The Bitter Start.

Galing kay Dudett902

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Aliyah had been in a world full of pain and affliction. She did have a group she could vent out her frustrati... Higit pa

The Bitter Start.
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six/
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sExteen.
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter eleven.

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Galing kay Dudett902

"I'm sorry, I called Dawson and he has no one in this area that can do something that will help you. If they really do check it, you'll have to answer to a court, go to prison-" he started but I cut him off.

"Ty.. Ty calm down-"

"Calm down!? You're telling me to calm down!? We all just got you back, we can't lose you to something like that, something that was all of us." he said and I grabbed his cheek.

"It's taken care of." I said and he looked at me instantly confused.

"What do you mean? Who do you know that could possibly have a mole in the police and investigation system here?" he asked and I shrugged.

"It's just being taken care of. Call Dawson and get everyone to stop worrying, and tell them that I know someone who would do a favor like this for me, and their working on it. K?" I asked and he brought out his phone.

"Hey-" he was cut off.

'What, I'm trying to pull strings here Ty, so this better be fucking vitaly important.' Dawson snapped and Ty sighed.

"Ali found someone who's taking care of it." he said and then there was a pause.

'Put her on the damn phone' He handed it to me and I turned down the volume so he wouldn't hear so easily.


"Are you sure you have things handled? Are you a hundered percent sure." He asked brisque and I nodded.

"Ya. I trust the person who called it in, but I guess I trust the other guy to get his work done because he has a few things on the line. It's taken care of." I said and I heard his sigh.

"Guys, stop working, Aliyah got it worked out. She had one of her connections pull through." he said to the others and I sighed.

"Keep us updated and when it's done I want you to text me, understand?" Dawson asked and I nodded.

"Ya." I hung up and gave Ty back his phone. Luke came back with Christy as I tried to sit back a little so I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable and stiff.

"I was going to give this to you later, for your birthday, but since you're moving and I won't see you for a while, I want to give it to you now." he said as he gave me a bag. I looked to him.

"Luke.. I don't need anything-"

" You've changed our lives while being in it, you've made it much better. Money is no object, it's not a problem, just let me have this sentiment." he whined as he set down beside me. I eyed him then I widened my eyes and tried to move away from him.

"I can't believe you're trying to guilt trip me you sun'va bitch!" I yelled and he chuckled.

"Just open it or I swear to god Ali, I will have men go to your house just to shave your eyebrows and long hair off. Now open it." He said and I looked up at my hair.

"I could use a haircu-"

"Open the damn present." Christy chastised and I smiled at her but then sighed and opened the bag, grabbing the rectangle box and bringing it out. I opened it and I touched it slightly, my eyes going soft and my tensed state relaxing, and for the moment I didn't care what pain that brought.

"Its gorgeous." I breathed.


I looked at it then snapped my eyes away and handed it back to him, my eyes hardening again, losing its shine.

"I couldn't take this, I can't take this." I said immediately and he scoffed.

"You love these things, and I looked specially for something like that when you admitted you had a passion for these, so you can't just give it back, cause I'd stick it up in my closet and never have any use for it. Christy is into more blingy stuff, so she wont wear it like you will." he convinced me.

He grabbed the long chain and put it over my head, so I grabbed the tip and put it in my shirt, snug between my boobs.

"Well, I have to say bye to my parents, and other people, so I'll see you guys sometime.. I promise I'll come see you, as long as I'm alive you can't keep me away." I smiled and they hugged me both lightly.

"I love you." Christy said and I smiled at her.

"Love you to." I think Ty was surprised as we walked out to the car.

"I was wrong." he said and I looked to him.

"how?" I asked cautiously as he helped me into my car.

"Your bond with them, it's unusually strong. That's the first time I've ever heard you tell anyone you love them." he said and I looked at him a moment while he shut the door and went to the driver side while getting in.

"That's the first time I said it back to her. That's why she looked so shocked when I did." I said quietly and he nodded.

"How far did you go, in saving him?" He asked and I looked to him with narrowed eyes.

"Does it matter?" I asked and he nodded as we drove.

"When I caught up to them, they were in the middle of no where, the woods, some white house in the middle of the woods, and he was pretty beat up. When I killed the five guys and beat the sixth one senseless, I got him out of there." I said and looked out of the window.

"I asked him the same question over and over again. 'where do you live', and after about eight times it got through to him, and he spluttered out an answer. When I got there, I got him out and went inside to see Christy." I chuckled lightly, remembering the sight.

"She had a gun in her hands, but when I told her I was there to help and seeing the beating he took.. Lets just say she had to put faith in me that I was who I said I was. I spent two days straight helping him constantly, and when I didn't and had to sleep and eat, Christy was instructed on what to do." I sighed.

"He woke up on that second day, and I rushed in. He told me that he ran multiple businesses, that he needed to get to them and before he could move I asked him a question. 'After all of this, do you trust me?' and he had nodded. I ended up taking over his business for a while. That's how everyone at the club knew me. I spent a whole summer helping him, getting to know him and Christy.. He was actually my first friend here." I said and shrugged.

"I would never have guessed that. It's just, I couldn't see you going after them like that."He said and I shrugged.

"I'm a different person now." I said and he nodded.

"Your moms..?"He asked and I contemplated it.

"No... I thought I was going to go, but I'll just send her a message. Can we take a different route, for another friend?" he nodded and I gave him the right directions.

Getting out of the car, with Tys help of course, we walked in the house without knocking. Ty looked at me like I was crazy when I told him to go on without knocking, but I knew that if Felice got up and saw it was only me, he would've gone ape shit because he had to be away from his stash.

Walking into his smoking room, I saw Felice and Felices brother, a girl on his lap like the whore he was.

"Hey, Chica. What you- wait, don't tell me you found another boy toy, he's cool right?" Felice said urgently as he started to hurriedly put his booduh that was on the table away. Daniel and Felice were just high, but you could tell the hooker that was sitting on Daniels lap had more than the booduh, she clearly had some smack, maybe something stronger.

I waved my hands lightly to get him to calm down from freaking out. "He's cool, he's cool. No, he's just a friend." I said and he nodded and sighed with relief, sitting back against the couch.

"What you need Chica." he said and I had Ty help me.

"Well, I'm moving. I decided yesterday, and I'm leaving tomorrow. I want to buy some booduh from you, I don't know how long it will take before I find a dealer." I said and he nodded but he frowned but got up and went to go get the stuff, and Daniel pushed the hoe off of him, her body hitting the floor with a thud as he stood.

"You can't just leave. You showed me your tetas, made me fall for you you minx, and here I am, wanting to hook up and now you're leaving. I won't let you." he said as he took a step forward to grab me with a growl in his tone.

"Touch me and I will suffocate you, hand you to my friend who would gladly make precise cuts to your body so pain would be added, and then we'd take you somewhere so you could die slowly and agonizilngly." I snapped and he faultered in his next step just as Felice came back out.

"Shut up hermano.Stop harrasing my Chica." he snapped and I looked to him surprised. In the few years that I've known Felice, he's never snapped at anyone like that.

"Anyway, this will last you for a few weeks..." I gave him the money as he estimated a few things and I nodded. I kissed him on the cheek. "I'll visit if I come back." I said and he nodded seriously..

"Do." he said and I smiled before having Ty help me out of the house and into the car.

"Dawson is going to be furious with you, if he finds out you're ever going to be high." he said and I shrugged.

He drove and I stayed silent. "Where to?"He asked and I looked at him for a second. "Back to the house. The rest I'll do in text." I said and he looked at me weary. "Even Abis..?" He asked and I swallowed.

"Just go back to the house." I said and ignored his question. When we made It, I hid the booduh in my bag and we walked in.

"Is the blood and prints cleared?" Ronny asked me and I looked to her.

"Haven't got the confirmation, but I'm not worrying. I trust that the job will be done." I said lazily as Ty helped me, and I felt overly exhausted.

"How are you so sure, it's never happened before, has it?" Dawson asked and I shrugged.

"I'm sure it's happened with dozens of people, but with me it was only that one time with the five guys. But I trust the job will get done, with or without the mans cooperation." I said simply and Maddox creased his eyebrows.

"Who do you know that would cover for you like that? Are they going to frame someone else, or what?" he asked and I shrugged.

"You'll see on the news screen I guess. When I get the text or call-" I felt my phone viberate and I grabbed it, answering the phone.

"It's done. I made sure it was thorough work, and if the guy squeals.." he said into the phone and I nodded.

"Thanks. I'll call later for the details, but I don't think the guy will squeal, he has too much on the line to do that." I said and I heard rustling.

"Alright. If he does though, no one will believe him,and I'd kill him first." he said into the phone and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't go and start a killing spiral. I got to go, I am detained at the moment, so I will contact you the second I am free."I said said lightly and I think he caught on.

" See ya." I hung up and put away my phone.

"It's been confirmed, any evidence that may have linked him to me, is gone." everyone nodded and let out breaths of relief.

"I thought that you were going to have to go to prison for what I did.." Ronny said as she took over and helped me. I looked to her and saw that in the small four hour time that I was gone, her eyes had sunken in.

" It wasn't your fault, No harm done. Things like this happens. I guess it's just good that I have connections in this town."I said honestly and she nodded.

"Ali, can I talk to you for a second, you know, sort of, alone?" I heard Blaine ask and I looked to him for a second.

"Ya, help me up to my room, will you?" I asked and he took over for Ronny. Blaine wordlessly helped me up to my room and sat me down effortlessly.

He suddenly looked nervous. "Aliyah, I talked to Dawson, and.. And I want Abi to come with us. As my one." he said and I snapped to him.

"What?" I asked and he fidgeted.

"I am choosing her as my one. I wanted to inform you, I know you have a lot of things going on and you don't need any other surprises. I really do like her, I have more interest in her than I've ever had, and you know that I am serious about these things." he said and I searched his face, going in his voice to see if he's somehow lying to me but he's come up clean. His actions sounded harmless.

I grabbed his hand and yanked him to me, and I wrapped my arms around him. He was shocked at my actions, but soon he put his arms around me to.

"Thank you." I said horsley, for a moment my defensive side went down and I nearly choked on my emotions. I caught my emotions and put them in place before I pushed him away and cleared my throat.

"If you hurt her.." I said and he nodded, more relaxed now but still a bit tense.

"I won't. I wouldn't do that, I didn't mean to, I didn't know.. It.. how it hapened, it-"

"I don't care. All that matters now is that you treat her how she deserves. Now how are you going to get her to leave with us all?" I asked and he sighed, sitting down and running a hand down his face.

"I don't know yet. I was hoping that even though we've had our differences lately, you would help me." he said and I smiled.

"Of course I'd help you. We're a team." I said and he perked up a bit.

"Any ideas? You know her best." he said and I chuckled, in a better mood than I was.

"I have a few. Just don't talk to her like it's a kidnapping, put her in a choice." I said and he looked confused.

"How ?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Easy. Tell her that you want her to come, that you'd have to sleep in the same room but you're willing to sleep on the couch till she's comfortable, that I'll be coming, she will have Ronny, and Tristan. That you will treat her better, that we- or well- you, will teach her how to love care again like she did, that you will teach her how to defend herself and be who she was before it all happened." I said and he sucked in a breath, taking in account what I said seriously.

"This better work, I only have until tomorrow to show her that, and Dawson got me to pack up and set everything I'm taking already in one of the vans." he said and I shrugged seriously.

"Put your all into it. If you're as serious as I think you are, this will be harder than some mission we're on. You might want to go to her house now. Her mom won't be there, and if she is she will be too drunk and too messed up to be awake. So you have until tomorrow to get her to come, her mom ignores her presence and her father's not in the picture." I said and he frowned but nodded, standing up.

"I best be going then. I will find someone to head up here with you-"

"No, don't. I want to be alone for a while." I said as I waved him away. He looked at me for a second.

"I don't know what's going on between you and Dawson, and I know it's best I stay clear away from the subject, but I think you should know that he was a complete wreck when he found out you dissappeared, and I personally don't think it was because you betrayed the pact we have." he said and I looked at him for a second.

"What do you-" .

"He acted.. Different. It took a year of not finding you for him to up our game, have Maddox still put in our income of different money organizations but actually start a business, put our skills more to use than us just sitting and play fighting. It seemed as if.. As if you were the one who got him motivated to move us up on this scale, and when we found out you were just.. Here, he seemed more confidant, more in control than he was before he knew where you were." he said and I looked at him, that could not be true.

"You were his best friend, and I don't know if ya'll are fighting because you left, or because we found you, but either way, you just leaving the group got us all here, I am willing to bet that its only going to get better with you back here, after we settle all the speed bumps in our way." he said and I frowned. He's being overdramatic.

"Just go get your girl." I said and he nodded, then left. I brought out my phone, going through some old pictures that I got off of my old phone before my mom destroyed it. Grusslie, Maddox, Ty, Sawyer and Dawson were in almost all the pictures, we looked so young, so rebelious. And here we are now. All messed up, not as close anymore, and Dawson and I.. We're, I don't know what we are.

I need to stay away from him, ignore him after hours, and when we can't ignore each other, at least act civil. He's my leader, my superior. That's what I'll do. I'll just hang with the girls, act normal again, I can't just start to act all willy about someone who doesn't want me.

I grabbed my remote and turned on my tv, but then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled and I turned my head, still on my stomach and saw Tristan and Ronny come in.

"I saw Blaine leaving hurriedly, and I noticed that everyone else was busy, so I grabbed Ronny to see if you needed help packing." Tristan said and I nodded. Great cue.

"Thanks. Sorry, I've been so snappy lately, and just acting so messed up." I said as they helped me to the closet.

"It's fine. I know that this isn't easy on you, and I haven't been the best, pushing you to do things you're not ready for." Ronny said and I looked to her and sighed.

"Ron, you're like me sister. I know that the pain I might, or might not be having, you'd fill if I showed you this. I haven't even looked at it, I don't want to. You.. You have had me to fall back on, always you've had someone. Me. I. The things.. Me being.. The scars, the brandings, the abusive talk, the things I had to endure, I did them all by myself. Always I was by myself. I've had people try to help me, I've had Tristan who would of willingly been my rock, and in some way she was, but someone to talk to, to show this all to, it's only been me." I said and she nodded after processing what I said.

"Grusslie was your rock to." Tristan said quietly and I looked to her.

"What happened to Grusslie." I asked her quietly as she set me down against a wall and they got out suitcases, putting clothes in them and putting my toiletries in there also.

"Who's Grusslie." Ronny asked but no one answered.

"Grusslie.. Grusslie's gone. There was an explosion on one of our missions, and he pushed Maddox out in time, leaving him to go up in flames with a few other people." Tristan said and I looked up to the ceiling, feeling my heart constrict.

It was silent for a moment, them letting me get used to it.

"I'm sorry, I know you were particularly close with him. Everyone thought you two had something. That one day you two were the ones who were going to get married, be the ones to have ki-"

"Please.." I looked to Tristan and she stopped, catching my drift and shutting her mouth, not saying anymore.

Grusslie was dead. Would it of been better if he was in prison or something? Either way I'd of never been able to see him again, but it still hurt to know that he wasn't even taking up oxygen on this earth.

"Grusslie.. He was the one guy, when I was a kid, who I stayed stuck to. We told each other everything. When I had problems, he was the one who'd be by my side, helping me out, I never talked to him about the things I was troubled over, and he never asked, but it was like he was able to sense when something was wrong. That was how it was with us, we were just there for each other. When he'd have some sort of problem, or when he thought I did.." I started, swallowing and looking at a vacant wall.

"He'd sneak through my window, climbed up a steep wall just to get under the covers with me and we'd just sleep. We never touched in a inapropriate way, never touched lips, not one wrong touch. We weren't like that even though so many people thought we would get married one day. Made the guys I dated crazy in trying to get him away from me, but if they said a word to him, I'd dump them on their ass." I chuckled, looking to Tristan who had that sparkle in her eye.

"Do you remember when you came to my house, you were so freaked out, you had climbed through my window, woke me up and told me Dawson had found you two one night and he had beat up Grusslie?" I laughed at her words, looking back to the ceiling and chuckling again.

"Oh ya, I will never forget that. Ever. I was so scared for Grusslie, I had no one else to go to, Dawson had just left him bloodied up, the first time I had ever saw Dawson swing at something other than a punching bag." I said and she laughed.

"So.. You and Dawson used to be.. What, a couple?" Ronny asked and I looked to her and laughed. Tristan joined.

"Dawson and I? Gawd no. He had too many other women, he has too many other women. We were nothing but friends. I guess when he caught Grusslie and I sleeping together in a bed, he was just trying to look out for me. He had never known me to just let someone sleep in bed with me, let alone touch me, and I guess he thought Grusslie did something." I said with a shrug.

"So you and Grusslie. Did you have feelings towards him?" Ronny asked and our smiles left, our chuckles evaporated for the moment being while I thought about it.

"He was inlove with a girl named Cindera, the love they had was impenetrable, but he never brought her to the group. He never made her is.. Girlfriend, he never wanted to bring her into fighting or anything. He wanted her pure and real, not always lying and being deteitful. He didn't think she would ever have that in her, and he didn't want that in her." I said quietly.

"And when you left? You just left Grusslie, Tristan, Dawson, Sawyer, everyone.. For what, why would you leave all that, all the people who had your back to come here?" Ronny asked and I sighed.

"Haven't you ever been in a position where either choice you make, if you even have one, that both would be the worst thing for you? I've always had decisions like that, and asking me why I did what I did, it was so I could protect my family. A family doesn't just up and move unless their hiding something, or scared out of our minds. How was I supposed to be in a group where you're supposed to be fearless and have some sort of strategy strung up, and I didn't. When they up and moved me, you don't even know how messed up I was. How broken I felt I was, like I was the most useless being on this world, not even human, let alone humane, and then there I was, not able to talk or move, or even to process what was happening. Tell me Ronny, what would you have done." I asked her purely serious and she pursed her lips.

"I would've stood my ground, would've put my trust into the people who had my back, I put my trust in you, I didn't run." she said and I looked her in the eye.

"That's the difference between you and I. " I said, turning around.

"Oh ya and what's that?" Ronny asked defensively and I chuckled.

"The fact that you've had someone to lean on when something went wrong with you. Remember the day we went to your boyfriends house? How afterward you went off on me because I didn't know what true abuse was? This is it, you weren't branded like some wild animal, you weren't tied with tight bound ropes that left marks and scars on your skin, you thought you knew true torture? Ronny, true torture and abuse was NOTHING like what I used to go through. This time I can actually say that you don't understand worth SHIT of what I'm going through." I snapped angrily. Tristan looked between us, and bit her lip. She knew we were having differences, we were doing that lately.

"I understand why you did it. If you had someone like Henry as your abuser, I would've run to.." she said and I looked to her.

"No you wouldn't of. I know you wouldn't of. I know you, no matter how much you would of wanted to, you would've stuck your ground, stuck with it and stayed. Told someone like Dawson, got help. Well guess what girls, maybe I agreed to leave because I know I'm not as good as everyone else. I mean, Grusslie had the decency not to bring his loved ones into the path of destruction, and yet I brought Ronny, got you into it, and all I have to say about that is that it happened. I can't shed a tear, I can't feel bad for anyone, because I am selfish. I think of myself, no one else. So judge me Ronny, go ahead and try to defend me Tristan, but if I can't even hide the truth, what makes you think that no one else sees it." I said as I forced myself up, walking out being supported by the wall.

I opened the door and walked out surprisingly fast for not hurting myself. Then down the stairs, I walked through and then to the training center. I sat down at a computer, almost crashing down but barely saving myself but hurting myself on accident. I bit my lip and kept quiet, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

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