Wikigirl 2 //PJM

By LizSorora

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This is the second book, continuing the plot of Wikigirl exactly from where it was left in Book 1. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 62

543 81 130
By LizSorora

The hospital room had fallen quiet after Jin had finished reassuring Jimin that he was alright for he had burst into his hospital room full of questions and evident worry in his face, making Jin instantly understand that he was no longer P3.

Only Jimin would be so anxious and so good at comforting him with words and small caresses while he lay on the bed, unable to move. Only he would stay and take care of him this meticulously and endearingly as Jimin had made sure to lift Jin's bed and place him in a more comfortable position while awake and conversing with him.

"DongMin, why don't you go and grab some cups of coffee and something to eat? I think you too need some energy." Jimin ushered DongMin who was seated at the small couch, at a corner of the room, looking at the ceiling somehow exhausted from the mental pressure he had had on his shoulders until Jimin came back into that room.

The situation was not light at all, and DongMin was certainly more than worried about how the mission was going, even though he could not dare call you to check. It was a relief everything had gone okay, and as soon as Jimin had reassured him about that, he had just turned off his alert state and had crashed on that couch, allowing all the tiredness to catch up with him physically.

"I need one indeed. If anything happens, call me. He is still in danger for as long as he is in public display." DongMin reminded Jimin just in case as he forced himself to stand up from his seat and headed towards the door, having Jimin's eyes following him, for he had yet to be cleared out about what was happening and he had no idea why would Jin be considered in danger.

"Can you please tell me what is going on? Just how much information am I missing?" Jimin questioned Jin once they were left alone, for he was the only one he could trust to fill in on everything that was missing in his head.

"Long story. Let's just say that P3 was trying to get a document from a secret archive room, Y/n had discovered on Mr Duho's residence and I was helping until...this happened to me." Jin responded vaguely for he knew he couldn't let Jimin know that the reason he got into a car accident was because he was going after his mother and she made a move first, hence the result was him getting almost killed.

"This. This is also very strange. You always drive so carefully. How did you even get into an accident? And why is DongMin saying that you are still in danger? You said the doctors said that you will be fine." Jimin went on uttering his wonders with a clear confused facial expression and Jin took a moment to think over how he could give him a response that would cover him but also leave the truth untouched.

"I discovered that Jiya had betrayed us. She is a secret agent and has been working for them since day one. I was a bit shocked and emotionally damaged by that so when I left my head was hazy and I got into a car about me being in danger...I made her tell me some things and her coworkers know that I know things I shouldn't so- DongMin told me that P3 was very strict on the thought that you should have me under supervision." Jimin stared at Jin at a loss for words as he spoke, finding the news about Jiya unexpected for last time he had talked with her and had discovered her lies, was when she had told him that she had approached Jin because she had been in love with him instead. But apparently, that too was one more lie to cover a bigger one. A lie that certainly he wasn't expecting from her.

"Jiya? A secret agent?... This is crazy." He uttered in astonishment as he paced a bit around the room, still trying to process. "That means that from the start they were aiming at me...from the very beginning they wanted to have an insider in my life and not only." Jimin's mind started spiralling as he spoke, understanding now that they were interested in his mental state for Jiya was his psychologist.

Just as he had once guessed, they wanted someone out of him because one of his personalities most likely holds something they are interested in and that something lays far back, way before he even met Jiya for apparently, she was placed with the purpose to spy on him.

"Crazy and unfortunate but it is the truth," Jin replied in a soft tone but this time Jimin didn't turn his gaze back at him as his eyes were fixed somewhere and in his mind he was trying to recall how many times P3 had taken over him, in an attempt to guess in which visit of his, he had made some wrong move that could have potentially gotten him involved with the NIS. No matter how much he tried though, nothing particular came to mind. for every time he lost consciousness, he had to rely on someone else to tell him which one had taken over him, for Jimin didn't always remember correctly.

"What are you thinking about?" Jin questioned him and Jimin snapped his eyes at him momentarily, before he flashed him a smile, ignoring the tingle of the fingertips of P2 that were caressing the back of his brain, in a quiet irritating way.

Why bother to think and struggle...when you can just ask me?

P2's whisper echoed in Jimin's head, making his smile grow wider in an attempt to not let it show that he was not okay and that despite the fact that he had woken up, he wasn't alone on his throne of consciousness but had the lurking shadow of P2, like a ghost, haunting his head.

"I am okay. I guess this must be a difficult topic for you, hyung. You should take some rest, we can talk about this later." Jimin reassured him as he patted Jin's shoulder and Jin just looked at him in search of something more, for he could sense that something was off with him but he also had no strength to question him further so he just gave him a nod as a reply.

 "I'll make sure to set you up with some medical gear at home and get a nurse around 24/7. We'll shift you to a safer spot, so don't you worry. I'll ensure you recover well." Jimin's earnest planning brought a smile to Jin's face. But despite how extra his measurements sounded, he wasn't planning to protest for after what he went through, he really had Jimin's mother capable of anything.

"Wherever you take me, just make sure the walls have a better paint job. This place is a bit of a downer," Jin gave a light remark that made Jimin chuckle. Despite the serious circumstances, Jin's knack for complaining about trivial things provided a momentary escape from the weightier concerns.

"We've got plenty of cash. I'll paint the whole place if it helps. Anything for my brother," Jimin assured, but Jin scoffed in response. "You talk like that now, but you hardly ever listen to me when I tell you anything. Stop buttering me up."

"I thought you liked butter?"

"Get lost. You're wearing me out," Jin snapped jokingly, his words laced with sharpness. Jimin couldn't help but burst into laughter, though beneath the humour, he couldn't shake the sense of melancholy creeping in. It was as if he'd missed Jin even though to him, it hadn't been but a day or two that he hadn't seen him.

"I will be right outside the door if you need me," Jimin told him as he walked out and closed the door behind him, only to find himself in the hospital hall, observing from a distance the people who were pacing up and down.

He inhaled a deep breath, as his chest felt tight, the overwhelm of reality catching up to him for certainly, he was in no comfortable position while everyone around him seemed to have gone through so many things while he wasn't even present. A stink of guilt was resting atop his chest at the thought and only that Jin had to go through all these emotions and heartbreak alone, without him being there to be the shoulder he could lean on and the boost that could have potentially prompted Jin to shake his pain over Jiya, in a more lighthearted way.

Jin would never accuse him however Jimin felt like he had missed out on a very important moment when he needed him. He had let him down and failed to be present on an emotionally impactful moment in his life, while Jin had always been there for him, in his darkest days and nights.

I need to do better...I can't let my disability mess up with my life like this...I need to heal.

Jimin caught himself thinking the same sentence that always floated in his mind, after every time he was to return from losing his consciousness to some other personality and have the time to reflect on his loss of time, of life, of self. But unlike most times, his thoughts this time were not private at all.

"I may not know every moment you have lived through but I reassure you, I know every sad feeling you have ever carried..." P2's voice came like a breeze from within his head, fainting across his ears in an irking way that made Jimin psychically tilt his head. "So believe me when I tell you that you sure have a lot to heal, but you are too weak to face any of them."

"Shut up," Jimin murmured to himself as he cautiously looked around, being conscious of the fact that he was on public display and someone could notice him, seemingly speaking to himself.

"You don't like hearing the truth?... You don't like hearing that you are a weakling?" P2's taunting words didn't go quiet despite his demand, making Jimin just take one deep breath in and decide to ignore him the best he could.

"Why don't you ask me now? I do have the truth you are missing...doesn't the fact that you dare not ask show that you are too fearful of my reply?"

"It's not like that-" Jimin ended up speaking those words back at P2 only to bring his hand to rub his face right after, covering his mouth with his sweaty palm and combing the place with his anxious orbs.

"Only I have the guts to tell you the truth so don't wait for anyone else to ever will be disappointed...even that Y/N girl of yours...she will hide it from you."

"She would never!" Jimin unintentionally ended up raising his voice, as the fact that P2 had mentioned you, had ticked him off and made him lose control. Even though he wasn't sure what was going on, and what the file you took from that archive had on it, he was certain that he could trust you and if he was to ask you later, you would definitely tell him the truth and explain everything to him.

"You trust so just never learn."

"Y/N is different. She knows all the truth about me yet still is willing to stay around me. She got herself entangled in my mess and is doing so many things just to help me. She is not using me like the rest. She is genuine. She is kind and she is broken too. Yet she can be strong and she can daring and she can be sweet-"

"And she can be a traitor." P2 cut his trailing words off, with a tone of distaste at how fully in love Jimin was sounding, not because P2 couldn't understand the feeling, but because he carried the aftermath of the aches, after every fire of love that had ever lit his heart.

"Not her. I am telling you, this time I am certain. I am trusting the right person. This time I will be right! I have to be right!" Jimin insisted, as desperation danced in his orbs and P2 fell silent for a bit, allowing Jimin to snap out of his actions and take a look at his surroundings again, noticing some odd eyes, some people were giving him. The sight made his prompted his mind and he acted quickly, pretending like he had a Bluetooth earpiece on his ear and he was on a call with someone, by covering his ear and pacing some steps, as causally as possible.

"I too hope that you will be...but regardless we both the end of it all, your tears will be laying in my palms...your heart will be bleeding in my chest... so when they rip you apart once more, I hope you will remember Jimin...that it's me, the one carrying all your sadness."

"I never asked you to do that for me." Jimin retorted only for P2's chuckle to echo strongly in the walls of his mind.

"Then I will make sure to give this burden back to you...very, very soon."

---To be continued...

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