The Lost Heir |Taekook|

By myleskv

415K 20.4K 4.3K

TAEKOOK. Kim Taehyung is an orphan male omega who got in an arranged marriage with a billionaire alpha CEO Je... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
New Story Announcement
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
New Story Announcement
Chapter 42
The Lost Heir Story Rankings

Chapter 27

9.2K 511 118
By myleskv

Taeseok waits for his son at the porch of their mansion. The alpha just finished his dinner and is now looking at the files sent to him. He knows the omega will come home later than usual because he is having a dinner meeting with one of their clients.

The omega arrives and greets his dad. The older looks up and smiles at his son. "Good evening, dad. Are you waiting for me?"

"Good evening, son. Yeah, I want to talk to you. How's your meeting with Chairman Song?"

"Oh, Chairman song is a funny man. He kept on complimenting me. He said he has an alpha son who's looking for a mate to settle with and he wants me to be that mate." Taehyung chuckled as he narrated his talks with Chairman Song. Then he notices the files in front of his dad. "What are these dad?"

"These are the files of applicants. I'm currently reviewing them." Taeseok answered with a wide grin on his face.

Taehyung gives his dad a baffled gaze. "I thought you're not interested in another business venture because you want to spend more time with Tae-ju, then why are you hiring employees now?"

Taeseok is amused at his clueless son. "Tae, these aren't job applications."

"Then what are these for." Taehyung asked again.

"These are the files of alphas and betas who are asking permission to court you." Taeseok explained as he flipped the files once more.

Taehyung chokes on his saliva. "That many?"

"Yes." Taeseok gazed at his son before he continues. "Son, I know your first marriage was a disaster but that doesn't mean you should give up on finding a worthy mate for you and father for Tae-ju."

"Dad, Tae-ju has Yoongi hyung and I don't need a mate. Even my wolf is set on not having a mate. Its focus is solely to raise our pup."

"That's because your wolf thinks everyone is like that moron ex-husband of yours. When you meet someone who's deserving of you and Tae-ju, I'm sure, your wolf will relent on having a mate." Taeseok convinced his son. "And besides, your Yoongi hyung will not always be single. He will find a mate in the future and build his own family."

Taehyung paused for a moment, contemplating on his father's words. Yes, there are times he feels guilty towards his Yoongi hyung. His hyung shouldn't take responsibility of him and his pup, that's a mate's job. "Let me think about it, dad. I'll head to Tae-ju's room and check on him."

"Ok, please do that." Taeseok stood and kissed his son's hair. "Remember Tae, whatever you decided, I'll always support you. I just want what's best for you. Your happiness and Tae-ju's well-being are my top priorities. I love you, son."

"I love you too, dad." Taehyung walked towards his pup's room. He finds Yoongi and Tae-ju playing with large Lego blocks. The little pup giggles everytime Yoongi's blocks fall. Tae-ju treats Yoongi like a father. The omega releases a deep breath. His father is right, Yoongi will start his own family in the future. They shouldn't hamper his hyung's chances of having a happy family.

He clears his throat as he approached the two. The little pup looks at his omega father with his starry round orbs. Tae-ju hurriedly wobbles towards Taehyung. "Papa kith."

Taehyung pulled the pup into a tight hug. And showers the pup's face with gentle kisses. Yoongi affectionately stared at the father and son. "Tae, I want to bring Tae-ju to the park tomorrow. He's been cooped up in the mansion since he arrived from the US. He needs fresh air and see other children."

"Ok, but be careful hyung. Don't let Tae-ju out of your sight."

"Yes boss." Yoongi raised his right hand and put it on the side of his forehead, saluting his cousin.

Taehyung chuckles at his hyung's gesture. He carries Tae-ju to his room. After taking a shower and changing into his night wear, the omega sleeps beside his son.


Taehyung is now working at the main building of the Kim's Group. The omega CEO has been closing deals left and right with other big companies. They admire Taehyung's intelligence and business strategies. Whatever company partners with the Kim's Group is sure to double if not triple their revenues.

Not only the omega's business prowess becomes popular amongst the rich and famous but also his unmatched beauty. Whenever Taehyung enters the conference room, the omega commands attention with his stunning look and confident aura. As Taeseok said, many alphas and even betas from prominent families have professed their intention of wanting to be Taehyung's mate.

CEO Park Seojoon of Park Malls and Ok Taecyeon of Ok Foods are the most persistent among them. The alpha CEOs are constantly sending flowers and gifts to Taehyung's office. They're also making excuses about wanting to discuss business matters with the omega just to invite him for lunch or dinner.

Right now the two alphas arrive in front of Taehyung's office at the same time. Both clad in expensive suits and each carrying a bouquet of flowers for the beautiful omega.

Seojoon scoffs as he sees his rival for the omega CEO's heart. "What are you doing here, CEO Ok? Are you offering the Kims with your buy 1 take 1 ramyeon? You're in the wrong place I'm afraid, because the Kims already own the largest chain of high-end restaurants. I'm sure they don't serve cheap noodles there."

"Oh, it's you CEO Park. I think you're the one who's in the wrong place. I heard my CEO Kim Taehyung is a fashion designer himself, so he won't be needing the shabby and old-fashioned clothes you're offering from your malls." Taecyeon bites back.

"Excuse me, our malls have the trendiest outfits in all of Seoul." Seojoon glared at the other.

"Whatever, I'm here because I'm inviting my omega to lunch and I'm gonna show him our TaeTae instant japchae. I heard it's his favorite. I even combined our names in naming our new product to show that I'm serious in courting him. Tae for Taehyung and Tae for Taecyeon-TaeTae."

"My omega, in your dreams. I met him first and my cousin Jimin is his best friend , so I have a better chance than you." Seojoon proudly said, puffing his chest.

"Is that all you got? Do you know that his new personal secretary, Choi Wooshik is my cousin?" Taecyeon smirked at the other alpha.

"Whatever, I'm gonna knock first." Seojoon was about to walk closer to the door, but Taecyeon tackled him, preventing Seojoon to knock on the CEO office.

The door opens, the two alphas are caught off-guard. They suddenly let go of each other and fix themselves upon seeing that it's Taehyung who's at the door. "CEO Park and CEO Ok, what brings you two here?"

The two alphas search for the bouquets of flowers they were holding a while ago. They rub their faces in disappointment finding that the flowers were crushed on the floor. They both pick up the ruined bouquets and reluctantly hand it to the omega.

"What happened to these flowers? They looked like they just survived a war. Still, thanks to both of you for the flowers." Taehyung laughed as he observed the two alphas glaring at each other.

Seojoon speaks first. "I'm here because, we have a lunch meeting to discuss about some of the additional design for the new malls."

"Oh right, of course. Secretary Choi already booked our lunch." Taehyung smiles at him.

Taecyeon interrupts them. "I thought we can talk about our partnership over lunch. You know about us supplying your company canteen with our food products."

"We can do it by next week, CEO Ok. My schedule is full this week, but I'll make sure to make time for you next week." Taehyung politely answered him.

"Ok, hmm, CEO Kim, I brought a hundred box of TaeTae instant japchae for you. The receptionist put them in the building's stock room." Taecyeon mumbled with a blushing face.

Seojoon laughs. "Really, a hundred box? Are you planning to have a feeding program here?"

Taehyung signs Seojoon to stop teasing the other CEO. "Thanks CEO Ok, you're very thoughtful."


Seojoon and Taehyung enter the restaurant where they will have their lunch meeting. They bump into Jisung who's with a woman of their age. The two are about to exit the restaurant. Jisung gave Taehyung a tight-lipped smile. "Taehyung, can we talk in private?" The woman with Jisung went ahead and left him.

"CEO Park, can you go ahead and order for us. I'll just talk to him." Seojoon nods and proceeds to the reserved table for them.

"What do you want, Jisung?" Taehyung irritatingly asked the other.

"You know it's my birthday in a month. Jungkook and I are planning to formally have an engagement party and announce the date of our wedding. I want you to be there, after all we're family, right? You're my dear cousin." Jisung gave him a fake smile.

Taehyung feels a slight pang in his chest, but his firm demeanor doesn't falter. "Oh congratulations and thanks for the invitation, but I will have to decline. You see, my dear cousin, I don't want to steal the spotlight from you and your future husband on your memorable day. That will be unbecoming on my part. But don't worry Jisung, I will send my special gifts for you and Jungkook."

"Really? I'm glad you're not bitter with Jungkook and I anymore. You do know that we're always meant to be together, right? I will not take much of your time." Jisung had a vile grin on his face as he walked away from the restaurant.

Taehyung sneers at Jisung's retreating figure. "Dear cousin my foot! We will see who will have the last laugh. You will have the most unforgettable birthday ever." He mumbled as he went to the table where Seojoon is seated.


Eunwoo walks towards his boss's desk. The secretary sighs deeply as if he carries the weight of the world on his shoulder. Jungkook looks up and raises an eyebrow at his overdramatic secretary.

"Ok, what is it now?" Jungkook inquired, eyes going back to the files on his table.

"There's a sighting of Min Yoongi at the Children's park with a pup. Can you imagine that, boss? I didn't know Min Yoongi found a mate already." There's disappointment in the beta's voice.

Jungkook turns his attention to Eunwoo. "Do you have a crush on Mr. Min? I'm telling you Eunwoo, that alpha is scary."

"That makes him hotter, don't you think, boss?" Eunwoo replied while having heart eyes as he pictured Min Yoongi in his mind.

Jungkook's phone rings. Grandpa Jeon is calling him. "Yes grandpa? Oh you're at the restaurant already. Ok I'll be there in a few minutes. You can order in advance, you know my favorites, right?"

Jungkook takes his blazer from the coat hanger and exits the office to meet his grandpa for lunch. The two eat in silence. After they finished their meal, Grandpa Jeon gives his grandson a sullen look. "I'm sorry Jungkook. I let you grieve alone when your mom died. I was burdened with guilt that time." Grandpa Jeon stares into space as he continues. "As a parent, when my son, your dad went astray and committed mistakes, I felt that I failed as a parent. When you become a father, you will understand what I'm saying." Grandpa Jeon's eyes are now filled with unshed tears.

Jungkook reaches for his grandpa's hand. "I understand, grandpa. I'm sorry too, for not listening to you before. I already broke up with Jisung, but he wants to wait until his birthday before we announce our break up."

Grandpa Jeon's face lights up. "That's a wonderful news. I'm glad Jisung didn't make a fuss. I'm going back to the villa now. Are you going back to your office from here?"

"Uh no, I will take a walk at the park where mom used to bring me when I was a kid." Jungkook stood and walked with his grandpa to the door.


Jungkook's heart is pounding as he strolls near the park. His wolf is making its presence felt after being unresponsive for almost a month. Jungkook is at a loss at what he's experiencing right now. He saw a couple of children playing and chasing each other.

A toddler catches his eyes. The youngster is chasing a blue butterfly. Jungkook watches the toddler run with his tiny legs. He averts his gaze to see if someone is watching the toddler. When Jungkook looks back at the toddler, his eyes widen. The child is heading to the busy street.

Jungkook runs to the toddler, as he comes closer to him, he smells it. The pup's scent is a mixture of banana, vanilla and- dark chocolate. He suddenly feels dizzy, his wolf is howling at the realization, this pup is their son. But before he can dwell on it, a fast-moving car is approaching his pup. Jungkook quickly grabs the pup and pulls him out of the car's way. But Jungkook isn't fast enough to save himself as the car hits him.

The pup was startled when Jungkook grabbed him. He is also confused because he and his wolf feel a bond with the alpha who was hit by the car. They smell the familiar scent of the alpha, the toddler's wolf recognized the alpha, this alpha is family, this alpha is dad. But how? They already have dada Yoongi. So the pup cried calling and looking for his dada. "Dada, dada where? Tae-ju scared."

Jungkook tears up. "I-i'm your dada pup, come to me." But Tae-ju isn't looking at him. The toddler is crying and looking around. They hear Yoongi's frantic voice as he runs towards them. Tae-ju gets up and runs towards Yoongi.

"Tae-ju angel, are you okay? I'm so worried, don't leave Dada's side again." Yoongi immediately took the crying pup into his arms. He glances at the alpha who saved Tae-ju, his body froze because the alpha who's lying there and drenched with blood is Jungkook, the pup's real father.

"Dada, dada, Ju scared." Tae-ju said as he tucked his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

Jungkook thought the pain from being hit by a car is painful, but he realized there's nothing more painful than his pup not knowing him and calling another alpha his dad. Jungkook feels like his heart is being shredded into pieces as tears fall continuously from his eyes. The alpha longingly stares at Tae-ju before he succumbs to his injuries and falls unconscious as Jaewook calls for an ambulance.


The father and son finally meet but under a very unfortunate incident. What do you think will happen to Jungkook? What will Taehyung do now that Jungkook knows about their son?✨🌙

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