My Own Superhero (A Stephen A...

By katedp

81K 1.6K 373

Kai just got a job as the new makeup artist on The CW show, Arrow. She is a huge fangirl and who knows what w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note

Chapter 9

2.9K 62 3
By katedp

Chapter 9


When we had all returned to Vancouver from San Diego, we had a few more weeks off before we started filming again. I was determined to get Rae up here so I could see her and so I could introduce her to Jared. I had texted a picture of him and she thought he was cute, but that wasn't enough. She needed to come here and meet him. I had been trying to convince her, and finally she had said yes. She was coming for two weeks and Stephen and I were so excited.

She was coming in today, and she had just texted me. Stephen and I were having Jared, Jensen, and some friends over tomorrow, so she had some time to settle in. Since we weren't working Stephen and I drove to the airport to pick her up. When we got home, I took her up to the guest room, and let her settle in. When it was time to sleep, I almost couldn't because I was so excited.


Today was the day! Yay! I woke up at the most ridiculous hour this morning, but I couldn't fall back to sleep. I popped up and immediately started cooking. I was going to attempt homemade pasta today, with my mom's famous red sauce. It was Rae and my favorite. I was excited to try it, and I knew it would be okay at least.

A few hours later everything was prepped, but it was too early to start cooking. I started some water on the fire to make some French press coffee. I brought that with me, because I liked it better than I liked coffee from a machine. I grabbed my press, some ground coffee, and got set up. As my water came to a boil, I could hear some footsteps padding over to me. I looked up to see Stephen standing in his sweats looking as hot as ever after just waking up. Ugh, I wish I looked that good. Anyways, as I stared at him, he smiled and said, "You excited?"

"Yes! I can't stop thinking about how amazing this is going to be. But, you and Jensen have to play wingman for Jared. I am going to seat him and Rae next to each other, but I need you to gauge what he thinks of her and let me know." He nodded. I was going to play wingman for Rae, and I knew already that she thought he was good looking, but I would have to gauge personality. I had already texted Jensen to let him know the plan, and since his wife, Danneel, was coming, she could help me with Rae. She knew Jared pretty well, because they were so close, so I wasn't alone.

I was also stoked because Emily, Colton, Katie, and David were coming over too. I knew they all knew J2, but I was excited for all of them to meet Rae. She was a fun person and I knew they would all love her.


Many hours later, it was finally time for people to start getting here. I knew Emily and Colton would be on time because Em was neurotic about promptness. Sure enough, at six exactly, the doorbell rang and Em and Colton stood there with David and Katie behind them. I was surprised that they were on time, but Emily broke my revere, and said, "We carpooled." Oh, okay.

Next to arrive were Jensen and Danneel and I was really happy. I hugged Jensen, and shook hands with Danneel. When I hugged Jensen I whispered, "You know the plan right?" He nodded and I smiled. There was only one way this dinner was going to end. Stephen was in the living room mingling and I ran up to see what Rae was doing. She was standing in the guest room in her bathrobe, freaking out. I laughed and said, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to make a good impression. I want your actor friends to like me."

"They don't know about you, so wear what you want and they will love you. Also make sure you look a little sexy." I winked at her, and with that I left the room. I headed back to greet Jared, who was just walking in. We hugged and I got so freaking excited. This was happening.

A few minutes later, Rae came down and when I saw her I smiled. She was wearing dark wash jeans, with a white flowy top. She looked amazing. I ran over and stopped her where she was standing. I asked for quiet and said, "So this person is my sister, Rae. Y'all, Rae, Rae, y'all."

Everyone smiled at her and we all headed for the table. I went into the kitchen to grab the salad and the soup for the first course and when I came back in with the salad in one hand and the tourine full of soup in the other, there was a full conversation going on. I eyed Rae and Jared, and found them smiling and talking to one another. Stephen was engaged with David, Jensen, and Colton, probably talking about sports. Emily and Danneel were engaged, discussing something interesting I guess.

I placed the food on the table, and we all dug in, conversations changing and everyone seemingly having a good time. I had my phone in my back pocket just in case anyone texted me. I felt it buzz, and when I looked, I saw a text from Jared. I smiled and when I opened it, it read, "Your sister, is she single?"

I replied, "Painfully so. She needs someone."

"J Okay. Thanks," was his simple and cryptic reply. I looked up and saw Stephen staring at me. I gave him a look and then I flicked my eyes toward Jared and he got my point. I decided now was a good time to make a quick toast. I tapped my spoon against the glass and said, "So I would like to make a toast, to all of you sitting here. One of you is family by blood, and the rest of you have become something of a surrogate family for me here. I love all of you and you fill my heart with joy. To family!"

"To family!" They replied.

We all clinked our glasses and made our way to Stephen's living room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jared and Rae sort of cuddling, but Jared looked to damn scared. I stood up and headed into the kitchen. Stephen looked confused, but I just gave him a wink and walked away. I grabbed my phone and shot Jared a text saying, Stop being such a wimp! Make a damn move!

I stayed in the kitchen for a minute or two, until Stephen texted me, HE MADE A MOVE!!!

I replied, I know, I told him to. J

I could hear Stephen chuckle, so I walked back in, to see Rae and Jared cuddled up to each other looking so damn cute. I sat down next to Stephen and leaned on his muscly chest. Despite how buff he was, he made a good pillow. My eyes were starting to droop, and I think Stephen noticed because he said, "Okay, I'm sorry, but it's time to wrap this up."

Everyone complained, but he held his ground. I heard Jared complaining the loudest and that made me smile sleepily. I stood by the door with Stephen so we could see everyone out and the last to leave was Jared and he looked regretful. He placed a gentle kiss on Rae's cheek, and I almost squealed aloud, but kept it to myself. I looked up at Stephen and he was grinning. Our plan had been a success.

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