colours [book #2] [c.hood]

By flagrance

93.2K 3K 967

Calum and Indie's fluctuating adventures continue; or restart. [sequel to cool kids but can be read as a stan... More

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By flagrance

calum felt stupid but he wasn't sorry. he wasn't sorry at showing indie how he actually felt since she came back, it was wrong, yes but did he care? no. calum couldn't get the taste of indie's lips out of his mouth and head. for the entire night, he found himself touching his lips over and again, he craved for her and her everything.

calum had missed indie so much he showed up at the hemmings' front door the next morning. the door opened revealing luke with baby joey rested on his hands, one hand was on the door and the other supporting his baby brother's bum. "hey, luke."

a soft yawn fell from baby joey's lips, resting his head against luke's shoulder. luke looked like an over tired, eye - bagging teen dad. "hi cal, sorry, this little dude here crawled out of his bed and mum made me run after him."

"it's fine," calum assured him. "is indie home?"

luke's tired eyes opened a little, his lips immediately pulled into a tight line. "she doesn't want to see you, man. what you did wasn't cool." calum's heart started pumping. how did luke know? "if you're wondering how i know, she came back from your little walk crying. i know i'm supposed to be pissed but after she explained to me your whole dipshit deal, i realised i kind of acted the same when aria broke up with me so i had to be there for her. what in god's name were you thinking?"

"that's the problem, i wasn't thinking!" calum rubbed the side of his face. "i still love her, luke. i'm an idiot, i know but i honestly don't regret it."

"well she has a boyfriend, calum! you have a girlfriend as well! you should have stayed the fuck away! it wasn't cool. you took advantage of her and you know it!"

"she kissed back! she said she might need me as well, you can't blame me for it." calum tried to defend himself, his hands raised as little joey squirmed in luke's arms. "i'm not the only one guilty, alright?"

"i know that, cal. but she's a little over her head right now. i think it's best if you just stop talking to her, find some space between you two."

calum shook his head, "i love her, luke-"

"you should go," luke interrupted his sweet words. "i need to put joey back into his crib anyway."

the sad boy found no reason to keep arguing with his best friend leaving to respond with a nod. "fine, see you bro. love you." he turned on his heels, walking down the hemmings' driveway before turning around again just before luke started to close the door. "will you at least tell her that i came over and that i'm sorry?"

luke shot him a thumbs up before closing the door entirely. calum walked away, his head drowning him in thoughts as he decided to go to michael's house, the one person who wouldn't yell at him for doing what he did, or maybe he would considering he stopped dying his hair after he went full on black.

x x x

"wait so you mean you still love her?" michael asked calum, passing newly stocked beer to his best friend. calum nodded, closing his eyes and sighing to get ready for the scolding he knew was about to take place. "yes! ashton owes me two hundred bucks!"

calum's eyes squinted, his arms crossing over his chest. "did you make a bet on me and indie?" michael nodded. "bro, are you for real?"

michael shrugged. "it was kind of obvious the first time you saw her again, your face was literally the heart - eyes emoji, it's ridiculous."

"maybe i just missed her," calum scoffed, calum's bullshit excuse made michael start laughing hard. "stop laughing at me you asshole!"

with his hand on his stomach, michael tried to calm himself down. "sorry, your ass would be jealous of all that shit that comes out of your mouth."

calum pouted, he really wasn't that upset with michael and ashton, he was just sad that he was that predictable. he honestly thought that he could be smooth around her but that obviously didn't work. "you're so mean. are you going to help me or not?"

"with what? sabotaging her relationship so they'll break up and you and indie will live a happy life again?"

"well if you put it like that..." calum trailed of, scratching the back of his neck. "yeah, something like that."

michael scoffed. "you're so pathetic dude," calum's lips was pursed into a thin line. "but i'm going to help you anyway because you're my bro and i love you."

calum attacked michael with a tight man huh, lifting the pale boy slightly. "thank you mikey! i love you a lot!"

"you're still pathetic though."

"call me whatever you want as long as i get that london boy toy out of the way."

michael pulled away from the hug. "you're not going to kill him, are you?" he teased.

"i don't know, we'll see."

x x x

indie had to take care of baby joey whilst luke and his parents were out of the house, luke had to follow andrew and georgia to a house dinner and since indie didn't feel so good and actually felt sick, she was giving the permission to stay home. maybe she was just love sick.

"joey, are you hungry?" indie asked, stroking the boy's soft hair.

the boy shook his head, a knock on the door startled both of them, "ding dong!" joey squealed, he jumped off from the sofa and ran behind it. indie giggled, standing up and making her way toward it. "deedee! dragons are coming!"

that made indie laugh even harder as she opened the door slightly, calum standing there with a shy smile on his face. "hi." indie felt her heart almost stop, she wanted nothing more but to slam the door in his face but she didn't want joey to see any drama incase he decided to report back to the family.

"hey," indie breathed out. "luke isn't at home."

calum nodded, "i know, he told me he was out with the parents and said you weren't feeling too well. i decided to come and stop by, my mum made some soup incase you and joey were hungry."

indie's heart hurt, she was confused. "well come on in, joey's hiding behind the sofa because he thought you were a dragon." calum chuckled, making his way inside, he creeped on to the couch, seeing blonde hair peeking out from behind the sofa, he told indie to be quiet before peaking his head over the sofa and yelling 'boo!', baby joey let out a high pitched shrieked, jumping up before laughing at who it actually was.

"cawum!" joey put his hands out, wanting calum to pick him up which calum didn't hesitate to do so. indie couldn't help but felt her heart melt at the way joey pronounced calum's name. "i mish you."

"i mish you too, buddy." calum cooed, kissing him on the forehead. "you're not causing your big sister any problems, are you?" he took a glance at the girl watching the interaction between the two.

"i want nuggets!" joey wailed his arms around, "cawum, make me nuggets, pwease!"

"joey, mummy said you had nuggets this morning. you want them again?" indie asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "you're going to get sick, little one."

joey jutted his bottom lip out, "deedee, you're no fun. pwease cawum! can i pwease have nuggets?"

calum pretended to think for a minute, "only if your sissy goes to sit down on the couch, eat the soup and rest. she's sick."

joey wiggled in calum's arm, the older boy set him down seeing the little dude run to his sister and tugged on her calf. "deedee, go to sleep, you're shick!"

indie smiled, giving in and walking over to the sofa. calum gave her a subtle wink, "c'mon little guy, daddy calum is going to cook for you."

joey happily obliged and ran to the kitchen with calum, indie almost choking at the fact that calum called himself 'daddy', she went over to the sofa and laid down, watching the never ending re-run of little einsteins. whatever joey watching, indie was watching too.

laughter and happy screaming was heard from the kitchen, half an hour later, joey came running out of the kitchen, tomato sauce smeared across his cheek. "joey, you have tomato sauce on your cheek." indie whined, joey started laughing, a few minutes later out came calum, oil stains on his white nirvana shirt and a dab of tomato sauce across his chin. "looks like calum has some on his face too."

"i think me and the little guy make brilliant chefs, especially our signature dish, nuggets with three sauces, tomato, chili and mayonnaise." indie scrunched up her nose in disgust at the mention of mayonnaise. she was about to say something until joey let out a loud yawn. "you tired from eating all the nuggets, bud?"

joey only nodded, his eyes half shut. "hey, you go rest. i'll go put him upstairs." calum offered, already picking up the little guy.

indie couldn't object, "thanks, cal. you're amazing."

calum smiled at her, as he walked up the stairs, he let his thoughts linger until he set baby joey in his crib, he couldn't help but think; maybe he would be tucking their own child to sleep one day.


calum's thinking of having a child with indie wee bye

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