Katie McCabe oneshots

By hotgirl1222

67.2K 1.1K 93

Katie McCabe one shots More

1. You didnt deserve that
2. flashbacks
3. i need you
4. Overworking
5. Overwoking (part 2)
6. Phone call
7. Bad day
8. Let me help you
9. What just happened?
10. What just happened? (part 2)
11. What just happened? (Part3)
New story
12. You are more than enough
13. Calm down, you're scaring me
14. Breathe
15. Where the hell were you?
16. Let me take care of you
17. You're blushing
18. Do you want a massage?
19. The photo
21. Can you stay?
22. Second chance
23. Long day
24. I dont hate you, katie
25. I didn't mean to hurt you
26. Can't sleep either?
27. Can you get me?
28. Can you get me? (Part 2)
29. I'm sorry
30. A rainy night
31. We can finish this when we get home
32. You haven't noticed
33. I missed you
34. Im fine, I promise
35. Just listen to me, okay
36. Of course
37. Of course (part 2)
38. Yellow cards
39. Just a cough
40. I dont hate you, katie (part 2)
42. Too much
43. Im not sick

20. The photo (part 2)

1.3K 29 7
By hotgirl1222

katie POV:

I woke up with a banging headache. When I lifted my head up to look at y/n beside me the bed was empty. I didn't think too much of it as she probably just woke up before me.

Last night was awful. Caitlin kissed me. I pushed her away after I realized what she did. I can't believe it. She knows I'm with y/n and she still tried it. She wasn't that drunk either, i was a bit more tipsy then she was and it makes me feel sick thinking that she tried to take advantage of me when I was drunk. I really need to talk to y/n today and explain myself before she finds out from someone else and the story gets twisted.

I get up and head down the stairs expecting to see my girlfriend in the kitchen or in the living room, but the house is empty. My heart rate starts to pick up. She would've told me is she was going somewhere, she always does. I go on my phone to check if she left me a message but before I could, I saw all the notifications from Instagram and messages from the Arsenal girls.

'How could you do this to her?'

'Katie, you need to explain that picture to me because if it is what I think is you're dead.'

Kim L
'Katie, I thought you were better then this, I'm disappointed.'

'Shit' i say under my breath, my heart dropping to the floor. She's seen it, every one has seen it and I look like a cheater. I would never cheat on anyone especially y/n.

I go onto instagram and the first thing I see is a picture of me and Caitlin kissing last night. It looks mutual but that's far from the truth.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw my puffy eyes in the hallway mirror as I grabbed my car keys. I tried ringing y/n over 10 times but it just went to voicemail every time.

I got into the car and had a feeling where she was. Her closest friend is Leah so I suspect she went there after seeing the photo. I feel so terrible, I never want to hurt y/n, I love her too much and i can't believe I've hurt her this much. I really hope she believes me when I tell her what actually happened last night otherwise I don't know what I will do.

I pulled up outside Leah's and got out of the car so fast and ran to the door. Knocking frantically. Leah pulled open the door, looking the angriest I've ever seen her, which is understandable. Before she could open her mouth I slipped through the small gap in the door not wanting to hear a speech and needing to explain myself to y/n .

I walked into the living room, the sight I saw made my heartbreak all over again. She was sat on the sofa, tears still streaming down her face.
"I don't want to talk to you." She said harshly not meeting my eyes. Her voice hoarse from all the crying.
"Please let me explain, and then I'll go. Please y/n" I say basically begging her to listen to me.
She didn't reply so I took it as my cue to start.
"It wasn't what it looked like, I promise y/n. I would never kiss her. She kissed me and as soon as she did I pushed her away and left. I would never cheat on you. You are my world and I would never hurt you like that. You have to believe me. I'm in love with you and I only want to kiss you for the rest of my life" my voice breaking as tears stream down my face.
"I'm so sorry you had to find out about it before I told you, you don't deserve that. You don't deserve any of this. You were right, she does have a thing for me but I was too stupid not to see it and it resulted in you getting hurt which I regret so much. I'm so sorry baby" I finish not being able to say anything else my words being muffled by my cries.
She lifted her eyes from the floor and they met mine.
"I believe you. I know you're not like that and I never trusted that girl, I knew eventually she was going to try something like that with you. but if I find out you're lying to me I will never speak to you again and we're over. Do you understand?" She says sternly. I let out a sigh of relief and agreed with her. Thankful that she knows I would never do something like that to her.

I walked over to the sofa and hugged her. She was tense at first but soon melted into my touch.
"I love you" i said into her hair
"I love you too" she said, then words making everything feel okay again but knowing it was far from it.
That picture was all over social media and I needed to do something about it.

We left Leah's after she gave me a very stern talk saying if I ever did anything like that agin she would murder me. I didn't argue with her. I understood how she felt, i was grateful my girlfriend had people around her that cared so much.

Once we got home I texted everyone to explain what had happen, not sparing Caitlin as I was outraged at her behavior last night. Praying everyone believed me as I wasn't like that.

I knew at some point I would have to put out a statement explaining what happened but for now all I wanted to do was have my girlfriend in my arms and appreciate every moment with her. And that's what we did, I could worry about everything tomorrow I just wanted to be with her. I always want to be with her.

—— not sure about this but let me know your thoughts on it xx

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