi two are twins. The boy also has wavy blonde hair and big brown eyes. I estimate they are both four years old. 

I smile genuinely at them and wave.

"Hey," I say. The little girl runs up to me and introduces herself. 

"I am Hope and this is my twin, Chance. We are four years old" She beems, as if proud that she introduced herself and her brother succesfully. 

"No no no." Chance stomps his feet "I should be the one to introduce myself." He nears me and says "I am Chance and this is my twin, Hope. We are four years old." he throws Hope a glance then says "I have done a better job!" and then he giggles. 

I giggle too. "Yes, I am your new sister. I am Sam." I say

They frown at me. "Why is our brother's and sister's name the same?" Hope asks Chance. "I don't know" Chance replies.

"Now, Kids. You go play inside the house. Sister Sammy is tired and we have to give her the rest she needs" Aunt Filarme says. The two giggled their okays then runs inside the house.

"How silly of me to keep you outside" Filarme says and then the four of us walks towards the house.

I think, this will do. I thought as I glance backwards and see to my utter horror that the cab pulled away from the curb. I break free of Aunt's slight grip on my hands and run after the cab.

My suitcases and all my posessions are there! I run so hard and then I feel something topple over as I ram it. I continue to run and then I abruptly stopped dead.

I looked at my back and see Aunt Filarme and Uncle Berth is looking at me curiously and Sam laughing his head off. Why is he laughing? Can't they see that my suitcases are being suitnapped?!  

I look around and then I instantly felt myself blush. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I curse myself. I continue to look at the main reason why I look so foolish right now.

Not far from me is my toppled suitcases. I guess the cab driver has dropped the thing awhile ago. I just stood there, not sure of what to do. Should I say "Well, I tend to run out of the blue sometimes, you know, just to make a fool out of myself." ? or what? 

I stifle a groan. Great. First day in here and I totally ruined my image. it would've been bearable if there is no cute person, named Sam, in there laughing so hard at me. Jeez. 


Comments are welcome. :) and votes are, too. xD

Teehee. Changed the music on this chapter. :)) It's Andy Grammer's Keep Your Head Up. :)) It's a very good song.

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