Unexpected (TVD/The Originals...

By InLeesWorld

161K 4.5K 983

Elena Gilbert gets the surprise of her life. So, she, Bonnie, and Caroline heads down to The Crescent City to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Pt. 1
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Unexpected Sequel

Chapter 20

4K 115 29
By InLeesWorld




Chapter 20

Two Weeks Later...

I was already in the beginning of my second trimester and it was no hiding this big baby bump. At the moment, I was at a dress shop looking for a dress for a party that the Mikaelsons are hosting. I was told that the werewolf faction was going to be there.

Caroline just kept holding up a dresses to catch my eye. From her alot oooo and aaahhhhs. To tell you the truth, I haven't been able to focus on anything but that vision.

"Elena, you need to pick a dress! This party is happening tonight." She exclaimed.

I sighed. "I really don't want to go. Too supernatural beings and I in the same room equals disaster." I said, getting up from my chair.

"Marcel going to be there." She said in sing songy way.

I lightly blush, turning away from her. "Yeah. And he's going to take one look at me and run for hills!" I said, huffing.

"Marcel was not that oblivious to your baby bump. If that was the case, he wouldn't have talked to you. So stop wallowing in self pity." Caroline ordered, grabbing a new dress.

"So what is the status of you and Klaus?" I said after a moment of silence.

"Well, we've only been hanging out, believe it or not. I've noticed small changes' but haven't mentioned anything." Caroline said.

"I glad for you. He even took me out for lunch! I nearly hugged him on the spot. That health food Elijah has been stuffing me with has not curved my ravenous appetite." I laughed at the memory of Elijah catching Kol smuggling a couple of snickers in for me.

Bonnie and Rebekah came into the store with dresses on their arms. "Did you find anything yet?" Bonnie asked.

"No. How about you guys go ahead to the food court and I will continue to search?" I said, already with my eye on a couple of dresses.

"Are you sure? You've been a little out of sorts lately." Bonnie said.

"Plus, I don't want to face my brother' wrath if anything happens." Rebekah said.

"Guys, the food court is right across from the store. I won't go anywhere, but here." I said, smiling lightly.

"Okaaaay, but call if need anything." Caroline said. They gave me a little wave, walking from the store. I walked up and down the aisle, moving dress by dress. I picked up the royal blue dress. It was a beautiful dress, just not my color.

"Wrong color." I didn't have to turn around to know that it was Marcel who said that. I smirked without turning around.

"Who would thought that the great Marcel was a true fashionista." I said, putting the dress back. He moved closer, trapping me between him and the rack. He placed his hand on the rack, either side of me. Marcel pushed my hair to side, successfully giving me goosebumps when he brushed my neck.

He leaned even more closer, brushing my cheek with his nose. "No, I admire my obsession." I could feel the smile erupting on his face.

I quirked my eyebrow, ignoring the shiver down my spine. "Obsession? Laying it on pretty thick." I said, turning around.

He stepped back a little, accommodating my bulging belly. He looked down and smile. "Motherhood is very becoming of you." He looked back up to me. "Your friend is right. I'm not that oblivious. I've known ever since I stopped you outside the bar." He said.

I looked back surprised. "You were spying on us?" I asked, smirking.

"Spying, admiring. Same thing." He said, innocently.

"Delusional, much?" I said, laughing.

He smiled. "So, how much do you like your furry gift?" He said, stepping back.

A smile graced my face. "He is sooo adorable! He makes this cute little snoring sound when he is sleep. Thanks by the way." I said.

He smiled. "I'm glad that you really like him. Though I would love to stay here chat away the day with you, I have matters to tend to, but I will see you at the party later on." Marcel said.

"At least I won't be the seventh wheel if i'm counting correctly." I said.

"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" Marcel said, smirking.

"Take it anyway you want."I said, smiling. My cheeks was burning from the exertion.

"Ah! Ah! I want you to admit. I don't want you blaming your hormones later on. But I will wiggle a confession out of you later. See you later." He said.

Before he could get too far and lack of judgement on my part, I smacked his butt. My eyes widened, but I resumed my neutral expression when he turned around.

His face mirrored shock, so it was really hard to contain my giggles. "Oops, must've been my hormones." I said innocently.

His face expression morphed into mischief. "Two can play that game." He said.

I had no time to comprehend his words, before he grabbed me and dipped towards the ground. His lips attacked mine. It was no innocent, chaste kiss. It was lustful, hungry, but I didn't mind. A few moans escaped me. Marcel pulled away, leaving me panting like a dog in heat.

He stood me upright, then a quick kiss before walking away. Just freaking like that! I mean teased a pregnant woman like that. Especially when she is in that stage where sexual appetite was ravenous.

I exhaled a few hundred times, then I resumed looking for my dress. After looking for ten minutes, I found the perfect dress. It was cream dress made out of satin. It was long with somewhat of a v-shaped neckline. I gathered the dress and took it to the counter.

While I waited for the cashier to be done with a customer, I felt like I was being watched. I turned around, observing my area. I didn't notice anyone suspicious, but nagging feeling was poking at me.

I moved forward, placing my dress on the counter. The cashier rung me up, then sent me on my way. After finding the group, we left the mall. It was nice little ride back to the mansion.

When we pulled up, people were crawling everywhere, finishing last minute touches. Rebekah parked the car in the garage. I opened my door, sliding out the entrance. I maneuvered my way through the crowd, Caroline hot on my heels.

We made it to my room, but she bypassed me, going to my bathroom. "Ummm, Care, what are you doing?" I asked, laying my dress on the bed.

"Getting you ready for your date." She said, laying out all the make-up, tweezers, and hair straighteners.

"Wait, I don't have a date." I said, sitting down.

She came over, pulling me up and pushing towards the bathroom. "Marcel is going to be there, so you need to look pretty. You have 15 minutes for a shower." She closed the door behind her.

"Rude." I huffed.

Elijah's POV

I stood in the mirror, fixing my bow tie. I decided on a black suit. I looked to Kol, who was fiddling with his own bow tie.

"Kol, leave it be! It's fine." I said, annoyed. I spent twenty minutes talking the child into wearing the damn suit he calls the 'monkey suit'

"It's suffocating!" He hissed, scratching at his neck.

"Good thing, you don't need to breathe! Moron!" Rebekah said, walking in the room. She was wearing a deep royal purple dress. Her hair was down in blonde waves.

"Lovely sister, nice of you to grace us with your presence!" Kol said sarcastically. She walked by, pushing him on the couch.

I turned around, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Please, don't start this! Act like the responsible adults I know you can be." I said.

Klaus and Rebekah snorted. "Kol? Being a responsible adult?" Rebekah and Klaus started to laugh.

I just sighed, going over to the built in bar. I poured myself a drink. I might be the first alcoholic vampire.

"This party is commencing in ten minutes, so pull yourselves together. So help me God, if you don't, there will be consequences." I growled.

Kol huffed. "Why are we going to this stupid party anyways?" He complained.

"Klaus thinks it is a good idea to show a strong front and assert our dominance in New Orleans." I explained. I looked down at my watch. It was time to start to go to the front.

"It's time." I said, walking out the room with my siblings following. Bonnie and Caroline come down the stairs. Klaus and Kol stopped their bantering, staring at ladies. Bonnie had on black cocktail dress. It was strapless with see through mid section. The bottom fluffy, feathery that came to the mid thigh. Her was pulled to the side in a braid.

Caroline was wearing a royal green dress with sweetheart neckline. Her hair was pulled to a side bun. Her dress had a more intricate design on one side. They were both beautiful.

"Stop drooling, you imbeciles!" Rebekah said, annoyed.

"Where is Elena?" I asked.

"She will be down in little bit." Bonnie replied.

"My love. Marry me!" Kol said mesmerized, walking up to Bonnie.

She lightly smacked him. "Kol! Get yourself together. One golden rule: 1) Keep hands above the waist below breast. And keep lips to yourself." She explained. She wrapped her arm around his.

Kol smirked. "Well, feel free to place your hands anywhere you like." He said, waltzing her to the party.

Klaus went over to Caroline, looping his arm. He kiss her on the cheek and smile at her. "Between me and you, You the most beautiful of them all." He said.

Caroline smiled. "Thank you. You look quite dashing tonight" Caroline replied, walking along with him to the party.

"They are so adorable, it makes me sick." Rebekah said, smiling. She grabbed my arm, leading me to the party.

"You look very beautiful yourself, Rebekah. Though you and Kol make me crazy, I'm really proud of you." I said.

"Thanks, Lijah." She said. We all looked to the party. It was well put together. The lights were dimmed. It was great.

The room started to fill after 15 minutes. The wolves section themselves off, staying away from the vampires. The witches found their own corner, huddling and observing. Davina was standing off on her own.

Marcel came into the room, walking over to me. He was wearing a similar suit to mines.

"What are you doing here? You are certainly pushing your luck with Klaus." I warned.

"Maybe, but we both know what is the real reason you want me gone. Where is Elena, anyways?" He asked scanning the room.

I was about to retort, when the doors opened and every head turn to see the late arriver. I didn't know it was possible for a vampire to feel like they were suffocating. Kol might've been right.

Elena walked in, wearing floor length white dress, which ended in a mermaid flare. The dress was painted to fit every curve. It was backless with lace trimming the dress on the sides. It had sweetheart neckline, illuminating the swell of her breast. Her hair was pinned up in a bun. She wore simple diamond earrings, leaving her neck bare.

She wore little to no make-up, which she didn't need anyways. She made her way over to Marcel and I, her hands caressing her belly. She smiled.

"Sorry, I'm late. I was talking to Father Kiernan on the phone." She explained.

Before I could gather my bearings, Bonnie and Caroline came over taking Elena away, saying this was their favorite song. They went off to dance, ignoring the tension of the room. They grabbed Rebekah and Hayley on the way.

"I feel bad for you." Marcel commented, staring after Elena.

"And why is that?" I said, looking to him.

"You are infatuated with Hayley and Elena. Maybe bordering love for both." Marcel smirked.

Instead of feeding into the bait, I smirked back. "And you? Your feelings for Rebekah haven't completely disappeared." I said, watching his jaw tighten. Satisfied, I walked away.

Elena's POV

After dancing, I looked for the nearest seat. I took a seat after noticing a young brunette looking quite sad.

"Hi! This certainly isn't a party mood. I'm Elena." I said.

"Davina." She simply responded, not looking at me.

I know of her. Marcel talked about her many times before. "Though I'm not the one you shouldn't hear this from, I'm sorry for Klaus. I understand how you feel." I said.

Her anger struck with anger. "You don't know what I've been through! So, don't act like it." She said annoyed.

"Actually, I do. Do you know the story behind Klaus' werewolf curse?" I asked. She thought for moment, determining whether I worth listening to. She shook her head no. So, I told her everything about the curse and about the sacrifice.

In exchange, she told me her side. "I mean, I'm not alone in what happened, but my friends aren't themselves. They became power seekers. They don't understand..." She trailed off.

"The fear? The nightmares? The constant paranoia?" I asked.

She seemed surprised. "Yeah. How did you know?" She asked.

"I still have them, though they have lessened after a while. I would wake up screaming, cold sweats. The dreams would be so vivid that I could still feel the pain of the fangs piercing my skin. Death is traumatizing, Davina. No need to feel shame in that." I said.

"I still have my powers, but they lessen somehow. I can't control them." She said.

"Maybe they didn't lessen. I remember when my best friend was attacked by a vampire, she couldn't use her power afterwards. Her grandma explained she had so much fear, it was creating a mental block. She advised her to face her fears. If you want, I could ask Bonnie to help you." I said.

She smiled, then became guarded. "Why? Why would help the enemy?" She asked.

"Enemy? Davina, this isn't my fight! And I could tell that you want no part of the fight either the way you told your story. I promise, no string attached, no later favors in exchange for this." I said.

She simply nodded. I smiled. "I be right back. Until then, go have fun. Let go for the night." I tried to get up, but I ended flopping back down. "Well, this is embarrassing!" I said, frustrated.

Davina giggled at me. "Let me help." She got up and helped me stand up.

"Thanks." I said, laughing. I walked off, trying to find Bonnie. Before I knew it, I was swept into a dance by Marcel.

"Finally!" He said, smirking.

"Well sorry for making you wait, your highness!" I joked. We fell into a comfortable silence. We just swayed to side to side with an occasional twirl.

"Ms.Gilbert, you are quite gorgeous if say so myself." He smiled, gently.

"You don't look so bad, I guess." I said, smiling back.

"I look hot, fyi! Admit it!" He said, smirking, looking me in the eyes.

I swatted his chest playfully. "Conceited, much?" I said.

Before he could say anything, we both saw Davina storm off, tears in her eyes. He looked back at me apologetically. "I should check on her. Sorry." He said.

I pulled back. "No, don't be. Can you have Davina give me a call later her on. I promised her something. I will explain later." I said.

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Another time." He said.

"Another time." I said. With that, he walked off. I sighed, turning around. I bumped into Elijah.

I smiled. "We have stop meeting like this." I said.

He returned the smile. "May I have a dance?" He asked.

"Yes you can, noble sir." I laughed. We grasped each other hand, my other hand on his shoulder and his on my back.

Once we found our rhythm, he talked first. "You look very beautiful tonight." He commented.

"Thank you, Elijah. You very handsome in your tux. How is this power summit going?" I asked.

"Its peaceful for now, but there is one vampire I need to keep my eye on. Werewolves killed his family." He replied. Elijah twirled me out, then pulled me back in.

"Smooth." I smiled.

"Thank you. How are the babies?" He asked, glancing down. The hand that was on my back, slid to the side of my bump.

"Good so far as I know. How are you dealing?" I asked, wondering. Elijah could bottle up his emotions so well, it is scary.

"In the beginning, I use to wake up, thinking it is a dream. Then, I find myself peeking in your room and I would be relieved. I've accepted." He said.

We both whipped our heads towards a commotion that was coming from the werewolf corner. Elijah pulled away. "Stay here." He said, walking away.

"Elena." Someone whispered. I turned my head to the door and saw a man walking out the door. I didn't get a look,so I walked to the entrance. Once I got there, I heard a door closed. I scrunched up my face.

I took one look at the party, before going to the door. I hesitated. Elena turn around and go to the party. Obviously, my mind didn't have control, because my hand twisted the knob. I let the door swing open. The room was dark, but I could see with my vampiric sight. I walked in and took a quick look. No one was in there.

I laughed. "God, I'm going crazy!" I said, at that exact moment when the door slammed shut. The lights came on. I turned towards the door. My eyes widen at surprised. Nothing has changed when gave him a once over.

He leaned against the door watching me. That smirk edged on dangerous. His raven black hair was the same, but his eyes. His cold, blue eyes was borderline arctic. Had no emotions.

"Damon." I whispered.

"Hello, lover." He said.

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