Antiquity (A Psych Fan-Fic)


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Prequel to Coping- Cassidy Reed always lived by the strict rules of her father. Before her father arrives hom... More

Bad Impressions
It's Just A Smoothie
Cassidy's First Date
Three-Day Rule
Bad Situation
Late Night Discussions
First Kiss/Unexpected Surprise
Meet the Parents
Dinner With The Reeds
A Couple's Quarrel
The Exams Begin Part 1
The Exams Begin Part 2
Acceptance-I think not.
The Morning After
Dilemma Part 1
Dilemma Part 2


608 19 3

Thanks to Fantomfaire, Flamingaura, Pineapplegirl123 (FanFiction) AnonRyder23, Lunadragon26, Spidergal  and Chione (Wattpad)  Also thanks to those who’ve voted on wattpad and by adding to their reading favorites as well as to those on FanFiction who did the same thing.

This is a super long chapter. Over 3000 words, so I hope you all enjoy. ^^ I think this is by far my favorite chapter I’ve written for this story. I took a lot of time writing this out. Please make sure to review and comment. It gives me so much motivation to continue.

Chapter 7: Amnesia

Cassidy groaned into the pillow as she slowly began to drift back into consciousness. Her eyes flew open at the scent that was embedded into the pillow as well as the sheets. She quickly sat up but immediately regretted it as nausea and a headache slammed through her.

Ow, Cassidy thought. What the hell happened last night?

She looked around at her surroundings and realized she had no idea where she was or how she got there. She wasn’t even wearing her own clothes. Instead, she was wearing a long t-shirt. Panic filled the young teenager. She slid off of the bed and stood on two wobbly legs. Once she regained her balance, Cassidy cautiously moved towards the door but stopped when something caught her attention in the corner of her eye.

A Swiss Army Knife lying flat on top of the dresser. She stumbled her way over to the dresser and grabbed the small weapon. She had no idea what was waiting for her on the other side of door and she didn’t want to leave the room unprotected.

Cassidy pulled the longest blade out of its slot and grabbed the doorknob, gave it a sharp twist, and pushed the door open. As she walked through the doorway, Cassidy could hear the sound of running water coming down from the dark hallway. Slowly, she placed one foot in front of the other and cautiously made her way over to the source of the noise.

Suddenly the water shut off and Cassidy pressed her back against the wall. Her breathing became more rapid with every passing second. She kept telling herself to remain calm. If she began to panic, she would get sloppy. Cassidy held her breath as she watched the doorknob to the bathroom slowly turning.

She tightened her grip on the blade as the door opened. Before the man had time to turn, Cassidy rammed her body against the man, catching the man by surprise as he fell down onto his back. Before he had a chance to get up, she straddled his hips and pressed the long blade firmly against his jugular.

“Don’t move, I swear if you make one move I will slit your throat.” She warned.  Even though she had the man right where she wanted him, she knew she couldn't hold him for long. She could feel her hands shaking and her eyelids still felt heavy “Now, where am I?”

“Whoa Cass, just calm down,” The familiar voice said. Cassidy let out a shaky breath once she realized who the voice belonged to, but refused to remove the blade from his neck. “It’s me, it’s Shawn. I brought you back to my place after what happened with Jason. Do you remember?”

Shawn could feel Cassidy’s hand slacken from his throat as she tried to recall what happened last night. He slowly inched his hand towards her hand that held the weapon against his neck. Gently, he pried his Swiss Army Knife from her hand. Cassidy snapped back into reality and realized Shawn had retrieved the weapon from her. She slammed his hand against the wall causing the weapon to drop down onto the floor and placed her hand tightly around his throat.

“I can’t remember anything from last night, why can’t I remember?” She asked, her voice shaking. “How did I even get in these clothes? Where’s Becca?”

“Can’t breathe,” Shawn said, gasping for breath.  After a few moments of consideration, Cassidy released her grip on Shawn’s throat and got off of him.

She sat next to him and watched as he quickly sat up. “I say you’re more than qualified to take the state exam in a couple years.” Shawn said, rubbing his neck.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you."  She whispered. One of her weak, shaky hands rubbed her forehead as she wished her current headache away. “You said you took me back to your place after what happened with Jason. What did he do?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?” He asked.

Cassidy shook her head. “Not much,” She said. “Last thing I recall was hanging up with you and Becca picked me up to drive us down to Jason’s party. He sat down with me on the sofa and after that…nothing.”

“He slipped a roofie into your drink.” Shawn said. “He wanted you to ‘loosen’ up a bit before he got into your pants, claimed he loved you and all that crap.”

Tears began to fall as Cassidy kept trying to recall what happened between her and Jason. “Oh god,” She gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. “D-Did he…you know…did he…”

“Rape you?” Shawn said. “No, I got there in the nick of time before things got worse.”

Cassidy let out a relieved sigh and wiped the fallen tears. “A-And Becca?”

“I explained the situation after I had a ‘little’ talk with Jason.” He said. “If your mom calls, I told her to lie for you as usual.”

“What did you do to Jason?” She asked.

Shawn stood up and shrugged as he walked towards his bedroom. “Nothing much,” He said, casually. “Just taught him a ‘little’ lesson and gave him a fair warning.”

Cassidy got to her feet and slowly made her way over to Shawn’s bedroom. “What do you mean by little, Shawn?” She asked, as she sat down on his bed. “Tell me, what did you do?”

“My father always used to tell me, you treat a woman like a person, then a princess, then a goddess and then a person again. It was one thing I admired my dad for teaching me.” He began, throwing a t-shirt over his head. “When I pulled up and saw Jason touching you like that, I got angry. I got out of the car and saw a wooden plank lying beside his house and picked it up. I hit him across the face first and then I broke his arm next. All I saw was red, I felt like killing him for what he planned on doing with you. You stopped me, your voice stopped me. I’m not the most charming guy out there. I’m more of a womanizer than anything. But you’re different. I didn’t want you to go, because I knew he was trouble. I knew he was going to hurt you somehow, I just didn’t know when. All I wanted was for you to be safe.”

Cassidy gave a small exhale of air after a few moments. She hadn’t realized that she had been holding her breath. This was the first time someone defended her when she needed help the most. She was grateful towards him. When they first met, she didn’t trust him. She saw him as nothing more than a smartass who got himself into dangerous situations like that night at the diner.

But when she got to know him a little more, she started to see the real him. He was sweet, funny and very wise even though he gave off the vibe that he was lazy. But overall, she admired him. He was someone she could trust even though the person she knew most of her life betrayed her by drugging and nearly raping her.

She then looked up at Shawn to see his usual calm expression. As she stared at him, a feeling, something she never felt before began to be felt through her chest. But for some reason Cassidy found herself smiling a bit inside. She couldn’t pinpoint the reason why as she continued to stare at him. What was this feeling she was experiencing?

Cassidy snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing his voice again. “Are you alright?” Shawn asked.

She gave Shawn a faint smile. “Thank you,” She whispered. “It’s funny. We hardly know each other, but yet I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. You didn’t have to come to my aid, but you did. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, I don’t know what I would’ve done. For all I know I could’ve wound up in a ditch naked and bleeding.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Cass.” Shawn said.

Cassidy shook her head. “No, I do. Because nobody at that party would’ve done the noble thing that you did. I owe you a lot.” She said. “But what struck me as odd was how you knew where I was?”

“You told me, remember?” Shawn said. “You said the party was being held as Jason’s?”

  “Don’t patronize me, Shawn. How did you know where Jason lived?” Cassidy asked. “Have you been following me?”

“Now who’s patronizing who? You remember that night we went to go watch Star Wars?” He asked. Cassidy nodded. “Well, Jason had a key chain hanging out from his pocket that had all of his contact information in case he misplaced his keys. That’s how I was able to track you down.”

“Okay, that answers one of my questions. Though, I’m still confused on one other part.” She said. “Your bike’s still in the shop. How did you get over to Jason’s without a vehicle?”

Shawn smirked. “Don’t underestimate me, Cass.” He said, pulling out a pair of jeans from his dresser drawer. “One thing you should know about me, is that I’m always full of surprises.”

Cassidy’s mouth dropped open, but no words came out. Was it possible that Shawn stole a car to get to her? “The look on your face tells me you’ve figured it out,” He continued, buttoning his jeans.

“I’m an accessory to your crime,” Cassidy whispered to herself.

“Relax, it’s not the first time I’ve stolen a car.” Shawn said. “Besides, I put it back in time before they even realized it went missing if that makes you feel any better.”

“No that doesn’t make me feel better, ever heard of a Taxi?!” She shrieked, running her hands through her messy hair.

Shawn shrugged. “I was running low on cash,” He replied, casually. “nearly not enough to get me where I needed to go.”

Cassidy placed her head in her hands and sighed heavily. A moment later her head snapped up and she met Shawn’s gaze with a glare. “Wait, you never told me how I got into these clothes,” She said. “Did you change me, if so how much did you see?”

Shawn felt his face getting hot. “Not much, I had my eyes closed the entire time.” He said. “I wasn’t going to let you sleep in my bed with puke ridden clothes.”

Cassidy shot him a look and stood up from the bed, slapping him several times in the arm. “You liar,” She said, disgusted.

“Ow, stop it!” Shawn cried. “Is this the thanks I get for saving your life?”

“How much did you see?” She repeated. Shawn tilted his head and groaned softly. “Well I hope you got a good look you pervert. Because that’s the last time you’ll ever see what’s under my clothes!”

“I can’t be held accountable for my ‘gift’. If you want to blame anyone, blame my father. I tried shutting my eyes, I swear I did, but by the time I did I had already recorded every mark, every scar that was on your body into my mind.” He defended. “But I swear, I swear on my best friend’s life that I didn’t remove your undergarments or take advantage of you in any way. I wouldn’t touch you unless you wanted me to. Though did you know the small birthmark you have on your right breast, just above the bra cup is in the shape of a heart?”

 “I know what it looks like you idiot,” She said, pushing him aside. She pulled out one of his drawers and rummaged through it until she found a pair of check shorts she could wear. “Though, strangely enough I believe you. Oh, and I’m borrowing these shorts for the time being. I’m not going home wearing puke.”

“Sure, be my guest. It wasn’t like I was planning on wearing those tomorrow or anything.” He said, sarcastically.

Cassidy slipped on the pair of shorts that was a few sizes too big for her, but managed to make it work for the time being until she got home. Shawn pulled out one of his drawers and reached in, pulling out a small phone and a light green wallet with a panda on the front of it and placed them in her hands.

“I managed to pull these out of your jacket when I brought you here last night.” He said. “Though I think your phone died overnight.”

“Thank you,” She said, gratefully. “Even though you saw more of me than I wanted you to, I appreciate everything you did for me last night. You’re a good friend, someone I can trust.”

“You’re welcome, Cass.” He spoke softly. “I’ll call a cab for you, alright?”

She nodded and watched as he moved towards the door, but grabbed him, “Wait,” She said. “Do you want to come with me, I mean to just drop me off?”

Shawn smiled. “Sure,”


When the taxi pulled up to the front of Cassidy’s house, the two stared out the window in amazement. Cassidy counted at least four police units parked outside her house. “She called the cops! I haven’t even been missing for seventy-two hours and she’s already freaking out.” Cassidy panicked. “I’m dead meat.”

“You want me to come with?” Shawn asked.

“As much as I would like you to right now, no. I need to do this on my own, take responsibility for my actions.” She said wearily. She reached into her wallet and pulled out a wad of bills. “Pay whatever the fair is and keep the rest. Thanks for everything, Shawn. It was nice knowing you.”

Cassidy stepped out of the taxi and slammed the door causing several officers’ not to mention her mother to turn their heads in her direction. She had never felt so humiliated in her life. “That’s her officer, that’s my daughter.” Her mother cried, running towards her, engulfing her in a tight hug.

 “Mom,” Cassidy said. “What’s all this, why are the cops here?”

Her mother pulled away slightly and grabbed her tightly by the shoulders, anger evident in her eyes. “Do you have any idea how worried I have been young lady? I’ve been worried sick about you! First you don’t answer your phone, and then I get a call from Rebecca at one in the morning, crying and scared out of her mind because she had no idea where that boy was taking you.” She said. “And what happened to your face, why is it bruised? What happened to you, did he touch you?”

Cassidy pulled away from her mother. “Mom, I’m fine.” She reassured. “Can we please talk about this inside, in private?”

Before her mother could give her an answer, a tall man in jeans and a white polo approached them. “Miss, if there was a chance you were assaulted it would be wise to tell us who did it so we can file charges on the suspect.” He said.

Cassidy rolled her eyes. From what she could tell, this man was a rookie at best. “The name is Cassidy, not Miss. And before you jump to conclusions officer, I fell down a flight of steps last night.” She lied. “Nothing you need to concern yourself over with.”

Cassidy was about to turn back to her mother, but the officer grabbed her arm.  “Agent,” He said.

“Well Agent-“


“Well like I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, Agent Miller” She said, practically spitting out the last word. “Don’t you have better things to do such as stopping drug trafficking instead of involving yourself in petty situations such as this?”

 “Cassidy Leanne Reed, watch your mouth!” Her mother warned. “What’s gotten into you young lady? I’m so sorry Agent Miller. You’ll have to excuse my daughter she’s normally not like this. She very well behaved.”

Cassidy pulled away from Agent Miller’s clutch only be grabbed once again, instead by her mother. “Well that’s a shame.” He said staring at Cassidy, and then to her mother. “You might want to get her check out just in case. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us again.”

“Thank you, Agent Miller.” Her mother said gratefully.

“It’s Cassidy, correct?” He asked. Cassidy stared at the man and nodded her hesitantly. “Just so were clear, your father put in a good word for you down at the Agency a couple months back. My bosses have been scouting for people with a particular set of skills such as yourself and if you keep continuing down this path and behaving irrationally, you will lose all opportunity to get in with the D.E.A. do I make myself clear?”

Cassidy nodded her head once again. Miller stepped forward and handed her his card. “There’s an exam being held down at the Agency in a couple months and your father wants you to attend.” He continued. “My bosses are already aware and if you’re interested give me a call and we’ll put you down. But for the mean time, I’ll be keeping my eye on you.”

Cassidy watched as the man walked away before glancing down at the fancy card. She didn’t know what to feel at the moment. A part of her was ecstatic because of the rare opportunity she was just given, but the other part of her was scared. It was all happening too fast and she didn’t know where to begin.

Her thoughts were quickly ending when her mother pulled her towards the house and slammed the door behind them once they were inside. “Where does he get off that I’m behaving irrationally?” Cassidy asked.

“Don’t you change the subject, Cassidy.” Her mother scolded.  “Explain, now!”

Cassidy threw her head back in frustration and paced around the foyer. “I was with Becca last night or well for partially of the night,” She began. “We went to a party and before you raise your voice at me again, I swear I didn’t drink. I don’t exactly remember all the details, but Jason made a move on me and Shawn got him off.”

“Cassidy, were you drugged?” Her mother whispered, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.  

Cassidy nodded. “I was foolish. I trusted Jason when I shouldn’t have and he slipped a roofie into my punch.” She said. “But I beg of you mom, please don’t bring the cops into this. If you do, they’ll most likely charge Shawn for assault for what he did to Jason when this was entirely my fault.”

“Honey, you do realize how serious this don’t you? You’re still a child and that decision is not up for you to make, but for the parents.” She said. “Now, did Jason…rape you?”

She shook her head. “No,” She replied. “And before you ask, Shawn didn’t touch me either. He took really good care of me after what happened last night. And the reason I didn’t return any of your phone calls was because my cell phone died.”

Her mother sighed heavily. “Cassidy, did you happen to shower this morning?”

 “No, why?” Cassidy asked, confused.

Her mother grabbed her keys and purse off the wall table and grabbed Cassidy’s arm once again. “Come on, I’m taking you by the office to get you checked out.”

“What? Mom, please no. You know I don’t like needles.” Cassidy pleaded as she tried to pull away. “I’m fine, I swear nothing happened.”

“I don’t care young lady,” Her mother said, yanking her out the door. “You’ll understand one day when you have kids of your own.”

“Sometimes I hate the fact that you’re a doctor,” Cassidy whined.

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