Still a family ? {T. K} ✔️

By taekookiecookie

179K 9.9K 4.8K

{Completed} Kim Jungkook's once colorful life has lost its brightness since the love between him and Kim Tae... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 23

4.2K 264 123
By taekookiecookie

Third person's pov

As Hye-joon stepped inside the house, she was immediately greeted by Taemin and Taehyung, who were both visibly worried.

"Hye-joon, where were you?" Taehyung asked, his voice laced with concern. "I called and messaged you so many times, but you didn't replied."

Hye-joon felt a bit guilty as she looked at her father's concerned face. "Appa, I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice shaky. "My phone was switched off, and I lost track of time."

She then turned away from them and hurried to her room, her heart heavy. Once inside, she collapsed onto her bed, overcome with emotion. The memories of her behavior towards Jungkook flooded her mind, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

"Why did I treat him like that?" she whispered to herself, her voice choked with regret. "How could I have been so stupid?"

Her chest tightened with regret as she replayed the moments when she had pushed Jungkook away, ignoring his love and care. The weight of her actions felt unbearable, and she sobbed uncontrollably, longing for a way to make things right.

" He w-was si-ick all al-long and I-I di-idn't knew, what kind of doctor am I ?"

"What kind o-of doctor am I?" She said, as she buried her face deeper into the pillow.

Her whole body was shaking with sobs,

As Hye-joon was crying, there came a gentle knock on the door. She quickly composed herself and called out, "Come in." Taemin entered the room, his eyes were on the floor.

"Noona, can I sleep with you ton-night?" Taemin asked softly, his voice tinged with fear.

Hye-joon couldn't help but roll her eyes at her younger brother's request. "How old are you, Taemin? Four or perhaps five?"

But Taemin's expression remained serious as he replied, "I'm scar-red, noona."

Hye-joon's demeanor softened immediately. She patted the space beside her on the bed and said, "Come here, Taemin."

Taemin hesitated for a moment before sitting beside his sister. He looked up at her with wide eyes. "What are you scared of, Taemin?" Hye-joon asked gently.

"Everything," Taemin whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm scar-red because eomma left us. Ap-ppa is so silent. You're silent too. Ever-ryone is silent, and I feel so scar-red."

Tears welled up in Taemin's eyes, "What i-if eomma ne-ever returns, noona?" he continued, his voice trembling with fear. "I did-dn't kne-ew how much I hurt hi-im, noona. I f-feel so suffocated. What sho-ould I do? Please help me."

Unable to find the right words to comfort her brother, Hye-joon simply wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. She kissed the top of his head and began to stroke his hair soothingly, offering him the only form of comfort she could provide in that moment.

As Taemin continued to cry in Hye-joon's arms, Taehyung stood outside their room, watching them through the slightly opened door. Tears welled up in his eyes as he saw his children crying.

But he himself didn't had any words to comfort them, they all were at fault and they knew it.

He closed the door quietly and retreated to his own room, but sleep eluded him. He tossed and turned but he couldn't sleep.

Suddenly, a vivid flashback flooded Taehyung's mind, transporting him back to a few years ago. It was a restless night, much like tonight, and Taehyung couldn't find peace. Jungkook noticed his distress and asked,

" Tae, what's wrong ?"

Taehyung couldn't explain his feelings, but Jungkook didn't press further. Instead, he simply offered comfort.

"Want to eat something?" Jungkook had asked, trying to distract Taehyung from his restlessness. Taehyung shook his head, feeling too overwhelmed to eat.

Without another word, Jungkook opened his arms, silently inviting Taehyung into an embrace. Taehyung
nestled into Jungkook's arms, seeking comfort in his warmth.

Jungkook began to hum a soothing melody, a soft lullaby that seemed to calm the storm raging within Taehyung's mind. With his eyes closed, Taehyung listened to the gentle hums, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.

But now, back in the present, Taehyung's heart ached with regret as he remembered that moment of solace he shared with Jungkook. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he realized how much things had changed between them.

Now there was no one to comfort him, no one to tell him that everything is going to be fine, no one he could lean on, no one he could hug while sleeping.

Taehyung couldn't bear the weight of his guilt any longer. He buried his face in his hands, allowing himself to cry freely for the first time in a long while. He couldn't believe how far they had drifted apart, and the realization tore him apart inside.

He longed for the warmth of Jungkook's embrace, the comfort of his presence, but now it felt like a distant memory, a ghost of the past haunting him in the darkness of the night.

Meanwhile with Jungkook........

As Jungkook lay awake, his mind churned with thoughts and emotions. He whispered to himself, "Why can't I tell them already?"

His hands covered his face as he let out a heavy sigh, on the verge of tears. Just then, Mr. Jeon entered the room,

"Kook, what's wrong?" Mr. Jeon asked gently, moving closer to Jungkook. Jungkook looked up, his eyes brimming with tears.

He reached out his hand towards his father and said softly, "Appa." Mr. Jeon took Jungkook's hand in his own and pulled him into a comforting embrace. Jungkook's sobs broke out, and Mr. Jeon held him tighter, murmuring soothing words.

After a while, as Jungkook's tears subsided, Mr. Jeon spoke again, his voice calm and reassuring. "Jungkook, listen to me carefully," he began. Jungkook nodded, wiping his eyes.

"Do you want to get divorced?" Mr. Jeon asked, his gaze searching Jungkook's face. Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise at the direct question. He remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

Mr. Jeon squeezed Jungkook's hand gently and continued, "I understand that you're concerned about Hye-joon and Taemin, but remember, I'm your father too. It pains me to see you suffer like this." He paused for a brief moment before speaking again,

"You don't have to decide now," Mr. Jeon said softly. "Take your time. Whether you choose to stay or to divorce, I'll be here for you. Appa is always here."

Jungkook nodded and hugged Mr. Jeon again. He placed his head on Mr. Jeon's chest and hearing his heartbeat made his breathing calm.

They stayed like this for a while and then Mr. Jeon got up and kissed Jungkook's forehead, " Sleep well." He said before making his way out of the room.

In the morning.........

Jungkook sat on his bed, the morning light filtering through the curtains. He was scrolling through his phone, lost in thought, when the door burst open, and in walked Minyoung and Sunho,

"Uncle, come on, let's go to the shopping mall," Minyoung said, with a smile.

Jungkook looked up, a small smile forming on his lips. "I'm feeling a bit tired today, Minyoung."

Sunho stepped forward, taking Jungkook's hand. "Please, Uncle, it'll be so much fun."

Jungkook hesitated, but the pleading looks in their eyes melted his resolve. "Okay, fine. I'll change, and then we can go."

Minyoung beamed, nodding eagerly, and they left the room.

Jungkook sighed as he changed into a dark brown trouser pant, a black sweater and a sleek black coat, ready to go.

In the mall.......

As they strolled through the mall, Minyoung and Sunho dragged Jungkook from store to store, their enthusiasm infectious.

"Uncle, let's check out that store," Minyoung exclaimed, pointing excitedly.

Jungkook chuckled, unable to resist her enthusiasm. "Sure, why not," he agreed, following along as they ventured into yet another shop.

After what felt like hours of shopping and trying on various outfits, Minyoung suddenly piped up, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Uncle, let's get a facial," she declared, grabbing Jungkook's arm.

Jungkook hesitated, "Uh, I don't know, Minyoung," he mumbled, unsure about the idea of a facial.

But Minyoung wasn't about to take no for an answer. "Come on, it'll be so relaxing," she insisted, tugging at his arm.

With a reluctant sigh, Jungkook relented. "Alright, fine," he conceded, allowing Minyoung to lead him towards the salon.

Once inside, Minyoung wasted no time in explaining their request to the salon staff, her excitement palpable.

Eventually, they were led into a cozy facial room, the scent of lavender filling the air. Jungkook and Hye-joon settled into the chairs,

As the salon staff began their work, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. He squirmed uncomfortably in his seat,

But as the soothing music filled the room, Jungkook felt himself beginning to relax, his worries melting away with each gentle touch.

"Uncle, isn't this nice?" Minyoung whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Jungkook nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, it's not bad," he admitted, allowing himself to sink further into the chair.

As Jungkook saw the array of creams and potions laid out before him, he couldn't help but pepper the salon staff with a barrage of questions.

"What's this cream for?" he asked, pointing to a jar of silky white substance.

The salon girl smiled indulgently,  "That's our moisturizing cream, sir," she explained patiently. "It helps to hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and supple."

Jungkook nodded, his interest piqued. "And what about this one?" he continued, gesturing towards a bottle of shimmering serum.

"That's our illuminating serum," the girl replied, "It contains light-reflecting particles that help to brighten the complexion and give you that coveted glow."

As the girl moved on to the next step of the facial, Jungkook's curiosity only grew. "What's in that mask?" he queried,

The girl chuckled, her fingers deftly applying the mask to Jungkook's skin. "That's our purifying mask, sir," she answered, "It contains activated charcoal and clay to draw out impurities and leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed."

Jungkook nodded, taking in the information with rapt attention. "And what about this one?" he asked eagerly, pointing to a vial of golden oil.

The girl grinned, clearly amused by Jungkook's enthusiasm. "That's our rejuvenating oil, sir," she explained. "It's packed with antioxidants and vitamins to nourish and revitalize the skin, giving you a youthful glow."

As the facial progressed, Jungkook's questions only grew cuter and more endearing, each one accompanied by an eager smile and a genuine curiosity. And though the salon staff had likely answered the same questions a hundred times before, they couldn't help but be charmed by Jungkook's genuine curiosity.

By the time the facial came to an end, Jungkook had learned more about skincare than he ever thought possible.

Meanwhile at Jungkook's home,

Mrs. Jeon was cleaning Jungkook's room. As she straightened his belongings, a faint chime echoed through the room, signaling an incoming call on Jungkook's phone.

" Oh, this boy left his phone at home." She mumbled to herself as she picked up the call.

"Hello?" she greeted tentatively,

A deep, professional voice responded from the other end. "Hello, may I speak to Jungkook, please?"

Mrs. Jeon furrowed her brows, "I'm sorry, he's not at home right now. Is it something urgent ?"

The doctor on the line paused for a moment before speaking again. "I wanted to discuss his chemotherapy sessions with him. It's important that we have a face-to-face conversation."

Mrs. Jeon's heart skipped a beat, her grip tightening on the phone. "Chemotherapy? What's going on? Is he alright?" she pressed, her voice trembling with concern.

The doctor hesitated, sensing the urgency in Mrs. Jeon's tone. "I assume Mrs. Kim hasn't informed you yet, so I can't breach his privacy," he said softly.

Mrs. Jeon's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. "Please, doctor, I need to know," she pleaded, her voice quivering with fear.

After a moment of deliberation, the doctor let out a heavy sigh. "Jungkook has leukemia," he revealed softly, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.

Leukemia. The word echoed in Mrs. Jeon's mind, sending shockwaves through her entire being. She felt as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath her feet, leaving her grasping for stability.

Tears welled up in Mrs. Jeon's eyes as she struggled to process the news. " Leu-uke-emia."


So that was all for today's chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

What are your views on it ?

Do you like Minyoung and Sunho ?

How do you think everyone will react to the news ?



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