By TheGeekyBard

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After escaping from the slavers who've taken her and others from her village, Gabrielle finds her way to camp... More



22 0 0
By TheGeekyBard

It was a quiet, yet tense trip as Gabrielle and Elle were escorted by the group of Amazons they had run into after inadvertently wandering into their borders. As the two walked among the other women they couldn't help but be fearful for what might happen to them after being brought before these women's queen.

(Talking quietly) What do you think is gonna happen to us?

(Whisper) No idea. But what I'd really like to know is what I possibly could've done to anger the gods so much where I keep ending up in these situations.

(Stern tone) Quiet back there. Both of you.

The Amazon looked over her shoulder at the two young women as the group continued walking.

We'll be arriving in the village in a few minutes. You'll have plenty opportunity to talk when you're brought before our queen.

Gabrielle and Elle did as instructed and continued on in silence as it wasn't long until they found themselves standing at the entrance of what was clearly a large Amazon village. A couple of masked women met the group and greeted their fellow Amazons upon their return before allowing them to enter before Ephiny spoke with one of them.

Do you know if the queen is busy at the moment?

Not that I'm aware of. Why do you ask?

Ephiny stepped aside and motioned to Gabrielle and Elle standing behind her, still bound by the rope around their wrists.

We found them trespassing on our lands. They say that they wondered in by mistake.

As if we're supposed to believe that.

Hey it's the truth.

Velasca glared at Gabrielle.

(Sterb tone) No one was talking to you.

Well it is. We never meant to intrude on your lands, honest.

Velasca scoffed, still not believing them as Terreis spoke up next, addressing the Amazon who had been speaking with Ephiny.

Anyway, could you please tell mother that we need to see her.

Oh I see. Of course, I shall inform the queen right away.

The woman walked away as Gabrielle and Elle were escorted to a large cage that sat off to the far side of the village and were locked inside as they were then left alone.

Hey let us out of here!

Gabrielle shook at the sturdy wooden bars of the cage door as she shouted to the women passing by, trying to get free.

Don't worry you'll be let out soon enough when queen Melosa summons you. Though if I were you I'd enjoy the safety of that cage you're in now while you still have the chance.

The woman chuckled at the ominous comment as she walked away leaving Gabrielle with a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach as she leaned her forehead against the bars of the cage.

They're gonna kill us aren't they?

Or something worse. From what I know about the Amazons, they really aren't to fond of people invading on their territory.

Gabrielle turned around and looked at Elle sitting on the ground as she leaned back against the bars opposite from her.

Well it's not like we did it on purpose. There aren't exactly any big signs put up saying that this is Amazon territory or anything. So you'd think they would be a bit more understanding of how something like this can very easily happen.

Elle shrugged as she gave Gabrielle a disappointing look.

You know this never would've happened if you hadn't run off the way you did. We were perfectly safe back in the keep.

Gabrielle scowled.

Maybe you felt safe but I sure didn't. So there was no way I was gonna stay there any longer than I had to. Especially not around that woman.

Elle mirrored Gabrielle's expression at the disparaging remark about Xena.

You can't seriously think the lord Conqueror would hurt you?

And why wouldn't I? Regardless of what you say about why she did it, I saw her mercilessly beat a man before killing him without even giving it a second thought.

(Irritated tone) I told you before that he was responsible for the suffering of his own people.

(Angry tone) So that makes okay to just out right murder someone?

(Irritated tone) In that case I think it is.

Gabrielle shook her head in disbelief.

I don't believe this. I get that you probably have personal reasons for not being upset about his death, given that you lived in that city under his rule. But you can't be serious about supporting the man's out right murder. There are laws you know. I'm sure something could've been done to remove him from power another way.

(Irritated tone) And how would you propose the residents of that city were supposed to do that? You do realize that if there's indifference and corruption at the top, in order to maintain that power that leader is going to fill as many of the other positions of power with people who either agree with the way they run things or yes men who are in it for their benefit or are too scared to go against them.

(Angry tone) Well if that's true, then which one of those are you?

Not liking the comparison that Gabrielle had just drawn between the Conqueror and the deceased Petrodes, Elle stood up and stormed over to her.

(Angry tone) Now you listen to me Gabrielle, the lord Conqueror is nothing like that man. Understand?

(Angry tone) She might not do the exact same things but that woman is just as cold and heartless as any other tyrant I've heard of. I mean who else would hold someone against their will simply for their own benefit?! So you can say whatever you want Elle, it will never change the fact that your Conqueror is an evil, heartless woman who at the end of the day only cares about herself!

(Angry tone) You know you think that you have everything all figured out when you really don't know anything!

(Angry tone) Oh trust me, I know plenty!

(Angry tone) Oh yeah?!

(Angry tone) Yeah!

(Stern tone) Hey! That's enough out of you two.

Gabrielle and Elle looked over, beyond the bars of their cage to see the blonde Amazon coming over to them with several other women.

Half of the village can hear you both.

Gabrielle and Elle shot one another an angry glance as one of the Amazons unlocked the cage door and opened it.

Let's go. Our queen wants to see you.

Gabrielle and Elle were lead out of their cell and brought across the village's large courtyard. They followed the small group of armed Amazons up to a large platform where a decorative throne sat with a tall, dark haired masked woman standing in front of it. A crowd of women stood on the ground in front of the platform and turned their eyes to Gabrielle and Elle, before parting and making a clear path for Ephiny and the others to bring to two trespassers up to the platform. Once standing at the front of the crowd, Gabrielle looked up at the imposing masked woman that stood up on the platform as the blonde Amazon stepped in front of them and took a knee as she bowed her head.

My queen, these are the ones who were caught trespassing on our lands.

The masked woman nodded slightly and waved her hand, which was apparently a non verbal cue for the kneeling Ephiny to stand as the woman did just that and moved to stand off the side with several other of her fellow Amazons.

Tell me...

Hearing the woman's voice brought both Gabrielle and Elle's attention back to the masked woman in front of them and saw her raise from her seat before mowing forward a couple of steps.

For what purpose do you have to come into our designated lands uninvited?

Well like we've been trying to tell the other women who brought us here, us being on your land is purely an accident. We didn't even know that we were trespassing until we were met with those women.

I see. And where may I as did you think you were going?

Honestly I'm not completely sure where I was going. I was actually running away from where I had been when she followed me and we ended up where you're people found us.

The masked woman looked at Elle.

Is this true?

Yes. I was actually trying to bring her back after she ran away from the lord Conqueror's keep.

The Conqueror's keep you say.

Gabrielle and Elle could hear the intrigue in the masked Amazons voice as Elle continued.

Yes. In fact it's actually located not very far from here. There are plenty of people there who can tell you that we're both actually direct servant's to the lord Conqueror herself.

I see. Well if this is true then why was it that you're friend here ran off?

Because I never wanted to be there in the first place. That woman brought me there and kept me against my will. So when I finally got the opportunity to escape that place, I took it and just ran. I didn't even know that there were Amazons anywhere around here. I just wanted to escape from that place and look for my family.

Interesting. So since you were attempting to bring this young woman back am I to assume that you're also in service of the Conqueror as well?

I am.

Interesting. Do you have proof of this?


Gabrielle felt her anxiety rise even further than where it already was as she frantically tried to think of a way to prove she was telling the truth but had no clue as to how she could possibly do so. And what would even happen to her and Elle if she did have proof? Would these women kill them on the spot for being associated with the Conqueror? Had she and Elle just made their situation worse by mentioning that they had a connection to the woman?

I do.

Gabrielle's panicked thoughts were suddenly set aside momentarily when she heard Elle speak.

My hands are tied so I can't get it. But anytime I go anywhere I always carry the lord Conqueror's official marking with me for just such occasions. The same marking that she flies on all her banners and stamps on official documents. So if you have a treaty with her then you should be able to tell if it's real or not.

I see. Very well, let's see it.

The woman gestured to another to search Elle, who told the woman that she kept the parchment in her shoe for safe keeping. So after retrieving it, the woman brought the paper up to the queen who took and examined it closely. Finally after several long moments the queen handed the paper back to the woman who brought it to her and instructed it to be returned before returning her focus on Gabrielle and Elle.

So am I to assume that one of the two of you is named Elle?

That would be me.

The woman looked back at the paper for another moment before folding it back up as she addressed Gabrielle and Elle.

It appears to be authentic. Very well I'll believe your story, for now.

Not liking this news, Velasca spoke up.

You can't be serious Melosa. They could've gotten that paper from anywhere. The fact that they have such a thing proves nothing.

The queen looked at Velasca disapprovingly.

I read it and it specifically mentions the girl by name

And who says they can't be lying about her name? You know full well the kind of threats our people face from outsiders, so why take the risk In trusting them?

Because I trust my instincts and the evidence presented before me.

(Irritated tone) So you're just going to let these trespassers go just like that? You're far too trusting Melosa and that's going to end up leading to our people's undoing.

The queen turned to face Velasca with a fierce look on her face.

(Stern tone) That's enough Velasca. You'll remember that I am your queen and unless you have a valid reason to challenge me for my throne, that's how it's going to stay. So I suggest that you show some respect. Because whither you agree with it or not, I know what I'm doing and unless proven otherwise, my decision on this matter is final.

Velasca scowled as the others in the crowd turned their eyes on her. She stood there silently for a long moment, her eyes locked in an intense glare at the Amazon queen who sat seemingly unphased by the other woman's obvious distain for her. Velasca didn't say anything more before finally turning away and storming off angerly through the crowd and leaving the immediate area. With the tense moment passed, Melosa's attention returned to her previous matter at hand as she addressed Gabrielle and Elle once more.

Given the fact I'm choosing to believe you're story, the two of you are free to go.


The Amazon queen looked at her daughter who was walking over to her from where she had been standing off to the side of the queen's throne.

Yes Terreis?

It's gonna be getting dark soon. Do you really think it's safe to send the two of them out there by themselves? They didn't even have any weapons when we encountered them.

I suppose you do have a point. I wouldn't want to be responsible for sending innocent young women out into a potentially dangerous situation unnecessarily.

Melosa thought for a moment.

well then I think it would be alright if we allowed the two of them can stay the night I'm sure we can find somewhere for them to sleep.

The queen searched the crowd for a moment until she spotted the woman she was looking for.

Ephiny, why don't you take our visitors and show them to that empty hut that just got finished being fixed after Terreis plowed through the wall on a horse.

Oh why did you have to bring that up? I said I was sorry. The horse got spooked when I rode by the practice field and almost got hit with an arrow.

Which was why I had told you not to ride around that area with him.

The young Amazon rolled her eyes in response to her mother's comment as Melosa chuckled at her daughter's embracement. She then returned to speaking to Ephiny.

And because I'm certain that they're probably hungry by now, have someone bring them something to eat as well.

Yes my queen.

Ephiny walked over to where Gabrielle and Elle stood as she instructed them to follow her. As Gabrielle and Elle were lead away, Melosa disbursed the rest of the crowd to go about their business as Terreis spoke.

I'll meet you at home later mother. I think I'm gonna go with Ephiny and grab a bite to eat.

The young princess walked off in the same direction Ephiny had taken Gabrielle and Elle as Melosa stepped off the platform where her throne sat and watched back to her hut.

So who's the new girls?

Gabrielle and Elle sat down at a table with their plates of food as a couple of unfamiliar Amazons approached where they Ephiny and Terreis sat.

Oh this is Gabrielle and Elle.

The young princess motioned to each of them as she said their names to indicate who was who. The pair greeted the unknown Amazons who did the same in return.

And Gabrielle, Elle, this is Solari...

The young woman motioned to one of the Amazons.

and Eponin.

She gestured to the other woman.

Nice to meet you.

Like wise.

The two Amazons greeted their visitors politely as everyone sat and ate as a number of the women carried on a casual conversation. And as they sat and ate their fill, Elle was surprised by Gabrielle's much more upbeat and chatty demeanor as she struck up a lively conversation with Terreis, who seemed to almost immediately take a liking to her.

I can't believe you actually live here Terreis. It's certainly different from where I grew up.

Gabrielle and Elle followed Terreis through the village as the young princess showed them around.

I'm glad you like it. Though I bet living with the Conqueror is far more extravagant. So I'm sure our humble little village pales in comparison to what the two of you must be used to.

Gabrielle lowered her head sadly.

Actually up until a little over a month ago I lived with my mother, father and younger sister in my home village of Potidea.

The small group stopped walking as Terreis looked at Gabrielle.

The whole reason we even ended up here was because I ran away from the Conqueror's keep to try and find my sister and mother who were taken by slavers. They took a lot of people from my village and would have taken me too, but I somehow managed to escape. Only to end up in the wrong place and being taken captive by the Conqueror instead.

There was an awkward silence as Terreis wasn't sure how to respond.

Oh... I'm sorry Gabrielle. I didn't know. I didn't think the Conqueror kept slaves.

She doesn't.

Gabrielle shot Elle a mean look.

(Irritated tone) I was brought there against my will and she isn't paying me for anything I've been doing. So what would you call it?

I don't know. I guess you're situation is different.

(Sarcasm) Gee I guess that just makes me special dosen't it?

Feeling things grow tense between Gabrielle and Elle, Terreis regretted bringing up that particular topic as she couldn't help but feel for Gabrielle as it seemed as though she'd been placed into an unfortunate situation.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a sensitive subject.

It's okay, you didn't know.

The trio resumed walking as Terreis continued to show Gabrielle and Elle around.

Wow this place is really amazing isn't. It's nothing like Potidea or really any other place I've seen.

Gabrielle turned away from the window in the small hut that she and Elle had been given to sleep in for the night after being escorted there after Terreis finished giving them a tour of the village.

Yeah it's really something.

I'm happy I could show you both around.

The Amazon sat on the arm of a chair..

As you might've guessed we don't exactly get a lot of visitors and there really isn't anyone else around my age here, so I get pretty bored and even a bit lonely around here sometimes. So it's nice to have the two of you here. Even if it's just for tonight. I bet it must sound silly for me to say something like that when I live in a village full of people.

Gabrielle looked at Terreis.

I don't think that sounds silly at all. Even though I miss it now, back in Potidea I actually felt really alone. Don't get me wrong, I had my family and a few friends, but I just never felt like I really fit in there. Like I didn't belong.

You really don't make any sense Gabrielle. I mean if you really felt so alone back in your village, then why would you wanna go back to that?

Because it's still my home. It's where everyone I love lives. And besides even if I did want to leave and strike out on my own to see the world, I wanted it to be my choice of where I went and what I did.
(Sad tone) But instead I just ended up trading simply feeling like a prisoner for actually being one instead.

It was late that night as Gabrielle laid awake in the dark room. She could have Elle sound asleep in the other small bed on the opposite side of the small bedroom. She carefully pulled back her covers and got out of bed as she slipped into her shoes and quietly snuck out of the room. Determined not to be sent back to the Conqueror's keep, Gabrielle moved to the front door of the hut and cracked the door open just enough for her to peek outside. Her heart sank however when she saw several women walking around, and figured from the fact that they were armed, that the women must've been some of the village's guards out on patrol. Disheartened, Gabrielle quietly shut the door and returned to bed.

Okay let's get going.

Morning came all too soon for Gabrielle as she found herself on the back of a horse behind Ephiny, with Elle riding with another of the village women as a small group of Amazons rode out of the village to escort Gabrielle and Elle back to the Conqueror's keep. Knowing that she couldn't fight or out run these women, Gabrielle sat on the back of the horse feeling completely defeated as what she was certain would be her one and only attempt at an escape came to an end and she would once again soon be face to face with the Conqueror whether she liked it or not. But in spite of what Elle and the Amazons might have said about the woman, Gabrielle still couldn't help but think of how the Conqueror would react to the news of her temporary escape and what Xena would do to her upon her return.

(Worried tone) What happened?!

There's no time to explain. Go alert the healers that the lord Conqueror's been gravely injured and is on the way.

Leonidas held Xena's limp body in his arms as he dismounted his horse after returning to the keep as fast as he possibly could, along with some of Xena's army who had managed to keep up with him on his fast paced ride back. The guard nodded as he saw Xena and hurried into the building with Leonidas following as he carried Xena. He glanced over his shoulder for a moment as he heard a woman's voice shouting from behind him. He then saw a group of soldiers entering the gates with the lead soldier holding a flailing older woman on his horse as she demanded repeatedly for him to release her.

Easy with the woman, and bring her to one of the guest rooms. Make sure she's comfortable and I'll be with her shortly.

The soldiers proceeded with Leonidas' instructions as he quickly continued into the building with Xena as he hoped it wasn't already too late for the healers to save Xena.


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