DISCONTINUED Ultra Secrets (T...

By chocolate_dimplez

291K 7K 3.9K

Kash promised Cammie that he would never leave but when the fast paced, gang life he once lived catches up wi... More

Chapter 1 - Hand Cuffs & Coffee Stains
Chapter 2 - Foolish Woman
Chapter 3 - Gender
Chapter 4 - Number 41127
Chapter 5 - Greasers
Chapter 6 - Arm Candy
Chapter 7 - Price After 6
Chapter 8 - Quick Fix
Chapter 9 - Blinded
Chapter 10 - Bad Habits
Chapter 11 - Heir to the Throne
Chapter 12 - Bond
Chapter 13 - In Charge
Chapter 14 - Stairs
Chapter 15 - Thanks to Sally
Chapter 16 - Wild Card
Chapter 17 - If It Counts
Chapter - 18: Making Progress
Chapter 19 - My Love
Chapter 20 - Jujitsu & Jesus
Chapter 21 - Eyes Off
Chapter 22 - The Bonfire
Chapter 23 - An Arm and a Leg
Chapter 24 - Status Quo
Chapter 25 - Flame
Chapter 26 - Threes
Chapter 27 - Ms. French
Chapter 28 - Cabin
Chapter 29 - Notes
Chapter 30 - Answers and some bad news :(
Chapter 31 - Beef, Marriage, & Money Laundering
Chapter 32: Unlimited Authority
Hey There
IM BACK Chapter 34: Background Info to Catch Up! Chapter Next week
Chapter 35: Harris Peterson
The chaper will be up tomorrow at 12
Chapter 36: Truths and Vices Pt. 1
Chapter 37: Truths and Vices Pt. 2
Chapter 38: Transition
Chapter 39: Corona & Cocoa Mix
Chapter 40: Tigertail
Chapter tomorrow
Chapter 41: Freeze Dance
So about this book...

Chapter 33 - Dating The Enemy

7.4K 164 101
By chocolate_dimplez

Cammie held the steering wheel at nine and three, leaning closer to the windshield so that she could read the street names. She wrinkled her nose at the absence of street names for the past few blocks and pushed her glasses up quickly.

"Is it still rerouting?" she glanced over at Carol Anne whose head was buried into her phone that shown brightly on her lightly made up face.

"Yeah-" Carol Anne said as it rerouted, "-okay take the next left and then go down three blocks and then make a left to get back onto the avenue. All of these one ways-" Carol Anne trailed off.

Cammie huffed as she tried not to stare at all of the people hanging out in front of the liquor stores and buildings, "I've never been to this area before," Cammie twisted her lips and took a left, almost hitting someone. The man looked back at her as he stood before the car. He was walking with two other men who slowed down to see.

Cammie panicked, apologizing through the car window. The man came to her side of the car window and taped the glass, making Carol Anne grab the gun in her bag. Travis told her to hold onto it.

He motioned for Cammie to roll the window down and she did so, "Y'all going out to the party at Boogie's place?"

"No, we are actually heading to a viewing," Cammie answered.

"Oh iight I see," he leaned down to look at Carol Anne, "-sorry about the loss. We losin' our people every day in these streets to all kinds a shit_. But y'all will be good. Keep your glasses up and tell shawty in the passenger side that she could let go of that piece she has in her purse," the man pushed Cammie's glasses up and pointed to Carol Anne, tapping the door and watching Cammie drive off.

Cammie kept her eyes on the road, "I watched this movie and it said not to trust anyone in the hood, especially if you aren't from around there. But stereotypes are for the ignorant-"

"You can say that again," Carol Anne clapped.

Once arriving back onto the main avenue, they felt more comfortable that they knew where they were going. Carol Anne turned in her seat, facing Cammie, "I still can't believe you are like some bridge between us and like....ghosts,"

"I don't either," Cammie replied, not wanting to have this conversation. But it now affected everyone's lives so she had to talk about it whenever it was brought up.

"So what exactly can you do?" Carol Anne questioned.

"I am not entirely sure. And Slim wants me to help him contact Blaze. Blaze always contacted me. I don't think that I know how to like-get there,"

"But you did it when Simone was there,"

"Yeah but I feel like I don't want to risk something like that without her being there. She probably did it not me," Cammie shrugged.

"Here it is on the right," Carol Anne pointed to the funeral home. There were a lot of people there as she expected. There were a lot of young people, most likely cousins and nephews and nieces of Price. Some children were running around on the parking lot, getting scolded by their parents who snatched them up every now and then and told them that they needed to behave.

Cammie didn't want to beep as she tried to inch into the parking lot and no one wanted to move around, "Beep the horn," Carol Anne leaned over and pressed down on the horn, alarming soon and made some cuss at them.

"Why would you do that?" Cammie moved her hand as she went all the way to the back and found a parking space. She wore all black to work today so that she wouldn't have to change. She simply had on her black dress pants, the black flats she stomps in, a black fitted button down and she threw a dark green cardigan over herself because it was chilly. Her hair was billed up in a tight puff that she could not straighten out earlier and she wore a little bit of jewelry, only a shimmery brown lip stick on.

The only black dress that Carol Anne wore a black shirt that she tucked into a ribbed black skirt and black heels. She fixed her clothing before she started to walk and Cammie stopped her.

"What?" Carol Anne asked.

"We have to sit at the end of the aisle because your big butt will knock people out," Cammie told her.

"Oh my gosh," Carol Anne smacked her arm.

Cammie walked with her head up, not with confidence, just so that she wouldn't have to make eye contact with people. She was nervous, she kind of wanted to go unseen, give Price that card she wrote out for him and that's all but life doesn't work that way.

"Cam stop looking so timid, it makes you look judgmental," Carol Anne pushed her inside, past a few people who looked at them.

"Do you want me to smile?" Cammie asked her as she waited outside of the viewing room, standing pretty much to themselves. Cammie preferred to be against the wall looking out, taking a few glances at those among her but not socializing much. Carol Anne on the other hand was dying to talk, standing against the wall made her feel anxious for conversation and bored with Cammie' sudden silence. However, she realized that this was the Cammie that she knows and loves.

"You were like this in school I bet," Carol Anne said.

Cammie nodded, "Social situations aren't my thing. And I don't know anyone so I kind of just feel like getting out,"

"I understand," Carol Anne pushed her own hair back.

There was no sign of Price yet and they began to sit inside. They sat towards the back since they didn't know the mother as well and avoided looking at her lifeless body in the casket. Judging by everyone who was here, she was a great woman before the drugs took over.

Soon enough, Price walked inside but not alone. He was holding hands with a woman about his age, well poised and very curvy. The woman kept her head in the air and sat down in the front with Price, not making any eye contact.

Even though Cammie barely knew his mother, hearing people speak of her made her tear up. It felt like they were there forever when it was only from 7 to 9. Afterwards when everyone poured back into the entrance and the parking lot, Carol Anne and Cammie made their way back to the car.

"Are we not going to the repass?" Carol Anne asked. Cammie sighed, looking for Price in the crowd of people.

They eventually had to go back inside to find him and when she did, he was standing among a group of people with the woman all on his arm.

"Excuse me Price," Cammie called to him, hoping that it wouldn't call attention to herself but they all looked, "-we have to head back."

Price whispered something to the woman and she eased off of him, "Hey, I didn't see you. Thanks for coming," he gave her a hug and then Carol Anne, "-the repass is at my Aunt's house a few blocks away."

"Uhm. Well yeah I guess we can stay for a while," Cammie said and handed him the card, "-this is for you."

"Thank you," he told her and Cammie watched as the woman approached.

"Price, who is this?" the woman looked her up and down and Cammie twisted her lips to the side.

"I used to work with him, Cammie," Cammie stretched her hand out to the woman. She just smiled at her.

"Oh you are a dentist as well?"

"No I am a teacher slash book reviewer," Cammie told her.

"Oh," the woman shrugged, "-well I'm Lucile and who might you be?"

"Carol Anne," Carol Anne told her, looking the woman up and down. Cammie was nervous so she wasn't paying much attention but Carol Anne was already onto this 'Lucile' person. The makeup caked onto her face made her yellow skin appear a little golden when it wasn't. She leaned towards Price every time she spoke, and she rubbed her neck every now and then. It was sore from trying to fake good posture. And the tattoo on her wrist was oh too familiar.

"And what do you do?" Lucile asked.

Carol Anne leaned against Cammie and poked her, "I'm a Forensic Linguist but I strip part time at Diamond Ocean and I even have my own calendar."

Lucile's face lit up, "Oh me too-" and Price looked at her quickly, "-but only to pay my way through school."

"School? What's your major?" Carol Anne pressed.

"Accounting," she covered up. Someone called to Lucile and she walked off, leaving Price there.

"A stripper? Really?" Cammie asked.

Price couldn't help but laughed too, "Hey she's good at what she does and Carol Anne how do you know?"

Carol Anne sighed, "It was a long day at work and a co-worker and I decided to go to a bar but she wanted to go to a strip club and I saw Lucile a.k.a Pink twerking her thang,"

Cammie patted his shoulder, "You have much to learn my friend. Let's go to your Aunt's house," they walked out together.


The atmosphere was more festive and the food was good. Carol Anne found a group of Price's large booty cousins to hang out with as well as Lucile and Cammie sat with Price.

"Lucile seems nice. She just shouldn't act that way towards other people," Cammie looked at her and smile.

"She is. And she wasn't lying about school. She just put it off for now," Price told her as Cammie took a spoonful of macaroni pie.

"This is good," she covered her mouth as she chewed and they laughed, "-but I'm happy for you Price. And I want to apologize for cutting things off so abruptly,"

"Don't worry about it," he told her.

"So did you meet her at the club?" Cammie asked him after a while.

"Actually the last time I saw Kash, a while ago at a bar, he told me to stop going to clubs and looking for a wife. So I headed to a book store and saw her looking at a cook book and slid over there all cool," Price laughed.

Cammie slapped her head, "Kash is-a mess. I don't know," she laughed, "-I didn't know you guys were friends."

"No, we meet coincidentally every now and then and he tried to scare me," Price shrugged.

"Sorry about that," Cammie lowered her eyes, "-and I'm sorry about what happened with your mom."

"Don't think about it and to be honest," Price leaned closer, "-I know it's sad but I feel a burden is lifted. Like I don't have to worry about her and not sleep. She's okay now,"

"I understand," Cammie nodded and licked her plate, "-oh my gosh I am sorry but I have to speak to your aunt. This food is good and I'm coming to visit her every now and then so we can trade recipes. I mean everything was good but my barbequed chicken can kill hers any day. I will be right back."

Cammie found Aunty Patricia in the kitchen, making some more cornbread because it was running out fast, "I noticed that I enjoy making cornbread in the summer time more than around the winter holidays,"

Aunty Patricia turned around and smiled, looking over her glasses, "You got that right honey. I have to make this with every meal."

"I hear you on that. If I make something as simple as spaghetti then I have to make cornbread on the side," Cammie related and they both laughed.

Cammie thought for a moment, "You put bacon in between the macaroni right?" Cammie asked. Aunty Patricia nodded,

"Do you still have the oil that you fried the bacon in?" Cammie continued.

"What's wrong with you chile?" the woman put her chubby hands on her hips.

"Trust me on this. Put some of the oil in the cornbread. It will give it a great kick," Cammie told her. Aunty Patricia was weary of this technique but did it anyway, mixing it and putting it aside to put in the oven later.

"You're from Atlanta, Georgia?" one of Price's 20 year old cousins asked her Maya.

"Yes I am," Carol Anne answered proudly, "-but I wasn't in the fancy area that you see on the television. I grew up in a nice home in the rural area of Atlanta on my parent's farm." She boasted.

"Get out of here. You didn't," Maya looked her up and down.

"I sure did. And my accent was very thick, I mean you can still have it but it was thicker," Carol Anne half smiled.

"Wow," Lucile nodded, "-were you serious about stripping though?"

Carol Anne laughed, "There were some rough patches of my life and I did for a while but now I am a forensic linguist."

Some people talked about Price's mother and others chose to take this gathering to catch up with family members that they didn't see too often. Cammie mostly talked to Price or looked for someone who was quiet like herself which was hard. Instead she found herself holding a child in her hands, a little boy who grabbed her glasses every now and then.

"Excuse me, Cammie you said your name is?" Aunty Patricia called to her from the kitchen.

"Yes," Cammie answered, playing with the baby's stomach, poking him and tickling him lightly. She doesn't know whose child this is but he asked to be picked up and she couldn't resist.

"Come here right this instant," Aunty Patricia looked upset and Cammie walked over slowly. Expecting to see sappy cornbread that smelled highly of bacon, she looked at the light and fluffy cornbread in the tray that was golden to a perfection.

"What's the problem?" Cammie questioned.

"The problem is that everyone is going to like your addition better than my original recipe," she soon smiled, "-some give me some sugar honey yes this tastes good."

Aunty Patricia had cut a little piece at the side to sample and was in awe at the taste. She sliced them small and put them out on the plate. Cammie smiled as Aunty Patricia pointed her out and told people that her addition made a big difference. Cammie turned around, almost knocking over a girl who was about 14 years old.

"I was looking for him," the girl said as she took the baby from Cammie's arms, "-thank you so much he always crawls off."

"You're his mother?" Cammie asked.

"I am," the girl said, "-I was hanging out with my cousins like I used to and it slipped my mind that I had this one to take care of."

Cammie twisted her lips to the side, "You can go and hang out. I'll stay with him until I leave. I don't mind because he is just so cute."

"Really?" the girl asked.

"Sure, what's his name?" Cammie asked,

"His name is David. Thank you so much lady. I haven't had fun in a while and it's a shame because this is my Aunt's repass."


Cammie and Carol Anne both have work tomorrow morning but both left around midnight. However, not before Lucile gave them huge hugs after getting to meet them and realizing that he over protectiveness of Price was not needed.

Carol Anne drove this time because she doesn't trust Cammie's eyes for the dark roads and Cammie seemed more tired than she was. Cammie had her seat belt on in the passenger seat, curled up facing Carol Anne as she was on her phone.

She scrolled through the wedding dresses and their prices and sighed, "If you aren't a virgin, and you had sexual relations with multiple men and a woman, can you even wear a white wedding dress? Much less get married at a church?" Cammie asked.

"Yes you can. The good Lord himself won't come down and oust you from his church," Carol Anne glanced at her, "-did Kash propose?"

"No I'm hopeful," Cammie took a pause, "-actually I am delusional. He's not ever going to marry me."

Carol Anne stayed quiet and that only made Cammie worry, "Say something. You always say the right thing."

"Do you want me to give it to you straight or do you want me to make you feel good?" Carol Anne asked.

"Make me feel good. My stomach already hurts because I ate so much," Cammie held her stomach.

"Well one you are too damned_ greedy. You still eat like a pregnant woman and two, get off of his back about it and stop worrying about it. He is nervous that maybe his life is at stake and Cammie maybe he is waiting for a special moment or something," Carol Anne began, "-bottom line don't sweat him and don't sweat about it. He loves you very much and I know that because every time I come over he looks like he wants to strangle me. Just kidding but there isn't anything wrong with you that he can't handle because he would have left already. So chill."

"If that was you giving it to me straight it actually made me feel better," Cammie admitted as she exited off of the website and sat straight.

"Good," Carol Anne stopped at the light and looked over at her, poking her nose, "-you worry yourself to death about things that don't matter at the moment."

"Can we not go home yet?" Cammie asked her as they pulled off again.

"Where should we go?" Carol Anne asked.

"Wherever your heart desires," Cammie joked.

By 12:30 Cammie and Carol Anne had parked and were walking through a mapped out trail in the wood with the help of the flashlight on Cammie's phone.

"This is scary yet invigorating," Carol Anne said as she fell behind and then caught up, grabbing onto Cammie's hand.

"How are you walking with those heels?" Cammie questioned.

"Balance," Carol Anne boasted.

Soon they ended up at the cabin and settled down by the table, "Do you really think Kash has a reason why he is delaying though? Like a legit reason?' Carol Anne brought up the topic again.

"I'm not sure. I can think of a ton of reasons why so that may be why. Like I mess up a lot," Cammie sighed.

"Everyone messes up but as I said. It will work out when it does," Carol Anne sat back.

"What about you and Travis?" Cammie asked.

"Ehh, Travis and I have some work to do. He asked me before when we were like-20 but I said no," Carol Anne shrugged her shoulders, "-I just wasn't ready yet, you know?"

"I know," Cammie nodded, "-and how are you feeling about the whole thing with getting pregnant?"

"Uhg I'm over it. I honestly feel like I was being stupid,"

"You weren't," Cammie patted her arm.

As they talked about their relationships, they texted their significant others off and on to let them know that they were okay. It was soon 1:30 and Carol Anne figured that it would be best to go home now but Cammie felt like she could stay here a little longer.

"Before we go can we clear the air?" Cammie asked.

"Sure, you go first," Carol Anne shrugged.

"Can we just go at the same time? Whatever is on our mind?" Cammie suggested.

"Alright deal, on three," Carol Anne and Cammie counted down.

"I lied when I said that I didn't love you," Cammie said as Carol Anne said, "I like making the guys feel uncomfortable."

Cammie immediately felt stupid because of what she said. She and Carol Anne were supposed to have dealt with that a while ago but here she was bringing it up and admitting to lying about her feelings.

"-it gives me an excuse to touch you again." Carol Anne reached over and touched her thigh.

Cammie smiled and they both sat back, staring at each other and wondering what would be going on 5 minutes from now. If Cammie would take her cardigan off and if Carol Anne would take off the heels that made her look a little taller than Cammie rather than them both being 5'7.

"But we need to put this behind us," Carol Anne reminded her.

"Let's find a rock," Cammie said, "-that will help."

After a few minutes outside, they found a rock with a crack going down the middle and Carol Anne said that it reminded her of a butt so they held onto it. Carol Anne ended up taking her heels off so that she could follow behind Cammie who followed the sound to a small cliff that over looked a stream.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the moonlit water and wet rocks below them. The sight was beautiful and Cammie did take off the cardigan to feel the cool breeze on her skin. They both turned towards each other and with the little blue tinted light they had from the moon, they stared into each other's eyes, captivated yet sad.

"Let's say our last lustful words to each other before we cast away the symbol of our love-this here rock," Cammie acted dramatically.

"You are so weird," Carol Anne laughed.

"Yeah well that's what years with no friends and a cat does to you," Cammie said making Carol Anne giggle.

"I love your humor and even after this when we are just friends I will still love your humor," Carol Anne told her.

"Don't make it sound like we are dying. Well-" Cammie shrugged.

Carol Anne took both of Cammie's hands and squeezed them slowly, making Cammie smile wider, "Cammie. The short time we spent together gave me the best feeling that I have ever felt. It was greater than I would have ever imagined and sometimes I wish that I could live in those moments forever. Recently we found out that you actually have some sort of power and it is both in your head and your vagina_ and I am so lucky that you have shared this with me,' Carol Anne and Cammie started laughing in between.

"Okay let me finish,' Carol Anne tried to get serious, "-yes as I was saying thank you for gracing me with your moisture and warmth and do not do it with ANY other woman. I was the only exception Stay faithful to Kash because he's your feel good."

Cammie smiled, "Oh wow okay," she began, "-you do the same. Keep it to yourself. I would have said no problem, sure anytime but we agreed not to go down this road again. However, I will never forget how you made me feel and it was revitalizing. You have the magic and I know that for a fact. I am a woman but I enjoy your curves just as well as Travis probably thinks he can and I admire you in every way. You are the first woman that I have ever loved physically and emotionally and I will never fail to admit that to anyone who asks."

Carol Anne wiped her tear quickly, "You don't understand how much that means to me,"

Cammie rolled her lips together, "I'm glad I could make you feel that way. We have to throw the rock," Cammie looked at the rock they set at their feet. Carol Anne nodded, "-so make it good."

Cammie put her hands around Carol Anne's waist and pressed her lips against hers. The cold air biting on their cheeks was no more once their bodies began to heat up with a kiss they made passionate because it was the last one they vowed to share. Once they felt it possibly going further, they pulled away, tossing the rock over the edge.

"I'm still staring though, "Cammie said.


Cammie unlocked the front door and sneaked in as if she was a teenager who snuck out for a night of mischief. She immediately went into the kitchen, eating some crackers and then heading upstairs. As she approached she heard Kash talking on the phone.

"Emanuel, we are not going to risk Drag Ex because of the side effects. Also, any link you think you have to Drag Ex is a set up from the DEA and or some fake shit_. Listen our reputation isn't going to be fucked_ up because you want cheap drugs for higher prices with some bogus effects. We are known for quality drugs not bullshit_. You just worrying about getting out here," Cammie stood by the door of the room as she listened in.

It seemed as if he went out because he still had a gold chain around his neck on his bare skin. He only had on boxers and socks and it must have been important because she could tell he ironed them. He hung up the phone and tossed it back on the bed as he sat facing the direction of the windows. He sighed and faced Cammie.

"It's 2 in them morning, Cam. What the fuck_?" he asked her as she slipped off her flats and walked over to him.

She stood before him and touched the side of his face but he pushed her hands away, "Cam. Where were you?"

"Carol Anne and I put things behind us," she said as she put her arm around his shoulders and sat on his lap. Kash scowled and leaned his head back, Cammie sitting up more to align her face with his, "-all we did was admit how we felt and I did kiss her and we just vowed not to do anything like that again and to be faithful." Cammie informed him.

Kash twisted his lips, "Hmph," he stretched his lips out a little to give her a peck until the pressure they exchanged on each other's lips became a little harder and she held him tighter.

"Where did you go today and what did you do with the kids?" Cammie asked him.

"They're at Angela's and London and I had to go handle the usual. Collected what we're owed and our guy from El Salvador came to let us know what's going on. They want to incorporate Drag Ex but that would make our deal with Chief bad,"

"You feel like you don't trust them now?" Cammie asked.

"I don't know. London isn't iffy about it and despite his childishness, he isn't wrong when it comes to things like that. I trust him on that so we will see how it works. It could just be them wanting to help us reach all kinds of customers but this is my business, I want it to have a certain look," Kash said.

Cammie nodded and Kash furrowed his eyebrows, holding onto her behind, "Why do you talk less now? You only ask me questions and nod," Kash observed.

"No reason. I just think that you are less reckless and you know what you are doing and you know why you do?" Cammie poked, "-because you established that you are the leader. I'm sorry but this is something that cannot be led by multiple people, at least not for long."

"You're right about that," he ran his hands up and down her back.

"You aren't mad about what I told you?" Cammie asked him, feeling a little nervous about how he just brushed it off.

"No," Kash shrugged his shoulders and pulled her hair back gently, "-just don't try to embarrass me again. You said that I'm in charge of all this shit_ then I can't have you running around me like that."

Cammie stood up and walked over to the mirror. It was dark in the room, only the lamp on Cammie's side was on that gave the room a little light and made their skin look darker and warmer.

Cammie started to take her clothes off, leaving only her underclothes on, "Are you getting in the shower or are you going to wait until the morning?" Kash asked her as he stood up and approached her, putting his arms around her and looking at their reflection.

"Morning even though I feel like I might wake up late," Cammie sighed as she put her hands over Kash's hands, "-I gained a little weight."

"I see," he pulled her thigh, "-you know where else we went today?"


"We found a new location for another club and I was checking out some houses," Kash told her.

Cammie smiled, "That's great Kash. But I want the kids to go to the same school,"

"Why can't we just have them homeschooled? I don't want them to be a target," Kash brought up, "-and we are trying to elevate this business."

Cammie turned around, "No. They are going to school like regular children and they are going to be just fine. I know you want to 'elevate' but you better not start acting like some crazy Diablo king pin because I'm not having it. You got that? Keep my kids in school,"

Kash sighed, "Yes ma'am,"

Cammie turned around and relaxed in his arms again. Kash unhooked her bra and Cammie didn't mind, "I like how comfortable you became with me. You used to hide yourself all of the time,"

"You helped me become comfortable," she admitted and then turned around, "-come on let's play."

Kash smiled and went to sit back on the bed, "I know you tell me all of the time that you imagined your life being different but I honestly think you would have stayed in your house all day with that cat."

"Don't talk about Cocoa, we're trying to be sexy," Cammie whined.

"Oh sorry, sorry," Kash pulled her, "-you never told me about Cocoa really and how she looked like."

Instead of their original plan, Kash and Cammie curled up talking about Cocoa and Marbles wishing what happened to them didn't.


Slim answered the phone with a sigh, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Because I can't. Can I come and see you?" Jacie whispered, "-I'm actually glad to hear your voice because I thought you were saying good bye the last time we talked."

"I'm not home," Slim lied, "-and why are you whispering?"

"Yes you are. I can hear you. Open up please I am scantily clad," she said and Slim tried not to laugh at her word choice. He stood up and looked out of the peep hole and saw Jacie standing there with a long pink night shirt on and her hair in a ponytail with a scarf over the top of her head.

Slim opened the door and Jacie stood there and looked him up and down, holding onto her blanket.

"Why'd you bring a blanket?" Slim grabbed it, "-we can share mine."

Jacie smiled and Slim smiled back at her. He couldn't help but smile back at her even though he wanted to detach himself from her but every time he saw her he was falling deeper in love with her and her round face and upbeat attitude.

Slim leaned down and kissed her on the lips, "Why don't you just give up on me already?" he asked her as he let her inside.

"Because the good Lord has never failed me when I prayed hard on something that I wanted and baby I have been praying for you," she told him as she looked around inside, "-I'm glad you keep your place neat."

"Of course," he said as he tossed her blanket on the couch.

"So what do you do all day?" she asked him as she sat on the couch.

"Nothing really," he shrugged his shoulders.

"That's not healthy," she frowned and looked around, "-I am actually very tired and I'm too big to sleep on this couch with you. So in the most innocent manner possible- can we go to your bed?"

"Of course we can," Slim answered and escorted her there.

The two sat on the bed and Jacie sighed, "Listen Carlito. I care about you a lot and I really want you to do something positive with your life. You're a great person and you can't waste your life trying to be this drug dealer. It's not you,"

"It is me. It's just not what you want me to be," Slim told her.

"No-it isn't you," Jacie held his hand, "-promise you will come to church with me and try to distant yourself from people who you hang around. I mean I can't imagine you hanging with huge scary criminals."

Slim laughed, "We don't look like that. We look pretty normal. In fact you can meet them-if they forgive me,"

Jacie half smiled and rubbed the sides of his face, "Fight your demons, Carlito."

"You have no idea," Slim said as he kissed her and settled in the bed, "-good night."


The next morning was eerie for both Becky and London. She called her boss in and told him that she would be about an hour and a half late to work and he never asked why. Becky didn't want to have to explain why, nor did she want to talk about why she and London were in what everyone called "The Spanish hood". This park seemed like it was nowhere to be found because this area barely had any trees.

It hadn't been long since Gunner left the building with a smirk on his face and leaned against Becky's car. He offered them a cigarette and the both of them refused, wanting to get down to what they came here to meet about.

"What is your purpose anyway? It seems like you are doing this just for the hell of it," London said as he looked around the busy avenue. He was glad that they were meeting out in the open.

"My purpose?" Gunner talked with the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, pointing to himself with a smile, "-I'm doing this for everyone where I come from. More money for me means more money for my family. But-"

Gunner's voice changed, signaling that this was Duncan speaking through him, "-if you ask me it is because this is my sole purpose. To cause pain to whoever contacts me and to insert myself wherever there is love to destroy it. I just pull people apart and cause them to turn on each other but if I have to then I will do the killing myself."

"But who called you in the first place?" Becky asked.

"Alondra Medina," Duncan said through Gunner.

'Who the hell is that?" London asked.

Gunner folded his arms, "Let me give you a little history about Kash or Raoul's family," he began, "-first of all his last name is McDufy which is odd being that he is from the DR. But his grandfather was a Scottish man who didn't commit to his grandmother and slept with a lot of other woman-so he probably has long last family and shit_. But anyway, one of his grandmother's lovers was a "witch" they called her, Alondra Medina and she cursed all the men in his family line with Duncan-so all love they have can be destroyed. So that's why I'm here."

"Well can we make a deal with you for something?" London asked.

Gunner smiled, "There is always room for a deal." Becky and London looked at each other.


Jason watched on as Carol Anne picked up her crate with ease and moved it to the coffee table so that she could grab it on her way out. She hardly got any sleep because she had a lot on her mind with her work, relationship with Travis and her children. And they also have Kash and Cammie's mess to deal with.

After Jason cleaned his glasses he went into the kitchen and poured Carol Anne a glass of red wine and passed it to her, "Oh Jason. I don't drink as much as I used to," she still accepted it.

"You don't work as much as you used to neither," Jason looked at her.

Carol Anne looked at how her take home work load was smaller than a few weeks ago. She shrugged, "Something like probation," she tried to smile.

"Because of Travis?" Jason asked.

"Yes because apparently I am being watched and they see Travis here all of the time. He practically lives here and they are taking note. So I can't get involved," Carol Anne informed him, "-but at least I still have a job."

Carol Anne showered and then began to change her clothes. Travis seemed to be still asleep but was watching as she got ready kind of angrily. While trying to figure out where she put her grey and white pin striped trousers, she changed into a white top.

"Where the hell are those pants?" Carol Anne asked as she scooped down in the closet and looked for them.

"Maybe if your closet wasn't so fucking_ messy you would find them," Travis startled her as he walked to the bathroom.

Carol Anne got up and pushed him, "Oh hush. I've been busy," she laughed.

Carol Anne found them, ironed them out and put on mustard colored flats. She was going to change her work bag to a leather tote but she already had a big purse and had to lug her crates back and forth so she left it.

"Help me make the bed?" Carol Anne asked as Travis left the bathroom.

"I'm so fed up with all of this," Travis said as he moved the pillows to fix the duvet.

"With what?" Carol Anne asked.

"Every time things are going smoothly, something messes it up,"

"That's how life is," Carol Anne fixed the comforter on her side.

"No but it's something that could have been avoided and if it couldn't be then we should have been informed. Like I'm tired of it all and I'm getting tired of Kash kissing Cammie's ass_ for everything," Travis sucked his teeth and threw the pillow to the top of the bed, making it land perfectly in place.

Carol Anne walked over to him and pulled his lip, "But don't you kiss my ass_ all of the time? He loves her so he excuses everything which isn't great but that's how it is. You'd do the same for me if we were in that position. And plus it's not all Cammie's fault. Stop blaming her."

Carol Anne wanted to go to work happy but she needed to get some things off of her chest. She found the hair gel and put it to the front of her hair and then brushed it back, "And you need to stop being so reckless with your mouth and actions. I wouldn't be surprised if you get stuck in hell for doing something stupid."

"Don't turn this on me," Travis glared at her.

"Don't try to scare me and all I am saying is that you are so quick tempered and you make stupid mistakes that almost cost your life on many occasions," Carol Anne warned him.

Travis sighed, "I'm sorry,"

"No don't be sorry. Just open your mouth and say how you feel. How am I supposed to help you, Travis?"


Becky figured that if they were in a church, the devil couldn't hear them but these are things that she saw on TV, she was sure. She and London sat in the back pew because being in a church made them feel uneasy. After all of the wrong that they did, how could they sit before the Lord after walking into his house? How could he forgive them?

"So that option is out," Becky said and looked at London who said not a word, "-right?"

"I mean think about it," London began and stopped himself, "-I don't mean that. Nevermind."

Becky sighed, "We can't just give Cammie over like that. It's already bad that we met with him behind their back-"

London cut her off, "But we were trying to fix it,"

"I know. So do you want us to tell them that he wants Cammie over everyone?" Becky asked.

London thought about Travis and how he would feel in particular, "I don't want anyone to think that getting rid of her would just be the go to get out of this situation. We let that happen and we are dying anyway because Kash is going to kill us and Slim if he is still in his feelings," London told her.

"Well we are not giving her up. I guess we just have to fight this thing head on. Okay?" she asked him. London nodded.


"Where you goin', bruh?" Lamaar asked as he took another drag.

"I told your high ass_ that I was going to see my mother. She told me that I could come by," Ivan said as he slipped sneakers into his feet, "-clean up and get out fool. Why don't you go home?"

"My baby moms be buggin'," Lamar shook his head.

"That's how I know you are too high for your own good because you don't have a baby moms. Get the fuck_ out before I come back,' Ivan left, getting into his car with the top down and pulling off.

He loves driving through his hood because everyone knows him here and loves him. He couldn't imagine being anywhere else but where he was his best at but maybe that all needed to change.

His mother only lived 10 minutes away but they only saw each other a couple of times a year. She wanted to live her own life without the burden of any children and she sent him to his grandmother. They were both fine with it and no part of him wishes that he would have been able to stay.

He pulled up in front of the small home and shut his car off, hoping out. He knocked on the door obnoxiously, waiting to hear his mother become aggravated.

"Alright boy! Are you crazy!?" she shouted from behind the door and opened it. She put her last earing in and they both smiled at each other.

"Your dreads got so long," she touched them and smiled.

"You look good mom." He gave her a tight hug.

Keisha was a woman of 46 but looked like she was in her 30s but acted like a 20 year old. Her life was full of partying after work and dating men that she found weren't worth her time. She managed to keep her curvaceous figure because after Ivan she didn't want to look as if she had a baby. The only thing about her that she hated was her hair, so she shaved it all off and kept it cut short and dyed a new color every now and then.

Talking to his mother was like talking to a friend. Anything goes. They never had mother to son talks, she actually didn't even see him as a son but a friend she always wanted. Ivan didn't want her to mother him though, she doesn't deserve that title in his book.

"Where are you going? Work?" Ivan asked, "-I thought you were available to talk."

"I called in sick to go on a date with this guys I met," she smiled at him.

"Oh that's good ma. Maybe this time you keep him around," Ivan shrugged as he stayed in the doorway because she wasn't trying to let him in.

"Yeah he's a cop. A big strong one too," she giggled.

Ivan furrowed his eyebrows, "What's his name?"

"Jeffery," she told him.

Ivan frowned, "A white cop?" he asked.

"Now you can't tell if he is white by the na-" she began.

Ivan cut her off, "That's a bitch_ move mom," he stepped back onto the porch, "-mother fuckers_ is killing us everyday, all day for sport and you go and date one of them. I don't care if he is not that way, it's just that this isn't the right time. Especially because my father lost his life to a white cop!" he shouted at her.

"Ivan! Your father pulled a gun on that man," Keisha tried to argue.

"Nah I don't want to hear it," he turned around, "-this ain't right ma and you know it."

"You need to grow up Ivan. Not everyone lives by a stereotype like you do!" she shouted.

"And like you. Sitting back on your ass_ and never taking care of your son! But you know what," he got in the car, "-imma make shit_ right for me."

"Imma make shit_ right," he pulled off.

"Susan are you going out for lunch?" Cammie asked as she came back to the desk with a cup of tea she just made.

"Yes. Do you want me to bring you anything?' Susan asked.

"You are such a sweetie," Cammie reached into her purse, "-where are you going?"

"Just to get Chinese," Susan said, "-I might order some for dinner tonight for my daughters."

"Sounds good. I might whip something up quickly but can you get me just fried rice and a lot of hot sauce packets. I need to wake up,"

"Tea, hot sauce and rice. This sounds like an interesting lunch," she smiled taking Cammie's money.

Cammie laughed and watched Susan until she didn't see her anymore. She was working on the layout of her blog because she hadn't done much too it but she decided to call Kash.

"You alright, love?" he asked her. Whenever Cammie calls, Kash doesn't answer with a hello most of the time, he's always asking if something is going on.

Cammie smiled and looked around nervously, "Kash don't make me get all blush-y," she held the left side of her face, "-I was calling just to check in."

Kash laughed, "Everything is fine-" she heard talking in the background.

"Who's that?" she asked.

"I'm going to take a picture and send it to you, give me a second," he told her.

Cammie waited and her phone vibrated twice and she saw that she had two picture messages. She opened them and gasped, covering her mouth.

"You like?" he asked her as he smiled, standing in front of the pasty, yellow home. Cammie nodded as if he could see her.

"8 bedrooms, 6 and a half bathroom-it's in a beautiful area, Cammie. Near a large park, 50 minutes from work which is a lot but you're a 20 minute walk from the train station. There is a nice little town in the middle and they have a lot of activities," he went on, '-I even spoke to the principal at Liberty Elementary School for the kids and Grandview High School is looking for an upbeat English teacher, I pulled a couple of strings to get you an interview whenever you are ready to come in."

Cammie turned her chair around to look out of the window. She was smiling but her eyes were tearing at the same time, "Kash-"

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't even know what to say," she cried.

"Please don't cry Cam,"

"But how are we going to go about this?" she asked him.

"We have to get the club up and running of course and once the money flows, we can began the process. And I was thinking that we could do something positive with the money like opening a bakery and having the tutoring that you wanted-for free and after care for kids. I think it will be great Cam."

"Things are going to be okay?" she asked.

"Everything is going to be just fine, baby. Don't sweat it. Whatever we have to face it'll work out in our favor. I know it,"

Cammie beamed, "I love you so much," she told him.

"I love you too," he told her, then hanging up.

Cammie couldn't gather herself together before Simone called her, "Hey Simone. I actually had a couple of questions for you."

"Okay shoot. I wanted to see if you were experiencing anything weird,"

"Not yet but like-when will it happen?"

"Doll face that is something that I do not know. It's sort of at random when he is ready and we don't know when that will be," Simone was sad to say.

Cammie sighed, "But for how long. Because when Kash was cleansed we were out for a couple of hours but last time it was like an entire day."

"The time varies, doll face,"

Cammie rolled her eyes, "I will call you back," she just hung up, "-never does she have an answer."

Cammie called Carol Anne and she answered immediately, "Tell your nanny that she has 5 kids and a baby to watch for the week and we will pay her however much she asks because Simone has no answers and we don't know when this is coming,"

"Already on it," Carol Anne pulled up her email and emailed the nanny, "-you sound like you are crying. What's up?"

"I'm tired that is all,' Cammie lied.

"Whatever. Tell me when you want to tell me," Carol Anne said, "-I have to go. I will text you every now and then when I get the chance."

Cammie's mind ran on Donatello and she wondered if he had any clue what was going on and if he would end up there, wherever there was. A part of her wanted to tell him but she knew that would make everyone mad, especially Kash and she loved him too much to do something foolish.

"If he burns he burns," Cammie said lowly.

"You talk to yourself a lot," one of her co-workers popped up from behind his cubicle.

"Years of no friends, Lewis. I told you this," Cammie threw her pen over at him and sipped her tea.

Before she relaxed fully, she texted Kash:

Hey, there are 8 bedrooms in that house...you want to try for another girl?

She laughed and waited for a reply and after a couple of minutes Kash wrote:

I know I look good but damn_

Seriously no stop playing and don't poke a hole in anything.

Things were getting scary but they couldn't walk around sad and scared, they tried to make each other laugh all of the time and it worked for a while.

_Next chapter on Friday at 8_

_I'm a little busy shopping for school and reading and prepping so it seems mediocre but next chapter is when shit gets real I promise!_

I love you all!



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