Todoroki One Shots

By frederikkemariefonne

55.1K 1.1K 336

(Not my art) This will be a one shot book, mainly about Todoroki and class 1-A. This story contains: -Angst ... More

Returning Memories
Expected or Unexpected?
Present- or past memories
Is it worth it?
Real or fake?
Pity- or not?
Secrets and despise
Secrets and despise II
Brothers or not?
It's alright
Freezing impact
How It Is
It's alright II
Games or determination?
Games or determination? II
Best bet
Best bet II
Right answers?
Un-usual behavior
Un-usual behavior II
Chosen or not?
Fun events
Sorry's II
Unreversable? II
Way of play
Airing emotions
Flaming trouble
Unreversable? II(I)
Blooming friendship
Another's troubles
Panic and nightmares
Uncurable II
Different comfort
Endings and beginnings
True self?
True self? II
Unplanned trip
Undeniable changes
Opposites attract
Unwanted Flashbacks
Models sacrifice

Returning light

329 9 3
By frederikkemariefonne

Requested by: SaumyaPaul9


Todoroki never really shows any emotions, and when he does, they're usually directed at something entirely out of his reach. So when class A suddenly meets a random person out on a class stroll through town, they can't help but find it weird, when it's their stoick classmate of all people, who seems interested. And when this person suddenly gets Todoroki to genuinely smile for the first time in forever, they can't help but wonder where this person came from and who they are.

(This oneshot contains my own OC)


There was a lot of noise and a lot of people, all walking in their individual directions. Why was he here again? He didn't even like being in the open like this...

"We should check that store out next!"

Mina yelled, as the rest of the class just followed closely behind her, like they had for the past seven stores. It seemed like another clothing store, and he really didn't want to look through another one of those today... 

"Do we have to though? Can't those who wants to buy clothes go with Mina, and the rest stay out here?" Kirishima suddenly said- voicing what all of them had been thinking... it seemed like he wasn't the only one who wanted to stay out here, as a lot of the other boys also voiced their agreement...

The ones who wanted to enter the store was a bit reluctant to the idea at first, but then agreed, as they all promised to wait outside the store. He didn't mind waiting.. he just didn't want to keep receiving weird glances from people inside of the stores...

They were just about one third of the class left outside, as they all found a spot to stay without being in anyone else's' way. "What are you thinking about?" Midoriya suddenly asked from besides him, as he too leaned against the wall.

"Not much. Why?"

His friends' gaze shifted from its original spot, and towards the rest of their class, as he seemed to observe how they were all talking and laughing together. "Don't you want to join in? You haven't said much for this entire trip"

He just hadn't felt like speaking to any of them.. not like they had much to talk about to begin with...

"It's fine. I don't need to socialize with them, to feel like a part of the group" He knew that it wasn't what Midoriya had been searching for, but he just didn't feel like explaining himself right now... it should be fine...

"Are you sure though-"

"Yeah" He cut him off, as Midoriya's voice softened. "This is fine. Really"

Midoriya seemed sceptical at first, until he realised that there was nothing he could do to change his opinion- flashing his signature smile, before turning to leave. "If you say so, Todoroki-"

But just as the last word left his mouth, another voice sounded from somewhere further down the sidewalk- "Todoroki?"

It was a girl, who didn't seem very far from their own age. She had long hair, which contained different colors like purple, pink and blue. 

She seemed to be walking towards them at first, before her expression lit up and she started running- catching a few of their other classmates' attention, who seemed to mumble alongside themselves.


The calling of his name made his head turn- only for his eyes to widen, as the girl suddenly jumped into his arms, while holding on tightly, "It's been so long!". Her voice seemed familiar, until he suddenly remembered who it was. Why was she here though?

"Rhea?" His tone was unsure, as he didn't know whether to believe that she was really here or not... it's really been a long time... "Why are you..?" She backed off him slightly, before gently grabbing both of his shoulders- seeming to take a close look at his features.

She's always been very touchy with people... and especially Shoto, but he learned not to mind... she's never hurt him... "I was right" She suddenly whispered, which made him raise an eyebrow, "You've really grown a lot in the past five years, I'm glad" Her purple eyes teared up for a moment, before she decided to wipe them away with her left hand.

It's already been five years? He learned not to count after the first two... "What are you doing here-"

"Hey, who's your friend Todoroki?" Kaminari suddenly asked, coming forward with the rest of their classmates who decided to wait outside of the store. He forgot that they were even here...

"She's my uhm..." He didn't really know what to call it... could they still be friends after so long?

Rhea seemed to sense his confusion and decided to make it easier for him, just like she's always done... "I'm Rhea, Shoto's childhood friend, it's nice to meet you" She reached her hand out to shake whoever would grab it, before returning her attention to Shoto. "You've done pretty well huh?"

She smiled at him, as the words sank in... she was probably worried... he's never been the social type, much unlike Rhea herself who always seemed to gain more friends wherever she went.. "Yeah... I guess- What are you doing here? When did you return from America?" 

He had a lot of questions, all in which he didn't seem to find the time to ask... he needed to know though... 

"My dad finally managed to move his business back to Japan, so here I am" Her expression softened a lot, as she reached to grab Shoto's right hand between her own. "I wanted to find you so badly, but I figured you would be in school right now- oh- I've heard a lot of what happened, you're quite the savior huh?" She elbowed his side as to prove her point, and he couldn't help but give her a gentle smile.

It's been so long, so he hasn't had to chance to fill her in... to tell her that he succeeded their promise...

"Yeah, I'm attending UA now, these are my classmates from the hero course" He told her- while he gestured towards his classmates who all waved at her in responds.

"I'm happy for you. You finally followed your heart instead of whatever was expected of you, I'm proud of you" 

Her gentle words never failed to surprise him... he's missed her so much.. five years is a long time... and she hasn't changed at all...

They were only ten years old when Rhea's family had to move to America, in order for her dad's business to take place... he remembers crying a lot those first few days, until he were forced to get himself together...

As they kept talking, a few of his classmates returned from the store, and seemed quite shocked to see Rhea. "Hello, are you one of Todoroki's friends?" Mina asked, as Rhea turned her attention away from Shoto to speak with the other girl.

"Yes. Are you another one of Shoto's classmates?" 

Mina hummed in reply, as a few 'uh's' could be heard from the other classmates who followed after her out of the store... "Already on first names huh? He's sure moving fast" He could distantly hear Momo whisper in a teasing tone to Jirou- who giggled alongside her raven haired classmate. What had he expected though? It usually means that you are pretty close with someone when they use your first name...

Rhea talked with a few of the girls from his class, before one of Mina's sentences stood out to him-

"You should totally hang out with us at the schools dorms someday"


Mina had, unsurprisingly managed to get Rhea inside of the school, without any problems from the teachers... apparently mentioning Shoto's name was enough for them to trust someone they'd never met...

So here they were, all of his classmates gathered in the common room, as Shoto and Rhea's friendship seemed to be the topic at hand-

"When did you meet?"


"Why haven't you talked since?"

A lot of questions were flying their way, and even though Rhea was trying her best to answer every question, it was clear that even she didn't know them all... Shoto wasn't even close... he's never been good with questions...

"We were almost neighbors as kids, so we often met at the park and I guess our relationship just blossomed from there" She said with a smile on her face, as she gently poked to Shoto using her elbow, while scooting a bit closer to him on the couch. "We went to the same middle school until my dad had to move with his company to America, in order to start his own business. We didn't really get to talk after that"

She explained- clearly just as affected by the topic as Shoto himself. "It's a shame though, I think you have a good impact on him. He's never been this cheerful with any of us" Momo suddenly spoke, and he wished she wouldn't.

It wasn't their fault... he just didn't feel like opening up to anyone else after Rhea left..

"Oh really?" She suddenly asked in a teasing manner, while raising an eyebrow, "Guess he's never told you that he's ticklish either then, right?"

It took a moment for him to let the words slip in... she wouldn't... His gaze followed his classmates, as they suddenly shared looks between themselves... they wouldn't... "He is?!"

Mina squealed as she jumped up from one of the other couches. "Oh yes, a lot" Rhea then said, sounding a bit more serious, until she suddenly turned towards Shoto, "I think it was just-" Her arms moved in the pace of lightning, as she suddenly dived her fingers in between his ribs "- about here"

He couldn't help the surprised yelp that escaped him, as Rhea made them both tumble to the ground, without flailing her hand movements- still attacking his ribcage, as he began laughing louder and louder. No one had tickled him there since Rhea found it... that has been more than ten years ago... so the sensation in itself caught him off guard...

"Camera, camera... Where's the camera?!" Mina were yelling as she searched the common area- wanting to film this moment, while the rest of his classmates were watching intensely and laughing amongst themselves, not expecting him to laugh like this... this much...

It wasn't until he could barely breathe anymore, that Rhea decided to stop tickling him, "Oh man, even his laugh is good, we really have no chance" Kaminari suddenly pouted from somewhere amongst his classmates, as Shoto couldn't help the embarrassed blush that crept upon his cheeks.

They hadn't meant to know about this side of him...

"You do have a nice laugh Todoroki, I wished that we would get to hear it more" Momo spoke, as she smiled at him- closely followed by his other classmates' voices of agreement.

"She's right you know"

"You really should laugh more"

"Maybe Rhea can teach us where he's ticklish"

The last words were muttered between some of the girls, but he still managed to catch it- quickly looking at Rhea while shaking his head ever so slightly, in which she just looked at him with pity. "Come on now" She then said, as she reached her hand down to help Shoto up- quickly muttering the words 'I won't tell them anything', before he were raised completely to his feet, while tears of joy were still falling from his eyes ever so slightly.

He really missed her... there was absolutely no doubt about it...

So without thinking much, he accidentally let his mouth, voice the words he had been thinking- "I'm glad you're here Rhea, I've missed you a lot"

Her eyes widened ever so slightly before a few tears welled up in her eyes- "I missed you too Sho"

He didn't really get a chance to react, before she had wrapped her arms around him again- embracing him much gentler than when they first met up on the street. He's missed this contact... this embracing and care that came from his old friend... the friendship he hasn't been able to recreate since she left...

His hand reached to the back of her head, as he buried his own head into her shoulder. Usually he doesn't like physical contact... but somehow Rhea has always been an exception...

She's always been the exception, both physically and mentally...


"So when is Rhea getting here again?"

His classmates kept asking him questions, even as he had already told them exactly when she would be here. How many more times would he have to repeat himself?

Apparently his classmates liked her so much, that they insisted on Shoto bringing her back to the dorms... which he did, but not because of his classmates' requests... "She's arriving about an hour from now" He just mumbled, while turning his attention back towards his phone, while feeling Iida shift a bit from the opposite side of the couch.

"She sure is here a lot. Does she like it here?" Iida then asked- flipping another side of his book, while purposefully keeping his gaze on the words. Shoto wonders if he should read that book too... it seems interesting...

"I guess-" 


His phone lit up- quickly cutting him off, as a smiled crawled its way onto his face.


Almost there. Can't wait to see you again :)

She saw him just yesterday, but he understood her words... he also seemed to be missing her the second she left...

It wasn't until Iida cleared his throat while wearing an amused expression on his face, that Shoto realised that he was still smiling. He really needed to get himself together-

"Hello Rhea!" 

One of his classmates called out from somewhere behind him, and he instantly flew up from the couch- not even realising so himself until his phone almost flew further than he did. He really needs to calm down- "Shoto!"

Rhea's voice called out, and he barely got to brace himself before she had flung herself into his arms. "Hello Rhea" His voice was calm as usual, but he felt unusually happy... a feeling he often found with Rhea especially...

When a group of his classmates stepped into the couch area, Rhea let go of Shoto and stood besides him instead. "So..." Mina started, as she held both her hands behind her back and swayed slightly on her feet, "Me and Rhea spoke yesterday, and we decided that we should all bond a bit today, you know, ask some questions and all. What do you think Todoroki?"

The fact that she asked him directly made him raise an eyebrow shortly. Why did his opinion even matter? "You know, since it's actually you and Rhea who were supposed to hang out today"

That's what it was about? "I think it's fine" He just told them, which instantly made the group light up-


It happened incredibly fast, but somehow Rhea managed to get him maneuvered down onto the floor, while placing herself just besides him. She was actually quite strong, when taking it into account that she wasn't in hero training...

The other students placed themselves somewhere either along the ground or on the couches, before Midoriya spoke up from the opposite side of where Shoto sat- he too having sat on the floor. "Rhea I've been dying to ask you, but what's your quirk?"

It surprised Shoto that he hadn't started to ramble, but he knew it would come eventually- "Oh sure thing" Rhea just said, before reaching her right hand out slightly in front of herself, "My quirk is called ani-spirit, it allows me to create any animal I want in a ghostly form, that will all have their own individual personality"

As she said that, a blue and purple like smoke escaped her palm, only to be replaced when the figure of a small cat suddenly appeared on the ground- it's body completely transparent, though it still had the purple and blue hue. 

The cat looked around until it spotted Shoto, and instantly jumped into his lap, "Oh hello Meadow" He spoke- still knowing most of the creatures that Rhea used to create.


Momo asked from one of the couches, as Shoto just hummed- letting Rhea explain the rest, "I can create one of each breed of animal. Each will have their own identity and because of this, I've named them all. I can only have one out at a time though" She said, as she too let her hand glide down the cat- following Shoto's movement, as he kept rubbing the kitten.

"That's pretty cool!" Kaminari exclaimed, as Rhea just laughed it off, before turning towards Midoriya-

"Now, what should I ask you?"


They had been asking questions back and forth for just about twenty minutes now, when Mina got the chance to ask Rhea a question- "What kind of relationship do you and Todoroki have? I mean, I know it's a friendship kind, but how close are you?"

Shoto actually also wanted to know... he knows that they care about each other deeply, but hearing it being said aloud, would just put a lot of his anxiety at bay. "Well, I think of our relationship as that of a brother and sister kind" She said- smiling as she gazed at Shoto from out of the corner of her eye. "I don't have any siblings myself, but I've always pictured myself as an older sister to Shoto, especially as he's younger than me"

The last words came out in a teasing tone, as she stuck her tongue out at him shortly. She always liked to mock him about his age... "He is? How old are you then?" Mina said, as she leaned a bit forward in her crossed legged sitting position.

"I'm turning eighteen in october"

This made a few of the students gasp, as they hadn't expected her to be almost two years older than some of them. "Eighteen!?" Kaminari had exclaimed, as he almost feel off of the couch. "I've just turned seventeen! How is that-"

"Chill out, it's only one year" Momo spoke calmly, trying to calm Kaminari down before he gives them all a headache- which earned her a few sighs of relief from the other students. "But how come you didn't contact each other for five years?" She then said- changing the topic, before anyone else would make a big deal out of the age difference.

"I actually don't know..." Rhea spoke- looking down slightly as she seemed to think. "I guess I thought he wouldn't want to see me again." She grinned a bit at the end, but it was clear to see that it was only to mask her sadness.

Why wouldn't he of wanted to see her though? "Why would you even think that...?" He mumbled, while still stroking the cat in his lap.


She was looking at him now, but his gaze wouldn't leave Meadow's figure. "I didn't care how much time would pass, I just wanted you back here.." His voice was quiet, but now as serious as it would usually be- containing more emotions than he would like to express..

Rhea didn't say anything after that, and he was afraid that he would of made her angry... He hadn't though... right? His gaze slowly traveled upwards from the cat in his lap, only to see tears streaming down his friends' face. Did he make her cry? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

He was about to apologize- already having his right hand stretched out towards her, when she suddenly cut him off, "Don't apologize" She said, wiping her tears, though they just kept pouring, "I'm just so happy that you don't hate me"

She smiled at him, and for once in his life, he felt important... like someone worth loving...

He pulled her into a sideways hug- not wanting to crush the cat, though he knew she wouldn't feel it, being a spirit herself.

"I could never hate you...." She smiled through her sniffles, as he felt his own eyes tearing up a bit too-

"Just don't leave me again"


This is an OC I've had in mind for quite some time, so please let me know what you think :)

06/05/2024 - 10/05/2024

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