Teachers Tapestry

By lovingfemmes

830K 22.4K 9.9K

It's Collette's first day of senior year and she already can't wait for it to be over. She's a good student w... More

Character visuals
Twenty five
Bonus | Our little life


12.8K 354 199
By lovingfemmes

Collette's POV

Miss Fairbourne really helped me a lot. I went home and immediately told Colton I don't feel safe anymore, especially after that night.

Colton made my father really get help and instead of my dad signing himself into rehab, Colton did. Essentially means my father can't check himself out whenever he wants to.

So life has been weird. It's only been five days and I've really just been trying to process it more. Like letting it really sink in that maybe this time things will change.

Everyday I go to school to see miss Fairbourne and that's my purpose for going really. Obviously other things too but getting to see her makes my heart jump even at the thought of it.

Like talking to her for five minutes each day is so comforting to me. Even if it's become kinda flirty, It brightens my day. Even though she knows my biggest secret this far, she treats me like normal.

I never realised how much I needed it. I think I'd break over and over again if she treated me any differently. So I'm really thankful she's treating me normally.

And I think I may—definitely—have feelings for miss Fairbourne. She's pretty, funny, warm sometimes and is softer one-on-one, at least with me.

Everyday I find myself thinking about her a little more. It's odd. I'll be sitting in a random class and then I'll suddenly think about her green eyes and from then on it's like I'm intoxicated.

Her eyes are so enchanting, cold from afar and maybe up close.

"Right, everyone turn to page 45 in your text books, we're doing an experiment." Mr Bale says to the class.

I'm in chemistry and I've always like the science behind it but learning it is pure shit. I hate learning chemistry there's too many elements to memorise and sometimes the theory is pointless.

I just find the experiments cool.

This is one of the classes I have with birdie. She's a natural genius. She's one of those people who don't have to try hard to get good grades, she just does effortlessly.

I opened my book as I sat next to birdie, she didn't bring her book so we shared.

"What are you doing after school?" Birdie asked in a whisper as the class fell silence.

Mr bale started talking but I didn't really listen, I was thinking about after school.

I now knew after school miss Fairbourne would take Artemis out to the park for 45 minutes and let him run wild so that when he lashed a calmer walk in the evening he falls straight asleep, much like a child would do.

My options for after school, I could go to the park and say it's a coincidence or I could go with whatever birdie is thinking.

"I don't know yet." I whispered back to her as mr bale kept talking.

"Great I was thinking we could go shopping for a bit, then I could come over to yours for dinner?" Birdie said.

"Mine?" I asked confused a little louder than expected.

"Letty, since you're talking I'm sure you've figured out how to balance the reaction once you do the experiment?" Mr bale asked me in a condescending way as he folded his arms.

I stayed silent. "Talk again and you'll have detention." He said turning back to the class.

Why just me? There are definitely other people in this class talking. And he chooses to single me out when there is three other people talking that I can count.

"Feel like I haven't had your dad's cooking in while and I miss it." Birdie says with her head down to avoid being spotted.

The thought of anything close to my dad right now makes me sick.

"He's away right now." I whispered softly.

"Even better, make our own food, play with Kinsley, have a little girls night. It is Friday after all." Birdie said with a wide smile.

"I suppose we can but I'll have to let Colton know."

"Who's Colton?" She asked me

"My god—"

"Detention." Mr bale said pointing a finger in my direction.

"That's unfair, other people are talking and you only give me detention?" I asks with some attitude towards him.

I'm convinced he doesn't like me, ever since sophomore year, he's been like a fly on shit with me. He always finds a way to single me out.

"I only saw you." He said

"That's unfair. Did you really only see me or were you just looking for an excuse to punish me?" I asked with the same attitude and the class began to snicker, not that I cared though.

"Principal's office. I won't tolerate such behaviour. Now." He shouted at me and I rolled my eyes at him and just walked out with my stuff.

I was so fed up with him. Like really fed up with him, it has been three years and he keeps riding my ass about the stupidest things.

All of sophomore year he just decided he didn't like me because I dropped one beaker and three years later still not liking me for the same thing.

I walked to the principals office and told the front desk lady that mr bale sent me and she said I could go through.

"Ah Letty, always pleasure. How can I help?" Mrs Morris said as I walked in.

"Me Bale sent me here." I said

"Why? You've always been a good student, why now?" She asked confused.

"Detention, but almost three other people were talking and I just think he singled me out." I sighed.

"Mr Bale has always been on your case, I can see that he's given you almost every detention since sophomore year." She said as her eyes scanned over her computer.

"That what I thought. He told me to come here because I asked if he actually caught me talking or if he just wanted a reason to punish me." I said scoffing lightly.

"While I love that you're standing your ground, I do think that might have been unnecessary."

"Maybe, but why was I the only one to get detention while other people spoke?"

"That's something I can't answer. I assume he doesn't want you back in his class so take your detention now. It's a little off time but I think you should go home early, especially since it's Friday. So go to miss Fairbourne's class, I'm sure she doesn't have a lesson now, and tell her i personally sent you to detention." She said leaning back in her chair clasping her hands together.

Suddenly the idea of detention didn't seem like the worst thing ever.

I said thank you to Mrs Morris and walked out.

I made my way to her class but came to a halt outside her door when I heard her screaming.

I don't know who at but it was clear she was pissed.

"Don't come into my class, during my working hours telling me shit I don't want to hear. I'm fucking sick of your excuses Zara. Fuck off." I heard her scream. Even if the door was closed it was loud.

A few moments passed so I assumed she was done and went to knock at the door.

A woman with green eyes and brunette hair that fell just below her shoulders opened the door.

She was gorgeous. She was maybe a little bit shorter than miss Fairbourne but not my much.

She could've been a supermodel, she was jaw droopingly pretty. I mean not as much as miss Fairbourne in my eyes but definitely to the world.

"Her, is she the whore you're sleeping with? She looks like she runs around the whole fucking city." The woman scoffed as she looked me up and down and my eyes went wide.

"She's a fucking student. Get out Zara. I have work to do, and I can't take you anymore." Miss Fairbourne said to her running through her hands through her hair.

"You'll be back, you'll realise whoever you're sleeping with doesn't do it better than me." The woman said sliding out the door pushing me slightly enough to make me stumble.

"Come in." Miss Fairbourne said.

"Mrs Morris sent me here for detention." I said quietly.

"Come back after school." She said to me flipping through pages on her desk.

She was being cold and harsh. With other students she is this way, even with me but only when other students are around but it's just us now and she's normally soft.

I know I said I liked her treating me normally but this isn't our normal. It's bothering me.

"She said to tell you she sent me here personally." I said again quietly.

Miss Fairbourne sighed and slumped her hands on her desk.

"Take a seat then, I assume after school you'll leave?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I will." I said before walking to one of the seats not too far back but not quite close to her.

✾ ✾ ✾

We had been in detention for what had seemed to be a never ending amount of time that now just seemed awkward and off putting. Miss fairbourne moved across the room holding a stack of books she had to put away.

"Do you need help?" I asked her softly

"Yes please." She said and I moved quickly to lighten her load "Thank you." She said coldly.

A moment passed like she had realised something "Those half go at the top if that's okay." She said softly.

"Yeah." I say softly grabbing a chair to slightly elevate me so I can reach the top.

She begins placing some of the books on the lower shelf while I work on the top one.

Surprisingly putting them up there took longer to an expected. I had 3 books left when I spotted a bug, a spider to be precise. I hate spiders.

I stumbled back almost falling off the chair when I felt a pair of hands fall to my lower back.

I quite literally fell into her arms. I couldn't help but notice how green her eyes were, once again. The way her lips rested in a heart like shape. And her lips were a natural pink today unlike her usual intimidating red.

"Collette?" She said softly not to disturb the growing silence we'd found ourselves in. Very different to how she was earlier.

"Um sorry." I say moving up from her but somehow stumble again placing me right up against the shelf with our bodies separating.

"Are you alright?" She asks me.

I clear my throat quickly and answer her "uh yeah, I just saw a spider." I say slightly above a whisper still looking at her lips. She takes a step closer to me. Closing the gap between us a little more.

Something about the way her lips look make me want to kiss her. Just so I know how soft they are. What it would feel like if her tongue was to graze the corners of my mouth or if her teeth would slightly graze my bottom lip getting my lips to part.

"Did you hear me?" She asks stepping closer to me, forcing my eyes to bounce between her enchanting green eyes and heart shaped lips.

The tension between us is growing thick quickly. So quick I could grab her by her shirt just to get a taste of her lips.

"I asked if you'd be okay with me touching you for a minute?" She asks stepping closer to me. Closing the gap even more.

My eyes bounced between her enchanting green eyes and heart shaped lips at how close she was standing to me.

"I—I—how—" I stutter trying to answer her.

"Okay let me rephrase myself—would you like me to kiss you Collette?" She asks me closing the gap between us almost completely.

My heart beats fast in my chest as I manage to breathe out a "yes." And her lips are on mine.

I mean I had thought about it several times before but this was even better.

They're soft. Incredibly soft. Her lips move rhythmically against my own. Her teeth slightly graze my bottom lip allowing my lips to part just enough for her tongue to slide into my mouth. I slide mine into hers. She explores all the corners of my mouth gently taking her time. I do the same to hers mimicking her actions unsure if I'm doing it all right anyways.

Suddenly we hear the door open and she backs away moving to the other end of the shelf while I'm left there stunned.

"Ah miss fairbourne, glad I found you. Mrs Scott was wondering if you could take over pe next Friday?" Mr Daley ask

I stay in my stunned position, as Miss fairbourne just looks towards him like she wasn't just tasting my dna.

Like her dna isn't still lingering in my mouth.

"What period would it be for?" She asks coldly turning back to put more books on the shelf.

"The seniors, 6th period after lunch." He says clasping his hands together.

"Okay, let her know I'll take it." She says before quickly turning to me with a smile on her face.

"Wonderful, I'll let Mrs Scott know. Oh, Letty, what a pleasure to see you." Mr Daley says looking to meet my stunned eyes.

"Hi Mr Daley." I greet him finally relaxing my face.

"Are you helping out miss Fairbourne ?" He asks me, my eyes drift to her. Was I even helping her out?

"She's in early detention mr Daley." Miss Fairbourne says.

"Oh Collette? How? You're always so well behaved." He says disappointed.

"Nothing major mr Daley, just a disagreement with one of the teachers, she's still a good student. You'll tell Mrs Scott I'll be there won't you?" She was leading him out of her class.

"Yes of course. Thank you again. And I'm sorry about the disagreement Collette, you're still amazing." He says leaning just past miss fairbourne to meet my eye.

I send him a small smile before he walks away and miss fairbourne turns back around walking towards me.

"Back to work shall we?" She says and I just look at her blinking slightly.

"Collette darling, the books. I'll take over up there okay, since there's a spider and all." She says kissing my cheek before stepping up the chair and I lower myself to the bottom.

I finished lining up the books and took a step back. Miss fairbourne was still atop the chair and I could help but glance at her body.

Today she dressed professionally yet it looked comfortable. A pair of straight leg jeans that hugged her perfectly and a black long sleep top that was tucked into her jeans perfectly. She wore silver jewellery and a pair of black boots while her hair hung loose and low on her back.

The way her jeans hugged her body perfectly. They made her ass look good.

No Collette stop looking. I reminded myself but I couldn't look away from her.

For gods sake I just kissed my teacher.

"Darling, do you need a picture?" Miss Fairbourne asked from the chair still facing away from me.

My cheeks burned up quickly I'm sure making me look so red.

"What?" I ask facing away from her quickly.

"I could feel you staring at me. I'm sure a picture would be better." She says stepping down to face in my direction.

I slowly turn back around to meet her green eyes. She's already looking at me with a slight head tilt.

"I wasn't staring." I counter.

"It's okay, some attention is definitely good sometimes." She said with a smirk on her face.

"I wasn't staring." I say rolling my eyes at her before moving back to my desk where I was sat. And she sits next to me.

"Have it your way darling. Now let's have a look at your essay from yesterday and today's lesson yeah." She says calmly brushing her hair behind her.

"Are we not going to talk about..." i trail off clearly wanting to discuss the kiss we had shared.

"Discuss what?" She asks softly raising an eyebrow.

"What happened by the bookshelf." I say my voice barely above a whisper.

"The kiss? It was just that. A kiss." She says and taking a deep breath.

"We can't do that again. As good as it was, you are my student and I'm your teacher, it's wrong, not to mention illegal. As much as I want us to do it again. It can't happen." She say with a sigh and it seems like she genuinely wanted us to kiss again.

I'd be a fool if I said she was the only one who also wanted us to do it again. Her lips moved so perfectly against mine and they were so soft.

"But what if I said I wanted us to kiss again?" I ask.

"I'd want that too, but we almost got caught and it's wrong. I'm your teacher."

"I'm 18, I'm consenting, there's nothing wrong with it, we're both adults here." I say moving closer on my chair.


"No one is stopping us, as long as no one knows, nothing is stopping us, it's all endless." I say softly.

"No. Collette, we're student and teacher nothing more. Let's get back to this essay." She says in a stern tone, running her hands through her hair in a stressed manner.

"Okay." I turn back and hand her my essay.

"I'll give this back to you tomorrow, you can leave." She says scanning the pages with her eyes.

My heart dropped a little. I don't want to leave yet. She's really going to pretend like it all never happened?

Nonetheless, I pack up my stuff and look at her one more time before getting up.

"Are you going to pretend it never happened?" I ask her with a little rudeness. She's pissed me off.

"Nothing happened. It was nothing, it never should have happened in the first place." She says calmly still scanning the pages of my essay.

I scoff before walking towards the door. "Close the door behind you darling." She says and I look at her before closing the door roughly.

Her calling me darling made my heart flutter a little. Fuck her for make me feel like this.

I have to tell the girls. Seriously. I don't know what else to do.

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