Unexpected (TVD/The Originals...

By InLeesWorld

161K 4.5K 984

Elena Gilbert gets the surprise of her life. So, she, Bonnie, and Caroline heads down to The Crescent City to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23 Pt. 1
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Unexpected Sequel

Chapter 22

3.5K 105 14
By InLeesWorld

Disclaimer : I do not own any of the to/tvd characters.

A/N: I will tell the side of the story from Elena's POV from Damon's death to the present.

Chapter 22

Elijah's POV

Two months later...

It has been two months since everything has spiral out of control. Two months since she has spoken to me or even glance my way. She basically barricaded herself in her room since she came back from Mystic Falls.

As much as I wanted to comfort her, I couldn't find it in myself to be sympathetic, because what Damon...

I can't even speak his name without getting angry. I remember that day as clearly like it was hours ago...


I searched high and low for him. For a moment, I started to believe that he went back to Mystic Falls, but I still searched.

I went to Marcel's compound, pushing past the usual guards, looking for Marcel himself. Once he came into view, I saw Rebekah and Marcel up close and personal. They both turned their head, immediately pulling back.

I glared, choosing to ignore intimate setting. "Marcel, I want to know if any of your followers came in contact with a vampire that goes by Damon Salvatore." I asked, straight out.

Marcel looked confused at me. "I've had no reports about any new comers, but why the interest." He asked, crossing his arms.

"That's my own business. I figure you have other people keeping your interest elsewhere." Without sparing a glance, I left the compound.

I wander the streets until I ended back at my house. I walked up the stairs and into the house and straight to the voices in the parlor. "Any luck in your search?" I asked, skipping the pleasantries.

"Well, Damon had fun killing some of my hybrids, but that as close we got to catching him." Klaus growled, pacing.

"I looked and looked. Nothing." Kol said, sipping on his drink. Caroline hunched her shoulders.

"Even if I did find him, he is older. Damon might be impulsive, but he got brains." She said, looking nervously upstairs.

"Bonnie? Have she tried a locator spell?" I asked.

Caroline was about to answer, but was cut off. "No, I haven't and I won't." Bonnie said, walking down the stairs. She walks into the room, taking a stance on the other side of the room, opposite of me.

"I don't understand. You would allow Damon to continue to walk around, after what he did to Elena?" I asked, shocked at what I had to ask.

"I don't support what Damon did. I don't care if lives or dies, but I won't be part of it." Bonnie exclaimed, looking through a spell book.

Caroline stepped up. "Bonnie, he had plenty of chances to right himself. Yet, he keeps choosing wrong. He needs to be stopped." Caroline ranted.

Bonnie huffed. "I agree that he needs to be stopped." Bonnie said, looking back at Caroline.

"So, what is the problem, then? Killing him is viable solution." Caroline said, looking confused.

"Careful, your Klaus is showing." Bonnie said, snippily.

Caroline frowned. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Caroline stepped back as if she was slapped.

"Killing someone shouldn't be the number one solution we resort to, Care. Besides, Damon is Elena's be-"

"I'm sorry. Is that the same friend that injected Elena with some unknown substance that increase her bloodlust? Damon has been a plague the moment he stepped in Mystic Falls! I can't believe she allowed herself to even love the bastard." Caroline argued, anger poured out of her.

"Care, that is very hypocritical of you! Of course, I didn't like the idea of them being a couple, but it wasn't our concern. Even though Klaus practically ruin her life, she accepted that you love him. You don't think Klaus haven't done the same things that Damon did. Or most of the vampire population? What happened wasn't right and he should be punished, just not by me. Find yourself another witch." Bonnie said, grabbing her spell book and heading back up the stairs.

Caroline stood there stunned for a moment, before walking out the room, straight out the house.

"Elijah, I know you can hear me. I know that you are angry, but don't kill him. Erase his memory or something. Like Bonnie said, there other solutions." I heard Elena speak from her room.

"Sweet Elena, I can not warrant such an act go unpunished. I'm sorry I cannot give into your pleas this time. I can promise it will be clean and swift." I said, detached.

I tuned out her cries, focusing back on my two siblings. "Are you still in good graces with Genevieve?" I asked.

Klaus downed is drink. "I will make a call. Let me get back to you." Klaus said, reaching to his phone.

I sighed. "Call me when you have something." I walked out the house to search more, but my steps faltered when I looked ahead.

Damon was leaning against a tree, cradling a bottle of alcohol.

"Damon, the monster I was looking for." I sneered, not evening masking my hate. I wouldn't dare call him a man. A 'man' wouldn't have done what he had done. He was a coward.

"I bet you were. I was hoping to see a little more destruction on Elena's part. How is our sweet Elena doing?" Damon said, cooly.

"You turned off your emotions. Couldn't bare the shame and the disgust?" I said, keeping my eye on him as I felt my brothers presence approaching the door.

He shrugged, throwing the bottle on the ground. "No need for them when your significant other don't return your affections. Are we going to continue braiding each other hair or fight?" He said.

"Damon, it won't be even a fight. You might as well surrender." I said, removing my suit jacket and tossed it on the ground.

He smirked. "Nobility isnt the only thing that you wear on your sleeve, but your arrogance. But since you bring up your obvious advantage..." Damon reached into his jacket, pulling out a stake.

Not any stake at that. A white oak stake. My was at my side an instant. "Well, Damon isn't as dumb as he look. Even then, that stake will buy you a few minutes at best." Kol said, taking defensive stance.

Klaus was relaxed, hands behind his back, smirking. "I've looked for the day when Damon Salvatore would meet his death. My day is turning for the best." Klaus said.

Damon kept his smirk remaining. "Good thing, I anticipated your involvement. I'm surprised Rebekah isn't here. Maybe too busy rolling in the sheets with that charming fellow. Marcel, I believe? Nevertheless, you can gain alot of followers when you have mutual hate for someone." At that moment, vampires were filing out onto my front yard. It must've been at least a hundred, maybe a little more.

They all turned to stare at us, hate filled eyes. "If you think this is intimidating, Damon. I would hate to see your scary." Kol said, smiling.

I rolled my sleeves up. "I give you all 30 seconds to turn and leave. Once the first blood is spilt, I will not have mercy. Your time starts now." I placed my hands behind my back.

I hear window slide open. "DAMON! DON'T DO THIS! ELIJAH, PLEASE! HE'S NOT RIGHT!" Elena pleaded.

"Elena, I advise you to turn away if you don't want witness a massacre." I said as a vampire took off towards me. Before he could make half way, Kol took off his head and back at my side in less than five seconds.

Klaus cracked his neck, with a chilling smile. "Your death." Then, Klaus was off, Kol following close behind. Hell broke loose at that moment. I started to walk towards Damon, killing anyone in my path.

Damon sat on the sidelines, smirking waiting for an opportunity to take me.

I stopped a few feet away, keeping my eye on the stake.

"You have not accomplished nothing today, but piss me off. Any final words?" I asked.

Damon pulled something out of his pocket, ignoring me. Once he gained a handle, he showed it off. It was vial with a cloudy substance.

"Are you forgetting that Elena's fate is in my hand? Just so you know, I killed the doctor who came up with that nifty concoction." His smile widen

"If you can catch this before I stab you in the heart, you save Elena. Otherwise,...." Damon threw the vial over my head.

There was no choice to be had. I chose Damon the moment he lunged, but I was swift and clean like I promised. My hand gripped his heart while the other grasp his hand with the stake.

"I'm sorry, Elena." He whispered, before I removed his heart. Damon body slumped to the ground while I removed the white oak stake.

I kept my back to the window that I was sure enough know that Elena's grief stricken face was staring at me.

I felt that Kol was approaching behind. "Damon threw the cure. I failed Elena." I said, looking down at the dead Salvatore, not feeling an ounce of sympathy.

"Well, I didn't." Kol remarked. I turned around to stare at Kol. Kol wiggled the vial in my face with a genuine smile. Klaus came over, stopping next to Kol. He looked down at Damon's body.

"Well, I didn't exactly get the satisfaction of doing it myself, but it will suffice." Klaus commented.

"It's not exactly the right time to gloat, Klaus." I risked a glance at the window of Elena's bedroom, but she wasn't there anymore.

"Kol, hand over vial." I asked, reaching my hand out. Kol laid the vial in my hand. He nodded and moved to the side. I made my to house, up the stairs, straight her room.

I hesitated when I saw Bonnie standing outside the door. "She hasn't even made an sound. Just one little gasp, then silence. She hasn't even opened the door." Bonnie said, staring at the door.

I knocked on the door, only to be met with silence. "Elena, I know you are angry, but we don't know what will happen to you if you continue let that virus flow through your blood. Please open the door." I said.

I didn't think she would come until I heard faint footsteps. The opened slowly, revealing a tearstained Elena. She looked at me, emotionless, but she didn't turn it off.

"Elena, you understand why I had to do it?" I asked hesitantly.

Nothing. She continued to stare at me. She reached her hand out to me. I gave her the vial, but when I tried to grab her hand, she recoiled from me like I was a bubonic plague.

She popped the cork and downed the contents. Bonnie slipped in her room without resistance. "Elena-..." She slammed the door in my face without a single thought.

Flashback ends.

After that, everything went down the hill. Rebekah was kidnapped by Papa Tunde, then was revealed that she and Marcel lead Mikael to New Orleans to kill Niklaus.

Now, Klaus has closed himself off to everybody. Caroline can barely get through him these days. He takes her out here and there, but emotionally he pulled back. I noticed that him and Elena gotten close. He will go and play chess with her in afternoons, then take Hayley out for lunch.

The first of many days, Elena has gotten up, ready to go outside. She came downstairs, wearing black jeans with a black long sleeve with red blazer. Her hair was pinned up, loose strands of hair caressing her face. She rubs her belly, which she should be about six months along.

She gave me one glance before walking to the refrigerator. I settled my newspaper to look at her. "How are you doing?" I asked, watching her take a bloodbag out and pouring it into a coffee cup.

She sighed. "I'm fine, Elijah. I just wish everyone would stop asking me that." She said, placing her blood in the microwave.

"You're still angry." I stated, not asking.

"I was angry in the beginning. Now, I'm just grieving, trying to get through the day without busting out in tears. I understand why you had to do it. I didn't like it, but I accept it. I just need a little more time, okay?" She asked, getting her coffee mug of blood and coming over to sit across from me.

I felt a sting of hurt when kept herself at a distance. There were times I would hear her cry out random times of the days and I couldn't even be there.

Truly, I miss the times she would caress her bulging belly, bringing a sense of comfort. "You can touch if you want." Elena said, catching me staring.

"Not if you're not comfortable." I said, hoping for the opposite.

"It's okay. Come sit before me." She said, sipping on her blood. I moved my chair to face hers, leaving a nice distance.

"You can move a little closer, Elijah. Truly, it's okay." She said.

"I'm okay from here." I said, not trying to set her off.

She rolled her eyes, before getting up. I sighed in disappointed, then only to looked surprised when she scooted closer to the point our chairs were touching.

She grabbed my hands, placing on her belly. "Baby 3 like playing soccer with my kidney. Baby 1 has a gentle touch, light thumping. Baby 2 likes the attention once in awhile, so it kicks very seldomly. Kol took up singing to them. That usually settles them. Probably tired of hearing that horrendous voice." She explained.

"Are you at six months already?" I asked.

"In two days, I will complete my second trimester. I'm ready to popped them out." She smiles.

I smiled, while rubbing her belly. My hand moved around, until it jerked at the sudden thump. I looked at Elena and she just placed my hand back on the spot. My hand felt the steady streams of light taps.

I was mesmerized, truly a beautiful moment. It lead my thoughts to who would the children look like the most. Will they take after their mother, inheriting her passion, unending compassion? Or would they be lively and adventurous like the man I once was. We sat in comfortable silence, just caressing her belly.

She glanced at her watch, finishing up her blood. "Somewhere to be?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Yeah, Davina and I have been talking lately on the phone. Sometimes she came over to eat dinner with me. So, I'm going to visit her." Elena explained, but I knew there was more, but I decided not to push.

"Do you need an escort? I won't mind driving you." I said.

She smiled slightly. "Bonnie is taking me, but how about we go out later. Or a big family dinner?

Though I was disappointed, I took the chance. "Sure, I would like that." I said, scooting backwards. I helped her onto her feet. She smoothed down her shirt.

"See you later." Elena said, walking out the kitchen. I stared after her with a smile. Things are finally starting to look up.

Elena's POV

I walked to the car, where Bonnie was waiting for me. I slid into the passenger front. I closed the door and sighed. Bonnie pulled off the property and headed to the church. Once we were far away, Bonnie spoke.

"Elena, are you sure you want to do this?" Bonnie asked nervously.

"No, but it is necessary. We both had the same dream, Bonnie. If it's true, then we need the answers." I said, wringing my hands together. For the rest of the drive, we sat in silence.

Bonnie parked in front of the church. She got out and came over to help me out. "Thanks." I said. I closed the door and followed her.

"We have to move quickly. I don't want to be seen by Father Kiernan." I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to secret staircase. We ran up the stairs and up to the door. We finally settled outside the door.

I lifted my hand to knock, but Bonnie grabbed my hand. She gave me one look and I simply nodded. She let go and I continued to knock. I pulled my hand away settling it on my belly.

I heard shuffling of the feet, before the door creaked open. Davina head popped through the opening. She smiled once she saw me. "Elena, what are you doing here? Right now isn't the best of time." She said, nervously looking back.

I smiled. "It's okay, Davina. I know." I said, sparing a glance to the side. Davina looked confused, but was shoved back gently before a figure appeared in the doorway.

He looked at me emotionlessly, but he recognized me. His hard green eyes pierced my mental, but I stared back.

"Elena, you are the last person I expected to see." He grunted out, gripping the door.

"Well, I can say the same thing. I have questions and you have the answers. May we come in, Mikael?" I said.

Without another word, Mikael moved out the way to let us through. I took one last breath, before stepping in the room.

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