Chapter 5: Puns Are Stupid

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Three weeks into the internship and I feel great.

Everything runs smoothly, people have been nice, and I've managed to get enough sleep because of how exhausted I've been. I never thought I'd be happy about being exhausted and tired. But if it gave me a full nights worth of sleep, I do enjoy being exhausted.

I've made friends within the internship too. Well, sort of. Only two of them actually go to my school, the others either go to a different public school or private school. Sometimes I wish I could go to a private school in the hopes of receiving a better education. I'm already getting one where I'm at, so I'm fine. And I don't have to wear a ridiculous uniform.

James has been kind. Maybe too kind, if that's possible. And I know it's because he feels sorry about my situation. He never brings it up, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know.

Last week, he sat and talked to me while I read and had lunch in the office. I wasn't sure why he did it, but he did and I enjoyed the company. He likes to joke a lot, which is nothing I'm a stranger to. Maybe he actually enjoyed talking to me too, even though I never had much to say.

It was a weird, burning feeling in my chest. I've felt it before, but I never reacted to it. I've ignored it for years until it went away. Now it's back and I don't think it's going away any time soon.

As much as I love this internship, there's one problem with it. And it's James's dad, David. He doesn't like me, I know that. Maybe I'm too quick to judge, but maybe I'm not. When I've seen David, I try to smile and wave like any respectful employee would do, but he ignores me. He gives me a look that I know isn't friendly at all. He's interactive with all the employees, except me.

And I found out that Cristin is actually the sister of the woman he's about to marry. James let that slip during lunch the other day. He wasn't happy about it. But yet, Cristin seemed to be attached to his hip.

Cristin was very passive aggressive. I know she doesn't like me either, but pretends to for some reason. Especially when James is around. She acts like we're best friends, but in reality I could never be friends with someone like her.

Other than some of the people, the internship has worked in my favor. And my mom is definitely proud of me.

At the end of the day, I stopped to buy a bag of Sour Patch Kids out of the vending machine so I had something to munch on while I waited for my bus. As I reached the bottom floor, I noticed the storm roaring outside and I slumped.

Before stepping outside, I sat my bag down and pulled out my hoodie. It went over my head and the hood was secured in place. I zipped my bag back up and placed it across my chest. My candy sat snug inside the front pocket of my jacket too.

I walked outside and my face was pelted with rain despite the comfort of my hood. My glasses were now soaked and I could barely see through the blur. It wouldn't compare to actually taking my glasses off. At least I could see shapes.

A shiver wracked my body as I walked down the sidewalk, and five minutes later, I reached the bench for the bus stop. There was one other person huddled in one corner of the bench, under the awning the stop provided. I sat on the other side and my teeth started clattering. Thunder clapped and roared overhead, and now I jumped to add to my shivering.

I had to wait forty minutes through this.

With timid fingers, I managed to open the candy in my pocket and steal a piece. I popped it in my mouth and savored the sour and sweetness of it.

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