Ariana potter ✔️ #Wattys2016

By xHarryPotterFangirlx

24.5K 1.3K 517

Ariana Hedwig Potter is the fourth child of Harry and Ginny potter. It is her third year at Hogwarts school... More

The hogwarts express- part I
The hogwarts express- part II
The hat's warning
Not like draco
The marauders map
Tryouts for seeker
The brother and the malfoy
The time turner
In sickness and in heath- but mostly in sickness...
The full story
Chantal burbage
The kiss, the box and the cloaked woman
The locket
Seekers and spying
Authors note #1
The exam and the dark forest
The centaurs
Ill be back
Christmas- part I
Christmas part II
The release
Like a rag doll
Beauty and the beast
Beauty and the bitch fight
The centaurs (again)
Complicated lives
Quidditch training
Split, slice and serve
The duel
Authors note #2 // contest!
Coming clean
The purebred killing machine
The soul bringing
Wolves and vultures
Camping II
Centaurs and humans
SHOUTOUTS/ Author's note #3
Just another step
Keeping secrets
Cleansing the spirits
Tribute to alan rickman
Just stop
A house elf's dream
Author's note #4
The evil things in life
First degree murder
Brave at heart/ Authors note #5
Back to hogwarts
Sharing a dorm
Professor snape
Ember and rose
Scar marks
Happy freakin HP day
Centaurs make good mates
Gamp's Law
Packing our bags
The secret room
The End of the year
This is the end

Ariana hedwig potter

1.5K 50 43
By xHarryPotterFangirlx

"Ari, you can't!" Albus shrieks, snatching my Phoenix feather wand out of my hand.

"Al, as much as I love you, I'll be forced to put a bat-bogey hex on you unless you drop my wand now!!!" I hiss at my brother, holding out my hand.

"So you can curse that stupid muggle just because he said you were hot? I don't think so, ari." He mutters, keeping my wand clasped in his left hand.


"No! I'm not gonna see my little sister get expelled! HEY!" Albus argues as I try to snatch my wand back.

"Merlin's beard, Al, just give the baby her wand back..." Lily, my older sister sniffs contemptuously.

"For your information, lily, I'm two years younger than you..." I snarl.

"Yeah, and you act a heck of a lot younger than thirteen." She laughs cruelly, filing her nails.

"Why do you use that muggle nail thing?" Albus asks her.

"Because, Al, in case you haven't noticed, I'm still Fifteen. You can't do magic either." She sasses, admiring her nails.

"Albus? Lily? Ariana? Come here!" Our oldest brother James orders.

We went to see what he wanted, and Al throws me my wand.

"Yes James?" I smile at my big brother.

He's probably my favourite sibling.
Lily's the whiner, Albus is the annoying one but he also looks out for me.

James is 18, the biggest, and I have fond memories of him taking me to the park when lily and Albus were with mum and dad.
He had bought me my owl, ingrid, a beautiful tiny owl with silky feathers.
"Mind you look after her, ari." James had said, handing me the cage.

Now, James asks "hey, what are you all arguing about?"

"That muggle down the road, the fat blond one, he asked ari out! She was about to curse him before I nicked her wand!" Albus snitches, his eyes glinting maliciously.

"You rotten tell-tale!!!" I shriek, preparing to curse him. "Expelli-"

"ARIANA HEDWIG POTTER PUT THAT WAND DOWN NOW!" My dad, Harry Potter, comes downstairs and seeing me almost disarm Albus.

"HOW DARE YOU, ARIANA! You must learn to hold your temper!" Dad yells, holding his own Phoenix feather wand up. "Imagine if you got expelled from Hogwarts! The morning you are leaving, too! What do you think you'd do then? Hmm?"

Lily looks as if she's been forced to swallow armadillo bile. I bet she'd love to see me expelled.

"Calm down everyone!" James says. I know he doesn't like shouting.

"Is everyone packed?" My mum, Ginny potter, yells from upstairs.

"Yes mum!" I chirp.
"Yeah" Albus trills
"Uh-huh..." Lily drawls, her wand sticking out of her back pocket.

"Come on then! Get your bags into the car, we're not going to London with floo powder this time, we must drive. It'll take a while!" Mum orders, coming down with her arms filled with jumpers.

"Bye, little sis..." James smiles sadly, hugging me.

"Bye James. I'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat!" I laugh.

"You sound like your uncle George!" Mum laughs, passing me my jumper knitted by gran.

Five humans, two owls, a cat and three trunks don't fit into a car easily. It was worse last year, six humans, three owls, a cat and four trunks. Dad had to do an undetectable extension charm on our Land Rover car. I get the back seat, my favourite because it means I can get into the trunks and bags easily. Lily and Albus are forced to sit on the middle seats, much to Lily's dislike. Mum and dad are on the front seats/ driving seat.

"To platform 9 and 3/4!" Albus yells, looking excited.

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