One's Promised (Castiel x Win...

By StylesImagines444

15.5K 324 4

Castiel, Angel of the Lord, discovers two things one day. One, he has a Soulmate. Two, her name is Nevelyn Wi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Two

347 4 2
By StylesImagines444

Graphic content ahead!

"Don't even think about it, Winchester. You're covered in Ghoul guts. I'm surprised you even let yourself get into Baby."

Neve says, holding her hand out towards Dean. He chuckles and brushes past her.

Sam is next, planting a kiss on Neve's head as he passes her. Castiel approaches next, looking as put together as ever.

Michael and Lucifer stood off to the side. Castiel approaches Neve and she hugs him tightly.

"How are you both?"

He asks, looking down at her stomach. She nods, placing his hand over her bump to feel his Daughter's kicks. He smiles softly.

"She's good. Me too. Tomorrow, I was thinking we could go to the baby store in town and pick up some stuff for her."

Castiel nods, pressing a kiss to Neve's cheek before nodding his head politely at the two Archangels stood behind them. Michael nods back, but Lucifer just rolls his eyes at the Angel.

"I'm gonna get started on dinner."

Neve says, breaking the awkward silence. She squeezes Castiel's hand and brushes past him.


"I don't understand why you Humans insist on these constrictions. Adam and Eve didn't."

Lucifer says, practically gagging at the sight of a baby cardigan. While Michael and Castiel roll their eyes, Neve giggles.

"Well, it has been a few years since Adam and Eve walked the Earth. Things change, Lucifer. Besides, you have a Son. Didn't you do this for Jack?"

She asks, adding a pair of white booties to the cart. Lucifer grows quiet and Michael looks uncomfortable.

"Jack was born fully grown. Kelly told him while she was pregnant that it wasn't safe for him to be a baby."

Castiel explains, pushing the cart alongside her. Neve frowns.

"And he took that literally?"

She asks, stopping everyone at the onesie's section. Castiel nods. Neve hums with interest.

Fortunately in their case, their Daughter can grow up naturally.


One day before Neve's due date. She was extremely uncomfortable, unbearably irritable and tirelessly restless.

Sam and Dean got back from their latest case last night. Eileen is staying until after the birth. Michael and Lucifer have been on edge as they know that the time is near.

Castiel has been adorably attentive. Even Jack returned this morning for the big event. Neve had an entire family around her yet, she still felt like bursting.

"Grrr! Why is this bunker so goddamn hot?! I need air!"

She says, pushing herself up. Lucifer stands.

"I'll go with her."

He says and the others nod, watching as Neve waddles up the steps with Lucifer behind her.

It isn't until she reaches the field a short distance from the bunker that she sighs in relief.

"You're a fast one, despite being huge, you know that?"

Lucifer asks, panting as he steps up to her side. She smiles at his words. She turns, ready to chew him out for being faster than him when she sees four people standing behind him.


She panics and his eyes flash red as he turns sharply. He is injected in the neck with something that takes him down. Neve gasps and turns to run, but is injected too, falling into the arms of her attacker.

"Bring the Devil. He can watch the girl die."

Those are the last words Neve hears before blackness surrounds her.


"They've been gone a while."

Sam comments. The other realise that he is right and Michael, Jack and Castiel stand.

"We'll check on them."

Castiel says, but before he could join Michael and Jack in their flight, he grips his neck and hunches over.


Dean is at his side in a second. The Angel is beside himself.

"It's Neve!"

He panics, but before anyone could reply, Michael and Jack appear. Jack looks extremely concerned while Michael looks livid.

"They've been taken. I scented magic. They've been cloaked. We need a Witch."

Michael explains and Sam immediately pulls his phone out to call Rowena.


"You get your filthy hands off of her!"

Lucifer yells from where he was bound in a circle of Hell Fire, but it's no use, they aren't listening.

They had been taken to an old Monastery. Neve had been magically bound to an alter.

"Don't worry, Devil. We're only interested in the child. The Mother is collateral."

One of them says and though he won't admit it, a twinge of fear fills him at their words.

"Now, let us begin."

Neve is struggling to break free. Whatever they injected her with has blocked her connection to her child.

One of them lifts a huge blade and Neve's eyes widen as they bring it down onto her stomach, slicing her open.

She screams in sheer terror and unbearable pain. They don't stop until they have gotten what they came for...her baby.

Neve is clinging to consciousness enough to see her Daughter's beautiful chesnut hair and the glowing blue of her eyes.

She smiles at her Daughter before another blade comes down, piercing her through her chest.


Lucifer screams out as Neve falls lifeless, dead.

They take the crying baby and disappear. Lucifer unleashes a powerful force of his wrath and the fire circle disappears.

He wastes no time and rushes to Neve, lifting her into his arms and lowering both of them to the ground.

He tried healing her, but he couldn't. Whatever they had injected him with has weakened him and using the last of his strength on the circle didn't help and wherever they had brought them has been warded against certain angelic powers.

The Devil sighs, running his fingers through Neve's hair.

"I'm sorry, Neve."

He whispers, a lone tear falling down his cheek.


Michael's voice booms across the room as he and Jack burst in, followed by the Brothers, who are holding a weak Castiel up. He had felt her die.


Castiel sobs. They all reach Lucifer and Neve.

"They took the baby."

Lucifer tells his Brother. Castiel falls beside them, gripping Neve's hand tightly. Sam and Dean are frozen.

"We need to find the child."

Michael says, gripping Castiel and hurling him to his feet.

"Brother, I promise you. We will come back for her and she will have justice, but we need to find your Daughter."

He says and Dean nods, kissing his Sister's cheek before standing.

"He's right. We have work to do."

He says. He takes Sam's shoulder and forces him out of the door while Michael does the same with Castiel. Jack approaches his Father.

"We have to go, Father."

He says and Lucifer nods, gently placing Neve on the ground and taking Jack's outstretched hand.

Three livid Archangels, one vengeful Angel and two very angry Hunters.


This chapter has been edited.

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