Winning the Lottery

By LilNaths_Sloth

632K 16.3K 1.3K

Britt Malone was your average, busy medical student. She was a pretty good student, one who studied constantl... More

Ch. 1 Coffee
Ch. 2 Accidents Happen
Ch. 3 Taking the Plunge
Ch. 4 Dr. Hamilton
Ch. 5 Hospital
Ch. 6 Stitches
Ch. 7 End of the Road
Ch. 8 Idiocy
Ch. 9 Bad News
Ch. 10 For Pete's Sake
Ch. 11 Heart Stopper
Ch. 12 Mamma Mia
Ch. 13 Love
Ch. 14 Psych
Ch. 15 Electric
Ch. 16 Bad Luck
Ch. 17 Frontline
Ch. 18 Therapy
Ch. 19 Crazy
Ch. 20 Fighter
Ch. 21 Troubled Water
Ch. 23 Past to Present
Ch. 24 Not Today
Ch. 25 Not Okay
Ch. 26 Christmas Time
Ch. 27 Boyfriend
Ch. 28 Complication
Ch. 29 Loss
Ch. 30 Engagement to the Test
Ch. 31 Sergeant Major
Ch. 32 Trial and Truth
Ch. 33 Business
Ch. 34 Working for a Living
Ch. 35 Family Drama
Ch. 36 Wedding
Ch. 37 Death
Ch. 38 Aftermath
Ch. 39 Not Broken, Just Bent
Ch. 40 Funeral, Murder, and Trial--Oh My!
Ch. 41 Change
Ch. 42 Speech: Take 1
Ch. 43 Speech: NIH
Ch. 44 Home is Where the Science Is
Ch. 45 Finished
Ch. 46 Military Wife
Ch. 47 See You Soon
Ch. 48 Risky Missions
Ch. 49 Madness
Ch. 50 Survivor's Guilt
Ch. 51 Oh, Baby
Ch. 52 Talk
Ch. 53 The Secret's Out
Ch. 54 Fighting
Ch. 55 Atlanta
Ch. 56 Going Home
Ch. 57 Talking Baby
Ch. 58 Winning the Lottery

Ch. 22 Love and Sex

11.9K 275 48
By LilNaths_Sloth

She was kissing me! I was pushed to the elevator wall with her tongue shoved down my throat. She had a tongue ring, which made the kiss even grosser.

When my brain processed what was going on, I pushed her back. I needed to catch my breath. I looked at her with wide eyes.

What the hell?

She licked her lips and put a thumb to my lips, wiping them off. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and smirked, "Sgt. Major is a lucky man."

I was speechless.

She smiled, "That coffee is good."

I couldn't speak. I was too stunned.

She restarted the elevator.

When it stopped, I started to walk off.

She slapped my bum.

I turned to her and gasped, "Seriously?"

She shrugged and went into Lt. Woods's room.

I got his chart and took a deep breath. I was a hot mess, caught completely off guard. I hadn't even seen it coming.

I walked into Lt. Woods's room to see Hawk beside Jake.

He smiled, "Hey. I haven't seen you all afternoon."

I smiled, "I've been busy."

"You okay?" he asked.

Hawk smirked and winked at me.

I ignored her and checked the lieutenant's vitals. I wrote them down. "How's your-" My voice was hoarse and it cracked. I cleared my throat. "How's your pain?"

"I'm okay. My leg kind of hurts, but my breathing is fine."

"A nurse should be in to give you more medicine soon."

He nodded. "You're good."

"Yes, she is," Hawk smiled.

I needed to get out of there. "I have to check on a couple other patients, so I, um, I'm going to go."

"Are you going to check on Dad?" Jake asked.

"Probably," I sighed.

Jake looked at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay? You might have a concussion from-"

"I'm fine. I've got to go." I left the room and retrieved my coffee. I downed half of it and went up to check on Peter.

He, Kelly, and Melanie were sitting around, talking.

I closed the door behind me and took a breath. I went to the restroom and rinsed my mouth out. Then, I went in their room.

"What's going on?" Kelly asked.

"Something happened and I can't tell Jake, but I have to tell Jake. Should I tell Jake?" I blurted out.

"What is it?" Peter asked

"You know Hawk, his military friend or whatever?"

They nodded.

"We were talking about coffee in the elevator and the next thing I know, she's shoving her tongue down my throat," I spat, completely panicked.

Their eyes widened.

"Oh my God," Melanie gasped, covering her mouth.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Are you into girls?" Kelly asked.


They were quiet.

"What?" I gasped.

"We've never had this problem," Peter spoke. "Give us a minute."

The door opened.

Jake walked in. He looked at me. "What the hell is going on with you?"


"Britt, I know you. I know something's going on. What is it?"

"It's nothing."

"Try not lying to me," he spoke, crossing his arms.

"Don't go all military on her," Kelly told him. "If you do that, she'll never tell you anything."

He dropped his arms and shrugged. "What is it? I thought we were over what happened this morning."

"We are."

"Then, what's going on?" he asked.

I sighed.

He walked to me and took my hands. "I won't be mad. I just need to know what's going on."

I looked at Kelly. What was I supposed to say? What could I say?

"Do you guys know?"

They were quiet.

Jake took my face in his hands. "What? Tell me."

"Hawk kissed her," Melanie spoke up.

He looked at his sister. "What?"

"She got her alone in the elevator and kissed her. Britt didn't want to make you mad by telling you. I think she's in shock," Melanie spoke.

Jake looked at me. "What happened?"

I told him everything from the moment we got on the elevator to the moment we parted ways. I had tears in my eyes.

His eyes searched mine. "Mom, can you take Britt's patients for a few hours?"

"Yeah, of course."

Jake pulled me from the room. He pulled me to the all too familiar on call room and locked the door. "Get in bed."


"Get in bed," he repeated.

I took my shoes off and laid on the bed.

The next thing I knew, his arm was around me as he laid behind me. His hand slipped up my shirt, rubbing my stomach.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Don't apologize." After a minute, he asked, "Did you like it?"

"No. When I have someone pinning me to a wall with their pelvis, I much prefer something with a bit more...tissue."

"Is that so?" he whispered, grinding his hips into me.

I put my chin to my chest as a quiet moan escaped my lips.

"Turn to me, baby," he whispered.

I turned to him.

"Can you be quiet?"

I shook my head. I couldn't be quiet when I was so tightly strung.

"Do you want to go home?"

I nodded.

"Then, let's go," he whispered.

He stood and put my shoes on me. He helped me up and took me to his dad's room. "Mom, we're going home."

"What happened?" I heard her ask.

"Nothing. She's just frazzled. She can't practice medicine like this."


Jake pulled me to his car. He lifted me up and put me in. Then, he got in and drove off.

I buckled up and took a deep breath. I really needed him. My head was spinning.

When we got to his house, he got out and helped me out. He pulled me inside and locked the door.

"Britt, go to our room. I'll be there in a minute, okay?"

"Where are you going?" I asked, completely breathless. What the hell was wrong with me?

"I'm going to get us some wine."

"I'm on call."

"One glass. It'll help me relax you."

"I like the sound of that," I smirked.

He winked and went to the kitchen.

I made my way upstairs and removed my top. I took my hair down and shook it out. I sighed and went to the restroom, where I quickly brushed my teeth.

"Britt?" he called.

I was drying my hands when he walked in.

His mouth dropped.

I looked at myself and ran a hand through my hair. "What?"

He went to the shower and started it. Then, he removed his shirt and pants. He walked over to me in the most seductive way.

I bit my lip.

"What is it?" he smiled, gripping my pants. He pulled them, pulling me to him.

I shook my head.

He undid the tie on my pants, never looking away from me.

My pants fell.

I stepped out of them and out of my shoes. I removed my socks and brushed my hand against his ankle.

I heard a sharp intake of breath as I dropped to my knees, looking in his eyes.

He didn't say a word, watching my every move.

I ran my nose up his inner leg, up to his boxers. I traced him with my mouth, placing a soft kiss on him.

He was trembling beneath me. "Britt, please," he panted.

I smiled. Gripping his bum, I stood and smirked, slipping my hands in his waistline.

The room was getting hot and steamy from the shower. Our chemistry really wasn't helping that.

He slipped my panties off. Then, his hands went around to my bra and unclasped it.

I removed my hands from him, allowing my bra to fall to my pile of clothes.

He slipped his briefs off, looking me in the eye. Then, he took my hand and pulled me to the shower. He pulled me in.

I jumped as the hot water hit me.

"I've got you," he whispered.

I pressed my body to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. "James, if you don't do something in the next minute, I'm going to combust," I panted.

"You just called me by my full name."


"It's so hot when you do it," he whispered, lifting my legs around his waist. He pressed me to the wall and took me quickly.

I gripped his hair, pushing my chest into his face.

He kissed my chest and looked up at me. "Let me see you."

I leveled my eyes with his and gasped as he shoved me into the wall with an intense thrust.

He swiveled his hips and moved in and out in the most special way.

With all the sexual tension between us, it didn't take long for us to unravel. We completely came apart in each other's arms.

I kissed him.

He washed us off with soap. "Do you want your hair washed?"

"No. Take me to bed."

He turned the water off and stepped out, carrying me to the counter. He dried us off, then carried me to bed. He climbed over me and put his legs on either side of me.

"You're amazing," I smiled, running my hands from his hair to his chin. "Give me a kiss."

He gave me a sweet kiss, deepening it. His tongue traced mine. He pulled back and breathed. He breathed, "You taste so divine."

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you," he smiled, giving me a kiss.

I pulled back and smiled, "Wanna go again?"

"Oh. Yes, please," he whispered. He gripped my waist. Then, he slowly sunk into me.

I moaned, gripping his shoulders. I closed my eyes, immersed in him.

Moments later, we unraveled again, gripping each other as if our life's depended on it.

He laid beside me, panting. "Britt, that was...indescribable."

"Well, there's one thing I've learned from this."

"What's that?" he asked.

I turned to him and smiled, "I am so not gay."

"You could be bi. There's nothing wrong with it."

I ran my hand down his body and gripped him.

He jerked, surprised by the contact, and instantly reacting. He let out a long, slow breath, then inhaled sharply as I worked him up.

I removed my hand and looked at him. "No, I found too much delight in that."

"Bridget, I-I, um, I-"

I moved atop him. "Relax."

"I don't think I can."

"Suit yourself," I smirked, sinking down on him, soaking him in, feeling him.

He moaned.

I leaned down and muffled his moan, claiming it with a kiss. I kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear lobe.

He growled.

I pulled back and smiled at him, taking control.

His head fell back as he let go, let me relax him.

I had a feeling he didn't give control over often. He liked control, liked bossing people around. Not me. We weren't like that. When it came to me, I completely disarmed him.

This time, when I released, I fell onto his chest as his body convulsed beneath me. His secure arms wrapped around me, holding me to him. Neither of us wanted to break our precious contact.

When our bodies calmed down, I slowly got off him and laid beside him. I was completely spent.

He kissed my head. "You should sleep. You have work in the morning."

I curled into him and sighed.

He rubbed my back until I fell asleep.


We woke early the next morning. It was the crack of dawn, seemingly too early to get up.

"Britt, baby, we have to get up," Jake whispered in my ear.

I curled into him, not wanting to leave his warmth.

"Britt, c'mon, you have to go save lives."

"I don't wanna."

"Are you pouting?" he chuckled.

"Is it working?"


"Then, yes, I'm pouting," I mumbled, running my hand through his bit of chest hair.

"As much as I'd love to lay here with you all day, we both have to get to work."

I groaned.

He kissed my ear and whispered, "Quickie in the shower?"

My eyes shot open. "Quickie in the bed, then shower?" I wagered.

"Deal," he smiled, moving so he was over me.

As I got lost in him again, I found myself never wanting to get enough of him. He was made for me. He was my strength, my love. He was my dream come true, even though that may sound cheesy.

After our time in bed, we had a quick shower and got dressed.

He put on a white button down and navy pants.

I put on a red blouse and jeans. I slipped on a fresh pair of socks and my shoes.

When I went downstairs, Jake was waiting by the door with two to-go cups of coffee. He handed me one.

"You made me coffee?"

"Yeah, I bought you sweetener and creamer. I figured that if you live with me, you should have what you like here," he spoke, leading me outside. He locked the door and led me to the truck, where he helped me in.

We left for work.

"Tonight, I was thinking I could drive my car home," I spoke, taking a drink of coffee.

"Why?" he asked, ruffling his brow.

"Because I've not driven it in days. I don't trust leaving it in the parking lot. I-"

"Hawk will take it to your house."


"She kissed you, I don't like it, but she did. Can you blame her? You're sexy and beautiful and your lips are perfect," he smiled as he drove.

I got my keys from my bag and handed them to him. "Because I love you...but I really need to pick up clothes at my house. I don't really want Hawk going through my clothes or anything."

"Have Lou bring you another bag."

Not wanting to fight him on something so silly, I nodded, "Okay."

When he pulled up outside the hospital, he parked and got out. He helped me out and led me in.

"I'm going to check on Lt. Woods and Dad, then I'll be out of here, so if I don't see you-" He gave me a sweet kiss. "-have a good day."

"You, too," I smiled before we parted ways.

I went to the locker room and changed into my scrubs. I put my pager and phone in my pocket, then I made my way upstairs. I started with Lt. Woods's room.

He was asleep, but his vitals were good.

Hawk stood. She smiled, "Britt, hi."

"Good morning," I smiled.

"You just missed Sgt. Major."

"Did I? How was he this morning?" I smiled, knowing just how well he was.

"He told me to take your car to your house later when I leave."

"If that's too much to ask-"

"No, it's fine." She walked up to me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "How are you this morning? You look a little tired."

"I'm great. I-"

Before I could finish, her mouth was on mine. Again.

This time, I immediately pushed her back. I left the room and put Lt. Woods's chart back at the nurses' station. Then, I made my way to Peter's room.

Jake was sitting with him and Kelly.

"Peter, how are you feeling?"

"Okay," he smiled.

His vitals were good and he did have some color in his cheeks, which brought a small smile to my face.

"You okay?" Peter asked.

"Yep. Just checking on my patients," I spoke. I looked at Jake. "We need to talk. When are you leaving?"

"Soon. Is everything okay?" he asked.

"No. Everything is not okay."

"What happened?" he asked.

"I checked on your lieutenant."

"So? You just said you were checking on all your patients," he slowly spoke.

"Hawk was there and Lt. Woods was asleep..."

His eyes widened. "Again? Damn it!"

"I'm fine. Just make sure it doesn't happen again, okay? Please?"

He stood. "It won't. I promise."

I looked at Peter. "I'm in the E.R. today, so page me if you need me, okay?"

He nodded.

I left the room with Jake on my heels. I put Peter's chart away. Then, I turned to Jake.

He gave me a sweet kiss. "We had an amazing morning. Don't let her ruin it."

"Ruin it? I'm on a high. I may not come down for hours," I smirked, giving him a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you," he smiled and gave me one last kiss.

I went to the emergency room, where a trauma was coming in.

A family of four got in a nasty wreck with a semi-truck, which led to a very mangled family.

The Dad, whose head hit the steering wheel, was rushed to CT and a neurosurgeon consult.

The mother had a cut cheek and a few cuts and bruises that required attention.

One of the kids had a broken ankle and a head injury. The other kid, who was significantly younger, had a black eye, complained of abdomen pain, and a broken arm.

Dr. Michaels had me take care of the kid with the broken ankle and head injury.

After the kid had a CT of his brain and ankle, we had to take him to the O.R. to correct the break.

For hours, Dr. Walker and I stood, irrigating and fixing the arm. Dr. Walker had to use screws and plates to get the leg to stay in place so that it would heal properly.

Our kid was very lucky, considering all things.

On my way to post-op, Dr. Hamilton paged me.

I scrubbed in with her.

She was working on the kid, the boy, with the abdomen pain. He had a bleed that she needed help finding.

His vitals were haywire, but we kept looking.

"Suction! I need suction!" she shouted.

Dr. Taylor stepped in and suctioned the area.

This kid was a mess. His whole abdomen was coated in a sea of blood.

Finally, I found the source of the bleed and clamped it.

Dr. Hamilton quickly suctioned the rest of the blood while I threw a suture on the bleeder. I was so relieved when it held and didn't tear open.

After the surgery, we went to the ICU to watch both of the boys.

The mother was with the boy I'd operated on earlier. His name was Jeremy and he was doing fine.

"How's my brother? How's Henry?" he asked.

"He's fine. He'll be sore for a bit, but he should make a full recovery," Dr. Hamilton smiled.

The mother started crying even more than she had already been crying.

Dr. Hamilton led me upstairs, where we checked on Peter.

I went to the nurses' station and sighed. It had been a long day, but two lives were saved.

I was walking to the cafeteria when I ran into someone. I looked up.

Jake looked down at me. "Hey, watch where you're going," he smirked.

"My apologizes," I smiled, giving him a kiss. I pulled back and smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"Therapy. I just finished a two hour session, so I'm not really feeling up to going back to work. I just don't think I can today, so I'm doing paperwork in Dad's room, keeping him company," Jake explained.

"You didn't tell me about therapy today."

"It slipped my mind. When I remembered, I went to a nurse to page you, but she said you were in surgery."

"I was. Two surgeries."

"Do you have a surgery now? Or would you like me to buy you lunch?"

"Lunch sounds nice," I smiled.

Together, we walked into the cafeteria and got trays of food. Then, we found a table and sat down, sitting across from one another.

"You've been busy today," he smiled.

"I have been. It seems like every day we get closer to Christmas, the more busy I get," I smiled.

"Yeah, Mom is always busy around this time of year," he smiled, taking a drink of coffee.

I nodded. "So how was therapy?"

"Awful. I always feel so drained by the time I leave there. My head is spinning."

"That bad?"

He nodded. "We got to the heart of the PTSD problem today. It was very interesting."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." He handed me my keys. "Your car is at your house and a bag of your clothes is in my truck."


"I had to pick Hawk up from your place, so I asked Lou if he could fix a bag up. That place looks like a wedding and Christmas had a bit too much tequila and threw up everywhere. It's insane."

I smiled, "I bet they're excited."

Jake nodded. "They seemed to be."

We were quiet for a minute, eating our food.

"Do you think about it?" he asked.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Your wedding."

I shrugged and smiled, "I guess. I mean, not so much in detail, but I've thought about it. I think every girl has."

He nodded, taking a drink of coffee.


"I just wondered... Hey, speaking of weddings, I wanted to ask you something," he smiled.

"Yeah? Shoot."

"Mel is getting married in February. I need a date, so I was wondering if maybe you would come with me...?" he spoke, looking up at me.

"You want me to be your date to your sister's wedding?" I asked, processing it.

He nodded, looking a little nervous.

"Yeah, of course I'll go with you."


"Yeah, it'll be fun."

He reached over and gave me a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you," I smiled.

My pager buzzed.

I sighed, "I gotta go."

"Okay. I'll take care of this. Go save lives," he smiled as I stood.

I gave him a kiss and smiled, "Okay. You're the best."

"I know. Now, go before I don't let you," he smirked.

I left, hurrying to the emergency room.

Another trauma was coming in.

Patient after patient came in. Hour after hour, I was in surgery. Then, after one surgery, it was the next. I mostly observed and watched post-op patients for my attendings, which was fine.

I was with a patient when I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm fine!" Jake snapped.

I turned and saw him on a stretcher, trying to get up. I rushed over and pushed him back. "What happened?"

"Fender bender. I'm fine. The car barely hit me. On the bright side, I was on my way here, so it was like an express ride," he smiled.

Dr. Hamilton rushed over. "James, what did you do?"

He looked at me. "Tell her I'm fine."

"I'm not telling her anything."

"What is it?" she asked.

"Nothing, Mom. It was a fender bender. Hawk is bringing my car."

Dr. Taylor walked over. "Mr. Hamilton, I'll be taking you to your scans."

Jake rolled his eyes, looking at me. "He just called me 'mister'."

"Get over the God complex and quit moving. If you keep moving and you don't snap your neck, your mom will do it for you. Now, shush and let Dr. Taylor take you to your scans."

He sighed. "Fine. Get back to your patient. I'm fine."

I looked at Dr. Taylor. "Page me if anything comes up, okay?"

He nodded and took Jake up to CT.

I went back to my patient.

This was the third or fourth time Jake had to come into the emergency room. He had really bad luck. What were the odds of him coming in injured so often?

His whole family seemed to have bad luck when it came to medical issues. The fact his mother was a surgeon and they had all this trouble amazed me. It stressed me out, so I couldn't even imagine what she was feeling.

When the emergency room calmed down, I went to the lobby and got two large peppermint mochas. I took them upstairs, finding Dr. Hamilton in an observing room, watching an open heart surgery.

I handed her a coffee and sat beside her.

She smiled and took a drink. "It's like Christmas in a cup."

"It is," I smiled. "So how's Jake?"

"I don't know. Dr. Taylor is doing a work up."

I nodded and took a drink.

Together, we watched the surgery.

She stood and smiled, "C'mon. I want to show you something."

She took me to the skills lab.

We worked on loads of different stitches and incisions. We were in there for hours until I perfected everything she taught me. It got us away from everything, which was really nice.

Her pager buzzed. "James is ready. You want to go see him?"

"Yeah, of course," I smiled.

We cleaned up and found Jake in a room, admitted.

Dr. Taylor was with Dr. Walker, standing by his bedside.

"What's wrong?" Kelly asked, taking Jake's hand.

"He's got a fractured clavicle. I would like to go in and put a plate and a couple screws in to help realign it," Dr. Walker spoke.

She sighed and looked at Dr. Walker. "Is Dr. Taylor good? I don't want anyone scrubbing in that's not the best."

"Mom," Jake complained.

"James, this isn't just some little surgery. It'll be painful. I'm looking out for your best interests."

"I'm a grown man, Mom. I've had broken bones heal overseas before. I'm fine."

"Dr. Taylor is a very good resident," Dr. Walker assured her.

"Can we just do the surgery already?" Jake sighed.

Dr. Walker nodded and left the room. Dr. Taylor followed him.

Kelly looked at Jake. "You're going to be in a sling for Christmas pictures. You'll be in pain on Christmas. This is our last Christmas as a family and everyone is falling apart."

Jake sighed and looked at me. "You've been quiet."

I walked over to him. I ran a hand through his hair. "Can we make sure this is your last injury for a while?"

"Yes," he smiled, taking my hand. "I promise this'll be the last one. I'll try to take it easy."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Oh. My keys are in my pants. You'll need them to get home."

"I was thinking about working through tonight. I've got nothing better to do."

"You should go home. You've been working too hard."

"I'm a surgical resident."

He looked at his mom. "Will you make sure she goes home tonight? Please?"

She nodded.

I smiled at Jake. "Fine. I'll wait until you get out of surgery, then I'll go, okay?"

He nodded.

A while later, Dr. Taylor came to take Jake to pre-op.

I gave Jake a kiss and sent him off. Then, his mom and I sat in the waiting area.

The surgery was taking forever, which wasn't settling well for either of us. We were going crazy.

"Ooh! You should go home and decorate the house. That way, when he comes home, he'll be surprised," she smiled.

"Are you on call tonight?"


I smiled, "You want to come help?"

She smiled, "That sounds like fun."

We spent the rest of our wait thinking about the decorations and the tree. To be honest, I was getting excited. This was going to be fun.

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