Charming and Awkward

Bởi Jenleighna

1.7M 66.9K 12.5K

James slid his hand to the nape of my neck, holding me steady against his lips. His other hand stayed on my w... Xem Thêm

Authors note!
Chapter 1: Don't Feel Sorry For Me
Chapter 2: Who Is That?
Chapter 3: I Want Attention Too
Chapter 4: And You Could Fire Me
Chapter 6: Just Stop The Car!
Chapter 7: Chaos
Chapter 8: There's No More Room
Chapter 9: He Doesn't Trust Me
Chapter 10: Sand On Your Cheek
Chapter 11: Having Trouble Breathing
Chapter 12: Take Me Home
Chapter 13: Will We Figure This Out?
Chapter 14: Your Boss Sounds Like a Jackass
Chapter 15: I Want You To Come Find Me
Chapter 16: Cuddle With Me Instead
Chapter 17: You're Not Here With Me
Chapter 18: All In
Chapter 19: Let Me Be Here
Chapter 20: End Of Me
Chapter 21: Write A Letter Next Time
Chapter 22: The B Word
Chapter 23: Red Scarf
Chapter 24: I Like A Little Crazy
Chapter 25: Lemonade and Non-Showers
Chapter 26: I Was So Scared
Chapter 27: What Are You Thankful For?
Chapter 28: Blue
Chapter 29: You Know What?
Chapter 30: I Don't Want Your Heart To Break For Me
Chapter 31: Save Me
Chapter 32: I'm Still Here, Vi.
Chapter 33: Growing Up
Chapter 34: You. I want you.
Chapter 35: I Fell In Love With You After

Chapter 5: Puns Are Stupid

51.1K 2K 569
Bởi Jenleighna


Three weeks into the internship and I feel great.

Everything runs smoothly, people have been nice, and I've managed to get enough sleep because of how exhausted I've been. I never thought I'd be happy about being exhausted and tired. But if it gave me a full nights worth of sleep, I do enjoy being exhausted.

I've made friends within the internship too. Well, sort of. Only two of them actually go to my school, the others either go to a different public school or private school. Sometimes I wish I could go to a private school in the hopes of receiving a better education. I'm already getting one where I'm at, so I'm fine. And I don't have to wear a ridiculous uniform.

James has been kind. Maybe too kind, if that's possible. And I know it's because he feels sorry about my situation. He never brings it up, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know.

Last week, he sat and talked to me while I read and had lunch in the office. I wasn't sure why he did it, but he did and I enjoyed the company. He likes to joke a lot, which is nothing I'm a stranger to. Maybe he actually enjoyed talking to me too, even though I never had much to say.

It was a weird, burning feeling in my chest. I've felt it before, but I never reacted to it. I've ignored it for years until it went away. Now it's back and I don't think it's going away any time soon.

As much as I love this internship, there's one problem with it. And it's James's dad, David. He doesn't like me, I know that. Maybe I'm too quick to judge, but maybe I'm not. When I've seen David, I try to smile and wave like any respectful employee would do, but he ignores me. He gives me a look that I know isn't friendly at all. He's interactive with all the employees, except me.

And I found out that Cristin is actually the sister of the woman he's about to marry. James let that slip during lunch the other day. He wasn't happy about it. But yet, Cristin seemed to be attached to his hip.

Cristin was very passive aggressive. I know she doesn't like me either, but pretends to for some reason. Especially when James is around. She acts like we're best friends, but in reality I could never be friends with someone like her.

Other than some of the people, the internship has worked in my favor. And my mom is definitely proud of me.

At the end of the day, I stopped to buy a bag of Sour Patch Kids out of the vending machine so I had something to munch on while I waited for my bus. As I reached the bottom floor, I noticed the storm roaring outside and I slumped.

Before stepping outside, I sat my bag down and pulled out my hoodie. It went over my head and the hood was secured in place. I zipped my bag back up and placed it across my chest. My candy sat snug inside the front pocket of my jacket too.

I walked outside and my face was pelted with rain despite the comfort of my hood. My glasses were now soaked and I could barely see through the blur. It wouldn't compare to actually taking my glasses off. At least I could see shapes.

A shiver wracked my body as I walked down the sidewalk, and five minutes later, I reached the bench for the bus stop. There was one other person huddled in one corner of the bench, under the awning the stop provided. I sat on the other side and my teeth started clattering. Thunder clapped and roared overhead, and now I jumped to add to my shivering.

I had to wait forty minutes through this.

With timid fingers, I managed to open the candy in my pocket and steal a piece. I popped it in my mouth and savored the sour and sweetness of it.

Through the raindrops on my glasses, a black car pulled to a stop in front of the bus stop. "Violet!" The voice called over the beating rain.

I used my sleeve to clean my glasses, and I could see James's head barely poking out the passenger window of his car.

"You're going to get soaked!" I yelled back and stood up.

"Get in! I'll take you home!" He popped his head back in the car window as I approached.

"No, it's okay! It'll be here soon!"

"You're going to get sick, Vi! Get in!"

My heart seized when he called me Vi. He's never called me that before and for some reason, it felt too intimate. But I opened his car door anyway and slipped inside. He rolled up the window and I breathed. "Thank you."

"I told you it wasn't a problem." His hair was wet and messy, raindrops hung on his eyelashes and fell against his cheeks. He smiled at me and I forgot I was cold. "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

He put on the heat and drove through the rain.

The storm only got worse the further we drove, but James kept the car steady on the slick streets. He relaxed in his seat and then I felt more relaxed too. "Sorry I got your seat rained on." I murmured.

"You don't have to apologize for that. I'd rather my seat get rained on so you don't get sick."

Now my cheeks were warm despite the heat radiating in the car. "Well I owe you for this."

"Consider it a favor." He glanced at me when we stopped at a red light, "Are you warm?"

"Very." I removed the hood from my head and shook a hand through my hair.

"What's your address?"

My mouth opened, but I froze up. I didn't want him to know where I lived. I don't mind him knowing, that's not the point, just in the area. Maybe I was embarrassed, but I liked our house. So instead, I rattled off the address to Mark's. My mom should be working tonight and Blue's probably with her.

James drove in silence, but I caught sight of his profile. His face was soft and his eyes were trained on the road. He seemed more relaxed outside of work. More like the person he actually is and I'd like to find out.

He pulled up to Mark's and I could see my mom through the window. She was smiling as she brought out an order to an older couple in a booth.

James turned the car off and I looked over at him. "You don't have to come in—"

"It's fine. I just want to make sure you get inside safely."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he was already out of the car, closing the door behind him. Soon enough, I opened the other door and climbed out to follow him. The rain was still falling, but in few portions. I had to basically jog to keep up with his long strides.

James opened the door, letting me go in first. The bell dinged the second it opened and everyone looked. My mom was the first to see me and then she saw James standing next to me and looked slightly bewildered. "That's my mom." I whispered towards him.

"Oh." He replied, just as softly.

"You don't have to stay."

My mom sat her tray down on the bar and walked up to us. James didn't make a move to leave. Not yet anyway.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here tonight." She hugged me quick.

"Mom, this is James. James, this is my mom, Caroline."

She looked at James and James held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, James. I've heard a lot about you." She finally shook his hand and the weight lifted off my chest, "Are you guys hungry?"

"Mom, James was just dropping me off—"

"I'm starving." James interrupted.

Now I was horrified.

"Blue's sitting at the table in the back. Go sit with him and I'll be there in a second."

She walked away, leaving James and I alone again. Instead of looking at James, I started walking, hoping he'll follow. Blue was sitting at the back booth, like my mom said. He was doing homework, but his little face contorted and his cheeks were red.

I slid in next to him and James sat on the other side. Blue lifted his head, looked at James first and then to me. "Blue, this is James."

James smiled at Blue, but Blue was cautious. "Is he your boyfriend?" Blue whispered, but his idea of whispering and speaking normally.

"No." I said quickly, "He's my boss. We work together."

Blue touched his chin and looked at James again. Then he shrugged a shoulder and went back to his work.

James's attention was on me before I looked at him. "Is this weird?"

He shook his head and leaned over the table. "Bosses and employees have dinners all the time. This ones just...impromptu and probably in a better place."

My mom appeared at the end of the table and asked us what we wanted to drink and eat. James and I both ordered Mark's famous burger and two sodas. Blue had already eaten of course.

Blue made me stand so he was able to wiggle out and follow Mom because she offered him ice cream.

"He's adorable." James's voice brought me back.

"Blue's definitely something. But I wouldn't trade that weird kid for anything in the world." I grinned and leaned on my hand, "What's your sister like?"

His blue eyes lit up at the mention of his sister. "She's very...stubborn. Maybe a little on the weird side, but maybe I'm just biased because she's my sister." His smile stretched, "She's my favorite person on this planet."

The words warmed my heart. "Are you guys close?"

"For the most part." He rubbed his jaw and sat back, "We used to be really close until college happened. Especially when our parents divorced—" He snapped his mouth shut and his eyes widened a little, "I love my sister. I'd do anything for her."

It made me smile and I ignored the part about his parents' divorce. There's a reason he stopped abruptly the way he did. "You're a really good person."

"Does this surprise you?"

"Not at all."

My mom came with our drinks and was whisked away when an order came up and ready to go to the table.

"Tell me to shut up if it's too personal, but...what happened to your dad?"

The weight on my chest returned and all I could do was stare at James. He leaned forward and I blinked. "He left us before we moved here a few years ago. Haven't seen him since."

James's eyes searched mine. He didn't say anything for a few moments. "We have something in common then."

I appreciated James's attempt at a joke to lighten the mood and it worked. A laugh tumbled from my lips. "I have two older brothers that protect me more than my dad ever did. My mom is the strongest person I know, too."

His smile was light on his lips. "I think women will rule the world one day."

"Then I hope you're prepared."

"Most definitely."

* * *

Two hours later, and my side was hurting from laughing so hard.

"Okay, okay," James held up his hand and choked on his own laugh, "I have another one for you."

I swiped my fingers under my eyes to collect the tears. For the past ten minutes, James has been telling me ridiculous puns. I admitted I was a sucker for the stupidest, and cheesiest puns, and he had a brain full. "I don't think...I can handle another one."

"Oh, come on. I saved the best for last. One more and I swear I'm done. For tonight anyway." He grinned at me.

"Fine." I dropped my arms on the table and sucked in a breath.

"I'd tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction."

A laugh burst from my chest and I buried my face in the crook of my arm. The simplest things make me laugh and I haven't figured out why.

James was laughing again too. His laugh was a soft, velvety sound to my ears.

I lifted my head again and breathed another laugh. "Wait, I have one for you now."

"It won't beat mine."

"I went to a wedding last weekend."

James raised a dark brow and leaned over the table again.

"It was so emotional, even the cake was in tiers."

He chuckled, placing a hand over his abdomen. His giant smile showed his teeth as he continued to laugh. "Puns are stupid."

"But they're so stupid they're funny."

He nodded his head in agreement. "You're a lot funnier than I expected."

"Because I'm a girl?" I quipped, my lips tugging up.

"Because you're quiet." He quipped back.

I was about to reply, but James's phone started to ring. He pinched it from and pocket and looked down at the screen. He rolled his eyes and answered it. "I hope this is important."

I'm thinking it's his dad, but I could definitely be wrong.

"Yeah...okay—now?...Fine, bye." He hung up and stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"Everything okay?" I asked, biting down on the corner of my bottom lip.

He smoothed his palms down his face and let out an annoyed sigh. "Yeah. I just have to go." He didn't elaborate and I didn't ask anymore. He slid out of the booth, but lingered for a second. "This was probably the most fun I've had in awhile. So thanks for the cheap jokes." He sent me another smile that warmed me, "I'll see you Monday."

I smiled and nodded, too afraid to speak because I didn't trust my voice.

James left, sending my mom a wave on his way out. It wasn't until he left that I noticed the twenty dollar tip he left my mom under his plate.

* * *

Saturday night we decided to have a family night. I was pulled from my room and my homework to watch a movie. Mom got home early that night and was in another great mood. She bought different ice creams, candy, and various types of other junk food we probably didn't need.

I sat on the couch between Nic and Gray, Mom was sitting on the loveseat with Blue close by. Before the movie even started, half of my ice cream was gone.

Throughout the movie, Nic and Gray kept teasing me, leaning against my shoulder and plucking at my hair. When they started laughing, I swatted both of them. Our mom didn't even notice.

When the movie ended, she told us goodnight and carried Blue's sleeping form to his room he shared with Nic.

"It's time to fess up." Nic prodded.

"Fess up what exactly?"

"We both know Mom tells you everything." Gray chimed in.

My head whipped in his direction. "What are you losers talking about?"

Gray smirked, but Nic spoke. "She's been pretty happy lately and we want to know why."

"Why are you questioning it? She's happy, that's enough for me."

"Is it Mark?" Gray asked, completely ignoring me.

I shrugged. "How should I know? She doesn't tell me everything."

"I thought that's what girls do." Nic said gruffly. "Well how the hell do we find out if it is because of Mark? I mean it only took him six years."

Gray started laughing and smacked the back of Nic's head. "Don't be a dumbass."

"It's her personal life and it's none of our business." I chided, "If it is Mark, she'll tell us when she wants us to know. For now, just let her be happy. I've never seen her so happy."

Reluctantly, they both nodded.

"I can't believe you guys are older than me." I rose from the couch and walked down the hall to my room.

Feeling the sleep tug at my eyes, I bypassed the shower tonight. I fell on my bed, burying my face in my pillow. Sleep took over and it was a dreamless night. Ever since my mom has been in a good mood, I've been sleeping well.

I hope this lasts for my mom.


Slowly starting to see come development, hahaha. It really develops within the next two chapters. I'm currently writing chapter 12 as we speak and my heart can't handle it. I'm so glad I get to share this story with you guys! :)

Pleasssee vote and comment, let me know what you think so far! :)

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