Relations With Stephen Curry

By Desglizzy

465K 14.4K 1.6K

Not friends. Not husband and wife. Not girlfriend and boyfriend. We were nothing to each other. We just had a... More

Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia&Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
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Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
September 12th.
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Stephen's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia's Pov
Tia Pov
Stephen Pov
New Book!
New Book!

Tia's Pov

4.5K 144 8
By Desglizzy

Tia Pov
This morning I got up around 10. Stephen said the other day he'll be here around 12.

When I rolled over I didn't feel Riley. I patted around. Still no Riley. I jumped up out of the bed and ran out the room. I ran into Richard and my mom.


I was crying and panicking. Before they could say something I ran out onto the deck. They followed. What if she fell into the water! I looked out. We weren't at the deck anymore. It felt like the world was spinning.

Me- *Yells* Riley!!!!!

Riley- Yes mommy?

I turned around and Riley was sitting on the couch eating breakfast. I ran over to her.

Me- Oh baby!

I hugged her. She hugged me back.

Riley- Are you ok momma?

I nodded.

Me- Now I am. *Smiles*

??- I got your juice Ry.

I looked up and Stephen was standing over me. He handed Riley her juice.

Riley- Thank You daddy.

I was just looking at him. He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and stood up.

Me- I thought you were coming at 12?

Stephen- I came last night.

Me- *Gasp* Last night?

Stephen- Yea. *Chuckles*

I smiled.

Me- You could've woke me up.

He grabbed my waist.

Stephen- Maybe I didn't want to. *Smirks*

Me- I would kiss you but I need to brush my teeth.

Stephen chuckled. He let me go and I walked back to our room and took a shower. I did my hygiene things and got dressed. On my way back out to the deck I got a plate of strawberries and water for breakfast.

Stephen already had Riley in her swimsuit. She was laying out on the couch in the sun with Stephen. I sat beside them.

Me- Want a strawberry Ry?

She nodded and I gave her one. Tiana came out with Julez and Alan.

Julez- Riley, wanna come in the water with me and my dad?

Stephen looked down at her.

Steph- Wanna go?

Riley nodded and Julez picked her up. I made sure she had on a life jacket.

When they went to the water it just left Tiana, Stephen, & Me.

Me- Stephen this is my sister Tiana. Tiana this is Stephen.

Tiana- Nice to meet you. *Smiles*

They shook hands.

Tiana- Looks like you'll be assisting Tia in my wedding. *Smiles*

Stephen- I wouldn't have a problem with that.

I chuckled.

Tiana- Next it'll be her getting cuffed up for good.

She smirked and sipped her tea. I blushed and nudged her.

Me- *Chuckles* Leave.

Stephen was just smiling.

Tiana- Ok ok I'm leaving.

She got up and walked to the edge of the boat. I looked at Stephen.

Me- Sorry about her.

Stephen- It's ok.

Stephen pulled me onto him. We cuddled.

Steph- I missed you.

Me- I missed you too.

I reached over to my plate and grabbed a strawberry.

Stephen- Give me some.

Me- Here.

I fed him the strawberry.

Me-*Gasp* Stephen! You ate the whole thing.

He chuckled.

Stephen- What did you think I was going to do?

Me- That was the last one. Meanie.

Stephen- I'm not mean.

Me- Yes you are.

Stephen picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I giggled.

Me- What are you doing meanie?

He sat me on the rail of the boat and leaned me over.

Stephen-*Smirks* Apologize.

I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Me- If I fall. We fall together.

Stephen- That's fine.

He tickled my stomach and by habit I leaned farther back because of laughter. He still held one of my arms.

Stephen-*Chuckles* Apologize.

Me-*Laughs* Stephen I'm going to fall.

Stephen- Apologize then.

Me- Your m-GCO.

Stephen- I'm the nicest person you would ever meet. *Smiles*

He tickled me some more and I began to slip.

Me- Ok!! I apologize.

Stephen-*Smirks* For?

Me- Calling you mean. *Laughs*

He stopped tickling me and picked me up bridal style.

Stephen- Now can I have my morning kiss?

I chuckled and gave him a kiss. He put me down.

Stephen- Now, I have to go take my daily nap.

Me- See ya sleeping beauty.

Stephen- Haha jokes.

Stephen walked away. I walked to the edge of the boat and watched Riley play in the water with Julez and Alan. I held my hands on my hips.

Riley- *Waves* Hey mommy. *Smiles*

Me- Hey sweet pea.

I waved back.

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