Wikigirl 2 //PJM

By LizSorora

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This is the second book, continuing the plot of Wikigirl exactly from where it was left in Book 1. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Healing 1O1

Chapter 67

724 94 153
By LizSorora

Running from punishments is futile. For no matter how far you go, they will find you. The day that you will have to pay for your mistake will ultimately catch up to you no matter how much you avoid it. 

Such was the case for Boram, that even though had gotten permission from Jungkook to stay at his apartment for longer, once her mother had demanded for her to get back home, she had left his place, without even telling him and had willingly walked to the car were her bodyguards were awaiting for her.

She didn't want to go home for she was well aware that her mother would be furious still over the issue of her stealing from a jewellery shop, which was not true but she could not tell the truth either. She had tried at the hospital too, to let her know that it was a misunderstanding, just like she had convinced Mr Duho, yet to her mother it didn't matter if she had truly done it or not. What mattered was that she had put her name and the family reputation in other people's mouths by making such a mistake.

She had humiliated her and for that, she knew what was the punishment, that's why she had run to Jungkook's hospital room back then, to escape. Fear had engulfed her as her mother had told her that she would discipline her well once they reached home, so she had tried her best to never reach home. But never was not possible. When she called her, threatening to do worse if she didn't return home immediately, Boram couldn't disobey. For she knew, she could do worse and she certainly didn't want to live through that again.

There was supposed to be no room for fear within her, for anything but her mother because that was how she had raised Boram to begin with and so it was because she feared her mother as much as she was desperate to get a glimpse of love from her at least once.

She knew well how to beg, so once the car reached her house and the bodyguards escorted her to her mother's little office space, she walked inside and stood on her knees before her, head low, as she was aware that meeting her eyes wouldn't be wise.

"You finally showed yourself...What have you been doing?" Boram's mother looked down on her with piercing eyes and her tone of voice let her know that she was not asking casually nor did she care if she had been doing well, she was asking if she was aware that she was disobeying her. 

"I am sorry, mother. I didn't mean to stay away from home...It's just that Jungkook, needed me by his side." Boram used him once more as an excuse as she spoke with a trembling voice.

"That man...I want you to break up with him!" She demanded making Boram snap her head and look at her in shock for she was certain that dating Jungkook would have been pleasing to her and much more beneficial. She had forcefully pushed her to try to get romantically involved with him once upon a time. Now that Boram had supposedly achieved that, why was she asking her to stop seeing him?

"Why? Was this not what you wanted?" 

"Jungkook is an ideal candidate, he has money and since he really has fallen for you and you are together, he most likely would give you money or would do anything if you were to ask him however, from that moment that he said that you had been secretly dating behind my back, that means that you like him as well." Her mother's words confused her further, as she tilted her head and stared at her.

"What do you mean, mother? I don't understand."

"Of course you wouldn't understand." Her mother stood from her chair and walked up to her, leaning over her head right before she took a handful of Boram's hair and forcefully lifted her head more. "You are my misery...Every time I see you happy, it makes me want to die."She uttered through gritted teeth, right in front of Boram's face. Words that cut deep within her as they twisted the knife in her heart.

Why was it so difficult for her to be loved? Was her existence that wrong? How much more did she have to pay to have a chance? 

"I couldn't be with the man that I loved, because I got pregnant by your father, and at that, you couldn't even have been born a son. You made my suffering go to waste...Do you think, I would allow you to be happy and stay with a man you love when I couldn't because of your existence?" Her mother shoved her head violently away, sending Boram to the floor, her hair covering her face as before her eyes, flashed that day that she had been with her mother at the mall and she coincidentally had happened to come across the man she used to love.

Her mother used to have a lover, but that man was poorer than Boram's father, so when she met him, even though she had another man at heart, she started dating him. She had thought that marrying a rich man would solve all her problems, however, she could not forget about that other man, to the point that she had decided to break up and go back to him, but then she happened to find out that she was pregnant with Boram so she ended up staying and even getting married to Boram's father.

With time, the riches were making up for the fact that she did not have the man she wanted by her side, however when Boram was seven, on that day at the mall, that man passed by with his son in his arms, happy by his wife's side. He had always liked sons and the image infuriated and hurt the feelings of Boram's mother so much that she dragged Boram home and tortured her for hours, letting out on Boram all her rage and heartache, along with the burned mark on her shoulder, which was left to make her never forget, that she was at fault, for her mother's misery.

"I am sorry, mother...I will do better...I swear." She whispered as she kept looking at the floor, tears weld up in her eyes that thankfully the hair that was all over her face, was covering it well.

"Don't be happy! That's what you should do! Break up with that man immediately!" She kicked her head harshly as she made her demand, and Boram withstood the pain of it, with her hands gathered together at the sides of her body.

"I won't. I will never be happy. I promise." She murmured back as her voice broke a bit, aching at the fact that her words were the truth. She could never be happy, for no unloved human can ever be. She could never be happy, because she had a desperate child within her still crying and begging for the love of its mother. She still had hope within her that she had to kill, along with herself. For her living would never bring her happiness. Only upon her grave, her mother might feel relieved, proud and happy for her. Only her death could win her, the love she so much wanted from her.

Maybe, when holding her cold body, she would shed a tear for her, she would miss her, she would feel bad, regret that she didn't love her. Regret that she didn't let her be a normal child. Maybe holding her corpse would help her get the tiny little bit of love, she never could win with her existence.

"I will cut ties with Jungkook...I will do as you say."

---change of set---

Jimin was looking at your sleeping face as you had ended up cuddling together in bed and you had fallen asleep on his shoulder while he had yet to close his eyes, simply because the sight was worthy of losing sleep.

He felt so peaceful when you were in his arms. Now dressed in your pyjamas, while he had worn his since DongMin had brought to him an hour ago, the bag of clothes he requested of him. They weren't a match but the contrast of colours didn't bother him for he still found you two fitting no matter what. You in his arms, were like a hand and a glove, perfect.

The sound of your soft breaths fanning against his chest, the way your soft cheek weighed on him, your arm that was sprawled all over his waistline along with the fact that one of your legs was all over him, caging him sweetly. It made him smile a bit, recalling how much you were insisting that you wouldn't even touch him while sleeping.

"Y/N, you sleep messily." He whispered as a faint giggle followed his words, enjoying that fact for it was to his benefit. He had ended up sleeping by your side once more. Considering the mess with Jin and this situation, this certainly was his reward after the stress.

He brought his free hand and softly caressed your face, but his action was abruptly cut as his phone went off and he jumped up, causing you to slip from his shoulder abruptly and fall on the pillow. The action did not awaken you however and that made Jimin leave a sigh of relief before he rushed to grab his phone from the nightstand and answer Jin's call.

"What? Are you okay?" He worried immediately as at such a late hour, his mind could only think of the worse.

"This nurse that you brought me is mean!"Jin replied on the other line, complaining about Mila while she was right there, awake, staring at him, sitting in a chair right by his bed.

"What? Did she do something to you?" Jimin pulled the blanket off of him in a hurry and was ready to step out of bed, his feet finding their way to the ground.

"Yes, she insulted me. She said my jokes aren't funny." Jimin froze at his cousin's reply and stood there seated at the edge of the bed, just blinking for a bit.

"Are you serious right now? You called me at such an hour for that?!" Jimin almost yelled on the line, for certainly, he felt so stupid that he worried for nothing and even stood up from the bed.

"You don't find this important? I can't stand humorless people and you know it. I might die!" Jin's dramatic reply had Mila roll her eyes at him, while he just stared at her antipathetically.

She was such a cold individual, too straightforward and didn't even like wordplay. She was from the people Jin would never want to be in the company of, yet here he was, stuck with her for God knows how long.

"Find me another nurse. Someone that at least can pretend to be nice."

"Pay me and I will laugh at your jokes. I don't think anyone would laugh at them without having any interest." Mila responded, making Jin scoff loudly.

"Did you hear her? She just implied that people would laugh at my jokes only if they were paid to do so. She has no sense of humour whatsoever and she is rude!" Jin spoke on the line, making Jimin leave a deep exhale as he lowered his head in defeat.

"We don't need her to be polite, we need her for what we hired her for. Tell her that will pay her extra so she can laugh at your jokes, now go to sleep," Jimin told him and hung up his call because it was of no importance, while Jin stared at his phone in disbelief, feeling offered that he sounded like he agreed with her in a way.

Nonetheless, he cleared his throat and let his phone rest on his lap before he faced Mila again." He said you will get extra money if you laugh."Once those words rolled out of his mouth, Mila started laughing automatically, making Jin even more mad as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I hate this woman.

Meanwhile, Jimin had stood up and walked out of your bedroom, thinking of using the bathroom now that he was free to do so, then quickly return and cuddle you and have a great night's sleep as he was certain that he would with you by his side.

Once he closed the bedroom door behind him, however, his own reflection was awaiting him in the dark, making him flinch momentarily at the sudden ghost-like appearance of the hallow figure of P2.

"Seriously? How long do you plan to stay around? Just leave me alone already!" Jimin demanded of him in a low voice as he was thinking of you and he didn't want to disturb your sleep accidentally.

"Don't let the warmth of her body fool you. She is hiding things from you." P2 ignored his question and went on insisting on something Jimin considered stupid.

"I won't listen to you. I won't let you affect me this time." Jimin raised his finger at him, seemingly determined but P2 found his claims funny for he knew well that he was weak.

"You are no good for her. No one would ever want to be with someone as mentally unstable as you. She will never love you."His ghost-like figure vanished into thin air and the smoke all seemed like it entered through Jimin's ears, making him hold his head in between his hands as P2's voice started strongly echoing within his head.

"No matter how much you try, you will always be a failure. You can't be loved. Even if you heal her heart, she won't give her love to you." An exclaim of pain left Jimin's lips as the words felt strong and heavy in his head, causing him a terrible headache. 

He stumbled around like a drunk man until he found his way to the kitchen and once there he realized that he was in danger, but couldn't seem to control his own body and make it turn back.

"Let go! Let go of me!" He raised his voice as P2 brought him right before the drawers and made him open them until he found the one you kept your knives in.

The sight of the blades infected Jimin with a sense of fear as he recalled well the last time he had had to stab his own hand to regain control of his body, but now, he had no part of his body that he could control, all he was, was an observer, and it was certainly terrifying, knowing in the hands of who he was.

"Fear not, for I won't be the one to take your life." P2's voice felt like a whisper behind his ear, making him tilt his head in a tick, which instantly made him realise that he had control over his head movements.

"Y/N!Y/N!"He called your name now that he knew that he could while he observed his own hand reaching to one big knife and bringing it up, just for his other hand, to reach the blade and softly pass his fingers through it, cutting him softly and decorating the shining blade with a bit of his blood.

"I am not the one you should fear...your heart is, "P2 stated and right as he spoke those words, the knife dropped from his hands on the floor, making an echoing sound in the darkness that was accompanied by the sharp breath of Jimin who looked around him in panic and terror.

As no one was around however and he had again control of his body, he felt relieved that you hadn't heard him for certainly, he wouldn't know how to face you if you were to have seen him in such a state. 

You would think of him as crazy, you would certainly get scared and he wouldn't be able to witness you looking at him fearfully. He was a monster. He was abnormal. He was sick. P2 was right. He was no good for you.

However, if you were to even look at him and consider him as such, he would rather die.

It's okay, it's okay...I can conceal it...No one will know...I am not getting worse...I will find a way...I can hide. I will hide.

His thoughts tried to comfort him as his breaths started calming down and his glassy eyes looked ahead at nothingness as he gulped down his fears and once again did what he knew best how to do. Act like nothing was wrong with him.  

---To be continued...

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