A Hidden Secret (Exo fan fict...

By babivibez

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Sammie and her best friends have been vampires their entire life they never seem to mind but they always keep... More

New fan fiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ( Valentine's Special )
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ( epilogue)

Chapter 20

254 5 0
By babivibez

Exactly like any other day, are routine have been pretty much the same. Searching for Tao, night class, sleep and all over again. At this point, days had turned into weeks, yet no sign of Tao has been shown.

Once looking for Tao, many unexpected things occurred. Sehun and Kris got stabbed in the leg, whilst Luhan and Baekhyun got multiple scratches around them.

It was all unexplained, however Suho rationalized that it could be a alert that Taemin could possibly be around.

"How did things go?" I asked once Lay and Xiumin returned from their searching.

"The same basically." Xiumin responded.

"I'm not surprised." Kyungsoo mumbled.

"Anyways I was thinking of going to Lester today." Jonghyun announced, making a few of us surprised.

"Lester? Isn't that the place where most witches and wizards live?" Chanyeol questioned.

Jonghyun nodded, "Yeah, but actually I have a few helpers their. They seem as if they saw a guy similar to Taemin."

"Hold on, I've heard Lester isn't quite safe. Rumors has it, that demons and werewolves circulate the place often". Baekhyun remarked, as he ruffled his hair, a gesture he does whenever he's concern or nervous.

"It could be," Jonghyun shrugged. "Though Key, Minho, and I will go and take a look. You guys stay here, since Lester is approximately two hours away from here."

"Okay, but what if you do find him and you need help or back up?," Kai asked.

"Don't worry Mei will be their for sure, she's surprisingly strong."

"Mei? Who's she?," Sehun questioned.

"She's Jonghyun's mate. Also a witch." Key replied with a small smile,

"Stay safe," I smiled as they made their way out.


"How are things going so far?" Edvin asked, once we reached the park.

"Nothing new," I answered. "Although Jonghyun, Minho and Key headed to Lester earlier today."

"Oh Lester, huh?", Edvin smiled. "I've heard the place is filled with demons and werewolves."

"Yeah Baekhyun said that too, but I'm not sure I've never been their before."

"Neither have I and never will," Edvin said.

"Why not? Are you afraid?" I smirked and crossed my arms.

He looked taken back after what I said, "What? No!"

I laughed and shook my head, "You probably are."

"Really, I'm not", he protested.

"Okay, okay. Don't get mad though," I smiled and hugged him.

He smiled and hugged me back as well, "I'll never get mad at you," he mumbled rather really quietly but I managed to hear.

After we pulled away, we stared at each other for a few seconds. It felt odd but kinda nice at the same time.

"Come, I have something to do,", I said and stood up while grabbing his hand in the process.

"Where to?"

Instead of answering him, I guided us inside a small shop. I proceeded to the cake sections and look over to the strawberry isles..because strawberry is literally bae.

"Is it someone's birthday?" Edvin asked.

I nodded, "Soon to be Chanyeol's."

"That's cool, so your getting him a cake?"

"Well yeah, it's almost his birthday and i just wanted him to have a nice time. He's been going through a lot lately, so I thought why not," I smiled and bought a pretty nice cake.

On our way back home, we stumbled upon Luna. However, she was different this time. She kept on flirting toward Edvin, in which I decided to walk ahead and avoid them.

At the arrival at my home, she parted her way, knowing she wasn't gonna be invited inside due to the glares I kept sending her. I threw the door opened and tromped inside.

"Seriously, are you okay?" Edvin asked.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." I rolled my eyes and placed the cake in a hidden spot.

"Hey." He whispered, walking towards me. "You were fine a while ago, why the sudden change?"

I sigh and looked away from him, "It's nothing."

Once again silence enveloped us. Until a soft knocking came from the back door. Taking a quick glance at Edvin, I strode over to the door only to get startled when I heard shouting.

"DON'T OPEN IT!", Baekhyun suddenly shouted as he ran to my side, pushing me lightly away from the door.

"What? Why not?" I asked him.

"Demons. They're out their."

"What are they doing out their?" Edvin glanced at Baekhyun.

"I'm not quite sure," Baekhyun responded. "But I'm sure someone sent them here."

"I think it would have been better if we went to Lester with the guys," I mumbled.

"I suppose," Baekhyun agreed. "But let's just stay in the living room for now."

I took a notice that Baekhyun's eyes became red for a moment then suddenly changed back to brown. Strange.....

"You guys sure look unrealistic with your red eyes and fangs," Edvin said while looking at each of us.

"Samantha has the sharpest ones though," Chen smiled.

Edvin nodded, "I see."

"Right, it comes from my fathers side actually", I remarked.

"Plus she can kill someone instantly with those canines," Sehun said while ruffling my hair.

"Hey! Hey! Hands off!", I hissed and slapped his hand away.

The boys chuckled while Sehun looked quite 'offended'.

"Fesity." Edvin smirked.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the windows to make sure they were all secured and shut.

"Hold on, I've got a demons portion," Lay exclaimed suddenly.

"A what?" Xiumin interfered.

"A demons portion," Lay repeated, exasperation sigh leaving his lips afterwards.

"What exactly is that?" Kris asked him.

"Hm... I don't know", Lay shrugged. "But Minho said it was to keep the demons or evil forces away from us."

"Yeah I heard him say that too," Kai interjected.

"What are you waiting for then? Give me it!", Suho ranted and proceeded to grab the bottle out of Lay's hand.

"Wait how do I even use this?" Suho asked, slightly embarrassed.

"You open it, next you go to the window. From there you throw the portion out, and it should be able to do harm towards the demons," Chanyeol instructed.

And as said, Suho did as told. We all moved around him to visualize the view of the demons. However after a couple of second, the demons remained the same.

"Guys, I don't think we did it right," I said.

"Nice going," Kyungsoo remarked.

"You know I think they were suppose to drink it somehow," Chen retorted, while he was still attentive on the demons.

All the boys groaned, realizing that's the way it should have been.

"Now what?" Luhan asked.

"Call Ayame and tell her to bring more of it", Sehun ordered Kai.

Kai smiled and went to another room to call his girlfriend.

I took the chance to visit the basement, and in the closet. Upon their, were many sorts of weapons or in our case emergency needs.

We even had demon and werewolf swords, just in case. I even had stored the many protection jewelry, I've received from my past mates.

Usually this alerted me, if any danger was around. At the moment I had a very pretty protection silver bracelet I got from Chen.

Lastly, all the way on the right corner, laid pictures of my family and I. My father including, just by skimming through them, I could feel the tears swelling up.

I missed him terribly. I slumped down on the ground and before I knew it, I had began to cry uncontrollably.

If it wasn't for those werewolves, he'll still be here with me today. Minutes passed, but somehow the tears wouldn't stop.

Suddenly, I felt two strong arms snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He gave an assuring hug and wiped the tears away.

Finally, I had calmed down, his presence was all I needed at the moment.

"Why are you crying?", he asked, setting himself on the ground and pulling me with him afterwards.

"I miss him, a lot. I seriously want to know who was responsible for his death," I spoke, and again my anger was beginning to show.

"Calm down, baby. I'm sure you will sooner or later," Chen said and caressed my hand.

I signed but nodded, "Okay."

Chen stood back up afterwards and extended his hand, "Come on. Let's go back upstairs. Ayame, Ella and Luna are on their way."

I grabbed his hand and groaned. "Not her" I murmured. I knew the real reason, why's she coming. Just to see him.

Oh well.........


Gosh what a chapter. So random it started off creppy then cute lastly sad...seriously I don't know what happened with this chapter.

But anyways this chapter is a fill in for the next update.

Also Chanyeol's birthday will be in the upcoming update and more:)


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