The Bitter Start.

Door Dudett902

265 1 0

Aliyah had been in a world full of pain and affliction. She did have a group she could vent out her frustrati... Meer

The Bitter Start.
Chapter three
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six/
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sExteen.
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine

Chapter two

14 0 0
Door Dudett902

Chapter two


I woke up to my alarm and Ronny's foot on my face.. I struggle to get out of bed that I fall out, trying to not land on my face. Damn she's a wild sleeper. I rubbed my face and stand, seeing she's still sprawled out on my bed.

"Get up." I growl. She groans, but starts to drag herself out of the stupid bed.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" She asked and I nodded.

"Ya. I still have the extra toothbrush on my sink if you need that to. Trouble with your boyfriend again?" She shrugged and I let the subject go. The last time was a few weeks ago, and she came to me on a whim, telling me about how her boyfriend kicked her out of the house for a night or so, since they had gotten into another fight. I didn't ask any questions. I know that if she wanted to talk about it- she would.

I know her parents aren't exactly in the picture, and she's been with the guy since she was fifteen. She told me she moved in with him because she had no where else to go.  I've known her for two years, and I've only ever seen the guy once. I've only ever been to her place once too, and it didn't turn out the way she planned it.

Sometimes I worry for her, thinking she's in something she doesnt truly wanna be in, but she reassures me it's just a fight or two. That their just goin through a rough patch, and they'll get over it. Who am I to dispute that when I know nothing about the guy? So I let her stay when she needs, and I don't ask questions.

When we reach school, I grab another apple out of my bag as I sit on the bench. I see two new cars, but I don't think anything of it. Part of my old and new attitude that intertwined with each other, is that I just don't care. I force myself to sometimes, but over the little things, like new people, or what a persons wearing for the day, I take pride that I just don't care.

Abi ran up to me, her eyes wide through her glasses and her blond hair was scattered around her face messily.

"There are new students. Five new students here, and they all look.. weird, and intimidating." She said hurriedly and I raised an eyebrow as I took a bite.

"That sounds like you're worried." I said and she gapes at me.

"The populars and them are going to clash. It's like the five all came.. Together. There are five guys and one girl." And as she says that, I see the girl. Her eyes catch mine and as I had my apple to my mouth, about to take a bite, I freeze in mid alarm. The apple is gripped so harshly in my hand, I'm almost sure if I don't let up, it will combust into pieces. I quickly follow through with my bite, and I'm glad to notice Abi didnt see my pause before I flit my eyes back to the girl.

Recognition fills her eyes, and she makes her way over, leaving the others I refused to check over, but as she started her march, I quickly got up and turned to Abi. I disregard Ronny who caught the apple I threw in her direction.

"I'm gonna go to class. I don't want to be late, and after all I have to turn in all of the pages I did. I'll see you at lunch, ya?" I asked, but left before anyone had time to react. I walked into the school and glanced behind me to see the girl stare after me. As I notice she's no longer moving, she then hurries to turn around and go back to the ones she was with.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I went straight to class and sit down in the same spot. I turn my homework in, with my desk being so close to the bin.

The bell rung and the chem teacher came in, sitting down and watching as people filled the room.

I didn't look around as I put my ear plugs in and listened to music on my phone.

Max hurried in and came to me immediately.

"What was that out there?" He asked incredulously, and I feigned innocense.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, and Mr. Edmond tried to quiet us, but it was a false hope as everyone just got louder.

"You know what the hell I'm talking about. I saw it. One minute you're perfectly fine eating your apple, and the next you're making some shit excuse while rushing inside with everyone confused." He said and I felt eyes on me. I ignored them, refusing to check my surroundings.

I was about to reply that it was none of his God damn business, but never got the pleasure.  Surprisingly, one of the populars came up to me in front of everyone in the room, which somehow got quiet instantly. He eyed me up and down like I was candy, making me lean back and cross my arms. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, and I'm hating that it had to happen today of all days.

"Hey, baby. Look, I'll cut to the chase. Why don't we make a little detour to the closet. you know, ditch class." He said and my eyebrows shoot up.

"What?" I ask and he grins and bends to get closer to my face, puting his hand on the desk so he could support his lean in. I try to move back further away from him.

"You ditched class yesterday in third hour, why not now?" He asked. Max was about to intervene but I shook my head at him, not wanting him to get involved in this.

"First off, I would like it if you would scoot your disgusting face out of my space. You know, give me room to breath? Second, ditching class is not the term I would personally use, if you're staying in school and cutting out of class five minutes early." I search his face, noticing he still had a shit eating grin, making me pinch the bridge of my nose before I continued.

"And surprisingly, I don't fuck wanna be playboys." I said, watching his grin finally drop the way I wanted it to. I heard gasps around the classroom, them acting as if I was completely insane, and out of my mind to reject someone as 'cool' as Gary.

Gary's eyes darken, and he gets closer, venom now in his voice.

"You might want to be a little nicer, or I could ruin you." He said as he tried to carress my cheek but I stood out of my seat, so he wouldn't touch me.

"I take that as a threat, and in my mood, I don't take those to well. Gary, if I were you I would go back to your seat and keep the last little bit of your pride left before I do something that will embarress you immensly." I said quietly, so the others couldn't hear but he snorted.

"Sweety, you act tough now in front of your geek of a boytoy, but I bet you are some freaked out squirmy bitch who-"

"Go back to your damn seat, or I will talk about all the damn comments I hear. Like how your dick is too small, or how you once had ghoneriah. Fuck off, or I will tell everyone in the damn school, and make a fool of you more than you ever could." I whisper low enough so only he could hear and he goes pale.

"You know about that shit?" He almost yelled, and I was sure the whole class heard that comment.

"I'm more of an Observer than a speaker, and I hear plenty about your little 'problems' of getting it up with the whore of the school." I said and he steps back and puts a smirk on his face but I know it's fake.

"Whatever, I didn't want you anyway." He said loudly and I roll my eyes and sit back down. I felt eyes on me, but more in particular, I felt two hot stares.

I finally give in to instinct to look around and I caught the familiar eyes but I casually look away, it couldn't be them. It can't be..

"Aliyah, what is going on? You usually just ignore them and let me, Ronny or Franky deal with them?" Max said and I ran a hand down my face, still feeling the eyes on me but I ignored them.

"Nothing. I'm just tired of all the shit I have been getting lately. Like I said, stress is just getting to me and it's making me anxious." I said and he looked at me worriedly but I shook it away.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He asked but I shook my head, sat back, closed my eyes and counted to ten. I then turned on my 'act like nothings wrong' mode, and I looked at him playfully.

"Enough about that. How about we hangout tonight? We can all go to the pool place." I said and his eyes lit up.

"Of course." He said and I broke out in an earsplitting grin.

"Cool, then nothing should get in our way of having fun tonight. Just check with your mom." I said and he nodded.

"You know, you are the only one in the group to have both of your parents there for you." He said and I froze for a moment. I glanced at him and this peaked his interest.

"Ali, Don't tell me their-" I cut him off as I hastly grabbed my bag and stood up.

"I have to go- uhh- you know, to the bathroom? I'll be back." I said and rushed out of the room, feeling eyes on me and max's groan, and his call saying 'Ali, I didn't know'. I walked around, counted to ten, and then went back to the room, calm and collected.

"Ali, I didn't-" Max said but I stopped him.

"It's not about that. I don't think their getting divorced, it was about something else, don't worry." I said and the bell rung, and I got back up, and waited for Max.

"Then why the hell do you keep doing this lately? You've never acted out." He said and I heard a snort, but I ignored it.

"I have just been preoccupied lately. I'll catch up with you at lunch, okay?" I ask and he frowns but nods and I walked out of the classroom and to my next class. It was with Ronny and as I walked in art, I saw her sitting down in our spot and I joined her.

"Dude, we swimmin tonight?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yep. We sure are." I said and she nodded, a smile coming on her face, but then she sighs.

"Can I crash at yours tonight again?" She mumbled and I nodded.

"Ya, just don't put your gross feat on me, I woke up to that this morning." I said and she scoffs playfully.

"Hey, whenever I sleep, I go where the pull takes me." She said as she puts her hands out like she's surfing a wave. I snort and rolled my eyes. Her eyes start to gleam.

"You just did something unlady like. That's a first." I glare at her.

"Why is everyone so aprehensive today?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Probably has somethin to do at how you just ran off this morning." She said and I glared at her.

"I did not run off, I was turning in a paper." I felt a heated gaze on me, and I turned and saw her.. She got up and came over.

"Hey." She said and Ronny turned to her and her eyes shown her curiosity.

"Hey. You're the new girl." Ronny said and I slapped her arm lightly with the back of my palm.

"Stop being rude. I'm sorry about my friend, she can be a bit.. Forward." I explained and Ronny looked to me wide eyed.

"I'm forward!? You're like a speeding bullet sometimes." She says exasperated and I smile slightly.

"Then that means you've been rubbing off on me. Anyway, back to the subject, my names Ali, and this is Ronny. You are?" I ask politely and she reguards me shrudely before she puts a polite smile out and holds out her hand.

"I'm Tristan." I know that, I've known that since I was four..

"It was nice to meet you. I hope you like it around here." and on cue, the art teacher comes in. Tristan heads back to her seat with a thoughtful look on her face, and I blow out a breath.

I ignore Ronny's small ranting on how art was stupid. At the moment though - even though I dont say anything- I couldn't agree more.

Third hour was just with Franky and I, and we just played around, and before I knew it, lunch was in the way and I walked to the table I site at everyday with Franky who was trying to pick me up. I laughed because he couldn't catch me, so he kept chasing me around the table, circling our friends and I had a stern look on my face but it wasn't effective because of the small smile I kept letting slide through everytime I tried to tell him to knock it off.

"Get your ass over here!" Franky said as an outburst but I stuck my tongue out at him. Suddenly, our friends became serious and Ronny grabbed my arm and made me stop and Max made Franky stop. I looked and saw the courtyard went silent, and I saw all six of them walking over, and a frown briefly marred my face before I put my curious look on, which wasn't hard because I was curious to why they were coming over.

The one who was in charge spoke first when they all stopped, but I wasn't surprised.

"I was wondering.. When was your last fight, Aliyah?" He asked and I glanced at the table and saw there confusion.

"I'm sorry, I don't think that I comprehend the question." I said and his eyebrow went up. He made a small glance towards another man on his left and nodded. The man who he nodded to walked forward and grabbed Abi. It wasn't that hard because it was as if she was paralized.

"What are you doing to my friend?" I asked quietly and the leader raised both eyebrows.

"If you are the Aliyah who was from our hometown, then you will know what to do to stop this from happening. It's been a few years, and this little safety net you built for your life was nice, but it was temporary. You know what will happen to your friend, and her having braces will only make it worse, so you either do as you are supposed to, or you let it happen, and you really aren't the Aliyah I knew once upon a time." He said and I glanced at Abi.

The man grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, he picked the right spot and brought his fist back, but at the last moment, I couldn't stand it and I, I caught his fist and looked in his eyes.

"Stop, Ty."

"Do it. Finish what you are supposed to do." the leader commanded, Ty's hand tightened on Abi's head of hair, and I stayed silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry.."

Abi had tears streaming out of her eyes. Ty looked at me with dissapointment but at the last moment, I set my fist and punched Ty in the face making him knock back, letting go of Abi. I know I didn't knock him out but it was enough for him to let go so I could catch her.

I gently helped her to the bench and rubbed her head where I knew it would hurt worse later if I didn't do it now.

I looked to the leader.

"This doesn't mean, anything. I've changed." He sneared and took a step forward.

"Yes, I heard you were the good girl now. You know, I heard you left because you got too scared of us after your last black eye, and you just dissapeared, moved for no reason." He said and I glared at him.

"Can we not do this in front of everyone? I mean, it has been three years. I didn't move because I was scared. I was fifteen, I barely had say in any adult decision. You don't understand, and I don't understand why you are here, and why you brought Tristan." I said and he smirked.

"Because, when you left, Tristan became one of us." He said and my eyes darted to Tristan's.

"You what!?" I yelled and she flinched.

"You know what he said-"

"And you know what I had told you. I know that I drilled every. Single. Precaution, into your head, to not become sucked into that mess." I growled and her eyes lit with anger.

"Yes, you left, no call, no text, you just vanished into thin air! Three years, Aliyah! Three fucking years you have been gone and by some chance now we find you, living it up in fantasy world with nice friends and not fighting for a living!? That is BULLSHIT!" She yelled at me and I threw my hands up.

"What could I have of done! I was fifteen! I had no choice, You don't know the full story!"

"Oh, are you hiding secrets from your new friends to like you were us?" Ty says as he steps beside Tristan.

"Shut your mouth Ty, it took a year to find out your big secret, and it wasn't that big." I said and he glared at me.

"Uncle Grant has moved with us, I want you to stop by tonight." Dawson said, the leader and I glared at him.

"Can't. I'm busy." I said sharply.

"Don't make me put Blaine on you." Dawson growled and I glared.

"Like I said, I don't do that anymore. I'm a changed person." I said and Sawyer walked to me, and for a moment, It looked like he was angry, but I stepped back.

"Just come tomorrow night, then. We will all speak. It's just us five men, the three others got out of hand." He said and I knew what he meant instantly.

"Get back here Sawyer. Aliyah, I am not asking you, I am commanding you to come. Since you see

m to remember most of our names, the introductions you made Tristan do to try and throw her off, won't be needed. I will let you get back to your friends." Dawson said and I glared at him but he turned away and the others followed.

"What.. The.. Fuck??" Max asked and I took a deep breath..

"Guys, please be open minded-"

"I thought I noticed one of them! One of those guys is the one I saw last night in the video of who you fought!" Ronny blurted and I sighed.

"Like I said, Guys please be open minded.. Those guys who just tried to hurt Abi, they're sort of my old aqcuantances.. The girls name is Tristan and I've known her since I was four, the others took interest in me when I was eleven when I started to go up, one handedly, against eight- seven of them. I never fought Dawson, he always just watched.. Even though we were eleven and twelve, we knew what we were doing and what we were talking about. I. Well, things got complicated... and ways changed.. Then something happened, and I moved.. I tried hard to not be friends with you, I didn't know if I could handle myself, but you guys grew on me, and after that we were inseperable." I said..

"I don't know about you guys, but I hear a bunch of gaps in that story." Franky said angrily as he walked away but I caught his arm in time, feeling six eyes on me, but I didn't care.

"Please don't hate me. I admit I have a bit of a past, and I know it's a lot to spring on you-"

"Are you fucking kidding me!? They HURT ABI, and you're friends with people like that!" He yelled and I flinched at his venom.

"Franky, I helped Abi.. I am sorry, I didn't know they would come, I didn't know the length they would go to, just please.." I said and and he sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"I need time Ali. I need time. " He said and walked away, I sighed and walked to the table.

"Abi, I am so-"

"Hey, it's fine. Your massage helped a lot, and you couldn't of known how crazy they would be." She said and I hugged her. I turned to max, and I set down beside him.

"Please speak.." I said as I ran a hand through his hair and carressed his cheek. He sighed and turned to me.

"You saved Abi, but you lied when you said nothing was wrong. Was that why you were flaking? You knew they were coming?" He said but I shook my head immediately.

"No. I just figured it out this morning. That was why I freaked out, I didn't believe it was Tristan at first, then I saw them in first hour, and second hour.. I just, I promise I won't let them hurt any of you. They aren't like that. Not exactly anyway.." I said and he frowned but nodded.

"It will take time, but I will deal with it. I'll talk to Franky about it." He said and wrapped his arms around my chest, and I laid my head on his shoulder, my eyes toward his neck.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Hello, you are supposed to talk to me about it, make sure I am fine with it." Ronny says overdramatically and I laugh and stand up, running to her and putting on a grin.

"You knew. Some hint told your mind and you pieced it. I know you did, like you knew I fought since the first day I came here." I said and she smirked and ruffled my hair. I ruffled hers back and she glared and went to slap my hand but I dodged. She narrowed her eyes as I scruffed her hair again and I laughed as she huffed and stood up like she was going to do something and she chased me.

"Ah, my daily excersize. I miss it." I taunted as she started to catch up but I took off in full run and she was left stopping. I stuck my tongue out at her, not caring of the eyes on us and she went and tackled me and I took the fall, making sure not to hurt her as I landed on my back in the grass. I laughed as I pushed her off me.

"You just let me tackle you." She growled and I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, those are my clothes, and there my favorite. I don't want them with grass stains." I taunted and she rolled her eyes.

An arm slung around my shoulder and I looked and saw Max giving me my bag. I put it over my shoulder and then went to Abi and helped her up.

We all three walked away when Max and Ronny spoke at the same time.

"I think you should go tonight." They both said and they rolled theyr eyes at each other.

"You think?" I asked and they shrugged.

"That guy looked pretty serious, and you might as well get it over with." Ronny said and I sighed.

"It's not that easy.. It could take a while to work things out, and with that, complications come up. I wanted some sort of protection pack when I was young, so I took all my defence training and put myself against the test, and then suddenly, It happened everyday, randomly, and soon I don't know, it was like I knew I had protection, and they were it. Then something happened and I left, without letting anyone know, because it was so sudden. I had my old number immediately shut off, and we just up and moved. I can see how they would be mad." I said and Abi looked at me.

"Do it." She said and I looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"Okay.. I'll go tell them and then I am going to class." I said and they nodded. I departed from them and went to the people whos eyes were boring into my back, and now my face.

I stopped in front of their table and barely saw Maddox and Tristan holding hands but I disclosed that, it wasn't my business.

"Yes?" Dawson asked and I ran a hand through my hair.

"I can make it tonight. I talked to my friends and they understand." I said and Sawyer commented before anyone else could.

"Seams the one who walked away isn't comfortable with it." He said and I glared at him.

"You don't know what we said to each other, even with your kean hearing and reading lips ability you seamed to practice over the years so shut your trap." I snapped at him and he smirked. I made myself calm down.

"Fine. In class I will give you directions, and I want you to meet us there after school. We have a lot to speak about." He said and I bit the inside of my cheek.

"I want out of it. All of it. I don't want to end up like the other three, in juvy, Jail, prison , or dead. I don't want part of that anymore. I am done with that, I just want to finalize it all." I said and they all stared at me, which they were before so nothing changed.

"I thought you needed protection-" but Dawson cut him off to my relief.

"Not right now. We will deal with this after school. We will need answers, as do you, and we will provide that, as long as you provide your side of the deal." He said and I nodded. I turned to Ty.

"You need to apologize to my friend." Ty scoffed but I narrowed my eyes, dead serious.

"You really have changed from your cold persona to this mushy-"

"Just fucking apologize and I won't show you personally how cold I can be toward your-"

"Enough. Ty, apologize to the girl for Aliyah. She is still a part of us, and what she wants you know we have to consider, and I have decided." Dawson said finally and I nod and walk away.

In homeroom, fifth hour, Dawson gave me the adress on paper and I scanned it before bringing out my phone and saving it before I rip up the paper like it said and threw it away. Sixth hour was with Abi and we talked but not about anything important. Seventh hour, I had Dawson, Sawyer, and Blaine in there and I was all by my lonesome self, but it didn't bother me, I suppose.

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