Teachers Tapestry

By lovingfemmes

838K 22.5K 10.1K

It's Collette's first day of senior year and she already can't wait for it to be over. She's a good student w... More

Character visuals
Twenty five
Bonus | Our little life


7.7K 189 116
By lovingfemmes

Collette's POV

The next morning I woke up in Valentina's arms. I was warm and her arms were draped over me with my head tucked away in the crook of her neck.

She was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful.

I snuck my hands underneath her shirt and tried to fall back asleep.

After a few attempts I just decided I was awake. I didn't move though. I just stayed there basking in the morning moment we shared.

Normally, she wakes up before me but for some reason today I woke up first.

The morning sunlight was coming in and I realised yesterday I wasn't dreaming. She glows in certain lights.

Like an angel. It's a soft glow.

Maybe I'm just biased because I love her.

Another thing. Yesterday I almost said I love her, during and after she fucked me senseless.

Quite literally. My legs trembled, not that I'm complaining.

I've never had to hold myself back from saying something so much.

Do you know how hard it is to hold it together and not say "I love you." to a person you love while you're getting fucked from behind? It's really fucking hard.

But I needed to say it right. Blurting something like that out during sex is unfair to her.

I do love her, a lot actually.

And she deserves for someone to say it properly to her, not in a spur of the moment thing.

I want her to know I really mean it.

I moved back slightly so I could look at her face properly. Our legs still tangled under the covers.

She looks so peaceful, I don't want to disturb her. For the first time I noticed some features on her I'd never noticed before.

She's got long eyelashes that give her eyes a butterfly effect. And the way her skin glows in the light. I know I've already said it but she looks like an angel. I placed my hand on her cheek softly rubbing my thumb back and forth and her nose scrunched a little as she settled into my touch with a small smile on her lips.

It was the cutest thing ever.

Valentina really was one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. She the only person who's seen me at my absolute worst, be the shittiest version of myself and she still fought for me. Waited.

Until I came back to her.

"I can feel you staring baby." Valentina said with her eyes closed leaning into my touch and in a sleepy voice.

"I'm not staring." I said to her moving my hand off her face.

She grabbed my hand quickly placing it back on her face with her hand over mine.

I blushed at her urgency to keep my hand on her.

"I didn't say move your hand, my love." She placed a kiss to my hand all while her eyes were still closed. I blushed even harder.

"Come back to bed. We're spending the day here. It's too early to be awake anyways." She said wrapping her arms around me.

"I tried but I can't sleep." I said softly.

"Come here." She said pulling me closer. I placed my head on her chest and snuggled close. Her hands firmly around my waist with her one had running up and down my back softly.

She placed a soft kiss to my temple letting her lips linger for a bit and I smiled contently against her.

"Try sleep a little long, yeah?" She said softly above me.

"I will." I answered her. Suddenly my eyes felt heavy again and I soon feel asleep as she held me close to her.

✾ ✾ ✾

I woke up much later than before. The cold sun was high in the sky and I woke up alone, but tucked comfortably in bed with velvet next to me.

I smiled as I cursed, knowing Valentina didn't let me sleep completely alone.

I jumped out of bed as I checked the time.


I threw some sweat pants on and look through Valentina's hoodies before settling on the one she brought me yesterday at the picnic.

I smelt like her.

I smiled internally as I put it on, thinking about how she knew I underestimated the weather yesterday and was cold.

I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do a bit of my skin care before going down.

I walked down stairs to the kitchen and heard a bunch of voices. Maybe a few extra people at most.

"Can you all not be so loud, my girlfriend is still asleep upstairs." I heard Valentina say and I blushed.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Stella, Lottie, Quinn and Zoë around her kitchen table.

"Letty, you're awake finally!" Zoë exclaimed as she came to give me hug.

"Hi Zo." I hugged her back.

I broke away from the hug with her and walked to Valentina who had pushed her chair out a little.

I sat in her lap, even though there is other chairs around, she always pulled her chair out slightly so I can sit in her lap.

I sat in her lap and her arms wrapped around me before she placed a short kiss to my lips.

"Morning, my love." She said softly.

I blushed and said morning back.

Valentina doesn't call me 'my love' not often anyways. But since yesterday I've been hearing it more and more often.

I like it.

"So, Val. Sunday." Stella said calmly.

"What about Sunday?" Val asked with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean what? You're turning 26. I say we do brunch." Quinn said.

I completely forgot that Valentina's birthday was on Sunday. She's told us in the beginning of the school year but I forgot.

And it was our two months anniversary of dating.

Jesus, how's it's already been two months?

"I don't want anything. It's really just another day tomorrow." She said as her thumb started rubbing my sides soothingly.

"Why?" I turned my head to ask her.

"It's not a big deal. I'm one year closer to thirty." She shrugged.

"It can be fun, we can have brunch, it can be a really simple but a fun day." I said to her.

"I agree. And if it wasn't Sunday we could've gone to the club." Quinn added.

"I agree but I think I'm good on clubs till the summer." Lottie said.

"Why don't we have brunch on our yacht. Nothing too fancy, but champagne and cake does sound good." Stella said.

Val sighed. "I don't want anything. It's just another day. I don't want to do anything except spend the day watching orange is the new black."

"God you love that show more than you should." Stella said.

"Letty, try convince your girlfriend please? It could be a really good day, and it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow." Lottie said.

"Please baby, just for a couple hours. It's your birthday, and brunch is something so simple." I asked as I reached my hands into her hair scratching lightly at her scalp.

She sighed contently for a minute. "Fine." She said. "Nothing too big." She added.

"Deal." Everyone agreed. I placed a small kiss to her lips and leaned into her more.

"I'd at least like today to myself. Since I agreed to brunch tomorrow." Valentina said.

I frowned slightly. I know I spent the night but I'm not exactly keen on leaving yet. I can leave on Monday.

I don't want to go.

"Okay, Zo and I have plans anyways. We just stopped by quickly." Quinn said before she started giggling along with Zoë.

We all raised an eyebrow at them briefly before shaking them off.

"You can have the rest of today to yourself. Kate's at home it's the girls so we have to get back after the little getaway." Stella said.

"Good. I'll see you all tomorrow." Val said in a deep sigh as everyone stood up.

"Bye guys, we'll see you tomorrow." Quinn and Zoë said walking out of the kitchen.

I rested my head against Valentina's head which was resting on my shoulder.

I waited a minute for everyone go and for the door to close again.

"How are you feeling baby?" She asked softly running her hands under my shirt.

"I'm okay, just a little sore. Good sore." I said to her.

She chuckled lightly.

"You get used to it." She kissed my cheek softly.

"Do I leave too?" I ask her wearily.

I seriously don't want to leave just yet.

"What?" She asked confused.

"You said you wanted the day to yourself—"

"Darling, you don't count. I want my day with you." She placed a hand to my cheek rubbing it softly with her thumb.

A wave of relief washed over my body. I wasn't leaving.

I let out a sigh I didn't even I was holding in.

"Okay." I kissed her softly. Nothing rushed or fast, just slow and gentle.

"I didn't want to leave yet." I said with a smile.

"I don't want you to leave yet." She smiled back at me. "Okay, I'll make us breakfast. Avo toast?" She asked me.

"Avocado toast does sound good. I can do the avocado." I said with some excitement.

"You sit. I'll do it." She said moving out from under me.

"I want to help."

"No, I'll make—"

"Please Val, it's always more fun if we can do it together." I said to her.

"Fine." She took my hand and kissed my forehead.

We did breakfast fairly quickly.

Valentina suggested we go to the farmers market, it's not exactly sunny yet but it is warming up. I agreed so quickly loving the idea and we got dressed and headed to the farmers market. We took Artemis as well of course.

Despite it being a little cold, the farmers market was pretty. Every stand was lovely.

It was a bonus that it was a little further out so I don't really have to worry about anyone from school seeing Valentina and I. That meant I could hold her hand, give her little kisses freely.

Valentina isn't really big on holding hands when we're out but she hasn't let go of my hand today.

"Can we get a bunch of strawberries?" I asked her as we passed a fresh fruits stand.

"Of course baby." She said kissing my forehead.

I walked up the stand. "Hi." I said excitedly giving vals hand a little squeeze.

"Hi lovelies, what can I get you?" An old woman asked us. She looked older than sixty but no more than eighty. She had a grandmother element. The whole old and short, grey hair in a bob with a little black head band on. Her persona was welcoming.

I looked around the fruits and there was so many, grapes, blue berries, raspberries, strawberries, mulberries, so much to choose from.

"There's so much." I said.

"Take your time love, I'm gonna go get you a something okay, I'll be back in a minute." Val said next to me.

"What where?" I asked turning to her quickly.

I've noticed I've become a clingy person with Val.

I'm not clingy but she makes it different.

"Just around the stand here, I'll be back in five minutes I promise." She said with a soft smile.

"Okay." I said and she kissed my cheek before walking off.

"Can I have some strawberries please? And grapes." I asked her.

"Of course sweetheart." She said and I watched her package them into little breathable cartons.

"You know, my wife and I would've been running this stand for twenty five years today." The woman said to me as she handed me the grapes and began packing the strawberries.

Her statement took me by surprise. It's not everyday you often hear about an older gay couple.

"Oh, where's your wife? If I can ask."

"She passed away two years ago. I miss her everyday." She said softly. My heart broke immediately because I know what it's like to lose someone you love so much.

"I'm really sorry." I said to her.

"Don't be, I miss her but I'm continuing the one thing she loved so much, even more than me." She chuckled softly.

"It's not every day I get a lovely lesbian couple at our stand. Seeing you and your girlfriend, it fills me with joy because my wife would've definitely been rooting for you two." She sent me a wide warm smile.

"Heres what I'll do, I'll give you some extra strawberries, cover them in chocolate. And you tell her you love her. Remind her of that every day." She began packing more strawberries. She reached for a silver jug that sat to the side and began dousing the strawberries in chocolate.

"Thank you so much." I said accepting the extra strawberries from her.

"How much is it?" I asked ready to lay whatever it may be.

"Oh no dear, it's free. Next time I see you, you'll pay for whatever you buy. But for today, remind your girlfriend you love her." She said softly with a small smile.

My heart was moving at a million miles a minute because of this sweet old lady that basically gave me an opening to finally tell Val I love her.

There never really is the right moment to say things like this.

"I will, thank you so much..." i trailed off not knowing her name.

"Carol. I'm Carol." She said softly.

"I'm Letty. Thank you so much carol."

"You are very much welcome Letty." She said as she went to sit back down. I walked in the direction Val went off but stopped when I saw Ally a few stalls ahead of me.

Maybe she hasn't seen me?

"Letty?" I heard her call.

Fuck me sideways.

I stopped walking because there was no avoiding this. She was in front of me.

"Ally." I said with a smile as I carried the fruits in my hands.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Just some farmers market shopping." I answered nonchalantly.

"Oh cool, my dad brought my siblings and I for a bit. We're supposed to leave in a minute. If you're alone I could asks to stay for a little?" She said

"Don't worry, I'm here with someone." I said waving her off hoping she'd leave.

"Who?" She asked me.

I stayed there for a minute, hoping I could come up with a lie that would make her walk away quickly.

"Ugh. She's already ruined my Friday now she's here." Ally said before I could even have a chance to answer her previous question.

I turned my head and saw Valentina stop in her tracks looking for me. I saw the flowers in her hand and I blush a little. She looked so cold as her eyes traced the crowd.

I now knew what Friday ally was referring to. I don't know about her but I had an amazing Friday. Amazing food and pussy breaking sex. No one's complaining.

"She can be here too Ally." I defended her.

"True, I just don't like her." Ally scoffed.

Well the feeling is mutual.

"I have to go ally. I don't want the person I'm here with looking for me for too long. I'll see you on Monday yeah?" I said to her and Valentina looked directly at us.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna go find my dad." She said.

"See you Monday." I said walking away from her.

She walked in the opposite direction and was out of sight fairly quickly.

"You got me flowers?" I asked as I walked up to her. All the fruits still in hand.

"Of course baby. Here." She kissed my cheek and handed them to me.

It was an arrangement of white, pink and red tulips. I love tulips.

"They're so pretty." I smelt them and they smelt so fresh. Like a nice rain smell.

"Here." She handed me a small card as she looked at me a little nervous. Her hands were playing on Artemis's leash too much so she was nervous.

I turned it over and my heard nearly stopped work. It was fluttering from the simple words but who knew she felt the same way too?

"Maybe it's soon and all but im not asking you to feel the same way, I just wanted you to know, I love you." She said softly.

"Oh baby. I got these to tell you, I love you." I handed her the small box of chocolate covered strawberries.

"Yeah?" She looked at me.

"I love you Val. So much. I love you." I said with a smile that made my cheeks hurt so much.

"I love you Collette. So much." She cupped my face and kissed me. It was gentle and had that same feeling like last time.

Like she was telling me something. But this time I knew she was saying

I love you.

She pulled back and I smiled at her.

"Okay, I'm going to put Artemis in the car, and bring it closer, give me these. Grab anything else you want I won't be long yeah?" She said taking the fruit out of my hands.

"Okay. I love you." I said with a little blush on my cheek.

"I love you too baby." She kissed my cheek and walked off.

I looked around and luckily I couldn't see Ally. I wondered a little more but didn't see anything I liked.
I walked to a jewellery stand further towards the entrance.

And just my luck, Ally was there.

"Alone again?" Ally asked with a smile.

"No, the person I'm with just stepped out for a minute." I said looking over the ring collection m.

"Oh okay. You have flowers?" Aly pointer to them.


"They look like the bunch miss Fairbourne had." She raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I said calmly. On the inside I was praying so hard for her not to say anything more and just drop it.

"Yeah. Oddly similar." She said.

"Maybe but the stand sells a bunch of the same bouquets." I said hoping it would be enough.

"That's true." She said. "I've gotta go, my dad took my little brother to grab some ice cream. I'll see you on Monday. And I'll text you." Ally said as she leaned in to hug me before she walked off.

I practically ran out for the space. I saw Vals car and jumped in wasting no time.

I started talking and telling her that I might have fucked up. She listened attentively before answering.

"First of all, call down baby. It's okay. She probably doesn't know anything. It's okay." She cupped my face and gave me a small kiss to help ground me.

"Okay yeah you're right." I took a deep breath.

"It's okay. Let's go home, I'll make some hot chocolate and we can go watch a movie, curled up on the couch or have a nap. Don't stress over her my love. She doesn't know anything. Just us, okay." She reassured me. I nodded and  we drove off back home.

Once we were home she opened my door like always and I jumped out. We made it inside and I changed into more comfier clothes, her clothes. Not wearing any pants but keeping a pair close by just in case.

Val made hot chocolate for us and we put on some movie. I ate a couple pieces of fruit but inevitably ended up falling asleep with Valentina on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.

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