By TheGeekyBard

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After escaping from the slavers who've taken her and others from her village, Gabrielle finds her way to camp... More



24 1 0
By TheGeekyBard

It was late morning as a series of horses were brought to a stop along a small ridge that overlooked a vast scenery before them.

I'm not seeing anything around here my lord. Are you certain that Draco's army gonna come this way?

The Conqueror gazed over the expanse of area as she used her incredibly well honed and battle tested instincts to read into the situation at hand before speaking.

I'm sure of it.

Not to question your instincts my lord, but with so many ways to come in toward the village what makes you so sure that they'll attack from this side?

Because it's exactly what I would do.

Without saying another word Xena gave her horse a nudge with her feet to begin moving again as Leonidas and the rest of Xena's men followed her toward the village. The Conqueror led the portion of the army she had brought with her a little closer to their destination before spotting a large group of soldiers in the distance which appeared to be heading in the village's direction as well. And judging from the size of the group of riders and noting the specific way they were dressed, Xena didn't have any doubt about just who the group of people were. So with a scowl on her face and a swift draw of her blade, Xena let out a commanding yell as she got her horse into a fast gallop straight for the opposing group of soldiers.

Kill 'em all!

Leonidas and the rest of Xena's men followed the Conqueror as they all stampeded directly toward the other army.

What was that?

A yell could be heard ringing through the air as a number of soldiers amung the large group stopped their March and looked in the direction of which the sound had originated from. The sound echoed through the area as it reached the front of the army and their leader smirked to himself at the sound.

(Thinking to himself) I was wondering when she would show up.

Draco turned the horse he was riding around to see Xena and her men rapidly closing in.

(Angry tone) Xena.

Hector drew his blade as he scowled at the incoming Conqueror. He was just about to begin charging for her when Draco put his arm out in front of him in a clear order for him not to attack.

No, let her come. I've been waiting for this.

Hector gave Draco a questioning expression that was met with a confident chuckle.

Oh we don't have anything to fear from Xena any more. Not with the powerful alliance I've made.

You've mentioned this alliance before but never said anything about who it was.

Draco smirked.

Oh don't worry I'm sure you'll see who it is soon enough. Now what do you say we go meet up with the soon to be ex-conqueror of Greece and let her know that her reign has come to an end.

With a vocal command to his horse, Draco began casually riding toward Xena with Hector following close behind.

It seems as though they've spotted us and are coming our way my lord.

Seeing Draco's relaxed approach toward an enemy made Xena's instincts go on high alert but still she slowed her advance to a slow trot with the rest of her men following suite.

Are they not attacking? Strange.

My thoughts exactly.

Do we go in full force anyway?

No, not yet.

Xena quickly scanned the area for anything suspicious but couldn't immediately see anything out of place but still something about the situation just didn't feel right to her.

Something about this isn't right. They've got something up their sleeve I can feel it. There's no way Draco didn't expect me to show up when set his sights on Amphipolis. He knows that's the one place that I'd never forfeit to anyone no matter the numbers. So it begs the question of what he's actually doing.

Xena sheathed her weapon.

Wait here. I'm gonna go in and see what's going on.

By yourself? My lord I know you're fighting abilities are second to none but even you can't take on a whole army out in the open like this on your own.

Don't be ridiculous Leonidas I'm not going in to fight. Draco likes to talk and there was a point when we weren't enemies. Actually I think he might've had a thing for me.

Well given the fact that he's going after Amphipolis of all places, I think it's probably safe to say at this point that ship has sailed.

(Sarcasm) Yeah it's a real tragedy.
Still it might give me something to work with so we can get the jump on him. Stay here and wait for my signal. Then we slaughter every last one of them.

The Conqueror's eye's turned to an ice cold stare as she focused on the enemy army's leader with fierce intensity.

(Cold tone) But just remember, that son of a bitch Draco is mine.

Then with the rest of her army staying behind, Xena rode in close to Draco's army. Seeing just Xena coming Draco got down from his mount and casually moved to stand a little in front of the rest of his forces as Xena reached him, stopping her horse just a few feet in front of him as he flashed a fake smile.

Ah Xena. Long time no see. So tell me what brings you here of all places.

(Angry tone) Fuck off Draco. You know damn well why I'm here.

Xena's face was fixed with what seemed to be a permanent scowl as she pointed her sword at the opposing warlord.

(Threatening tone) This is your one and only warning, back off and stay away from Amphipolis and anywhere else that you know is under my control or else.

Draco chuckled as he sat unintimidated by the Conqueror.

Or else what, Xena? Am I supposed to be afraid? What are you gonna do, capture me, torture, kill me? Ha! You might be able to intimate everyone else you come in contact with but not me.

Big talk for someone who took this long to make a move despite saying that you aren't scared.

It called preparation and planning. I might not fear you but I know what you and your army are capable of. So if I wanted to rip everything you have right out from under you, I needed to be fully prepared and give myself every advantage possible.

Too bad that still won't be enough.

Xena gave her sword a twirl as Draco, his men and Xena's all readied their weapons.

Oh Xena you still have no clue what you're really up against. But I guess it was just about time I showed you.

Draco lunged for Xena with a swing of his sword which Xena used her own blade to block. She attempted to shove Draco back but was overpowered as the warlord deflected her weapon and swung his blade at her neck. Xena quickly ducked out of the way and took another swing, aiming her sword at Draco's open side. Draco jumped up high and flipped over Xena, seemingly dodging her attack effortlessly. He then immediately went back on the offensive as he drove his blade toward Xena's back. Instinctively Xena brought her blade behind her and blocked Draco's strike. She yelled as she shoved the blade away and spun around with a swipe of her sword. The weapon on a trajectory right for Draco's neck, Xena knew she had him beat until she saw him smile as just before her blade made contact, it was stopped as Draco grabbed onto it with his bare hand. Xena then attempted to pull her weapon away but found that it wouldn't budge as she could see the tight grip Draco had on the blade but seemed to be uncut as she didn't see any blood coming from his tightly closed hand.


Draco smirked.

Like I said before Xena, you're day's of ruling Greece are over.

Then before Xena had the time to react, Draco let go of her sword and threw a hard punch into her stomach, the force causing her to double over before getting hit by another powerful fist to the side of her face that dropped her to the ground.

My lord!

Hearing Leonidas Xena got to a knee and motioned for everyone to remain where they were. Reluctantly they obeyed and Xena returned her attention to Draco who stood with a confident smile as he watched Xena stand back up.

What was that? You've never had that level of physical strength. Actually I can't think of anyone who dose. It's inhuman.

Your absolutely right Xena. This power isn't human. In fact you could say that it's almost godly.

Draco then threw several shots to Xena's face and midsection before landing one final uppercut to her chin that sent her flying backwards. Xena hit the ground several feet away and groaned in pain as she lifted her head to see Draco just standing in the same spot he had been. Leonidas and the others allied with the Conqueror stood in shock at the ease of which Draco had appeared to had beaten Xena. Even Xena herself was stunned by the turn of events as she knew that it ment that taking down Draco just became far more difficult than she could have ever anticipated. Which in turn meant that he truly was now a legitimate threat to not only Amphipolis but to Xena's rule as Conqueror all together. But not willing to go down without a fight, Xena rose to her feet and used the back of her hand to wipe the blood from her split lip away before gripping her sword angerly as she realized how Draco must've gotten his new level of strength.

(Cold tone) You know you really are pathetic Draco. You couldn't cut it on your own so go crying to the gods to help you beat me. If you think that'll be enough to save you, you're still vastly underestimating me and what I'm about to do to you. So go ahead and call on your God, bring them here and after I'm done with you I'll send a message loud and clear to everyone mortal or not that anyone who dares to come against me will fall by my blade one way or another.

Oh you really are good. Then again that doesn't really surprise me.

Xena sneered as a flash of light appeared a quickly faded to reveal the figure that had suddenly appeared amongst them.

So it was you who gave Draco this power. But why, what is it that you're getting out of this? I can't see you caring one bit about who rules over Greece? So why bother getting involved in any of this at all...

Xena turned to face the new arrival on the scene and glared at them.


Frantic feet ran through a thick forest as Gabrielle ducked behind a tree a tried to catch her breath after she'd been running for quite some time.

Gabrielle?! Where'd you go?!

Gabrielle attempted to calm her breathing as she pressed against the tree, hoping that Elle would move on.

(Thinking to herself) I am not being taken back to that mad woman. She's completely insane and I know that it's only a matter of time before I end up the target of her violence. And I am not sticking around and just waiting for that to happen. Plus I'm not exactly fond of the idea of being used as some kind of pawn for whatever's going on between the Conqueror and that guy Draco.

Gabrielle sighed.

(Thinking to herself) I still have to somehow find out where mother, Lila and the others from back home are too.

Gabrielle leaned her head against the tree.

(Thinking to herself) But how?

She then pushed off the large truck of the tree and looked around at the dense wooded area she now found herself in and decided that the only way she was going to come any closer to finding anyone was to just start walking.

(Thinking to herself) If I get out of this forest and find civilization, I can start asking around and hopefully find someone who can help me save them or will at least know something about where I can begin to look for where they could've been taken.

Gabrielle continued on for a bit until she suddenly heard rustling coming from behind her. Unsure of what it could be Gabrielle moved to go hide behind another large tree but due to it being darker within the forest she couldn't see too well and got her foot caught on a piece of an unearthed root from a tree sticking out of the ground and tripped. She involuntarily groaned as she hit the ground and alerted Elle to her location as she hurried over to see Gabrielle standing back up.

Oh good I found you.

Elle moved closer to Gabrielle and attempted to take her by the arm.

Now come one let's get back to the keep.

Gabrielle pulled her arm away and stepped back a little from Elle.

I'm not going back there Elle. I don't get it you're such a nice person, why can't you see what a monster that woman you call Lord Conqueror is?? If it's because you're afraid of her? If so then just come with me. We never have to go back or see that evil woman ever again.

For the first time since she had known her the normally cheerful Elle scowled.

(Angry tone) The lord Conqueror is not evil or some kind of monster and I'm tired of people who don't even know her thinking that she is.

Gabrielle returned an unhappy look back at Elle.

(Angry tone) I saw her ruthlessly beat and then kill a man just because she wanted his city. You tell me how that isn't evil?

(Angry tone) She's might have a temper at times but trust me the man who ran that city was not a good person.

(Angry tone) Why because he wouldn't give your dear Conqueror what she wanted?

Because he owned countless slaves and treated both them and his subjects poorly.

You're lying, I saw Olympia with my own eyes and that city was beautiful.

Maybe on the outside or for those who were fortunate enough to be nobility. But for the average citizen living under Petrodes' rule was a nightmare.

How could you possibly know something like that? You weren't even there.

No but I've been there before. Long before the day my family was killed we visited that city to see my uncle who lived there. I was just a little girl but I remember seeing and hearing things that while I didn't fully understand at the time, deep down something told me that it wasn't right.

Like what?

Rampid poverty, slavery, forced prostitution. People wondering the streets either homeless, searching for their next high or both. Children orphaned or abandoned just wondering the streets with many falling victim to all manner of abuse. And all of it happened under the rule of that terrible man Petrodes.

Elle shook her head in disgust.

Honestly I'm not sure if it wouldn't be better off if the lord Conqueror just burned that place to the ground. But her lordship saw that place as something that despite the darkness that she saw could be salvaged if under her control.

(Talking to herself) So it wasn't just because she wanted the city as her own?

You see? There's much more to the lord Conqueror than what you might hear, think or see. She's human with both good and bad qualities just like anyone else. It's just that a lot of the time those bad ones have the tendency to win out.

Gabrielle gave Elle a blank stare.

(Flat tone) You know that isn't exactly the reassuring comment you think it is Elle.

Well you get what I mean, now come on let's get out of here. This forest kinda gives me the creeps.

Elle looked around as she felt an uneasy feeling settle over her.

I already told you, I'm not going back. I have to find my mother and sister and save them. So don't bother trying to stop me.

Gabrielle turned away to leave before looking over her shoulder at the one person she had come to consider a friend during her time at the Conqueror's keep.

Bye Elle. It really was nice to get to know you.

Gabrielle then looked forward and began walking away as Elle called after her.

Okay I got wanting to go out to find your family but just how exactly are you supposed to do that? I mean do you even know where you're going?

Gabrielle stopped and turned back to face Elle.

Well... no.

And if you do find them, what then? You know that whoever has them probably isn't gonna let them go just because you ask nicely.

I know that but...

Gabrielle clenched her fist in frustration as the reality of actually saving her mother and sister truly sank in.

What am I supposed to do, just forget about them and move on as if nothing happened?

Of course not.

Gabrielle tried to fight it but couldn't as the tears began to fall from her eyes when the thought of never seeing her family hit her once again.

I never wanted any of this Elle. I just want my family back. I miss them so much everyday. I don't even know if my mother and sister are even still alive or where they could possibly be. I just...

Gabrielle didn't know what else to say as she just cried and Elle held her friend in an effort to comfort her.

Don't worry Gabrielle I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

After a moment they separated as Elle got an idea.

Hey maybe her lordship can help you find 'em.

Gabrielle scoffed as she wiped away her remaining tears.

(Sarcasm) Yeah right. Why would she want to help her newest servant find her family?
It's not like she actually cares about me other than what I can do for her.

Elle opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she and Gabrielle suddenly heard rustling in the trees above surrounding them.

(Nervous tone) What was that??

She and Elle moved close and stood nervously looking around at the greenery overhead.

(Nervous tone) I have no idea.

The noise continued as the two stood unarmed and unprepared for whatever moved above them. Both scared that this might very well be their end. This feeling was only made worse as several masked figures suddenly decended from the trees and surrounded them holding weapons ready to strike. And in that moment Gabrielle was certain that her luck of surviving everything that she had up until that point had finally run out as multiple swords and spears were firmly aimed at her and Elle with their masked welders closing in.


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