Not So Delicate ||18+

By Unstablewriter17

164K 3K 406

"Bastard." She whispered. "Your bastard." He whispered back. ~~~~~~~~★~~~~~~~~ A shy at first girl but wild o... More

Brooklyn ~1~
Brooklyn ~2~
Brooklyn ~3~
Brooklyn ~4~
Brooklyn ~5~
Brooklyn ~6~
Brooklyn ~7~
Brooklyn ~8~
Brooklyn ~9~
Brooklyn ~10~
Brooklyn ~11~
Brooklyn ~12~
Callan ~13~
Brooklyn ~14~
Brooklyn ~15~
Callan ~16~
Brooklyn ~17~
Brooklyn ~18~
Zachary ~19~
Callan ~20~
Callan ~21~
Brooklyn ~22~
Brooklyn ~23~
Atticus ~24~
Atticus ~25~
Brooklyn ~26~
Zachary ~27~
Brooklyn ~28~
Atticus ~30~
Zachary ~31~
Brooklyn ~32~
Brooklyn ~33~
Brooklyn ~34~
Atticus ~35~
Brooklyn ~36~
Callan ~37~
Brooklyn ~38~
Brooklyn ~39~
Zachary ~40~
Atticus ~41~
Brooklyn ~42~
Callan ~43~
Brooklyn ~44~ Pt-1
Brooklyn ~44~ Pt-2
Zachary ~45~
Atticus ~46~
Brooklyn ~47~
Atticus ~48~

Brooklyn ~29~

3.1K 69 18
By Unstablewriter17

I walked into the huge building beside Callan, the restaurant was so big you could get lost in it. He had his hand on my lower back, keeping me in pace with him.

Just his touch alone had my body raging on fire. His hand was so warm that the heat flowed through my shirt and onto my skin. I wanted his touch everywhere.

Woah there.

"I forgot to ask you earlier," He said softly, only for me to hear. I looked up at him as we walked. "What was the paper crown on your head earlier?"

"A little girl gave it to me. Her name is Rosie." I smile, remembering the cute crown that I have placed on my dresser. I looked at Callan to see him looking down at me with shocked eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, sorry." He gave me a cheeky smile before looking forward again. I stared at his side profile for a second, seeing another emotion pass through his eyes before it was gone as quickly as it came.

He led me to the elevator and we went to the second floor. One of the waiters saw us and led us towards our table.

My eyes met with Zachary's, he smiled and gave me a little wave. I waved back as we got closer. Callan pulled out my chair for me, pushing it in as I sat down.

"You guys clean up nice." I smile, taking in each of their attire. They all had different styles but somehow gave off one single vibe. Confidence.

"So do you." Zachary grinned, checking me out. I smile softly and pick up the menu. "How has your week been? You like your job?"

"It's been a rollercoaster, actually. I love working there, though. My coworkers are amazing." I rant, putting my menu down to talk to them properly. That seemed to have said something to Atticus since his pupils flared under the warm lights.

"Anybody causing any trouble?" Callan asked next, quirking his eyebrow. I smile and shake my head.

"No.. although, there are these men..." I mumble, furrowing my brows and looking off, waiting for their reaction.

"They bothering you?" Atticus murmured, taking a sip of his water. I gave him a grin, making him narrow his eyes at me.

"Not really. They just have this terrible habit of sending me flowers every day... my apartment has become a greenhouse." I smile, making them realize I was talking about them. Zachary chuckles, and Atticus shakes his head with a smirk.

"Firstly, It's every two days. Secondly, it's either flowers or jewelry. You pick." Callan grunted, playfully glaring at me. I narrow my eyes at him and groan.

"Keep the flowers coming." I mumble, sipping at the water. He smirks and gives me a curt nod.

"Hey, let's play an icebreaker game," Zachary suggested, giving us a cheeky smile. I agree and look at the other guys to see if they agree. They looked at each other and then at me before sighing and nodding. "Perfect! Brooklyn, you go first. Say something about yourself."

"Jeez, way to put me in the spotlight." I chuckle. "Let's see, I like music and sweet food. Callan, you're next."

"I'm with you on the music there, I like the sun, and I like dance. Atticus." Callan smiles, nodding at Atticus. He sighs and shrugs, lifting his hands to sign. I focus on his fingers as they move.

-I like baking and the gym.- He answers shortly. I smile and tilt my head at him.

"Well, that's perfect. I have a sweet tooth, and you have a baker's hand. I expect cookies instead of flowers on Monday." I joke, giving him a grin. He gives me a wink and looks through the menu. "Zachary, your turn."

"Let's see... I like to cook-" He was cut off by Callan snorting. "Okay, listen, I like to cook. I can't cook well but it's still fun!" He defends himself, holding his hands up. I laugh at the offended look on his face as Callan keeps provoking him.

"Last time Zachary cooked, the house was nearly caught on fire. I wish I was kidding." Callan chuckled, grinning at Zachary.

"As I was saying. I like to cook and I like to read. Should be obvious with my profession and all." Zachary grinned. I chuckled and nodded. I managed to figure out what I wanted to eat, and when the waiter came, I gave him my order and continued talking with the guys.

We talked for a while, Zachary and Callan kept going back and forth, bickering with each other. My eyes had drifted from them to Atticus. He was watching me with hooded eyes.

-You okay?- I signed carefully. He watched my hands move before nodding at me. Curiosity peaked in my mind. I wanted to ask more about him. –Where are you from? You have a slight accent.-

-I'm from Russia.-

-How'd you meet these two?-

-Business. Callan helped me. Don't ask about it.-

I left it at that, giving him a small smile. Callan and Zachary had stopped their bickering and were now looking at us curiously. The food came, and everyone dug in. The conversations had come to a pause as we ate, only a few words exchanged. My plate of food was ginormous.

I had ordered pasta, expecting it to be a normal sized plate, but if this was normal, I'm scared to see the big one. I only managed to eat half of the portions, sighing and leaning back.

"You don't like it?" Callan asked, noticing that I was no longer eating. I smile and shake my head softly.

"Full. If one of you want it, you can have it." I say, pushing the plate forward a little. They smile at me and continue to eat. I looked around the restaurant, noticing the tiny patterns on the walls and the sleek tiles. It was decorated so beautifully.

"You look beautiful." I hear Zachary whisper, making me look at him. He was staring at me with soft eyes, his food was finished, and his focus was now on me. I smile softly.

"Thank you... Callan said something similar." I smile teasingly, looking at Callan, who is now staring at me with low eyes.

"Watch it." He warned, making both Zachary and Atticus look at me curiously. I wanted to get back at them for all the teasing they've done to me but I knew I would just dig myself a deeper hole.

"Or what?" My grin did not falter, even when all three men straightened up and stared me down. "Tongue tied?"

"Not now." Callan told Atticus. He huffed and stood from the table, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"You're riding with me." I smile up at him, making him inhale before walking towards the bathrooms. Zachary waved down a waiter to get the check.

"I can't wait for everything to be discussed." Zachary mumbled to himself. He paid the check and stood along with Callan. I followed suit, watching them say something to each other before looking at me.

I felt a hand on my lower back, making me spin around quickly. Atticus looked down at me with low, dark eyes. The pure, raw look in his steel eyes made my heart stutter. To not have any attention drawn to us, I begin walking toward the elevator, the guys walking behind me.

If stares could burn, my ass would be on fire.

I press the metal button, walking into the empty elevator. I stood in the middle, watching them file in. Zachary to my left and Callan to my right. Atticus stood in front of me, his eyes set on me and me alone.

Once the doors closed, only God could save me. Atticus pressed my body to the cold metal wall, his jaw clenched tightly. I could feel every ridge of his body against mine. The rough planes of his chest against mine and his strong arms on either side of my head. And oh my soul, it did something to me.

Callan stepped towards us, putting his hand on Atticus's shoulder, murmuring something along the line of 'Not yet.'

Please, for everyone's sake, let the man do whatever he wants!

Who said that?

Atticus made a noise of protest, making Callan whisper something in another language. And I so desperately wanted to know what it was.

The elevator stopped and began to open, making me panic a little. Atticus only smirked at me but was eventually forced away by both Zachary and Callan's hands on his shoulders. He turned around just in time, walking past the elderly couple who were waiting for the elevator.

As we walked out of the building, Callan pulled me to him, looking at me with serious eyes.

"Do not provoke him. You've riled him up enough, and if you do something to push him, he won't be able to control himself. And we have to have that conversation with you before anything else." He told me, his hand squeezing my wrist softly.

"Fine. I'll leave him alone." I give him a sweet smile, distracting him from the obvious lie. He quirked an eyebrow at me but shook his head. He let me go and nodded toward Atticus, who was patiently, or rather, impatiently waiting for me.

I walk to him, giving him the sweetest smile I could muster. He closed his eyes for a second before walking away. I followed behind him, trying to pick out what kind of car he drove. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a helmet was gently placed on my head.

I look at him confused, seeing him now wearing a leather jacket and his own helmet. Behind him was one of the most gorgeous motorcycles I've ever seen. Of course, he rides a bike.

Once I was finally on and settled behind him, he revved the bike to life, leaving the parking lot and picking up the speed as we got on the highway. I held onto him tightly, not wanting to fly off in a blink of an eye.

I could feel his muscles tensing beneath my arms, his shoulders were drawn tight, and his whole body was anything but relaxed. Was it the interaction earlier?

With his muscles tensed under my arms, I could feel just how strong he was. His stomach alone had muscles that were rock hard. I mean, how many muscles are in his abdomen??

Maybe it was how he tensed. How he had every nerve in his body pulled tight. I didn't like how tense he was. Especially since I was on the back of this bike with him.

I carefully moved my arms, using the palms of my hands to gently soothe over his abdomen. To my surprise, they only tensed more.

"Stop." He grumbled, the sound of his voice coming from his mouth but sounding out through my helmet.

"I'm sorry." I apologize softly, letting my hands drop to his thighs. I squeeze my elbows slightly to still hold onto him, just not with my hands.

I wanted to run my hands over his thighs, but I refrained from doing so. Not wanting him to get pissed and throw me off the bike. Seeing it was my touch on him that made him tense, I tried not to lean my weight on him either. Trying my best to keep my body off of his back.

We drove for about 10 more minutes. He drove at the speed limit, but for some reason, it felt so much faster. We finally pulled into a community road, and he lowered the speed, and I was allowed to release him and look around a little better.

It was a normal neighborhood, or maybe, not so normal. The houses were huge and probably cost 100x my rent. Behind us, followed Zachary and Callan, both in their cars. We finally slowed to a stop, Atticus scanning his hand and the gates opening.

"Is this where you guys live?" I ask curiously, staring at the house in awe. He chuckles and shakes his head, parking in the garage. Zachary parked inside the garage also while Callan kept his in the driveway.

"Only an extra." He says casually, helping me off the bike. He removes my helmet and his as I gape at him. An extra house... exactly how rich are they??

"And how many extras do you three have?" I ask in shock, following him into the house. Inside was even more beautiful than the outside. Wood accents everywhere along with plants. It was a beautiful house, but it wasn't their home.

"We have about 7," Zachary said casually, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. "No wait, I lie. We have 8, not including the condos."

"Are you in the mafia or something? How do you have this much money?" I blabbered, not able to keep my mouth shut. If Mrs. Lottie was here. She'd strangle me for having such bad manners.

"Hard work pays off, angel. And trust me, it never came easy." Callan joined. We were standing in the kitchen of the house, Zachary's back against the counter and my chest against his.

"You three are fairly young, though, right? How could you be worth so much money at such a young age?" I ask curiously, looking up into the green eyes that stared down at me. Darkening by each second I stared back.

"We worked from young. Atticus and I started our own businesses before we even turned 18. Zachary is the youngest of us, and even though most his years he spent in school, he still has enough money to maintain himself and more." Callan said, leaning against one of the counters. Zachary's hands moved down my sides, his fingers twitching slightly, either trying not to tickle me or the opposite.

Just like Callan's, his touch sent flames down every inch he touched. He was staring down at me with hunger in his eyes even though he had just eaten.


My breath staggered in my throat, my entire body heating under his gaze. But then I became even more aware of my surroundings. It wasn't just his gaze that set me on fire. It was the two other sets of eyes that shamelessly checked me out.

They were all looking at me as if I was a piece of meat and they were hungry lions on the prowl.

I was tired of everything. I'm tired of holding back. Tired of letting Joshua fucking Easton manipulate my decisions even when he's not around. I'm tired of shielding myself from something that happened years ago. And even if it's for one night, one night where I can let my soul free, it's going to be tonight. And with these three gorgeous men.


Yes. Three ridiculously hot men.

I stop thinking. For once in my life, I don't think of the consequences. I don't think of what will happen to me if I finally stop being a pushover and do something for myself.

I look up at Zachary, and by the way he's looking at me right now, I know his mind is in the same place. I don't stop myself this time. The embarrassment and awkwardness will have to wait till tomorrow. I lean up and crash my lips to his, making him groan. One of his hands moves to cradle the back of my neck while the other pulls my waist closer to his. He kisses me back with such force that it makes my knees buckle. If it wasn't for his arm around my waist, I would've fallen.

His tongue glides over my bottom lip, pushing against my teeth for entry. I grant it immediately, letting my entire being succumb to the way his tongue brushes mine and how his hand tightens in my hair. My entire body heats against his. I'm so hot right now that I feel the need to strip down to my skin to cool off.

I gasp into Zachary's mouth at the feeling of someone's teeth scraping against my neck, their chest pressing against me. I knew it was Callan by his scent, the sweet and tangy scent of his cologne, the minty smell of his toothpaste, and the feel of his lips against my neck.

I let my head fall back, letting out a breathy moan as both their mouths attacked my neck. This time, neither of them were gentle. Callan doesn't graze his lips against my neck like before. He sucks at it until the skin aches. Zachary doesn't give a damn if he bruises me or not, his mouth is exploring every inch of my neck.

It's not enough. Fuck, it's not enough. I needed more.

What's gotten into me?

Something felt imbalanced. I couldn't pinpoint what it was with these two attacking my neck.




My eyes open and move towards him. He was watching me with dark eyes, his whole body rigid. He gripped onto the counter he leaned on, his knuckles turning white. My eyes fell to his mouth, the tense lines around his lips made me want to kiss him so much more now.

I let out a shaky breath when one of them found that sweet spot below my ear. My eyes nearly rolled back but I kept them trained on Atticus. I felt a chuckle against my neck before he bit down on my throat, making me yelp. My eyes snap away from Atticus and I look at Zachary whose eyes are as dark as the night sky.

"Oh no," He pouts in mock pity "Did that hurt, sweetheart?"

Callan lets off of my neck and looks at me with the same darkness that consumed the bright green of Zachary's eyes. I give a small nod, feeling the slight throb of pain in my throat every time I swallow.

"Go make him kiss it better."

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