The Gilbert siphoner

By natasha-mikaelson

45.3K 1.1K 52

Born as Anastasia Diana Blackthorn, she was the daughter of two powerful witches, Amelia Anderson-Blackthorn... More

Cast season 1
The Night of the Comet 1x02
Friday Night Bites 1x03
Family ties 1x04
You're Undead to Me 1x05
Lost girls 1x06
Haunted 1x07
162 Candles 1x08
History repeating 1x09
The Turning Point 1x10
Bloodlines 1x11
Unpleasantville 1x12
Children of the Damned 1x13
Fool Me Once 1x14
A Few Good Men 1x15
Let The Right One In 1x17
Under Control 1x18
Miss Mystic Falls 1x19
Blood Brothers 1x20
Isobel 1x21
Founder's Day 1x22
Cast season 2
The Return 2x01
Brave New World 2x02
Bad Moon Rising 2x03
Memory Lane 2x04
Kill or Be Killed 2x05
Plan B 2x06
Masquerade 2x07
Rose 2x08
Katerina 2x09
The Sacrifice 2x10
By the Light of the Moon 2x11
The Descent 2x12
Daddy Issues 2x13
Crying Wolf 2x14
The Dinner Party 2x15
The House Guest 2x16
Know Thy Enemy 2x17
The Last Dance 2x18
Klaus 2x19
The Last Day 2x20
The Sun Also Rises 2x21
As I Lay Dying 2x22
Cast season 3
The Birthday 3x01
The Hybrid 3x02
The End of the Affair 3x03
Disturbing Behavior 3x04
The Reckoning 3x05
Smells Like Teen Spirit 3x06
Ghost World 3x07
Ordinary People 3x08
Homecoming 3x09
The New Deal 3x10
Our Town 3x11
The Ties That Bind 3x12
Bringing Out The Dead 3x13
Dangerous Liaisons 3x14
All My Children 3x15
Break On Through 3x17
The Murder of One 3x18
Heart of Darkness 3x19
Do Not Go Gentle 3x20
Before Sunset 3x21
The Departed 3x22
Cast season 4
Growing Pains 4x01
Memorial 4x02
The Rager 4x03
The Five 4x04
The Killer 4x05
We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes 4x06
My Brother's Keeper 4x07
We'll Always Have Bourbon Street 4x08
O Come, All Ye Faithful 4x09
After School Special 4x10
Catch Me If You Can 4x11
A View to a Kill 4x12
Down the Rabbit Hole 4x14
Stand By Me 4x15
Bring It On 4x16
Because the Night 4x17
American Gothic 4x18
Pictures of You 4x19
She's Come Undone 4x21

Into the Wild 4x13

214 7 0
By natasha-mikaelson

During the entire trip to the island I was only talking with Damon, Rebekah and a little with professor creepy aka Shane. I was angry at the rest of them for killing Kol so I was ignoring the others. I would of ignored Damon to but he didn't know about the plan considering he was locked up in the cellar. Jeremy and Elena tried talking to me but after a while gave up after realizing I won't talk to them at least until we're back home.

I made sure I wasn't in the same boat with them and after we arrived at the island stayed away from them, mostly being with Rebekah.

I was watching Stefan tying a knot with some rope  while Rebekah was busy glaring at Elena who just walked by. "You know, you're not really helping." Stefan comments as he looks at Rebekah and me.

"You seem perfectly capable of tying a knot." I tell him and Bekah nods in agreement.

Stefan ignores what I said. "You giving Elena the evil eye, it's not really helping." He tells Bex.

"She killed her brother, my friend" I begin.

"Tried to get you to put a dagger in my back. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye from me and ignoring from Ana." Bekah finishes for me.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Elena asks.

"You know I don't care, right?" Elena stops walking, and vamp speeds towards Rebekah, grabbing her neck and pointing the white oak stake at her chest. I don't do anything knowing Rebekah is perfectly capable of defending herself. Rebekah flips Elena over and pushes her to the ground. "Go ahead, try and kill me. But then you'd have to face your real problems. Like the fact that Stefan invited me here, himself. I guess he likes me again." Rebekah tells Elena and starts to walk away. I go with her not wanting to be near Elena right now.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask Bekah as I catch up with her.

"No,she killed my brother and I just want to kill that doppelgänger wench. Stake her, rip her heart out, head off, anything really." Rebekah says and I look at her understandingly.

"I get it, I feel the same way. I have the urge to kill her for killing Kol, but..."

"You wouldn't be able to do it because she is your sister." Rebekah says and I nod. "I get it, I wouldn't be able to kill any of my brothers. I might plot against them but I could never kill them. Even when I plotted to help Mikael kill Nik at the homecoming. If Elena didn't dagger me I probably wouldn't be able to go through with it." Bekah says then adds. "As much as the bastard annoys me." We chuckle at that.


"Satellite phone lost its signal," Shane said as we hike up through the woods.

"Well, that's a good sign." Damon says.

"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena worries.

"So then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary." Bex tells her.

"Please don't start." Stefan pleads tiredly.

"I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie is the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I have the tombstone, which does god knows what. Ana is here to make sure I don't kill Elena or Jeremy for killing my brother, also she's my friend. And Elena has no point." Bex lists.

"What about me?" Damon questions from the front.

"You have a nice behind." Bex tells him.

"Centuries after Qetsiyah died, there were these miners who were excavating a well on the island. Suddenly went mad. They bled themselves dry. No apparent reason. So, the legend spread that these miners, in exchange for a drop of their blood, saw visions of their lost loved ones in the well they were digging. The word traveled and explorers sought out the well to see if the legend was true." Shane explains as we hiked in the dark using flashlights hours later.

"So, the well was magic?" Bonnie asks.

"Well, you know, some people believe the voices of lost souls were just a wind vortex whipping through the caves, and visions were caused by inhaling the island's poisonous plant life."

"And what do you believe?" Elena asks.

"I believe in magic. My wife and my son died within months of each other. And so...I decided to try the well out for myself." Shen says and explains that he found well and offered his blood. And because of that he saw his wife again. "I saw my wife. I saw her eyes, her smile. My blood let me see her again." Shane says.

"Yeah, got it. Don't eat the poisonous flowers." Damon says and he continues walking and we follow.

" Wait. Stop. Stop! Stop. " Shane says and we all stop. "Is everybody paying attention?" He picks up a large rock. "Our first lesson in survival." He throws the rock and it triggers a net trap that swings up into the trees. "Stay together. Keep your eyes open."

"What is this place?" Stefan asks as we arrive at a clearing in the woods with a shack on the opposite side of us.

"According to island lore, a group of college kids came here for spring break. A few weeks later, they were all found dead, completely drained of blood." Shane explains.

"Well, tragic for them, brilliant for us. Who sleeps where?" Rebekah says.

"Well, that's lovely. There's a mystery man with a hatchet lurking in the woods and we're just gonna camp?" Damon mocks as we all started to set up a camp.

"We're safer here than we are hiking in the dark." Shane insists.


"Hey, are you okay?" I ask Damon as I find him sitting alone lost in thoughts and I sit next to him.

"I'm fine." Damon says and I give him a look to show him that I don't believe him. "Professor creepy is getting in my head." He admits.

"What did he say?" I ask.

"He's been telling me some thing about Elena. That I will loose her once she becomes human."

"You're afraid that she will stop loving you if she becomes human." I realize. Damon doesn't even bother correcting me, he just stays silent.

"I've known Elena my entire life, I saw how she felt about you when she was still human. Love like that, it doesn't go away. No matter how much you wish it would just go away." I say.

"Are you talking about Elena and me or You and Klaus?"

"Both." I admit. After that we just sit there in silence, until we hear arguing. It's Bonnie and Shane arguing in the shed not far away from where we are sitting. We both get up to see what is happening.

"And I'm just supposed to trust you?" I hear Bonnie ask as we approach the shed.

"Bonnie, listen, I taught you Expression so that you could access the cure. I'll be right there with you the whole time, I promise." Shane says.

"You didn't answer the trust part." Damon says as we enter the shed.

"All right. Let me put it this way. You need me to help you through it, Bonnie. Because as you've demonstrated, Expression can get messy. Believe me when I say I've seen it get a lot worse." Shane explains.

"How much can it get  worse?" I ask worried for Bonnie.

"When we lost our son in the car accident, my wife kind of lost it. She tried to resurrect his body using magic."

"Your wife was a witch?" Bonnie asks shocked.

"She was a powerful witch. And incredibly undisciplined."

"And you never thought to tell me?"

" I just didn't want to scare you. The truth is, she tried to bring our son back using Expression, and it overwhelmed her, and she died."

"You taught her the same magic that killed your wife?" Bonnie ask angrily.

"Yeah, but look, the upside is I've learned the warning signs, all right? I can keep Expression from consuming you." Shane says.

"Downside is, you turned her into a bomb." Damon says.

 "That luckily only you can dismantle." I add.

"Don't you think I know how this ends? I came here to raise Silas so that he could bring back the dead, but you're never gonna let that happen. The second I point to a cure, you're gonna kill me. Now Bonnie has to keep me alive so I can keep her alive." Shane says.


In the morning I am woken up by the sound of people shouting. I get out of the tent and see Elena yelling and going to the center of the clearing while the others are around her also shouting Jeremy's name.

"What's going on?" I ask Bonnie as I approach her.

"Jeremy's gone, he dissapeared sometime during last night." Bonnie answers.

"What?" I say shocked.

"Did you find anything?" Elena asks as she approaches us.

"He's not on the trail." Bonnie tells her.

"His gear's still here." Shane points out holding up Jeremy's bag.

"He's not at the quarry, either." Stefan says entering the clearing with Rebekah

"Let's split up." I suggest.

"I'm gonna stay and try a locator spell." Bonnie says.

"Okay. I'll stay here. I'll make sure she's safe." Shane tells us.

"I'll stay here and make sure you're not lying." Damon says, distrust for Shane clear in his tone.

"Fine. We'll keep searching the island." Elena says and Damon nods and walks off. Stefan, Rebekah and I turn around and start walking. Elena follows after us.


"Jeremy! Jeremy!" Elena yells as she, Stefan, Rebekah and I are walking through the woods searching for Jeremy.

"Why don't you yell louder? Maybe we haven't drawn enough attention to ourselves already." Rebekah says.

"I'm sorry, and how are you helping?"

"I'm stronger than you and faster than you and I'm quite certain I can charm the islanders a lot easier than you."

"Not disagreeing on the easy part." Elena says and I roll my eyes. I mean does she want Rebekah to kill her, she's lucky Bex didn't kill her for the part she played in her brother's death.

"All right, we get it. You two hate each other. Can we just keep going, please?" Stefan says and I could hug him right now considering I couldn't take any longer of them fighting.

"I tried to be her friend, but somehow, I ended up with a dagger in my back because I'm the evil one." Rebekah says.

"Technically, you didn't achieve evil status until you killed me." Elena says.

"And when did you achieve yours? When you daggered her or when you helped kill not one but two of her brothers?" I ask and Elena looks at me in disbelief and betrayal. I mean what did she think that just because she's my sister I'm gonna automatically take her side in everything. And if it isn't clear I'm still not over her and Jeremy killing Kol. Call me petty but I am either going to ignore or insult Jeremy and Elena for the remaining time on this island. Only after we come back home am I gonna even consider maybe talking with them.

Elena doesn't replies to me, she just walks away into a trip-wire and sets off a trap. Rebekah vamp-speeds to stop it from impaling Elena. They exchange glances as Elena tries to catch her breath.

"Nice catch." Stefan tells Rebekah.

"Thank you." Bex says.

"No, actually, thank you. This thing would've killed me." Elena tells Bekah.

"I don't care what happens to you either way. But if you're gonna die, it might as well be epic."

"I'm gonna go back and check on Bonnie, see if she found anything. Be careful." While Elena turns back, Rebekah swings the trap out of the way and the two of us continues on.


"Haven't we been through here before?" Stefan asks Bekah and me as we hike through the woods.

"It all looks the same." I reply.

Suddenly one of us triggers another trap and this time a spear flies out of nowhere. Stefan vamp-speeds Rebekah and me out of the way and our backs hit a tree.

"Sorry. Force of habit." Stefan says and moves away from us.

"Well, thank you. That could of actually kill me." I tell him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bekah asks me before Stefan can say anything.

"Yes, I'm sure." I tell her and then urn to Stefan. "Seriously thank you, you saved my life."

"You're welcome." He says then turns to Bekah. "Did you mean what you said? About a cease-fire?"

"Why do you all assume that I hate Elena so much?" Rebekah asks as she turns her attention from me to him.

"Well, I mean, you did run her off a bridge."

"You all seem to forget that Elena's death was the only way to save my family. I did the same thing that every one of you would've done to protect the people that you love. And before you cast me as the bad guy, maybe you should remember that Elena's helped to kill not one, but two of my brothers. Maybe we're not as different as everyone's making us out to be. Jeremy's not here. I'm going back." She turns and walks away.

"You know she's right, we would all do the same thing for the people we love." I tell him and start to walk back towards camp with Stefan following close behind.

When we arrive back to the camp but we don't see anyone before we can start looking for the others we see Elena walking out of one of the tent.

"Where is everyone?" Elena asks.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asks.

"Well, Bonnie's not here and Shane's stuff is all gone." Elena explains.

"Oh my god." Bex says before she vamp-speeds over to her bags. "The tombstone's gone." She informs us.

Rebekah make her way towards Elena's tent and Elena follows after her. We hear yelling from inside tent, Stefan and I share a look before going inside the tent.

"Hey, hey Bex, let her go." I say as enter the tent and see Bex holding Elena by the throat.

"She didn't take it." Stefan tells her and Rebekah releases Elena.

"Was any of this real? Or was it just a ploy to distract me while Shane ran off with the tombstone?" Rebekah asks Stefan.

"You think I would do that?" Stefan responds. "You think I would let some psychopath run off with the cure? Every single moment of my last hundred and forty six years has been ruled by the pain of being a vampire. And this cure ends that. It ends the guilt and it ends the suffering. You really think I would jeopardize that?" Elena looks at Stefan like she is only now realizing he wants cure for himself.

"Fine," Rebekah says. "You didn't take it but that doesn't mean that I trust her."

Elena sighs and bends down to lifts up her bag, and withdraws the white oak stake from under it.

"I didn't take it, but here." Elena says as she hands the stake to Rebekah. "Consider this a peace offering."

"Don't you get it, Elena? There is no peace. We're all screwed." Rebekah says.

"Exactly, Rebekah. We're all screwed. Bonnie's gone. Shane's got the tombstone. Jeremy's missing. Who knows if Damon's coming back. So, us four, right here, this is all we've got. So we're either in this together...or it's over. For all of us." Elena says.

"Please, just take it Bekah." I tell Rebekah and she finally takes the white oak stake from Elena's hand.

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