Lunar Rising

By marcyswales17

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"Defy the light and uncover what the cosmos has chosen to veil....for every moon has a dark side." In the af... More

Ch.1 Red Sail
Ch.2 The Jasmine Thief
Ch.3 Helios
Ch.4 Waves
Ch.5 Promiscuius
Ch.6 Crimes
Ch.7 Two Side Of The Same Moon
Ch.8 Dark Side of the Moon
Ch.9 Shadowfox
Ch.11 Council
Ch.12 Death
Ch.12 True Guardian
Ch.13 Siren's Call
Ch. 14. Venomfire
Ch. 15 She's Water
Ch. 16 Moral Compass
Ch.17 Ivory Tower
Ch.18 Fool For Pretty Eyes
Ch. 19 My Moon
Ch.20 Bloom
Ch.21 Honeybee
Ch.22 Sugar Dumplings
Ch.23 Three is a crowd
Ch.24 Fire and Ice
Ch.25 Husband
Ch.26 Voreios
Ch.27 Diamond
Ch. 28 Haunted Dreams
Ch. 29 Shadowshade
Ch.30 Friendship
Ch.31 Songbird
Ch.32 King's Play
Ch.33 Oh, Brother
Ch.34 Blue
Ch. 35 Fish in the sea
Ch.36 Dream Effects
Ch.37 Willow
Ch.39 Dead of Night
Ch.40 Best Soldier
Ch.41 Devour
Ch. 42 Penn

Ch.38 Flower

875 104 43
By marcyswales17

Chapter 38

The evening's celebration for the king's grand birthday was a spectacle of grandeur and extravagance that engulfed the palace grounds in an aura of festivity. Guests, adorned in their finest attire, streamed into the palace gates, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Servants bustled about, ensuring every detail was perfect for the occasion, from the lavish decorations adorning the halls to the feast laid out on long banquet tables.

In the grand ballroom, musicians played melodic tunes on ornate instruments, their music mingling with the sound of lively conversation and the clinking of glasses. Noble lords and ladies danced gracefully across the polished marble floor, their movements a mesmerizing display of elegance and grace.

As Meera stood with Venna amidst the celebration, all eyes turned toward them. The guests paused in their conversations and turned their attention to Meera, their gazes curious and expectant as they eyed the silver falcon she wore above her heart.

"Thank you for wearing the pin," Venna whispered softly, her words carrying a tender sincerity. "It'll surely bring Eryx great joy."

Meera turned her gaze towards the elegant girl beside her, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "You truly treasure his happiness, don't you?"

"Absolutely," Venna chuckled lightly, her affection for Eryx was evident in her demeanor.

"He's fortunate to have you by his side," Meera remarked warmly.

Venna's smile blossomed with warmth at Meera's words.

"Indeed, we are both blessed," she murmured, intertwining her arm with Meera's as they gracefully glided toward the dessert table. "You've been very quiet this evening. And your eyes are wandering."

"I just can't believe it," Meera shook her head. "Your parents decided to go forth with the celebrations despite Eryx's condition."

"All the preparations had been made."

"He was stabbed, Venna," Meera's frown deepened. "And it was agonizing. I felt it."

Venna's eyes softened as she listened to the princess. She stepped closer to Meera and rubbed her hand down her back.

"It's for the best," Venna said. "All the hard work the palace put in would have gone to waste. And besides, I'm sure Eryx would not have liked all that attention on him either. He's very private about his matters."

"Have you seen him?" Meera's heart began to beat a bit faster. As memories from the afternoon flooded her mind, she felt a jolt of sparks run up her spine and warm the air in her lungs.

"No, not yet," Venna shook her head. "But he should be around."

Meera shifted her weight as her gaze wandered across the expanse of the opulent ballroom. All around her guests mingled, dressed in their finest silks and jewels. She heard the rise and fall of their voices but could not make out any words. Her mind repeatedly returned to the memories of the afternoon as the back of her neck began to warm.

Suddenly, her breath hitched in her throat as her eyes fell upon Eryx, who stood at the far end of the room.

Meera felt all the air in her lungs vanish as her belly clenched and her heart fluttered. Eryx was a vision of captivating allure, his dark locks impeccably styled and his tailored suit sculpting his frame with precision. Bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of candlelight, he seemed almost otherworldly, casting an irresistible spell upon all who beheld him. His eyes, like molten silver, gleamed with a magnetic charm that ensnared Meera's attention, drawing her inexorably toward him.

But as Meera's gaze remained fixed, her heart sank like a stone in the pit of her stomach at the sight of Dawn gliding effortlessly to stand beside Eryx and Sven. A sharp pang of longing tore through her, stealing the very breath from her lungs.

Then, as if drawn by an invisible force, Eryx looked up, his gaze piercing through the crowd until it found Meera's. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the world around them fading into insignificance.

Meera felt her pulse quicken as she locked eyes with Eryx. She watched as the pupils of his silver eyes widened, mirroring the rapid rhythm of her own heartbeat. It was as if they were tethered together by an invisible thread, their connection transcending the physical distance between them.

Slowly, Eryx's gaze traveled down the length of Meera's form, taking in every detail of her purple dress. The silk clung to her curves like a lover's embrace, while the shimmering silver jewels adorned her like constellations in the night sky. His eyes lingered on the bare expanse of her skin, sending unspoken compliments across the expanse of the dance floor.

In that silent exchange, Meera felt a warmth spread through her. She couldn't help but notice the subtle upward curve of Eryx's mouth, a hint of recognition and perhaps even a trace of amusement, as his royal sigil adorned her attire, marking her as his.

I can't live with you....

As Eryx lifted his eyes to meet hers, Meera made a conscious effort to mask her emotions, refusing to let the turmoil within her show as his words made her insides trembled. Though every fiber of her being longed to scowl in defiance, she held herself with a steely resolve, determined not to let him see the extent of her inner conflict.

Throughout the afternoon, Meera had replayed their conversation in her mind, each word etched into her memory with painful clarity. Yet, despite her efforts to decipher his intentions, she found herself trapped in a maze of uncertainty.

No matter how many times she analyzed his words, she couldn't unravel the true meaning behind them. The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of unanswered questions.

Feeling her cheeks flush with warmth, Meera glanced up once more, meeting Eryx's lingering gaze. His raised eyebrow seemed to silently inquire about her thoughts, causing her heart to flutter nervously. Sensing the intensity of his scrutiny, she quickly averted her gaze, redirecting her attention to Venna.

"He's staring at you," Venna teased, her voice light as she savored a piece of pale blue rock candy from her plate.

Meera shrugged nonchalantly, attempting to downplay the significance of Eryx's attention. "Hmm," she murmured, feigning indifference as she turned away.

But despite her efforts to brush off Venna's observation, Meera couldn't shake the warmth spreading through her body as Eryx's gaze seemed to linger on her. A shiver of awareness danced down her spine as she felt his eyes trace the contours of her figure, igniting a tingling sensation that coursed through her.

Unsettled by the intensity of his scrutiny, Meera cleared her throat nervously, her fingers instinctively reaching to rub the back of her neck. She could feel the heat rising along the nape of her neck, a telltale sign of her heightened awareness under Eryx's watchful gaze.

Venna's laughter bubbled with amusement as she playfully waved to Eryx, reminding him of her presence in the room. His gaze reluctantly tore away from the back of Meera's head, and a warm smile graced his features as he acknowledged his sister's gesture.

As Meera attempted to compose herself a tall, distinguished figure approached her with purposeful strides.

"Princess Meera," the man greeted her with a polite bow, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Would you honor me with a dance?"

Meera's breath caught in her throat, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected request. She hesitated, unsure how to respond, when suddenly she felt a shift in the energy of the room. She looked up and caught Eryx's gaze over the man's shoulder.

Eryx's expression darkened ever so slightly as he observed the interaction from across the room. Sensing his sudden tension, Meera's heart skipped a beat. She could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on her, his unspoken emotions swirling in the air between them.

"Meera," Venna nudged her. "This is Lord Nicholas Thornhill."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace," Nicholas bowed his head once more with his hands over his heart.

"Ah, Lord Thornhill," Queen Tulla suddenly appeared beside the gentleman. "What an absolute pleasure to see you again. I see that you've met our elemental."

Meera watched Eryx's face twist with concern as he watched his mother. His eyes narrowed and his mouth set in a grim line. As Queen Tulla spoke, Eryx's gaze hardened, a storm brewing behind his silver eyes. Meera sensed the tension radiating from him. She felt a pang of unease knotting in her stomach as she watched him, her heart heavy with concern.

"Indeed, Your Majesty," Lord Thornhill replied smoothly, though Meera detected a flicker of unease in his demeanor. "It is always an honor to be in your presence."

Meera glanced between Eryx and Queen Tulla, her mind racing with questions.

"You don't have a drink," she noted, breaking the tension. "Venna, my darling, will you get the lord a drink?"

"Certainly," Venna replied quietly, extricating herself from Meera's side to fulfill Tulla's request.

As Tulla engaged Thornhill in conversation, Meera struggled to maintain her composure, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt Eryx's eyes on her. Thornhill's words of flattery only added to her unease, and she offered a polite but distant smile in response.

"I have to say, Your Highness," Thornhill chuckled, his gaze lingering on Meera. "Your description of Princess Meera did not do justice to her beauty. She's even more beautiful in person."

Tulla laughed in agreement, "She is quite something."

"Indeed," Thornhill nodded before turning to Meera. "Shall we, Princess? The dancefloor awaits."

Before Meera could think to reply, she felt Eryx's presence beside her. Tulla's smile slipped from her face as the prince came to stand beside his elemental with his eyes declaring a challenge.

"I hate to be the barre of bad news," Eryx spoke. "But the Princess has already promised me a dance. I'm here to collect what I'm owed."

As Eryx spoke, his voice carried an undertone of possessiveness that sent a shiver down Meera's spine. She could feel the intensity of his gaze fixed upon her, his eyes burning. His hand brushed against hers, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins, and Meera couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline at his proximity.

Tulla's smile faltered, sensing the tension that crackled in the air between Eryx and Thornhill. Meera glanced between the two men, her heart racing with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. She could feel the weight of Eryx's presence beside her, his stance confident and unyielding as he stood at her side.

Thornhill's expression flickered with surprise before he quickly composed himself, masking his reaction with a polite smile. However, the challenge in Eryx's eyes was unmistakable.

Without waiting for Thornhill's response, Eryx extended his hand toward Meera, his gaze never leaving hers. There was a possessiveness in his demeanor that sent a thrill through her, a sense of security in knowing that he was there to protect her, to claim what was rightfully his.

Meera did not hesitate as he placed her hand in Eryx's. As they moved away from Thornhill and toward the center of the room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at being in Eryx's arms, his possessive grip grounding her in a way that no one else could. She let him guide her to the center of the dance floor and pull her into his arms.

As the music swirled around them, Meera and Eryx began to move in perfect harmony, their bodies synchronizing with each other's every step. Their gazes locked, and a spark ignited between them as they twirled and spun across the polished floor.

"You look beautiful, princess," Eryx whispered, his voice sending a thrill down Meera's spine.

Meera couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at his words, her cheeks flushing as she glanced away

. "Lord Thornhill thought so too," she replied softly.

"He has good taste," Eryx mused, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he guided her through the dance.

Meera's gaze flickered briefly to where her mother stood, her expression tense and disapproving.

"Your mother looks very upset," she remarked, her voice tinged with concern.

Eryx's hand tightened around hers, his touch reassuring. "Don't look at her," he said firmly. "Look at me."

Meera obediently turned her attention back to the prince, her heart skipping a beat as she met his gaze.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Better," Eryx replied, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. "And you?"

Meera nodded, relief flooding through her. "Better."

"Did you take the willow moss?" Eryx inquired, his tone gentle.

"Not yet," Meera admitted.

"Why not?"

"How did you know?" Meera asked instead. "About Arthur and my dreams?"

"He told me," Eryx replied, his gaze flickering momentarily toward his mother and Dawn standing side by side, watching him dancing with Meera. "Well, more like they bragged about it to me."

"Jasper too?" Meera felt a knot form in her stomach.

Eryx nodded grimly. "Yes."

"Are you angry with me?" Meera couldn't help but ask, her voice barely above a whisper.

"No," Eryx replied without hesitation, his gaze unwavering as calculated the look on his mother's face and the scowl on Dawn's.

"Why not?" Meera's heart pounded in her chest as she looked up and searched his face for answers. When she noticed his distraction, she followed his gaze to Tulla and Dawn.

"Don't worry about them," Eryx said, sensing her tense in his arms.

"They don't look happy," Meera observed.

"They're never happy when I'm around you," Eryx pulled her closer to his chest. "They're threatened by you."

"Because I'm your mate?" Meera stared into his eyes.

And because I am hopelessly in love with you, my moon, Eryx thought to himself as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Are you ever going to tell me?" Meera asked.

Eryx stilled, "What?"

"Why you're not mad at me for not telling you about my dreams?"

Eryx sighed, "Oh, right. That."

Meera waited. They had stopped swaying to the music long ago. But neither one stepped away from each other's arms. Eryx's arms were wrapped around Meera, clutching her to his chest as if he were afraid someone would try to snatch her away.

"I have no right to be upset at you, M," Eryx searched her eyes. "I've hurt you and your mistrust is the least I can bear for my actions."

"So you'll let me get away with everything?" Meera arched her brow.

"Don't go committing murder," Eryx chuckled.

Meera opened her mouth to respond when Will suddenly appeared beside them. The young prince cleared his throat and smiled politely as Meera and Eryx turned toward him.

"Father wants to see you," Will announced.

Eryx's eyes moved across the dance floor to the head of the grand hall where the King stood beside the black throne. He caught his father's eyes just as his mother stepped by beside him.

"What's this about?" Eryx asked Will, letting go of Meera.

"I'm not sure," Will shrugged.

With a small nod, Eryx turned back toward Meera. He tightly squeezed her hand before turning on his heels and walking over to the throne.

Meera's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Eryx ascend the steps to stand beside his father, his posture radiating strength and determination. She could feel the weight of his absence like a physical ache, longing to be by his side once more. With a heavy sigh, she turned her attention back to the throne, her eyes lingering on Eryx's figure.

"My lords and ladies," Hemming's voice rang out, commanding the attention of the room. The music ceased, and a hushed silence fell over the crowd as all eyes turned to the king.

"I would like to welcome you all this evening with the utmost gratitude," Hemming began, raising his glass in a toast. "As many of you know, your prince and my son were attacked this morning just beyond the walls."

Gasps rippled through the assembly, and Meera's heart clenched at the reminder of the danger Eryx had faced.

"But he is a Voreian, and he is my son!" Hemming declared proudly, his voice ringing with conviction. "The darklings stand no chance against us. You can rest assured that our homes and our children will sleep happy and safe tonight because of the sacrifices our brave wolves and soldiers make for us daily."

Meera's gaze drifted back to Eryx, her heart swelling with pride at his courage and resilience. She couldn't help but admire the way he stood tall and unwavering, a beacon of strength in the face of adversity. As the crowd erupted into applause, Meera's eyes never left Eryx's form, silently willing him to return to her side once more.

"Tonight, I am filled with joy and gratitude," Hemming continued. "And to make this occasion even more memorable, I would like to make a special announcement."

The crowd grew silent, ready to hear what the king had to say. They watched as he looked toward Eryx and held out his hand.

"Eryx? Dawn?" Hemming called to the pair.

Meera's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Suddenly all the air vanished from her lungs as the smile on Dawn's face widened and she stepped forward with Eryx.

"Tonight," Hemming's voice boomed across the hall. "Queen Tulla and I would like to announce that a date has been set for Prince Eryx and Lady Dawn's wedding. Three weeks from now, wedding bells shall ring through the halls of this palace."

As Hemming's announcement echoed through the hall, Meera felt as though her world had come crashing down around her. The joyous atmosphere that filled the room felt suffocating, the air thick with the weight of her shattered dreams. She watched in silent agony as Tulla pushed Eryx and Dawn together and pulled them into an embrace.

Meera's heart clenched with an indescribable pain as she stared at the man she loved. Each word uttered by the king felt like a dagger to her heart, tearing at the seams of her fragile emotions.

Tears welled up in Meera's eyes as she struggled to hold herself together. She felt as though she were drowning in a sea of despair, unable to escape the overwhelming sense of heartbreak that consumed her. At that moment, as the realization of Eryx's impending union with Dawn settled over her like a dark cloud, Meera felt as though her world had been torn apart once again. And as she stood there, surrounded by the revelry of the crowd, she couldn't help but feel utterly alone.

Meera, Eryx's voice broke through the whisper of voices swarming around in her head. Look at me.

Meera started straight ahead. She could not bring herself to look up and see the smile on Dawn's face.

Meera, please, Eryx begged.

Meera's heart pounded in her chest as she heard Eryx's voice, pleading with her to look at him. Slowly, hesitantly, she raised her gaze to meet his, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and longing.

As their eyes locked, Meera felt a surge of emotion wash over her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure. In Eryx's eyes, she saw the flicker of something she could not read, the shadow of sorrow on his face mirrored her own feelings of despair.

For a fleeting moment, it was as if time itself had frozen, the world around them fading into insignificance as Meera and Eryx shared a silent exchange. In that brief, charged moment, the turmoil raging within Eryx was laid bare, his silver eyes betraying the storm of emotions swirling within him as he let go of Dawn's hand and took a step back.

A hush fell over the room, the guests by the throne exchanging puzzled glances as they sensed the tension in the air. Even Hemming, the mighty king, looked on with furrowed brows, his expression shifting from confusion to anger as he turned his attention to his son.

"Eryx?" Hemming's voice cut through the silence, laden with incredulity.

Eryx tore his gaze away from Meera and faced his father, his jaw set in determination.

"I can't marry Dawn," he declared, his words ringing out clear and resolute, eliciting gasps of shock from the assembled crowd.

Meera's heart skipped a beat, lodging itself firmly in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of Eryx's words.

"I've already told you this," Eryx continued, his gaze flickering to his mother, whose expression morphed from shock to anger.

The tension in the room was palpable, a thick cloud of uncertainty hanging heavy in the air as Hemming's face flushed with anger.

"What is going on?" he demanded, his voice booming across the hall. "What's the meaning of this?"

Eryx's resolve remained unshaken as he met his father's gaze head-on.

"I cannot marry Dawn," he repeated, his voice unwavering. "Because I'm already married. I have a wife."

The declaration hung in the air like a thunderclap, sending shockwaves rippling through the room as the gravity of Eryx's words sank in.

With unwavering resolve, Eryx turned away from the throne and strode purposefully across the room, his eyes fixed on Meera. Every step he took seemed to reverberate through the silence, drawing the attention of every guest in the hall.

Meera's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Eryx approach, her breath catching in her throat as he reached her side. His presence was a comforting anchor amidst the chaos, his gaze unwavering as he stood tall beside her.

Without a word, Eryx reached out and gently took Meera's hand in his, his touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. Their fingers intertwined, their connection a tangible link amidst the sea of onlookers.

With a sense of quiet determination, Eryx turned to face the crowd, his voice steady as he spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his tone commanding attention. "I stand before you today to make a declaration. Meera is not just the Princess of Azmeera or an elemental. She is my wife."

Gasps of astonishment rippled through the room as Eryx's words hung in the air, his declaration echoing with undeniable finality. Meera felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, her heart overflowing with disbelief. Eryx's eyes never left hers as he continued, his voice ringing out with conviction.

"We may have been separated by circumstance, but my love for her is undeniable," he declared, his words carrying the weight of undeniable truth. "Meera is my mine and I am hers, now and forever."

Across the hall, King Hemming's face contorted with rage, his brows furrowing deeply as he glared at Eryx and Meera. Beside him, Tulla's expression mirrored his fury, her features twisted with indignation as she surveyed the scene before her.

"You dare defy the royal decree?" Hemming's voice thundered through the hall, his words laced with fury. "This is unacceptable!"

Tulla's eyes flashed with disdain as she stepped forward, her voice cold and cutting. "Meera can not be your wife, Eryx. She is an elemental. Your elemental. That can not be. We will never accept this union."

The air grew tense with the weight of their disapproval, the atmosphere thick with tension as the assembled guests watched in stunned silence. Meera felt a pang of fear in her chest, her heart pounding wildly as she faced the wrath of the king and queen.

But Eryx remained resolute, his grip on Meera's hand tightening as he faced his parents with unwavering determination.

"I love her," he declared, his voice unwavering despite the palpable tension in the air. "Meera is my equal in every way, and I will not abandon her."

King Hemming's face darkened with anger, his fists clenched at his sides as he glared at Eryx and Meera with undisguised hostility.

"Enough!" he boomed, his voice reverberating through the hall. "This madness ends now. I'll give you one last chance to make the correct decision. Accept Dawn and get Meera's name out of your mind."

"I will not," Eryx stood his ground.

Hemming's eyes darkened as he listened to his son.

"Is that your final decision?" He asked.

"Yes," Eryx said without hesitation.

Hemming's face grew grim as he fixed his son with a cold stare, "Prepare to face the consequences."

With a final, scornful glance at Eryx and Meera, King Hemming and Queen Tulla turned on their heels and strode from the room, their retreating figures leaving behind a sea of silent spectators and a spoiled celebration. Dawn stormed off as Zeeb, Fenno, and Lyall turned toward Meera and Eryx.

"What have you done?" Fenno asked in disbelief. "This is forbidden. You cannot have a union."

Neither Meera or Eryx had any words for them. They could feel everyone's eyes on them as Venna pushed through the crowd and came to stand beside her brother.

"Leave," she advised. "Go to my chambers or go back to the tower. Just get out of here."

Eryx's eyes scanned the crowd once more. He took in a deep breath and slowly nodded his head.

"Let's go, M," he said, tugging Meera closer.

Ignoring the murmurs and disapproving stares of the crowd, Eryx and Meera wordlessly turned away from the throne and made their way through the grand hall. With each step, the weight of their decision hung heavy in the air, but they carried on.

As they reached the entrance of the ballroom, Meera felt a surge of relief wash over her. She glanced back at the assembled guests one last time before Eryx gently tugged her hand and led her out of the room.

In the quiet solitude of the castle corridors, their footsteps echoed softly against the stone floors as they made their way toward the chambers, their path illuminated by the soft glow of torches lining the walls. Upon reaching Venna's door, Eryx hesitated for a moment before gently pushing it open. The room beyond was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the tension that still lingered in the air outside. Without a word, Eryx and Meera stepped inside, closing the door behind them. In the safety of Venna's chambers, they finally allowed themselves to breathe, their hearts still racing from the events that had transpired.

As they settled into the comfortable silence, Meera turned to Eryx, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of uncertainty. He held her gaze as they slowly turned toward one another.

"Meera..." Eryx spoke her name, his voice breathless.

Meera could not reply. She was too stunned to speak. Her eyes roamed over Eryx's face before settling on his lips. Her breathing began to change and she found herself leaning closer.

"I meant every word I said in there," Eryx said. "Do you understand?"

As Eryx's hand found its place on her waist, Meera's heart skipped a beat. His touch sent a rush of warmth coursing through her veins, igniting a fire within her that she couldn't ignore. With each word he spoke, she felt herself falling deeper under his spell.

"I understand," Meera whispered, her voice barely above a breath. She could feel the heat of Eryx's breath against her skin, his proximity sending shivers down her spine. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them lost in the quiet intensity of their shared connection.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon," Eryx confessed. "Not a moment goes by when I don't think of you when I don't crave you, when I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you."

As Eryx spoke, Meera felt her heart flutter within her chest. His words washed over her like a warm breeze, stirring emotions she had long kept buried away. The sincerity in his voice, the intensity of his gaze, sent shivers down her spine and brought a blush to her cheeks. His touch awakened a desire she had never known existed. And as she looked into his eyes, she knew with certainty that she was falling, falling hard and fast, into a love that was as boundless as the sky above them.

"How can this be?" She asked, her voice small and fragile. "How will we..."

Eryx leaned in closer. He nudged her with his long slender nose as he let out a deep sigh.

"I don't know," he said.

"What are we going to do?" Meera's eyes fluttered close, savoring Eryx's touch.

"I'd be damned if I had a clue," Eryx said, leaning in closer and closing the distance between them.

His lips hovering just inches from hers. Meera's heart raced with anticipation as she closed her eyes, surrendering to the irresistible pull of their desire.

"Can I?" Eryx asked, holding his breath.

Meera nodded, "Yes..."

Eryx leaned closer and his lips finally met hers.

It was as if the world around them faded away, leaving only the fire that burned between them. His kiss was intoxicating, igniting a fire within Meera that she wanted to burn in. Their lips moved together in perfect harmony, each touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Eryx's hand found its way to the small of Meera's back, pulling her closer as their bodies pressed together in a desperate embrace.

With every touch of their lips, their desire only grew stronger. Meera lost herself in the sensation of Eryx's mouth on hers, the taste of him driving her mad as their tongues danced. His wild hands moved over her body, touching her, feeling her, needing her. Before she knew it, he was picking her up into his arms, guiding her legs around his hips.

"I can't," Meera pulled away from Eryx's mouth.

"What's wrong?" Eryx asked breathlessly as he struggled to allow Meera the tiniest distance away from him.

"This dress," Meera grabbed the fitted neckline of her dress and tugged. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she pushed her hair out of her face.

"Allow me," Eryx said, setting her down on her feet before spinning her around and pressing her against the door.

Meera gasped as Eryx pushed her hair to the side and kissed her bare shoulders. His nails raked down her arms as he pulled her sleeves down and began to undo the ribbon of her corset.

"Better now?" He asked, his mouth pressed to her ear as he popped off the buttons of her dress.

"Y-yes," Meera nodded, her body aching for his touch.

As Eryx's lips found the sensitive skin of her shoulder, Meera gasped. His kisses left a trail of fire in their wake. Her hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as she arched into his touch, her body yearning for more. With a low growl of desire, Eryx spun Meera to face him and captured her lips once more, his kiss demanding as he claimed her as his own.

"I love you," Eryx declared. "God, I love you so fuckin' much, M."

All Meera could do was whimper in pleasure as Eryx's mouth devoured her. His mouth sucked on her neck as his hands gathered the fabric of her dress and pushed it up her legs. Meera's head began to swim as a throbbing sensation blossomed between her legs.

"I know, baby," Eryx said as Meera's hips moved forward, seeking him. "I know."

"Eryx," Meera called to him, her voice coated with desperation as she gripped the hair on the back of his head and kissed him once more. Eryx's hands squeezed Meera's hips as she bit down on his bottom lip and dropped her hands to the belt around his waist.

"Touch me," Meera spoke against his lips. "I feel like I'm on fire."

Eryx grinned, kissing her swollen lips and stopping her hands.

"Are you sure?" He asked, pressing her against the door and moving his knee between hers. Meera nodded her head as Eryx pinned her wrists above her head, leaving her immobilized.

Meera couldn't make sense of her body as Eryx undid the string of her dress and pushed aside the two parts to expose her chest. Her breathing labored as he leaned in and blew over her hard nipples.

"Ah," Meera gasped, squirming. Eryx looked up at her as he stuck out his tongue and ran it over her breast. He took Meera's hard nipple between his teeth and bit down gently.

"Ah!" Meera cried out once more with pleasure. Her eyes closed and her back curved away from the door.

"Look at me, Meera," Eryx's hands tightened around her wrists above her head. "Or I'll stop."

"No," Meera's eyes flew open. "Don't.......don't stop."

The grin on Eryx's face spread, "This is what you wanted, right?"

Meera nodded.

"Use your words, sweet girl," Eryx straightened up and looked down into Meera's eyes.

"This is what I want," Meera said.

Eryx's eyes lit up as he lifted her into his arms and walked toward the bed. His mouth did not leave her lips for even a second as he sat her down on the edge of the bed and kneeled before her.

Meera's hair had come undone from the neat twists the maids had done for her. The flowers were crushed and their torn petals scattered around the bed as she fell back against the sheets. Grabbing her ankle, Eryx raised her leg and placed a kiss on the inside of her heels. Meera gripped the sheets as his big warm hand pushed up her legs and swept over her naked thighs. She pressed them together tightly, hoping to ease some of the ache she felt. But Eryx protested.

"Not like that," he said, sliding his hand in between her legs. "Open wide for me, my darling."

Meera turned her face and hid in the sheets. Her cheeks burned as she felt Eryx's long fingers make their way up. When the back of his knuckle brushed her holds, Meera gasped and threw her hand over her mouth to.

"There you are," Eryx chuckled, burying his face between her legs.

"What..." Meera pushed herself onto her elbow. "What are you doing?"

Eryx pulled back as Meera pushed his shoulders back and closed her legs. She sat up with her eyes wide open and cheeks flushed.

"What's wrong?" Eryx asked, holding her knees and looking up at her.

"What were you doing?" Meera asked curiously.

Eryx's lips twitch with amusement, "I was going to kiss you."

"Where..." Meera asked in a small voice.

"Where it'll make you feel good," Eryx lowered his mouth and pressed a kiss upon her knee.

"They didn't tell me about that during my blooming ceremony," Meera could feel all the blood in her body rush up to her cheeks.

"I've been dying to know what they taught you at your ceremony," Eryx chuckled. "Go on, tell me."

"Tell you what?" Meera tucked back her hair.

Eryx stared at her, unable to look away. He slowly rose to his feet and leaned forward, forcing Meera back onto the bed until he hovered over her. She peered up at him with her big brown eyes and swollen lips. Her skin shimmered under the candlelight and the sweet scent of peach made Eryx's stomach growl.

"What was that?" Meera whispered as she felt Eryx's chest rumble.

"That was me," he said. "I've been starving myself."


"Because no one else but you would do," Eryx picked up Meera's hand and kissed her finger. "Now, may I enjoy my wife?"

"Yes," Meera swallowed. The movement of her throat made Eryx's eyes darken. She placed her fingers on his shoulders and made space for him between her legs.

"Is this what they taught you?" Eryx asked, looking down at the beautiful girl beneath him.

Meera nodded her head.

With a sigh, Eryx pulled back and lowered himself to his knees once more, "It's a good thing you're a fast learner then."

Meera sat up and watched, not knowing what to do as Eryx pushed her dress up once more.

"Have you ever played with yourself, my moon?" He asked.

"W-what do you mean?" Meera asked.

"I mean..." Eryx ran his hand up Meera's things once more. "Have you ever explored your body?"

Blushing heavily, Meera shook her head.

"We'll have to change that," Eryx smiled. "Come here."

Standing once more, Eryx looked around the room until he spotted the vanity on the other side of the room. He walked over and took a seat on the bed and called Meera to his side. As she approached him, he stopped her and let his eyes roam over her body.

"Take off your dress," he said.

Meera pulled her lip in between her teeth. If she blushed any harder, she would be rosy forever.

"Would you feel more comfortable if you kept it on?" Eryx reached out and took her hand.

Meera nodded.

"Okay then," Eryx smiled. "Come sit here. In between my legs."
Meera did as she was told. She took a seat on the edge of the bed in between Eryx's legs as he pushed her hair to the side and pressed a wet kiss on the curve of her neck.

"Good," he said, running his nose up her neck and pausing at her ear. "Now open your legs and see what's between them."

Meera leaned back and tried to hide her face in his shoulder. Her heart pounded against her chest like a wild horse.

"Give me your hand," Eryx spoke gently, sensing her hesitation.

Meera held out her hand and let Eryx take hold of it. He guided her to her legs and pushed her thighs apart. Her breathing labored even more than before as their fingers slowly moved up, up, and up.

"This is the sweetest spot, my love," Eryx said as he guided Meera's fingers to part her fold. Every sound she made was beautiful to him. He watched her in the mirror as she found shelter in the crook of his neck while their fingers explored her untouched body. Eryx's senses drowned with need as he slowly pulled his hand back and let Meera play.

"That's it," he said, his eyes watching her fingers move in the mirror. "Just like that."

Meera's hips began to move. Her lips parted and she gripped Eryx's shirt with her free hand.

"You're doing such a good job, baby," Eryx pulled her earlobe in between his teeth and nibbled on it gently. "Keep going."

"Eryx...." Meera gripped his hand, her nails digging into his flesh.

She was so close. Her hands were sloppy and untrained, moving in any way that they could to keep up the pleasure. Eryx watched her until he could no more and picked her up.

Meera's eyes opened as he sat her down and pushed her legs apart. She gasped and then moaned as he buried his face in between her legs and his wet tongue pushed her fingers aside.

"Eryx!" Meera gripped his hair. Her body began to buzz like a beehive. She looked up and caught sight of herself in the mirror.

Her dress was torn, her hair a wild mess and her husband had his face buried between her thighs with her legs over his shoulder.

Meera hardly recognized herself in the mirror. She felt all the coyness vanish from her body as she watched Eryx devour her. His tongue did wondrous things she never could have imagined. He left her gasping and squealing as the sound of his chest rumbling filled the chamber.

Eryx pulled Meera closer to the bed as if he could not get enough. When he felt her legs clench and her body tense, he lowered his thumb to her swollen bud and began to rub.

"Don't fight it," he told her. "This will be the best feeling in the whole world."

Meera's head rolled back and her hand found its way into Eryx's hair. She pushed her hips forward and moaned out his name as if her life depended on it.

My fuckin' god, Eryx thought to himself as Meera fell back against the bed and pushed his face farther into her sweet pussy. Within a few more seconds of flicking her pussy and sucking on her, she released all over his tongue and let out a small cry.

Meera's body felt as if she was a burning star. She was a shooting star across the night sky. A brilliant display of lights and raw energy. Every bit of her was sensitive to the touch. She wondered if her legs could still stand as Eryx continued. When she tried to roll away to catch her breath, his arms locked around her and he held her in place.

"I'm not full yet," Eryx growled.

"Have we..." Meera gripped the sheets, her mouth wide open as sparks flew up and down her body. "Did we just consummate?"

Eryx chuckled, a rumbling sound between her legs that she felt vibrate through her. He slowly raised his head and wiped the edge of his bottom lip with his thumb.

"That was all for you," Eryx said, rising to his feet and pulling Meera up. "Your's better than anything I could have imagined. And trust me, I've had countless dreams of tasting you since the moment I met you."

Meera dove into his arms and buried her face in his chest. Eryx chuckled at his sweet innocent wife as he lifted her up and spun her around.

"So I'm yours?" Meera asked as Eryx laid her against the pillows. "We're true husband and wife now?"

"You've always been mine," Eryx said kissing her cheek. "But to answer your question, no, we have not consummated yet. That won't happen until -"

"Until you are inside of me," Meera finished.

"Right," Eryx smiled.

"What will that be like?"

"Well," Eryx brushed back her hair. "Did you enjoy what we just did right now?"

"Very much," Meera nodded.

"When I'm inside of you, I'll make you feel just as good if not better," Eryx whispered, looking into her eyes lovingly. "And we'll both feel it...our bodies, our souls....together."

"And when will we do that?" Meera asked.

"After I marry you."

"What?" Meera's brows furrowed. She began to sit up, causing Eryx to roll onto his back. "What do you mean?"

"I want to marry you again, M," Eryx said. "In the Vorean way. I want to see you in the red dress when I carry you off to our marriage bed and fuck you into the night."

"When will that be?"

"Tonight," Eryx promised. "No more delays. I'm marrying you tonight."

"What about-" 

Suddenly, as the pair lay against the sheets and pillows, heavy footsteps could be heard from the corridor. 

Meera and Eryx exchanged looks, their minds snapping out of the spell they had been in. With bated breath, they turned their attention to the closed door, watching as shadows danced ominously beneath it. The muted murmurs of voices seeped through the wood, sending a shiver down Meera's spine. Each whispered word felt like an arrow aimed directly at their heads.

"Stay here," Eryx said as his grip on Meera's hand tightened.

"What's going on?" Meera whispered as she pulled the sheets around herself and followed Eryx out of bed.

"Let me check."

Eryx moved stealthily toward the door, his steps light and deliberate as he approached. Pressing his ear against the wood, he listened for any snippets of conversation filtering through from the other side. The voices outside remained low and muffled, making it difficult to discern their words.

After a tense moment, Eryx pulled away from the door and turned back to Meera, his expression grave.

"What is it?" Meera asked as he walked back toward her.

"We need to leave," Eryx said in a hushed tone, his eyes locking onto hers with urgency. "Right now." 

Hope you enjoyed it. 

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