
By Isthatyouyeah

45.6K 1.6K 499

teach me the way to surrender my heart. More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five : the end
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
notice for yall
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty-one
chapter sixty-three
chapter sixty-four
chapter sixty-five
chapter sixty-six
chapter sixty-seven
chapter sixty-eight
chapter sixty-nine
chapter seventy - part one
chapter seventy - part two
the end or the beginning?

chapter sixty-two

105 4 4
By Isthatyouyeah

"You're literally the cutest little boy in the world, do you know that" Acacia said as she tickled KJ's belly making him laugh. Everyone was currently at Maya and Kane's home celebrating their son KJ's 2nd Birthday. 

About a month before Maya gave birth to KJ, they had a Nikkah then about 8 months later Kane proposed to Maya and in April they had their traditional wedding, Maya was Nigerian so it was compulsory that she had a traditional Yoruba wedding, they didn't really bother to have a white wedding since they were Muslim.

They were having a small birthday celebration for him since they were traveling very soon, Maya's parents and Kane's mum were here along some other relatives and friends. Acacia was carrying the toddler entertaining him whilst Aaliyah, Bricks, Brianna and Kevin sat on the couch quietly, it was very awkward. Maya came over to Acacia, "Why are they all being so quiet?" she asked as she played with her sons feet but he paid her no mind. "I don't know, which is why I ain't sitting over there" Acacia said as she ran her hands through Kal'el Jr hair. "Hmm, well the party is almost over, I need to hand out goodie bags. Let me take him to the bathroom quickly because when he starts to get all quiet and unbothered I know he's holding out" Maya said as she put her hands out for Acacia to pass her son over. "See you in a minute baby boy" Acacia said pouting as she handed him over.

She walked over to the table to help Kane organise some of the goody bags.

"I was just talking to your man, he called to wish little man a happy birthday" he said, Acacia smiled "That's nice, he did say he was going to call" she said as she started to help put things in place. "How are you? You doing okay?" Kane asked as he checked each bag to see if he had the correct items, "I'm okay" Acacia said as she continued. Kane stopped what he was doing to look at Acacia, "Come on, somethings obviously on your mind. I know I ain't Maya or Aaliyah but I still care you know so if you like, I'm all ears" Kane said, her smile faded as she pressed her lips together. "I'm happy for you guys, honestly I really am and Aaliyah too, even Bricks but I just.. I thought this would've been my life at some point. I didn't get the wedding I wanted, I'm not experiencing the marriage that I thought I would have and I don't think I'll ever get the kids I wanted" she said, "I'm living in the home we were meant to start our lives together in all alone with just a dog" she sighed. "I hear you, I don't know what I could ever tell you to make you feel better because the situation your in is tough but I think you should talk to AZ about this, your concerns are super valid and if the roles were reversed he would be thinking the same thing so I definitely think you should talk to him about it" he said as he tried to comfort her, "I don't want him to think I'm trying to leave him or anything.." she said, Acacia had her concerns but she wouldn't vocalise them because she knew it would bring up a conversation she's been dodging for the past 2 years. "I was supposed to see him today but he didn't book me in for a visit because I would've been late for KJ's" she said sitting down on the chair nearby. "Look, I've known AZ for a long time, since reception days. He's a different guy now, he's super understanding and he loves you more than anything, he would want to know that this is how you feel" he said, "Trust me, talk to him" he said looking at her, she sighed and nodded her head "I will" she said.

Once Kane and Acacia had finished sorting through the goody bags they handed it out to the guest that were leaving. Kevin decided to also take off early, since him and Aisha had ended he was pretty much tunnel vision on his work and businesses so the fellas didn't really see each other. In fact nobody really saw each other that much since Bricks moved to LA and Aaliyah was more long term in Atlanta, Maya and Kane were focused on their family and Kane was trying to finish his degree. They realised that Azrael was truly the glue that held everyone together.

"Kev you leaving already? The mandem ain't caught up in a minute?" Bricks said as he walked over to his friend who was putting on his jacket. "Yeah, I've got brunch with my mum and sister tomorrow" he said as he zipped up his Dior jacket. "I ain't seen you in a minute man, chill off with me and Kane.. just for a bit" Bricks said. Kevin thought about it and Bricks was right, he hadn't seen his friends in ages, except for Azrael who he visited this week. "Alright, just for a bit.. we definitely need to talk about this album" Kevin said as he put his arm around his oldest friend as they walked towards the games room but before they could enter Aaliyah came after them.

"Josh, how long are you going to be here? I can take Samaria home" Aaliyah said, Samaria was upstairs sleeping in KJ's room since she was worn out. "Nah, Bree's gonna take her home" Bricks said as he turned to look at her, this was the first piece of dialogue they've exchanged since their kiss outside his home in LA. "No she's not, Samaria doesn't know Brianna that well to be going anywhere with her plus a woman that doesn't even address me or speak to me when I'm around will not be taking my child anywhere." Aaliyah said. Brianna came down the stairs hearing the commotion in the corridor, which caused Acacia to come from the living room she was just in with Aaliyah and Kane and Maya came from the kitchen. "Babe, I've got her stuff and were ready to go" Brianna said as she came downstairs holding Samaria which made Aaliyah give Josh a death glare. 

Aaliyah walked over to Brianna taking Samaria, "Thank you but I'll take my daughter home" she said as she carried her daughter. "I'm confused, what's the problem? I can take her back to her dad's house and plus it's not even your week with her?" Brianna said, Aaliyah turned to look at her and Josh walked over to them and stood in front of Brianna. "You can understand that I haven't seen my boys in ages, I knew I would leave here late but Brianna was tired and wanted to go home so I asked her to take Samaria too so she won't be in bed too late. Why are you making this a problem?" Josh said, everyone was just watching. "Bro, we can catch up another time.. I'll pull up to the crib and we can chop it up tomorrow.. plus we will all be in Naij together in a week" Kevin said as he walked over, "Take your princess home" he finished as he put his hand on his friends shoulder. "Or Samaria can sleep upstairs, we still have some stuff for her. We can all just chill out it's only 10:30.." Maya said with Kane in agreeance. "He hasn't seen his friends in ages and your making it a big deal about me taking your daughter home? You just love having a problem" Brianna said as she picked up her bag which was on a side table in the hallway. "I'm so confused as to why your choosing now to speak to me when you've never done it before? That's why you can't take her home" Aaliyah said as she screwed Brianna, "Girl, you can calm it all the way down, cause you don't even want it with me baby" Brianna said, "Chill" Bricks said as he turned to his girlfriend. Aaliyah took a step towards her but Bricks stood in her way, "I don't want what? I will put my daughter down and we really can go" Aaliyah said, she turned her attention to Bricks "Warn your girl you know!" Aaliyah said. 

Acacia stepped towards them, "Josh just take Samaria home and let's just all call it a night" she said, it was about to become something that was very unnecessary. Josh took Samaria from Aaliyah, "And you say I do the most" he said said as he gently carried her trying not to make her wake up, she was a deep sleeper and could sleep through anything now. "Yeah, I'm gonna go too actually.. I'll see you lot very soon. Acacia, you decided if your coming Naij yet? Detty December, it's gonna be lit" Kevin said as he was about to pass her and leave out with Josh, Brianna and Samaria. "I haven't decided yet but I'll let you guys know" she said as she hugged him goodbye. "Say less, see you in a bit" he said as he took off. 

"Am I wrong for what I just done?" Aaliyah turned to Acacia, Kane and Maya. Kane put his hands up and walked back to the kitchen and Maya approached her. "I mean, I wouldn't want someone who I never speak too to take my child anywhere even if that was his fathers girlfriend, like I don't know that girl" Maya said shrugging, "I agree too to be honest, I don't think he was looking at it like that because he obviously knows her and trusts her and I don't believe Josh would ever leave Samaria with someone he didn't trust but your are her mum so" Acacia said. "I just don't want him to undermine me in front of her because I would never do that to him in front of Jalen and I've never left Samaria with Jalen or had him take her anywhere, I could because I trust that man with my child plus Josh cannot deny that Samaria loves Jay but there's boundaries you know" Aaliyah said as she shook her head and walked into the living room. 

"Maybe you guys should talk about it" Maya said as she used a towelette to dry her hands, she was wishing the dishes with Kane. "There's no point, it always ends in an argument" Aaliyah said as she slumped down on the couch defeated. "Me and Josh kissed last week" she admitted making Maya race to the couch next to her, Acacia stood beside them puzzled. 

"What!? Why? How? What about Jalen?!" Maya asked, "I don't know, I went to his house when we were in LA to drop off Samaria and I wanted to address the album then it turned into this whole other conversation about... some other stuff then he kissed me, I hit him then he kissed me again and.. I didn't pull away" she said as she rubbed her forehead, "I can't tell Jalen" she continued, "He's been everything and I'm so happy, I don't want to loose that but I can't believe I did that", she threw her head back. "Yeah, why did you do that? You have something so good and I haven't seen you this happy in ages and you go and kiss Josh for what?" Acacia said making both Maya and Aaliyah look at her, "I didn't do it on purpose Acacia, it just happened! Why are you being so... judgemental?" Aaliyah said giving her a side eye. "I'm not being judgemental but Aaliyah, I'm not going to sugar coat anything either" Acacia said, she took a seat on the opposite side of Aaliyah, "Your 28 and Bricks is 30, why are you guys still playing these childish games? Your in a whole relationship with someone who treats you and your daughter better than anything and you keep fighting and doing these silly things with Josh!" she said, "Acacia, he wrote songs.." Acacia interrupted her, "So what? He wrote songs about how he basically misses you and spoke about things in your relationship. I get your a private person but he didn't go into explicit details about your relationship and either way, this is a relationship that ended almost 3 years, your with someone new ignore him! Why're you giving your ex so much attention? Then you kiss him? This is so young" Acacia said honestly, she didn't want to offend her friend but she kept going on about it all weekend. 

Aaliyah sat up looking at her friend, "Are you being serious? You actually don't get it. I have a child with this man you know? I have to go through this for the rest of my life and I'm not going to apologise about something bothering me, if it bothers me then it bothers me!" Aaliyah said raising her voice. "Why are you letting someone have so much control over your emotions! You both made your choice! Focus on what's important right now, your child, yourself and your relationship! Those flipping songs do not effect Samaria's future whatsoever, she will inherit a lot money from it so move the hell on!" Acacia said getting up, she was ready to go home now. She could see things were getting heated with her friend and she hated arguing with her girls but she felt like this needed to be said. "Guys, calm down.. it's not that serious" Maya said trying to calm the situation down. 

Aaliyah got up following Acacia, "Acacia, your not in my situation so you will never understand. This is not like your situation with Richard, you and him didn't have a child together. I can't help that right now the things that Josh does has an impact on me, you don't have kids so you will never understand it" Aaliyah said crossing her arms over her chest. "I will never understand?" Acacia questioned, "This has nothing to do with Samaria. You guys clearly still love each other and want to be with each other but neither of you can let go of the things you've both done and yes, both of you done things to each other" she said, making Aaliyah's head buck. Maya stood between them, "Okay, guys please stop! It is never that serious and my son is sleeping upstairs" she said but Aaliyah kept going towards Acacia. 

"You know all you have to do right now is be a supportive friend even if you think what I'm doing is stupid because I do it for you" Aaliyah said, Acacia felt her heart start to beat faster. "You've spent almost every weekend in the past 2 years visiting Azrael. You barely even have a life and he's got 18 years left and you plan to continue doing that? Yet you think you can tell me what to do with mine?" Aaliyah said, Acacia just nodded her head "You know what? Good luck to you and I hope you work out that messy ass situation. You can talk your crap about what I'm doing but at least I never cheated on my partner, seems like you and Bricks are perfect for each other" Acacia said digging back at Aaliyah as she gathered her things. This caused Kane to appear from the kitchen, "No guys, your actually going to far now! Were all sisters just stop it" Maya said trying to calm everyone down. "What's going?" Kane asked as he approached them all.

"Didn't you sleep with his friend? GB right? Go home Acacia, I'm sure you've gotta wake up bright and early for another jail visit. Mover will be out of jail before Azrael is" Aaliyah said, Acacia turned around so fast and slapped Aaliyah hard across the face. Kane immediately grabbed Aaliyah screaming 'No!' to stop her from fighting Acacia, Maya was trying to hold Acacia back. "You should be grateful right now! That man behind bars is the reason why your daughter still has her father in her life! You should all be grateful!" Acacia said before she pushed Maya away and grabbed her coat and bag and walked towards the front door, she turned to look at them all "I never want to see or speak to any of you again" she said before leaving the house.

Maya turned to look at Aaliyah, "Why the hell would you say that to Acacia?! What's wrong with you?" Maya said before she ran towards the front door to go after Acacia. Aaliyah started to calm down and realised what had just happened, she immediately felt guilty but a small part of her was still so angry. "Acacia slept with GB?" Kane asked confused, Aaliyah turned to look at him before going in the lounge ignoring him.

When Maya ran outside, she tried to stop Acacia but she decided to just drive off instead, she was done with them all.

"I will never speak to her again, like I'm done with her honestly" Acacia said as she laid in bed with her dog Bailey. He was a ginger poodle.

Acacia had explained all that had transpired at Kane and Maya's to Azrael, he was telling her to give it some time and calm down then speak to Aaliyah but she wasn't hearing it. 

"Babe, I get that your angry but you lots are friends and I know you will make up eventually. You need your friends more than ever right now" he said trying to console her the best he could. The phone went silent for a bit, he could hear her crying. "Talk to me" he said, he gave her a moment to console herself, she was eventually ready to talk. 

"I..I feel.. so lonely. I feel alone and I just hate my life right now and I didn't want to tell you because I have no right to hate my life right now because I have it and your locked away but I wish you didn't take that deal. I wish you were here right now with me at home, I wish we got married 2 years ago in September, I wish it was us celebrating our kids birthday today, I wish I had a kid to even argue with you about. I just want you and the life we were supposed to have" she said as she broke down, Azrael felt his eyes start to well up as he listened. 

"I love you so much that I wouldn't dream of letting you go or leaving you but I just hate how things are right now and I was scared to tell you" she said, "You can tell me anything, doesn't matter what it is, I would want to know and I think your feelings are so valid. I want the exact same things you do and I just... I don't know. You deserve everything you want and more Acacia, I just.. I hate that I can't be the one to give it to you" Azrael said, Acacia was wiping her tears away. "Please, let's just talk about this tomorrow okay? I just needed to vent but I've got it out now and I can handle it but we can talk about it tomorrow" she said, she wanted to change the subject because she knew if the conversation continued, Azrael would start rethinking their whole situation. They decided to end the phone call and talk about it tomorrow during the visit.

The next morning Acacia got ready for church and her visit with Azrael after. She  wore a white long sleeved body suit with some tailored relaxed dad trousers and her new balances, she wore a simple black coat and carried her YSL sunset bag. She had her natural hair pulled back into a neat bun.

Once her church service was finished she made her way to her car when she received a notification on her phone. She sat her bag down on the passenger seat once she was comfortable then she pulled out her phone as she cranked up the heat in her G Wagon. 

'Your visit on Sunday 15th December 2024 has been cancelled.'

"What the heck?" she said, she was confused as to why the visit was cancelled so she tried to call Azrael's burner phone but it was going to voicemail. She texted him and sent him an email and waited to see if he would respond. She knew she couldn't turn up to the prison because they wouldn't let her in. She decided to drive home and wait for his call. 

She felt anxious, she felt like something was about to happen but she wasn't sure what it was. She decided to call his dad, he spoke with him everyday. "Hey pops, have you heard from Azrael today?" she asked, the phone rustled a little until he spoke, "Uh, what happened?" he asked, "We had a visit scheduled today and he cancelled so I'm just wondering if you spoke with him today" she said. "I haven't spoken with him today but... I'm sure he will call you okay?" he said, Acacia felt like he was talking a little funny, like the energy was off but she wasn't going to question her father in law. "Erm, okay no worries then" she said before they said their goodbyes and ended the call. 

Once she arrived home, the security at her gate let her through and she made her way up the drive way. She unlocked her front door then turned off the alarm and set her things down to greet her dog Bailey. "Hey baby" she said as she crouched down and stroked his head, "You wanna go outside?" she asked her dog as if she would get an answer but once Bailey heard outside he got excited so she decided to take him out in the back garden. She walked towards the back of the house and unlocked the back door letting him out. She stood outside in the cold watching him run around, she thought about getting a female dog for him to play with so he wouldn't be bored when she's not around but it was definitely something she needed to think about. 

Her phone started to ring in her pocket and she immediately pulled it out, it was coming from the prison Azrael was at so she answered immediately.

"A prisoner from HMP... is trying to reach you please stay on the line whilst we try to connect you"

"Hello?" Azrael's voice boomed through the phone, he was talking in a low tone.

"Azrael, why did you cancel the visit today? I left service and was ready to make my way over" she said as she walked around the garden. There was a silence until she spoke again "Hello?" she said, "Acacia erm, I want you to know yeah that I didn't make this decision lightly but it's something I've been thinking about for a very long time" he said, she stayed quiet as she felt her heart slowly start to sink. "I love you so much, more than anything and anyone in this world and I've loved every minute I've ever spent with you but I can't let you do this anymore" he said, his breathing became deeper on the phone. "Please don't" Acacia said in a whisper.

"I have to let you go so.. I've decided to file for divorce" he said, she heard his voice break a little on the call, "Lawyers will be in touch, you get to keep all the things I assigned over to you but I want you to go and live your life, meet someone, get married and have kids. I just want you to live, I love you and I always will and.. I won't ever forget you but I just can't do it anymore, I know you love me too much to ever do it yourself" he said whilst he tried to keep himself together. Tears started to fall rapidly as Acacia opened her mouth to speak, "I won't sign.. Please don't do this Azrael, I don't want anyone else but you. I can't see myself with anyone else but you and we took vows! You can't walk away from me, you promised you would always be here for me and you would never hurt me but you're!" she said as she broke down on the phone, it became hard for him to hear her. "Acacia you can't wait for me, this is it for me! I'm in here until I'm almost 50! I cannot do that to you, I love you so much and trust me it's killing me more than you know but.. I have to let you go. I will love you for the rest of my life." Azrael said before he hung up the call. 

Acacia let out a wail so loud she felt like she couldn't even stand, her heart literally shattered into pieces as she cried her eyes out, Bailey ran over to her confused but he also started to cry watching his owner break down hysterically. She tried to call him back on his burner but it wasn't going through.

"God why?" she cried.

Days, weeks and months went by, friends and family tried reaching out to Acacia, calling her and visiting her but she ignored everyone. When they would come to visit she would get security to turn them all away. She received her divorce papers in January and she signed them in March and when she was ready to finally bring them in, she took a private car over to his attorneys office. 

"Divorce papers signed" she said as she dropped them down on his desk, "Nice to see you again Acacia" he said as he took the papers from her. "You can mail anything I need to see to this address" she said as she handed him a piece of paper, he looked down at it and it was an address in America, Los Angeles to be exact. "Your moving?" he asked as he looked up at her, she nodded her head as she put her shades on "Sure am, too many bad memories here so good luck with everything" she said before leaving.

8 years later


She drove her Bentley slowly down the street and stopped once she made it to her destination, she rolled her windows down as she waited for them to come outside. "It's boiling outside, the heat in LA is too much" she said as she had her aircon on full blast, she kept her eyes on the building. "I know, it's quite hot in London right now though but these kids are driving me crazy I can't wait for them to go back to school!" Aaliyah said making Acacia laugh. "Do you know what your wearing to Kevin's engagement party?" Acacia asked, "Urgh, I have no clue but I'm going to find a dress, probably get something tailored" Aaliyah responded. In the background of the call you could hear Samaria asking her mother for something, "Mum, can we go to Starbucks later? You said if I complete my chores I could get a treat later" Samaria said, "If you've completed everything you can ask your dad to take you and your sister. Nadeem isn't going anywhere" Aaliyah responded, "Okay!" Samaria said. 

"What was I saying? Oh yes, I will get something tailored" Aaliyah continued, "Why aren't you letting my nephew go get some Starby's?" Acacia said in a playful tone, "Your nephew has been driving me insane and he's on punishment" she said. Before she could respond the doors had opened to the building she was watching and she watched and waited until she saw them. "Girl, I will call you when I get home. They're coming" Acacia said as she unlocked the doors to her Bentley, "Okay, send the boys my love" Aaliyah said before hanging up the call. 

Acacia got out her car and opened her arms wide for one of the boys to run into them.

"Mummy!!" the little boy screamed as he joyfully ran into his mothers arms, "Hi Jah! How was school baby?" she said as she picked him up kissing his cheeks. "School was fun today, I drew you this picture" he said as she put him down and took a look at the picture he drew. "Wow, this is so good Elijah! I can't wait to hang it" she said with a smile, it was a drawing with 4 people, labelled 'Daddy, Mummy, Malik and Elijah. Acacia turned to the other young man and put her hand up and he gave her a high five, he was older. "Hey sweetheart, I would like to give you a hug" she said to him, he slowly nodded his head and she gave him a gentle and loving hug before pulling away from him. "Thank you" he said, "Your welcome, I think school was good today" she said to him, he nodded his head "School was good today" he responded. "Good! Alright boys, let's get in the car and head home" she said as she opened the back seat doors, she let Malik climb in first then she put Elijah in his car seat strapping him in securely. Once she got into the drivers seat she made sure Malik was in safely too. 

"I'm thinking Chic-fil-a for dinner tonight because mummy doesn't feel like cooking" Acacia said as she made her way to the nearest Chic-fil-a drive thru. "I would like 8 nuggets please" Malik said, "Of course you can have 8 nuggets Malik. Elijah, what would you like?" Acacia asked Elijah, "I want what Malik is getting but the smaller one for my age" he said as he watched the different cars drive by, Acacia smiled. "Mummy?" Elijah said, "Can you play daddy song?" he asked, "Of course I can" she said as she clicked on her playlist on the touch screen dash. 

Nas featuring Amerie - Rule started to play through the car speakers making Elijah and Malik move their heads to the beat, Malik was a little out of rhythm. 

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