Relations With Stephen Curry

By Desglizzy

463K 14.3K 1.6K

Not friends. Not husband and wife. Not girlfriend and boyfriend. We were nothing to each other. We just had a... More

Stephen's Pov
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Tia's Pov

3.7K 122 9
By Desglizzy

Tia Pov
My album is now on hold because I have to plan for Stephen and I's wedding. I can't handle an album being released right now.

Right now I'm moving into Stephen's house. He was helping me hang my stuff up.

Me- I think it was the cutest the way you asked me to marry you. *Smiles*

Stephen- You made me really nervous.

Me-*Chuckles* How?

Stephen- You took forever to answer the question.

Me- I was speechless.

Stephen- You said yes though.

Stephen poked out his lips and I pecked them.

Me- I love you.

Stephen- I love you too.

Riley came crawling on the floor with her toy car.

Riley- Hey daddy and mommy.

Us- Hey baby.

Riley- What are we going to do today you guys?

Stephen- What do you want to do?

Riley- Chuck'E'Cheese!

Me-*Chuckles* You wanna do that.

Riley nodded.

Me- Chuck'E'Cheese it is then.

Riley- Yay!

Riley ran out of the room. I slipped into some sneakers. Stephen threw on a hat.

Me-*Yells* Riley, it's time to go!

Riley- Wait, wait. I can't get my shoes on.

She ran out with some UnderArmer sneakers. I sat her on the bed and put her shoes on.

Me- Now we are all ready.

Stephen held Riley's hand all the way to the car. He buckled her up while I got in.

In the car Stephen turned on the radio. "Blessed" was on.

Riley-*Sings* Waaay up I feel blessed.

I chuckled at Riley. Stephen and I held hands all the way to Chuck'E'Cheese. When we got there I got Riley out. Stephen put her on his neck.

Riley- I'm taller mommy.*Giggles*

Me- I see! *Smiles* Mommy can't reach you.

Riley giggled. Stephen held my hand. I looked around at all the paps. I smiled at them. When we got into Chuck'E'Cheese Stephen sat Riley on the floor. We walked in and Riley ran around playing. Stephen was being a big kid and shooting basketball. We were playing against each other. He won.

Me- That's only because you're a pro. *Chuckles*

Stephen- At least you said I'm a pro.

Me- Whatever. Let's go do something I'm good at. Dancing.

Stephen and I walked to the dance game. He pulled out his phone and made a vine.

Stephen- Bout to beat her in this.

Me- So he thinks. *Smirks*

Stephen- Lets go.

I picked a fast song. Stephen and I were doing pretty good. I was still in the lead.

Me- Aye, Aye.

Stephen- Feeling yourself a little too much.

Me- Don't make me laugh. *Chuckles*

I won!

Me- Ha!

Stephen- Something's wrong with the game.

Me- You thought.

I gave Stephen the "L". He grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. I looked up at him. He gave me a kiss.

Me- You're random. *Chuckles*

Stephen- *Chuckles* Lets go find Ry.

We found Riley. She was riding the horse. She loves horses.

Riley- Mommy ride with me.

Me- Alrighty.

I climbed on with Ry. Stephen recorded us. We may be having just as much fun as Ry.

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