A dance journey

Par dance_moms5543

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Claire is a dancer at the Aldc. When abby starts a reality show she invites Claire to be on her competition t... Plus

Season 1 (cast)
The competition begins
Wildly inappropriate
Cheerleader Blues
Stealing the Show
When Stars Collide
Dying to dance
She's a fighter
Love on the Dance Floor
From ballerina's to Showgirls
Cathy brings it on
It all ends here
Season 1 stats
Season 2 cast
Everyone's Replaceable
Return of the Candy Apples
Brooke's Turning Point
brooke's back
Jill on the rampage
bullets and Claire's ballet
The runaway mom and the dancer who lost her passion
Miami Heat Wave and Cassandra's dilemma
Melissa pleads the 5th and Sabrina introduces some romance
Chloe vs Claire & Waiting for Joffrey
Abbygeddon and Claire the Ballerina
The Battle Begins, Claire vs Chloe Part 2?
Night of the Living Dancers
I Know What You Did Last Competition
Maddie and Claire have a secret
How Do You Like Them Apples
Worst Birthday Party Ever
Guess Who's Back
Season 2 Sabrina Does A House Tour

No one likes a bully

182 6 0
Par dance_moms5543

"Girls let's go. Come on." Abby yelled, "Come on, we have lots of work today."

We all walked into the studio and got into a straight line.

"Congratulations on another victorious weekend. You won. However, I see things that I need to fix. Paige, you were ok in the group, but you know that you messed up that whole leap downstage. Kendall, you did it crossing to the right on the grand Jete. So we couldn't see if the hips were in line or not. Nia, you did a great job in the group dance. You did not pull my eyes negatively, But I want you to start pulling my eyes positively. And Cameron you did not dance in the group so there is nothing to judge you on."


Cameron interview:

"Sometimes I think Miss Abby forgets about me. She begged to put me on the team since I'm a boy, but I'm barely doing dances. So I might leave after the season, or sooner."


"This week we are attending Hollywood Vibe. Those judges, directors, and everybody that runs Hollywood Vibe, are from LA, or they are from New York City. They are looking for the next big thing, the next star, the next little kid to be in their video or commercial, so you need to be the A games. Moms?" Abby said.


Christi interview:

"I expect nothing less from Abby Lee Miller than putting an exorbitant amount of pressure on small children. That's what she does."


"On to the pyramid. I'm not even going to discuss this, I'm moving on to Paige. Then we have Cameron, you haven't been dancing. Next, I have Nia. You've been working very hard, but you still have to fix those technical issues. Kendall. Kendall, you are still on probation. Mom, it's a long process." Abby said to Jill.


Jill interview:

"Why is Kendall still on probation? It making me crazy. She just did a crazy good duet with Claire."


"Also, Kendall, Claire. You lost the duet. They beat you and got a perfect score again. So far, Chloe and Kendall haven't been the right piece." Abby said disappointed.

"But Abby, why is it always our kid's fault and never Claire!" Christi yelled.

"Christi do not start today," Abby told her.

"But Abby, why can't you try a duet with everyone? I bet Chloe and Kendall could do a duet and beat Danni and Quinn!" Kelly yelled out.

"Kelly, Christi, and Jill! Listen to me, this is the last time I will say this!" Abby yelled to them. Jill looked confused about why she was suddenly dragged into the argument. "I give you kids a chance to dance with Claire since all I hear is "it's always Maddie and Claire!" But guess what, your kids can't hold their own. Chloe rushed through the moves, Kendall didn't know what the hell she was doing out there, she kept looking at Claire!"

"Jill, are you seriously not going to tell Abby that Kendall wasn't bad?" Kelly asked

"I agree with her Kelly! I'm not going to sit here and bitch about something that is the truth! Kendall could've danced better." Jill said rolling her eyes.


Claire interview:

"I don't know why the moms are so mad. I would happily like me and Maddie to do a duet and finally beat Danni and Quinn, but Abby is wasting her time doing new duets that fit both my and the other girls' strong suits. She knows that me and Maddie can go out and do a ballet duet and beat Danni and Quinn."


"Next is Mackenzie. You were the overall high-score winner of the primary age division. You proved yourself in the group with Apples. and you proved your solo. Next is Claire. You've been slipping. I don't know if you're tired, are you tired?" Abby asked me.

"No ma'am," I said shaking my head.

"Okay, well it might just be these people pulling you down."


Sabrina interview:

"I wish Abby didn't say those things because all the mothers condemn me like I said it. But at least I have Melissa and Jill."


"Maddie. I thought you did a great job in the group and your solo. Keep working. You let Danni beat you. And on top of the pyramid this week, Chloe. You did something out there, you made your mother cry, she was bawling. Don't make me cry, make me smile. This week at Hollywood Vibe, Chloe you will be doing a solo again. Maddie, you will also be doing a solo. And Cassandra you will be doing a solo. And we are going to do two trios. The first trio is going to be Chloe, Maddie, and Kendall."


Claire interview:

"As a dancer , I've been in this trio since I was born."


"Kendall, you stepped it up from Apple's last week. But I know I need to see if you can hang with Chloe and Maddie. Since I know you can't with Claire. The other trio is Paige, Maddie, and, Claire. Who will win? Let's talk about the group dance. It's a contemporary lyrical routine. I am putting art on the stage. It's going to be about a bully. There needs to be somebody that's the bully. Claire, you are going to be the bully. Somebody has to be the bad guy. That leaves me with one more bit of news. I'm bringing in another member, a string dancer, that can go up against our bully. Please welcome Payton."

We all screamed as we saw Payton walk into the room. We ran and gave her a big hug.

"Okay girls enough, come on come on. Peyton, you finally have a place. But you need to prove yourself. You are on probation. You are the new kid on the block. It's a whole new ball game. Let's get ready to rehearse. Mom's you dismissed."


Maddie, Claire, Mackenzie

Kendall, Nia, Cameron, Paige, Payton


Sabrina POV

"Chloe, Maddie, and Claire had a trio since they were like nine years old," Chloe said

"Undefeated," Melissa said.

"And I just think that was rotten that Claire was pulled from that trio."

"I don't think she's replacing Claire," Jill said.

"Well, I would like to bring up the issue with Claire and these duets," Kelly said

"Why?" I asked

"Because Sabrina, you just let all of us moms get yelled at for asking questions you should be asking, but no! You're teaching your kid to be cocky and blame the other girls for a quote on quote, hold her back, pulling her down." Kelly yelled at me.

"Are you serious? Are you seriously saying I'm teaching my kid to be cocky?" I said getting fed up.

"Yes, I am Sabrina!" Kelly said

"You stood down there and let Abby berate us like children for your child not working correctly with our children!" Christi yelled.

"Hey, Kendall messed up in the duet, and so did Chloe it's not Claire's fault Abby said that," Jill said

"Or is that just Abby making excuses for that cocky, lazy excuse of a dancer? Claire is not that good, Chloe could beat her in a heartbeat. She let some girl named Quinn beat her in nationals, or did you forget that Sabrina?" Christi yelled at me.

"I didn't Christi, you must have forgotten that she was injured on her foot. And she is not cocky, she is not lazy, and she is a good dancer!" I yelled.

"You must think she's so good because you're friends with Abby, Gianna, Melissa, and the whole goddamn ALDC staff, but she's not, just like Cassandra, just like Cameron! He doesn't even dance here with our girls, the one time he had a solo, he placed so low even the announcer was embarrassed!" Kelly yelled

"Worry about your daughter who just left because she wasn't good enough for Abby Kelly!" Melissa said.

"I can't believe you would say that when Cassandra is undefeated right now!" I yelled while getting up, "I'm leaving I can't deal with this anymore!"

"No come back Sabrina, don't leave." Jill

I stormed down the stairs entering the studio. "Claire and Cassandra, go get your brother, pack up your things, and go to the car, we are leaving!"

While Claire was hesitant, Cassandra was not. "Claire I mean it go!"

Abby was walking over to me while they went out to the den.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't stay here anymore! Those mothers just attacked me calling me all sorts of names and bashing my children. Calling Claire cocky, and a bad dancer. I'm finished. Sorry Abb." I said while trying to get to my car.

When I made it out there I saw Claire, Cassandra, and Cameron. Claire and Cassandra were crying.

"Mom! I don't wanna leave!" Claire cried as she was getting into the car.

"I know but we have to go," I said.

Soon Melissa and Jill were in the car.

"Please don't go, Sabrina," Melissa said

"I'm sorry all, but this is too draining. I'll call you guys tonight." I said as I drove off.


Jill interview:

"I wanted Sabrina to stay. I was going to say, "Please don't leave us here with those bitches."




Sabrina interview:

"I took some time, but Cassandra has calmed down, and Claire has calmed down, but she's been in her room all day so far, and Cameron has discussed with me that he doesn't want to go back if we do."



Sabrina POV

I invited Jill, Kendall, Maddie, Mackenzie, and Melissa to my house after they were done with dance. The kids started playing and I talked with Melissa and Jill.

"I don't know if I'm coming back, but I do know if I am, Cameron won't be joining us. He told me he heard what the moms said about him, and it already made his self-consciousness worse and he wanted to quit, I said " That's fine. I did call Abby about that, and she said that it was fine and that he was welcome back anytime."

"So you're coming back?" Jill asked hopefully

"I still don't know," I admitted

"Well, we still miss you, after you left was a shit show," Melissa said.

I laughed, "What happened."

"Well since Claire was gone, Nia became the bully, but Holly thought Nia was better than a bully, so took her out of the role, and now Payton is the bully," Melissa said.

"Glad I missed that," I said.

"Well, none of that would have happened if you stayed," Jill said

"Yeah, you're right." I laughed.

And we had a good time till it was time for them to leave.


Sabrina POV

I know it was a close decision, but I decided that me and the girls would come back. With one day till the competition.

We got inside and Abby already knew we were arriving so the girls got to work. Cassandra was pulled completely from the group to work on her solo, and Claire got to work learning the duet and the group.

I was just praying that she would nail the routines and prove the moms wrong.


Claire POV

I was extremely nervous about the dances. I want to show the moms that I'm worthy to be in this group.

We did the trio's first. Mine wasn't first out of the two so I got backstage and watched them go on. I wished them all good luck and gave Maddie and Kendall a hug.

"Please welcome trio, "Nothing More Annoying Than a Man."

Chloe messed up her spacing. But she fixed it.

Then it was our trio.

Our costumes

(Claire in white, Paige in red, Maddie in black)
Our hair

"Please welcome on stage trio, "Summer Wasteland."

(Claire-dancer in green, Maddie-dancer in tan, Paige-dancer in blue)

Cassandra's solo was up first.

Her costume

Her hair

"Cassandra don't think about how long you had to learn it. You're doing a jazz solo, thanks to your best style." I told Cassandra

She nodded, then the announcer called her name.

"Please welcome solo, "Rockstar."

I clapped as she exited the stage. She came running over to me and gave me a big hug. I was so proud of her. Then it was Maddie's solo. I hugged her and we did our special handshake before she was called onstage. 

"Please welcome to the stage, "The Girl I Want To Be."

While watching Maddie dance, I thought she did amazing. I mean I always think she does amazing but, this time it was beautiful.

I knew Chloe was a little nervous about her solo, we aren't that close cause of our momma drama, but I still hope she does well. Before she did her solo I gave her a big tight hug and wished her good luck.

"Next we are going to act number 43, "This Is Proof."

Then we got ready for the group. So much screaming, and there was so much drama. Payton almost forgot the dance.

"This is act number 34, "What Comes Around."

After the dance in the dressing room, Abby told the moms.

"Did you guys see how Cassandra and Claire perfected their parts? They are fit for this team."

The moms shut up after that



"Mini solo, first overall with a perfect score of 300, number 54, "Rockstar!"


Cassandra interview:

"When the announcer called my name I was so happy, and I was even more happy when they said I got a perfect score. It makes me want to be an official member even more now. I wanna dance forever!"


"Junior Solo, third place, act number 4, "Baby, I'm a Star". Second place goes to Act number 6, "Pray". And the first place winner, Junior Solo division is Act number 12, "The Girl I Want To Be."

I was so happy when Maddie won.

"On to the junior duo, trio division. First place trophy goes to act number 23, "Summer Wasteland."

I was so happy that our trio placed.

"Intermediate Modern Small Group, are you ready? Second place goes to "I Love Rock And Roll." First place goes to, "Bad Time Girls."

I was bummed out that our group didn't place.


After the whole competition, me and Kendall, and Maddie hung out. We just chilled out and had fun.

(Left to right, Maddie, Kendall, Claire)

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