Relations With Stephen Curry

By Desglizzy

465K 14.4K 1.6K

Not friends. Not husband and wife. Not girlfriend and boyfriend. We were nothing to each other. We just had a... More

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Tia's Pov

2.9K 117 6
By Desglizzy

Tia Pov
Today Riley and I are leaving Paris. Getting out of our hotel and into the car was HECTIC! Of course Riley was frighten.

Riley- Mommy!

She held onto me tight.

Me- It's ok. It's ok.

Walking out of the hotel was a struggle. People were screaming and taking pictures. The paps were asking questions. I really couldn't hear.

Riley- Mommy. *Cries*

Me- It's ok. It's ok. It's ok.

I patted her back. The fans were shoving the bodyguards. Riley started really crying.

Bodyguards- Move!

Lord this is too much. My tallest bodyguard opened the car door and I put Riley in. I waved and blowed kisses at the fans.

Me- I love you!

I finally got in the car to a still crying Riley.

Riley- Mommy.. *Frowns* I don't like that.

Me- I know. Mommy's sorry.

I sat her on my lap and gave her cheek a kiss. All that screaming gave me a headache. I've been having them more. It's almost that time of the month I guess.

Riley played with the windows all the way to the airport. I didn't mind.

Me- Are you excited to see daddy?

She smiled and nodded.

Riley- Daddy.

Me- Yes, daddy. *Smiles*

When we got to the airport Riley jumped out the car and ran to the jet.

Riley- Open, open. I have to potty.

The captain opened the door. Riley ran past him and to the bathroom. I greeted him and walked onto the jet. I walked to the bathroom.

Me- Riley are you going potty?


Me- Riley?


I opened the door and a sad face Riley was standing in the middle of a puddle.

Riley- It was too late mommy.

Me- Rileeeeeeeey.

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