Gangster's Heart // Tommy She...

By Miss-Warner

13.7K 475 20

Autumn just moved to Birmingham with her fiance for a better life. Leaving all the troubles in the past, she... More

Aesthetics ✨
The Begging Of The End
Are You A Prostitute?
A Woman In The Garrison
But Aunt Pol
No More Gin For You
I Want You
Men And Their Cocks
A Wedding
I'll Drink To That
Don't Look
Be Careful
Last Wish?
You Know?
I'll Protect You
Where The Fuck Is Arthur?
You've Got To Trust Me, Tommy
Do You Love Me?
Should I Be Scared?
Feels Good
I'm Going To Marry Her
Trust Me
Calm Your Tits
One. Two. Three. Die
Happy Birthday
Arrogant Bastard
Fuck That
I'm fine
You're Drunk
I Need You
You Will Live
Mrs. Shelby
Shhh Baby
Get A Doctor
Pull The Trigger
What The Fuck Did You Do
Hey Tom
Thank You For Reading!

Together As One

238 7 0
By Miss-Warner

As the sun rose higher, the forest came alive with the symphony of nature. Birds sang melodiously, leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, and occasional twigs snapped underfoot as Anna and Harry ventured deeper into the woods.

"Anna, we've been walking for an hour now," Harry sighed, his steps following her enthusiastic stride. It was the first time in a year he had seen her so full of life.

"He's somewhere out there, Harry. I can feel it in my bones," Anna declared, pausing to glance back at the weary expression on Harry's face.

"Okay" he muttered, not having a heart to shatter her excitement. She was definitely losing her mind.

Another hour passed, the exhaustion mounting with each step. Their feet ached, both of them in complete silence, knowing very well this was a big mistake. Anna felt her excitement fading, a shame and sorrow replacing it.

"We should get back" Anna said, her voice full of disappointment.

"Can I stay at your place?" Harry's request was hesitant, his eyes searching her face for a sign of acceptance.

Anna narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Okaaay?" she replied, well aware that Harry hated staying overnight.

"I don't want you to be alone tonight with some creep following you," he clarified, nodding towards the path leading back to her house.

"Okay," she mumbled to herself, steeling herself for the journey back as she clumsily followed Harry's brisk pace.

As they arrived at Anna's house, Francis greeted them warmly, taking their coats with a smile. Anna led Harry into the spacious living room, where a cozy fire crackled in the hearth, casting a comforting glow across the room.

Anna reached for a bottle of Irish whiskey, Tommy's favorite, and poured them each a generous measure.

The room was filled with a sense of melancholy as they sipped their drinks, the weight of disappointment heavy in the air. Anna's disappointment was palpable, her gaze drifting to the flickering flames as she wrestled with her emotions.

"I can't believe we didn't find anything," Anna murmured, her voice heavy with regret. "I was so sure he would be out there."

Harry nodded sympathetically, his own heart heavy with the weight of their fruitless search. "I know, Anna. But sometimes, things aren't meant to be found."

They lapsed into a companionable silence, the only sound the soft crackle of the fire and the gentle lapping of whiskey against glass.

Anna decided to go to bed, but despite the late hour, she couldn't will herself to sleep, her mind consumed by thoughts of what could have been.

Unable to bear the confines of her bed any longer, Anna rose from the comfort of her covers and made her way to the chair next to the huge window overlooking the expansive garden below. Moonlight bathed the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow.

As Anna gazed out into the darkness, her heart skipped a beat when she saw him again. The figure stood motionless in the back of the garden, shrouded in shadow yet unmistakably familiar. The same coat and hat, the same piercing gaze fixed directly on her window.

Fear and disbelief coursed through Anna's veins as she stared back at the apparition before her. How could it be possible? Tommy was gone, yet there he stood as a ghostly figure haunting her.

For a moment, Anna was frozen in place, her breath caught in her throat. But then, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, she found her voice.

"Tommy?" she whispered, her voice barely more than a whisper.

But there was no reply, no movement from the shadowy figure below. Only silence, broken only by the distant chirping of crickets.

Trembling, Anna reached for the curtains, her hand shaking as she drew them closed, blocking out the haunting sight below.

How was this possible?

Anna recounted the events of the previous night to Harry, his brow furrowing in concern as he listened intently.

"Anna, this isn't healthy," Harry said gently, reaching across the table to place a comforting hand on her arm. "You need to take care of yourself. Maybe you should stay home today, rest, try to clear your mind."

Anna rolled her eyes, a stubborn streak rising within her despite Harry's genuine concern. "I'll be fine, Harry. I just need to keep busy, distract myself," she insisted, pushing her half-eaten breakfast aside.

With a sigh, Harry relented, knowing he couldn't force Anna to do anything she didn't want to. They finished their breakfast in silence.

As Harry gathered his things and prepared to leave for work, Anna watched him go with a heavy heart, being alone was suffocating her.

Restless and unable to shake the image of the mysterious figure from her mind, Anna decided to call Polly, her heart racing as she picked up phone. She didn't talk to her in such a long time.

"Polly? It's Anna," she said, her voice shaky with emotion. "I need to tell you something."

"Anna?" Polly called in surprise.

"It's gonna sound crazy, Polly. But I think I'm seeing him" Anna pushed out.

A minute of silence that felt like hours send a heart down to Anna's stomach.

"I had a dream" Polly began, "in that dream I saw you Anna, you and Tommy, a wedding. I don't know what it means, but be careful please, don't let the sorrow blind you" she uttered slowly, causing a confusion that Anna didn't need at this moment.

She sighed, but decided to let it go, no one believed her but she felt it deep down that it was real.

"Anna, come over for a drink, maybe it's time to talk about it all" Polly suggested.

"I need to rest Polly, I think I'm not well" Anna lied, trying to avoid a meeting with Shelbys. She was not ready.

"Alright" Polly replied, understanding a grief Anna was going through.

A conversation was short but a feelings after lingered. Anna decided there's only way how to make sure if it's a truth or her mind is playing a tricks on her.

Dressing up, she wrapped herself in a warm coat, put on gloves and a hat, and called Tom. Their steps led them towards a familiar path, Tom running around happily, a clueless little dog. Anna, on the other hand, was stressed, looking around anxiously, waiting to see him again, whether he would appear in the distance among the trees or lurk behind her. As much as it scared her, she craved it, the adrenaline rush it gave her. She needed to feel it again.

At least, that's what she thought. Her illusions shattered as she noticed a figure standing right in front of her in the distance. She had been too busy looking around to see what was right in front of her face.

Adrenaline filled her body, her heart pounding in her ears as she watched the man standing in the distance. Her mouth went dry, and she wanted to scream, but no voice came out. As if her body were on autopilot, she took a shaky step forward, ready to confront him, ready to find out who he was and why he was following her.

Her heart grew louder with each step until she stopped right in front of him, his face concealed by a peaked hat. In that moment, her world stopped, her breath intensified, and she could feel every cell in her body screaming.

It was impossible not to recognize him.

"Tommy?" she asked, her voice shaky with emotions as she fought against the darkness threatening to take over her body.

Slowly, he lifted his head, revealing his strong cheekbones, a face she thought she'd never see again. His piercing blue eyes looked straight into her soul.

Everything around them seemed to shatter into pieces. Anna's eyes filled with tears, her lips parted as she stared back, unsure if she was crazy, dead, or if this was actually real.

Tommy's blue eyes darkened, tears filling them as he stood there, frozen, unable to answer or move a part of his body.

"Tommy," she cried, tears blurring her vision, but she was frozen as well, too scared to touch him in case he disappeared.

As Tommy broke from his frozen state, a surge of emotion flooded through him, and without hesitation, he pulled Anna into a tight hug. She cried louder, her disbelief palpable. "It's not real... you're dead," she mumbled against his chest, her words muffled by tears.

Tommy held her close, his own tears mingling with hers.

"I'm here, Anna. I'm alive. It's real." he whispered slowly.

Anna clinged to him desperately, unable to comprehend the reality of the moment. She buried her face in his chest, her body trembling with a mix of shock, relief, and overwhelming emotion.

"It's okay, Anna," Tommy murmured, his voice breaking. "I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."

As they held each other, time seemed to stand still, neither willing to let go now that they had found each other again. It was as if a year had never passed; their love remained as steadfast as ever. In that moment, nothing else mattered – lies, pain, heartache everything was forgotten.

Lost in each other's embrace, all they craved was one another.

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