By TheGeekyBard

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After escaping from the slavers who've taken her and others from her village, Gabrielle finds her way to camp... More



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By TheGeekyBard

It was a late afternoon as Xena sat in her study idly watching out the window that was right behind her desk as a knock on the door pulled the Conqueror from her thoughts as she called for the person to enter and began to stand to greet the person as they entered.

Good afternoon, my lord.


Xena gave a quick greeting as she looked past the man for a moment to see if anyone else was behind him, and when she saw no one, the woman sunk back down in her chair and reclined back into her previous comfortable position. An action that didn't go unnoticed by the lieutenant as he glanced behind him for a moment before returning his attention to the Conqueror.

Were you expecting someone else, my lord?

And who would I be expecting?

Leonidas smiled as he placed his hands behind his back as he walked up and stood a little in front of Xena's desk.

Perhaps a certain golden haired young woman who you seem to be keeping very busy as of late working by your side.

Xena gave the man an unhappy look, not wanting the tough and fearsome persona that she'd spent years building to be called into question.

And what of it? She is my scribe after all.

Nothing. It's just that everyone has begun to notice that you and the little one seem to be spending a greater deal of your time together as of late.

Leonidas smiled.

You must've had quite the backlog of work to do to have her here so often.

Not too pleased with what she knew was the man's teasing, Xena scowled, as this was one of the specific reasons she hadn't wanted to say anything about her feelings toward Gabrielle in the first place. And leaned forward slightly as she put her elbows on her desk and rested her chin on the back of her hands that she laced together with her fingers and looked intimidatingly at Leonidas.

And since when was it any of your concern what I do with my time or who I choose to spend it with?

Apologies, my lord. I meant nothing by it. I was meerly making an observation, nothing more.

Yes well perhaps it would be wise of you to keep observations that don't concern you to yourself and...

Another knock on the door cut Xena off as she and Leonidas looked to the doorway where Gabrielle now stood.

Sorry for interrupting. You wanted to see me my lord?


Leonidas noted the gentle smile that came to Xena's face as she rose from her seat and began to move from behind her desk as she motioned for Gabrielle to come in.

I was just passing the time waiting on you to finish up in the archives.

Gabrielle walked over to where Xena and Leonidas stood and was greeted by the lutenant as she approached.

Hello little one. How are you today?

Gabrielle smiled at the man who had always been so kind to her ever since her first encounter with the Conqueror.

I'm wonderful. You?

I suppose I can't complain.

Leonidas returned a smile of his own toward Gabrielle as he continued.

So I hear from my lovely wife that you've basically redone the whole archives.

Gabrielle shrugged.

Sara gives me too much credit. She does a lot of the actual hard work.

Sweet, kind and modest. The lord Conqueror certainly got lucky to have you come along.

The man glanced over at Xena for a moment.

(Slightly teasing tone) Isn't that right my lord?

Tired of Leonidas' comments, Xena glared at the man.

Was there something you actually needed Leonidas?

The Conqueror flashed an evil smile as she got an idea of how to silence her lieutenant.

Perhaps requesting a promotion? Because I do believe the perfect position opened up for being the sole chamber pot scrubber for the entire keep.

The thought of being put on such an unpleasant job caused Leonidas to stand at full attention and bring a stop to his teasing as he addressed his leader in a now completely professional manner.

That won't be necessary. I find that I quite like my place as your lutenant just fine, my lord.

Xena's smile grew as she gave a look to Gabrielle that made Gabrielle question if the woman's threat had actually been serious or not. Of which she'd never know as Xena swiftly changed the topic of conversation.

Now if you wouldn't mind, I'm assuming you had another reason for coming in here that didn't involve prying into my personal affairs.

Yes. It would seem that there appears to an issue between the staff in the kitchen that may require your personal intervention.

The kitchen staff?

A fierce expression crossed the woman's face as she knew that her mother had come to spend a lot of her time working beside the rest of the kitchen workers. And the thought that someone could have possibly been causing problems for the woman was something she was absolutely not going to stand for.

And just what exactly is this issue you're talking about?

I'm not completely certain, but people have been talking of hearing voices shouting and loud ruckus often coming from behind the doors of the kitchen. And as such has appeared to have gotten worse as of late.

(Irritated tone) And why is it that I'm only just now hearing about this?

I can't say. The only reason I know of this is because I've heard what people were saying and thought that this should probably be something that is brought to your attention as I'm aware that Cyrene spends most of her days there, and as such came to inform you of the matter right away.

Xena stood up.

Well, if that's the case, I think I had better pay everyone down in the kitchen a little visit. Though I have a feeling that mother will just say that everything is fine regardless of what's going on.

Xena moved toward the door and was just about to leave when she got an idea and stopped to look back at Gabrielle.

Wait here. I'll be back once I sort out whatever's going on.

Xena paused, again not meaning to sound as though she was giving Gabrielle an order.

That is, unless you'd rather go back to the archives instead?

Gabrielle walked over to where Xena now stood.

Actually if it's okay, I was wondering if maybe I could come with you to the kitchen. I like Cyrene. She's a good woman, and I'd hate to see someone treating her or anyone else terribly.

Xena smiled as she marveled at the young woman's kindness for everyone around her. Silently questioning how it had taken her so long to finally begin to see just how much of an amazing person that Gabrielle was.

I think mother would like that. In fact, I think she might actually feel more comfortable talking to you than me anyway.

Xena continued on as she gave Gabrielle a quick gesture for her to follow as the two made their way down to the kitchen. The pair had just gotten to the doors that connected the mess hall to the kitchen when they heard shouting coming from the other side of the door.

(Angry tone) What is wrong with you people?! Why is it that no matter how many other people are in here, I'm the only one who seems to have any idea of what I'm doing?!

Hey now that's no way to speak with people who are in here doing as best they can.

(Angry tone) No one was asking you. In fact, I don't even know why you've decided to set yourself up here in "my" kitchen in the first place. You think that just because you run your own little inn that you know anything about what it means to run a place like this?

I knew plenty.

The first voice scoffed.

Please, you think that just because you're the lord Conqueror's mother that you just get to come in here and tell me how to run my kitchen? You're way out of your league. So why don't you just shut up and mind your own business before I...

There was a loud slam as the kitchen door was suddenly flung open and everyone in the room jumped slightly at the sudden sound and looked to see the Conqueror storming into kitchen with a ferocious scowl on her face. Her eyes locked on to the woman that had been yelling as she stomped up to her and stood looming over her.

(Angry tone) Is there any particular reason you feel it acceptable to stand around belittling and yelling at people as though you owned the place, Isidora?

Xena motioned to Cyrene.

And my mother?

Xena sneered as she continued.

(Angry tone) What in Tartarus makes you think you would get away with that?

Isidora jumped as Xena slammed her hand down on the counter behind her as the Conqueror stood waiting for a reply.

I do apologize for that. I certainly meant no disrespect to the woman. I only wish to serve you the absolute best, and I was only trying to ensure that.

(Quiet angry tone) By yelling and demeaning the mother of the person who employs you? I honestly can't tell if you're just saying that now to cover your ass, or if you're really that stupid to believe that I would be okay with that.

The old woman looked down in response to Xena's comments as the Conqueror continued.

In fact I've heard from everyone who works with you that you're nothing more than a miserable old hag who no one wants to be around. I honestly don't know why I even keep you around here. Come to think of it, I think that it might be about time for you to leave.

The old woman looked at Xena in disbelief as she began to plead with the Conqueror.

My lord, please. I'm so sorry. I never meant to upset you or your mother.

Have your things packed within the hour.

Xena that really isn't necessary.

Xena's attention turned to her mother.


And what would you have me do, mother? Just allow her or anyone else to treat you as though you're in someway beneath them? You might be able to just simply look past that, but I won't.

With no sympathy shown to the elderly woman, Xena turned and began walking away, as Isidora continued to plea with her now former employer.

But it's the middle of winter, I have no means of travel. No family to speak of anywhere that I can get to. What am I supposed to do? Where will I go?

Not my problem. Perhaps you should've thought of that before treating everyone around you like trash and not expecting anything to happen because of it.

Xena continued making her way to the door and walked by Gabrielle, who had just witnessed the whole situation.

You aren't really just going to toss her out in the cold with nowhere to go are you?

Upon hearing Gabrielle's question, Xena came to a halt and turned to face her.

I've done far worse to people for much less. She's lucky that she'll be able to walk out of here on her own accord.

But she's an old woman?

Yes but that doesn't mean that she gets to go around doing whatever she wants.

So that's it? You're just going to send her out in the cold with nowhere to go?


Gabrielle lowered her eyes as she again silently wondered how she could have begun to have feelings for someone who could be so cold and began to walk away.

Excuse me, I should really be getting to the archives.

Xena stood there watching as Gabrielle made her way to the door and couldn't put the look in the young woman's eyes out of her mind. And as a result let out a small sigh to herself before calling after Gabrielle.

Hold it right there.

Hearing the Conqueror's command directed at her, Gabrielle immediately stopped and turned to face Xena and the others in the room as Xena looked at her and felt a pulling at her heart as she saw a look of disappointment and sadness in Gabrielle's eyes, before continuing to speak.

On second thought, I see that perhaps I may have been a bit too harsh in my judgment over this particular situation.

Xena returned her attention to Isidora.

While I absolutely do not condone your treatment of my mother or really anyone else who works in here, I've decided to give you another chance and allow you to stay.

Thank you my lord. I truly appreciate your kindness in giving me a second chance.

(Stern tone) Yes well don't make me regret it. Because if I find out you do something like this again, you won't get another one. And I don't care if a herd of rabid chimera are roaming around outside. If you ever disrespect mother or anyone else connected to me, you're as good as gone. Got it?!

The older woman looked away.

Yes my lord. I assure you that nothing like this will ever happen again.

Good. I'm glad we have an understanding.

Xena's focus then moved on to Cyrene who had been watching the whole exchange quietly until seeing her daughter look her way.

You know you really didn't have to trouble yourself so much over me, Xena.

You didn't seriously expect me to just let someone talk to you like that and not do anything?

Even so, thank you.

Come now, if there's one thing that you of all people need to do is thank me for anything. In fact I think I should be the one thanking you here.

Cyrene smiled as she chuckled slightly at the somewhat confusing comment.

Thank me? What ever for?

For being able to look past everything that's happened and giving me the chance to work my way to becoming your daughter once again.

...oh Xena.

Cyrene walked over and stood before Xena as she held open her arms for an embrace that Xena accepted the invitation for as mother and daughter shared a hug that had either woman been told would happen even just a short time ago, neither would have believed it. After a few moments Xena pulled from her mother's arms as she looked back at Gabrielle who had been standing quietly and walked over to her with a small smile on her face.

That was very kind of you to let Isidora stay after all, my lord.

Xena shrugged casually as she tried to hide just how much Gabrielle's reaction to her original choice in solution to the issue had influenced her final decision on the old woman's fate.

Yes, well as you mentioned I don't think sending an old woman into the dead of winter was an appropriate punishment. So I changed my mind.

Gabrielle smiled.

Not that my opinion matters here, but I'm glad that you decided to change your mind.

Xena eyed the other woman for a second before flashing a small smirk as the level of Gabrielle's kindness continued to both amaze and amuse her as she tried to play of her change of heart on the matter as though Gabrielle hadn't had everything to do with her not tossing Isidora out of the keep herself.

Yeah well my mother being here isn't permanent, and I'm gonna still need a cook here when she eventually goes back to Amphipolis after I finally settle things with Draco, and I'm certain that it's safe for her to go back.

(Joking tone) Just can't wait to get rid of me, huh?

Xena's attention turned to Cyrene, having forgotten that she was still there.

No, mother, I didn't mean it like that. Of course, you're more than welcome to stay here as long as you like.

Cyrene smiled.

It's okay Xena. I was just kidding. I'm well aware that you would let me stay here for the rest of my days if I wanted to. But Amphipolis is my home. And while I'm happy to be here with you...

Cyrene paused unsure of how to continue without making it sound like she wasn't grateful for Xena letting her stay in the keep for so long.

It's okay mother. I understand. Everyone has somewhere that they feel that they belong, and for you that's back in Amphipolis. And don't worry, as soon as I know it's safe for you to go home, you'll be on the first cart back. I promise.

Cyrene smiled.

I'm happy to hear you agree. But I don't think that's something that we need to worry about for some time, as I have no intention on traveling anywhere until I can go outside without having to wear three to four layers.

Xena chuckled slightly.

Yeah I suppose it does get fairly cold around these parts during the winter, doesn't it?

The Conqueror turned to Gabrielle.

Now to get to the actual business that I had planned.

Oh that's right, you wanted me for something didn't you. More scribe work I'm assuming?

No, not this time.

Xena smiled at the young woman.

I was actually thinking you might like to come see something with me.

Gabrielle gave Xena a curious look.

Come see something my lord?

Well not right now, but tonight. I don't know if you've seen it before, but I think it's something that you might like nonetheless.

Curious as to what the Conqueror could have wanted to show her, and not getting any sense that the woman was up to anything nefarious, Gabrielle somewhat cautiously agreed to Xena's request.

Oh um sure I guess.


Xena paused for a moment as an idea came to her mind, and she had to fight to keep an even larger smile from creeping onto her face.

Actually. On second thought why don't you go to the archives, do what you normally do there. Then come meet me in my study when it gets dark.

Why after it gets dark?

Xena smirked

I'm afraid that's something for me to know and for you to find out.

Xena turned around and headed out of the kitchen as she called back to Gabrielle as she left.

See you later, right after the sun sets.

Gabrielle stood in the kitchen completely baffled as to what the Conqueror could have possibly had in store for her as she looked over at Cyrene who just shrugged in equal confusion.

Don't look at me, I stopped knowing what to make of the girl years ago.


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