The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)

By Foreverattached

467K 12.2K 3.7K

"This is no ordinary thing, our love." -SEQUEL TO THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT.- More

The Baby Project.
One // Home.
Two // Unexpected Surprises.
Three // Reunions.
Four // Intoxicated.
Five // Old and New.
Six // Truth.
Seven // Unanswered.
Eight // Christmas Eve.
Nine // Home Truths.
Ten // Heart to Heart.
Eleven // Positive.
Twelve // New Life
Thirteen // Reflect.
Fourteen // Luck.
Fifteen // Secrets.
Sixteen // Grudges.
Seventeen // Reality.
Eighteen // Bliss.
Nineteen // Decsions.
Twenty // Starting over.
Twenty One // Paint.
Twenty Two // Revelations.
Twenty Three // Ache.
Twenty Four // Struggle.
Twenty Five // Engagement.
Twenty Six // A little bit of normal.
Twenty Seven // Dangerous Territory.
Twenty Eight // Break Down.
Twenty Nine // Reunited.
Thirty // Better late than never.
Thirty One // Toothy Grins.
Official Playlist (Plus More!)
Thirty Three // Confession.
Thirty-Four // Communication.
Thirty Five // Breakups.
Thirty Six // Family Dinners.
Thirty Seven // Connected.
Who's who.
Thirty Eight // Ghosts.
Thirty Nine // Homecoming.
Forty // Taking Sides.
Forty One // Youth.
Forty Two // Making Plans.
Forty Three // Meetings.
Forty Four // Reveals.
Forty Five // Gifts.
-Let me know-
Forty Six // Birthdays.
Forty Seven // Details.
Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)
Forty Eight // Bachelor. (Calum)
Forty Nine // Before we say I do.
Fifty // I Do (Genie)
Fifty // I Do (Calum)
Fifty One // Honeymoon.
Fifty Two // Birdie.
Fifty Three // Rapture.
Fifty Four // Family Blowout.
Fifty Five // Apple Seed.
Important authors note!
Fifty Six // Across the world and back.
Fifty Seven // Dirty Laundry.
Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.
Fifty Nine // Pleasure.
Sixty // Mended.
Sixty One // Bubble.
Sixty Two // Baby Blues.
Update on updates.
Sixty Three // Olive Branches.
Sixty four // Chocolate Chip.

Thirty Two // Ours.

7.1K 188 70
By Foreverattached

"Genie!" Calum calls from downstairs. I was currently up in our bedroom surrounded by way too many Wedding magazines, The whole afternoon I had been trying to make final decisions on things like the seating arrangements and place settings for example but I had gotten absolutely nowhere.

"Bedroom." I yell in response and within seconds Calum is up the stairs and in our room. "Having fun?" Calum asks looking amused.

"Not really, I have no idea what I'm even doing." I admit and he lets out a laugh before coming to join me. He picks up at a random magazine and flips through a few pages before placing it in front of me and pointing to a woman in a light peach dress.

"There's your wedding dress." Calum says. "What's next?"

"Ha ha." I say dryly. "I wish it was that easy." I groan pushing the magazine away from me. "And I plan on having a white wedding dress, thank you very much." I really didn't have any issues with women who chose coloured gowns in fact I thought it was incredibly brave but I had just always imagined myself in a white gown and that hadn't changed.

"Aren't you only suppose to get married in white if you're pure and all that?" Calum asks. "Because I've been in bed with you and you are most definitely not pure." He teases and I shoot him a glare.

"Maybe like a hundred years ago." I tell him and He grins. I thought that this could be the perfect moment to bring up our sex life since we were already kind of talking about it but Calum beats me to it and changes the subject to what type of wedding cake we are going to have. Another thing that I didn't know.

"You can choose." I wave him off. I think I may of reached my limit of wedding stuff for today.

"Really? Well in that case I think we should have a fruit loop flavoured cake." Calum says and I can't help but grin at him.


"I'm being serious!" Calum smiles cheekily at me and I know very well that he's joking.

"You don't even like fruit loops Calum." I point out and he shrugs. "You are really no help you know?"

"I thought I was helping a lot actually, In the last five minutes we've found you a dress and decided on what flavoured cake we're having." Calum remarks picking up another magazine before beginning to flip through it.

"I always thought planning my wedding would be fun but so far it hasn't at all." I admit letting out a sigh. Calum drops the magazine he was looking through and shoots me a frown.

"Maybe that's the problem." Calum mutters and I look at him confusion. What was the problem? "You're way too in your head that you're forgetting what the point of this is." Calum tells me obviously noticing my confused face but what he says doesn't confuse me any less.

"I'm not following Calum." I admit and he takes me by surprise by pushing all the magazines off the bed.

"Calum!" I yell not impressed with the fact that he had just created an unnecessary mess.

"I'll clean it up later." Calum says nonchalantly before taking me by surprise once more by pinning me down on to the bed. Calum had always been full of surprises.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he smirks down at me.

"Why are we getting married?" Calum asks, annoying me by not answering my question.

"I don't know, Why are we getting married Calum?" I ask and he rolls his eyes as I smirk at him.



"I'm being serious." Calum says doing his best to sound stern. "Why are we getting married?"

"Because we love each other." I stutter becoming a little distracted with the fact that Calum was on top of me and being quite commanding, Considering it had been months since anything remotely sexual had happened between us , this was a really huge turn on.

"Exactly." Calum smiles. "And at the end of the day that's all that's going to really matter, not the cake, not the seating arrangements or the decorations or anything else. All that's going to matter is the love we have for each other and that you'll be my wife and I'll be your husband."

"You're right." I smile up at him because he was. I was getting so caught up on everything else that I was completely forgetting what the point was, Nothing else on that day was going to matter to me as long as I got to marry him.

"I know I am." Calum smirks and I roll my eyes at him.

"You're still annoying you know." I grin at him and he shrugs in response before letting my hands go and sitting up which disappoints me just a little, I guess I missed him a lot more then I thought. I just really didn't know how to bring up the subject...which was odd because I had always been comfortable with myself sexually, but for some reason it was proving to be extremely difficult and the fact that Calum really didn't seem bothered about our how inactive our sex life now was wasn't helping with my confidence.

"Whatever you say Genie." Calum replies. "Anyway I have an idea about the wedding." I quirk an eyebrow up at him extremely interested to hear what this idea would be since Calum had had no input thus far.

"I want a wedding with just family and closest friends right?" Calum says and I nod because I wanted the exact same thing, I wanted something simple but still elegant and something that would be very intimate. "And I also don't want to wait months or years to marry you so I think we should get married in June." Calum announces taking me by complete surprise.

"That's two months away Calum." I say stating the obvious while Calum just smiles down at me. Was he actually serious? There was so much to do and I didn't think I could get it done in two months time.

"I know and that's the point. If we get married in June then we get to eliminate all of the crap that isn't necessary and just make decisions on the important stuff and what we need and it also means you get to be my wife ASAP." I could see where he was coming from and in some ways I agreed with him but I didn't want to rush what is suppose to be one of the best days of my lives.

"You really want to do it don't you?" I ask sitting up slightly. I already knew the answer by the look on his face but for some reason I needed to hear it from him.

"I actually do, I've been thinking about it for a little while and after seeing how stressed you've been I just feel like it makes sense." Calum shrugs.

"You know if we do it our mothers are both going to kill us." I tell him and he snorts before nodding. Both my mum and Joy have been diving head first into the planning and if we tell them that we want to get married in two months I'm sure they'll both freak out.

"I know but it's not about them." I can't help but smile at his answer, he was right. It was about us and come to think of it, it didn't matter when Calum and I got married as long as we did.

"Okay." I say letting out a small sigh. "I think it's a crazy idea and that you're crazy but I'm crazy about you so I think we should do it."

"Really?" Calum's eyes light up and I knew then and there that this was the right decision and that no matter the outcome I would never regret it.

"Really." I grin at him and he leans down to press his lips to my own. His lips are soft and warm against my own and I can't stop myself from reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck so that I can deepen the kiss, to my surprise Calum doesn't pull away. It had been a long time since we had even gotten to the stage of making out so to say that my body was currently on fire would be an understatement.

"Genie." Calum murmurs against my lips before pulling away.

"What's wrong?" I ask him taking in the concerned expression on his face.

" just.." Calum stutters a frown finding it's way to his face. What was it that he needed to say?

"What's wrong?" I repeat.

"Genie." Calum sighs. "I..." Calum starts but is interrupted by an all too familiar voice. I hadn't even heard the door open.

"Genie? Calum?" Michael yells before we hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Rain check." Calum mutters pressing a quick peck to my lips before pulling back and lifting himself up of off me. Damn you Michael.

"Galum!" Michael calls and I can't help but crack a smile as he appears in the doorway. "There you two are."

"What's going on?" Calum questions his friend who looked way too excited.

"What are you two doing right now?" Michael asks. Well not each other I want to say but decide to shrug in response instead.

"Nothing. Why?" Calum raises his eyebrows as he stands at the end of the bed. I hated how he seemed so far away now when he really wasn't

"Beach Day!" Michael beams happily. "Luke, Katie and Aria are in the car and Ashton and Emma are meeting us there. You two in?" Calum looks at me and I shrug. We didn't have anything planned today so I really didn't mind either way.

"Yeah why not." Calum answers and I'm both happy annoyed. I was happy because it was a chance to catch up with everyone but annoyed because the beach meant topless Calum and at the moment I couldn't have him and I knew it would only drive me more crazy.

"Cool meet you there." Michael says before leaving us alone.

"Day at the beach. Yay." I say but it comes off a lot more sarcastic then I intended. Calum looks at me in confusion, Could he really be that clueless?

"What's wrong?" Calum asks and I shake my head at him as I stand from the bed.

"Nothing." I say before going to get my stuff for the beach. I didn't want to take too long because I didn't want everyone to be waiting for us.

The car ride to the beach mainly consisted of Calum trying to make small talk with me while I focused on what was on the radio. The last thing I really wanted to do was talk to him, literally but he didn't seem to get that. I was beyond relieved when we reached the beach and found everyone else in the midst of setting up, it gave me the perfect opportunity to go over to the girls and keep myself busy.

"Hey!" Emma greets happily wrapping me in a hug which I return.

"Hey Em." I give her a smile. "Where's Alyx?" I ask noticing her absence immediately.

"Grandma play date." Emma tells me and I nod in response. Emma and Ashton mum's liked to rotate weeks with Alyx which I thought was insanely awesome because Alyx just adored both of her grandmother's and because it gave Ashton and Emma a break which they needed every now and then.

"Hey Aria, how you feeling?" I ask Aria as I give her a hug, she didn't look very happy at all.

"Like I want to kill Michael." Aria replies before shaking her head. "I love him to death and all but sometimes I really hate him."

"Good old pregnancy hormones huh?" I grin at her and she nods. "So I thought Katie was here?"

"Yeah she just went to the toilets." Emma answers.

"So what's the story there?" I ask because last time I knew they were fighting about the whole parent dinner thing. I really hadn't seen Luke much and I missed him but I suppose he had been busy.

"Uhm I was hoping you could tell me." Emma shrugs. "I was just as surprised as you look when I Michael told me her and Luke were coming."

"I thought they were like on verge of breaking up?" Aria asks and I shrug because I really didn't know, there relationship was always at different stages and I couldn't be bothered to keep up with hit anymore.

"Are you coming?" Luke asks us as the rest of the boys begin to take some stuff down.

"Shouldn't we wait for your girlfriend?" I ask and Luke's face goes white at the sound of girlfriend. She was wasn't she?

"Oh yeah, well you can wait for her." Luke says before turning around and following after the boys.

"That boy is still so weird." Aria smiles looking amused.

"Yeah, who would of ever thought that we would miss the days of Luke and Claudia." Emma chuckles. "It seemed a lot less complicated then."

"It definitely did." I nod in agreement just as Katie joins us.

"Oh hey Genie, long time no see!" Katie grins giving me a hug.

"It's been awhile." I say returning her hug, I really hadn't spoken or hung out with her in what seemed like forever but that was only because I had been busy and I didn't really know where her and Luke stood half of the time.

"Should we go join the boys?" Emma asks nodding towards the beach.

"If we have to." Aria says looking annoyed which makes us all laugh. No wonder Michael seemed so eager to go to the beach.


"So I have a question for you." I say to Emma who I was currently sitting with. Aria and Katie had gone in search for some ice cream while the boys were in the sea playing around as they do.

"Okay." Emma shuts her magazine that she was currently reading. "Shoot."

"Well you know how you and Ashton were having trouble having any 'time' together." I ask and she nods. "How did you like bring it up with him?"

"Well Ash and I were only struggling because of a certain little someone who was taking up all our time, So what's stopping you and Calum?" Emma questions.

"I don't know." I say letting out a defeated sigh. "I mean at the start it was for obvious reasons but now I have no idea what it is. I want him you know? But he just doesn't seem interested, he's so different with me now and I hate it."

"Well I can suggest two things; Talk to him, ask him what's going on or do what we do best.." Emma says then smirks. "Seduce him."

"You make it sound so easy." I laugh.

"Who said it isn't? Come on Genie, It's Calum." Emma points out and she's right. As awkward as I think starting that conversation may be it was still Calum and It was still me. I needed to just bite the bullet and make a move, it was about time that we got back to being the couple we were.

A/N: I hate this chapter but it's semi-important.

Quick question: What do you want to see happen? (Applies to all characters!)

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