Relations With Stephen Curry

By Desglizzy

465K 14.4K 1.6K

Not friends. Not husband and wife. Not girlfriend and boyfriend. We were nothing to each other. We just had a... More

Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
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September 12th.
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Tia's Pov

3.2K 104 33
By Desglizzy

Tia Pov
This morning Tiana and her fam left early. I have no clue where they went. I was the first one up out of my bunch. I got dressed in a sun dress and some brown flip flops. Right when I was getting finish doing my hair I heard..

Riley- Mommy.

It was baby girl. She was reaching up for me. I bent down to pick her up.

Me- Hey baby.

She laid her head on me. Her thick, light brown puff ball hit me in the mouth.

Riley- I missed you mommy.

Me- I missed you more my baby.

Riley- My tummy hurts.

Me- Maybe you're hungry.

Riley and I walked downstairs. I made us some breakfast. I made pancakes, bacon, and omelettes. Riley wanted lemonade, so I made that too.

I sat the food on the table before heading upstairs to wake Stephen. Since we slept in different rooms, I knocked before entering.

When I walked in he was sleeping like a baby. That made me not wanna wake him up.

Me- Steph. Wake up.

I sat on the edge of the bed and shook him. He didn't move. I know the perfect way to wake him up.  I bent down and kissed his lips. As I was going to pull away, I felt a soft hand pull my chin. He's up.

Me- Rise and Shine sleepy head.

I got up and opened the curtains. The light showed off Stephen's crystal eyes.

Stephen- Mmph.

Me- I know, I know. But it's time to get up. Riley is waiting for us downstairs. Let's go. Chop, Chop.

I tried to pull Stephen up. That ended up with me in his arms bridal style.

Stephen- Is that how you wake people up now? *Smirks*

Me- Maybe. *Smiles*

Stephen chuckled and carried me downstairs. We sat at the table with Riley and prayed before eating. When we got done, I cleaned up our mess and got Riley ready for today.

Riley- What are we doing today guys?

Me- Wanna go to the lake?

Riley- The lake?! Yes!

Her eyes was full of joy.

Riley- I can't wait!

Riley caught up with the bodyguards. The documentary crew was behind us.

Stephen held the door open for me as I stepped into the vehicle.

Driving to the lake was complete silence. Riley was too busy looking out the window and Stephen was thinking?

When we got to the lake I got out of the car holding the ends of my dress. Stephen had Riley. We walked through the grass and I spread out a blanket. The bodyguards took Riley by the water while Stephen sat with me. No one was talking.

Me- I'll explain myself, if that's what you want.

He looked at me and slowly nodded.

Me- Long story, short. Jay basically hit me-GCO.

Stephen- He what?!

Me- It was more as a shove. The day Riley and I were in New York. I didn't know he was going to be there.

Stephen- That was like a week ago Tia! Why didn't you tell me!

Me- This is why!

Stephen- How do you expect me to react?! You're pregnant! With MY daughter!.... And he shoved you?! He shoved my pregnant wife.

Me- I know I should've told you Steph.. I know. I just didn't want you to do nothing crazy.

I grabbed his hand. He was upset.

Steph- Continue.

Me- And he apologize but I didnt care. I was mad. He kept calling me so that morning I just answered. He was talking about how sorry he is and how much he love me. And I told him I love him to.. As a friend. But he hit me so there's no relationship with him at all. I'm done with him.. Stephen, baby you didn't listen to the full conversation.

He looked over at me.

Me- I love you and only you.

Stephen leaned in and gave my lips a kiss.

Stephen- I love you more.

I smiled.

Riley-*Crying* Mommy! Mommy!

We looked over at her and she was running from a bee.

Riley-*Cries* Dad dad!

She ran into Stephen arms. I chuckled.

Me- It's just a bee baby.

I wiped her teary face.

Me- Everything's ok.

Around 3, we left the lake and headed to Tiana's house. When we got there she was there.

Tiana- Hey. *Smiles* Did you see the news?

Me- No.

Tiana pulled out her phone and showed me a magazine cover.

Me- "Beyoncé out with her family."

They had a picture of me getting out of the car at the lake with several other pictures of Riley and Stephen.

Me- Beyoncé? My name isn't Beyoncé.

Stephen- It means "Beyond Others".

Tiana- Because you're extra- ordinary. *Chuckles*  Then it was a joke because Riley was running from a bee.

I laughed.

Me- Beyoncé. I like that. *Smiles*

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