Mr.CEO and his beautiful baby

By parkkhu8

35.7K 2.1K 100

jikook More

✨to introduce✨
✨part. 3✨
✨part. 4✨
✨part. 6✨
✨part. 7✨
✨ part.10✨
✨ part.12✨
✨ part.15✨
💥 .....note.....💥
✨ part.20✨
✨ part.21✨
✨ part.22✨
✨ part.24✨
✨ part.34✨
✨ part.35✨
✨ part.37✨
✨ part.39✨
✨ part.41✨
✨part.42 ✨
✨part 47✨


791 38 2
By parkkhu8

Other side morning time 8am at jeon mansion Mr Jeon site on couch and talking to a wedding arranger on call and Mrs Jeon she make breakfast. Today she is so happy because tomorrow his sons getting married. She done with making breakfast and come to living room. " Honey breakfast is ready common have it." She said to Mr Jeon. "Hmm Ok so everything should be perfect there should be no shortage of anything tomorrow " he said and cut the call and put on tea table and stand up from couch. "Hmm" They both site on chair and eating breakfast. " Honey do you called jin is they have to receive wedding suits today. I already arrenge their weddings suits. suits will reach jin's apartment on time 11:30am." Mrs Jeon said and look at Mr Jeon. " No I haven't called Jin but wait I will do it right now." With that Mr Jeon take his phone from living room and came back and call jin. In few rings jin pick up the call.

"Hello uncle "jin said

"Hello son how are you doing" Mr Jeon said.

"Good what about you and ji-ya aunty." Jin said.

"We are fine. Where is jimin. Mr Jeon asked.

"Jimin going outside for buy something ."

"Hmm you and jimin are going somewhere today "

" Yes iam going hospital because today I have to do a imported surgery on 1pm. But jimin is not going he is at  home"jin said.

"Okay because you have to receive suits yours wedding suits ji-ya arrenge everything for yours wedding." Mr Jeon said.

"Oo thanks for all what you did for us.  Thank you so much uncle."

" Oo my son what are you saying. What I am calling you? My son right I call you and jimin my sons right. Then why you have to say thanks to your appa."

"I am sorry uncle."

"From now you and jimin both not have to call me and ji-ya uncle and and aunty okay. You both have to call us mom,dad- appa eomma what you like okay"

"Okay appa when have to receive suits."

" Now it's good huh it's On 11:00am"

" Okay uncle"

"Okay son take care byy"

"Byy appa"

Mr Jeon Hung up the call and look at Mrs Jeon who already look at him.
" Jin is going hospital but jimin is
home so jimin will receive suits." Mr Jeon said. " Hmm now everything is fine I am only waiting for tomorrow's evening. I am very happy." Mrs Jeon said joyfully. They both eat breakfast and discuss about tomorrow's marriage ceremony.

At jin apartment. Jin is getting ready for his work and jimin back from Shop. Jimin sit in living room and jin come " oo you came" jin asked "hmm when you leave." Jimin said. "Hmm in 30 minutes." Jin replied. "Jimin uncle jungsuk (jungkook's dad) call early and said they send wedding suits and I am going hospital so you have to receive suits on 11am okay." Jin said to jimin. Jimin in his thoughts when jin said about wedding suits " why I am getting married with someone who I am not seen him before and also I am not love him. I want to marry with someone who I will love in future but God have some other things for me. But okay for eomma appa, I will do anything." Jimin thought in his mind and. "...Min.. jimin you hear me what I say." Jin bring him back from his thoughts. "Okay hyung I understand." Jimin reply. " Okay common have breakfast I made already came. " Jin said and jimin stand up and go towards dinning table. "Hmm." Jimin said and site on his chair and jin site infort him. Both are taking about rendom things and eating food make by jin. after some time jin laft and jimin go to take bath. time skip 11am. Jimin seat in living room and watching TV and then door bell ring he standup and go to open the door.  Jimin open the and " yes" jimin said. "Sir this yours suits mrs Jeon send." Dilivery boy said and give jimin the suits beg. Jimin take the beg and said. "Oo thank you." " Okay sir thank you" and the boy laft and jimin come in and lock the door. Jimin put the big heavy beg and open. He can see there is two expensive and branded suits. Both suits is white. Jimin is amazed by suits and bring one suit out and look. "WOW this is so beautiful hmm. I really like it, Aunty's choice is really good. Oo it's jin hyung there is a name tag. But Wow this Both suits are so beautiful." Jimin said and look at suits.


Time skip..

All newspaper and news chennal and international news chennal have a big news on. And heading lines is...





this tips NEWS trending on all news chennal and business chennal. And why not because jungkook is famous CEO in world. And also family is famous.

And here Jungkook landed 🛬 Korea at 8 pm it's already night. He comes out at find that is namjoon waiting with three car. Because jungkook have so many enemies so he have tight security around him and his mansion. So others two cars for his security. Jungkook hug namjoon and " how was your flight. " Rm asked and break the hug. " Hmm fine. I am tired let's go."
" Okay but you have to come today mansion. mom wants you to live with us, because tomorrow is wadding and she said to bring you directly there." RM said and jungkook rolled his eyes back with annoying face. " What wants mom huh hmm okay let's go."  Jungkook said and mr Lee opened the car door Jungkook and namjoon both sit and driver start the car and drove towards mansion. ( No matter how dangerous Jungkook is, he becomes like a small child with his family.)

They arrived Jeon mansion car stopped and Mr Lee opened the door jungkook and namjoon came out. Jungkook entered in mansion and behind him namjoon and Mr Lee. Jungkook came in living room and site on couch and then Mrs Jeon came running in living room and said " jungkook you arrived" and hugged jungkook happily. "Yes mom where dad is." Jungkook said and break hug
"he is in study room calling some important guests." "Hmm" " you look tried kookie go and take shower and came back and you too jooni I will properd your two's favourite food, hmm go." Mrs Jeon said looking at namjoon. " Okay mom." Namjoon said and jungkook already left from there for his room. "This kid." Mrs Jeon said behind him. "Okay ma'am I am going for some work." Mr Lee said behind her. " Oo I am not seen you hmm okay but not more work go home okay." Mrs Jeon said and Lee nodded. But he can't go home without jungkook's promise and he have a work to find a person who try to sell jungkook's important files. Mr Lee recently find that someone try to get important files from company. But that person don't know who with he trying. Mr. Lee left.

After some time they eat and site in living room and chit chatting about wedding but jungkook not interested in so he left and came to his room and doing something in laptop. Time skip and It's already midnight and jungkook still wide awake and site in balcony and then his phone ringing he take phone and said. " Speak " with deep voice. "Mr Jeon I find that person who in behind all this. Mr Lee said and jungkook smirked. " Bring him basement and I and tie him I will come morning." Jungkook said. " But Mr Jeon your wedding is t......" Jungkook cut and said "you don't have to tell me what I want to do or not do what, what I said UNDERSTAND."  Last sentence he said in loudly and cold voice. Mr Lee feared and said. "O.okk.Okay mr Jeon." Jungkook cut the call and look up at sky and then he come in room and sleep.

Next morning....

Jungkook go his mension early morning. He entered in basement guard bow and opened the door and jungkook entered he can see that person tie in chair. He is never think this person try to sell his files because he is his trusted manager but he don't care anymore. " Hmm so you are the one." Jungkook said in deep voice and his face is scary. Walking near and site infort him. " Please forgive me Mr Jeon please I do this only for want more money please live me." Jungkook laugh and again look at him with scary face. He feared. " Who gives you money for this." Jungkook ask. But mr.min not responding. Jungkook suddenly take knife and Jungkook suddenly took a knife and stuck it in Mr mum's leg. Mr min loudly screamed in pain. Jungkook again asked only " who" " it's Mr Kang's son." Jungkook already know that he is the one who is behind all this. Because he try many times but everytime he filled. But jungkook not do anything because he is his father's bestfriend's son and jungkook also don't want this if he wants he will in only second but he will not do anything. Jungkook angrily stand up and cut Mr min hand and said "kill him and throw him in forest" in loud voice make every one flinch and scared. "Mr Jeon. Mr Jeon Mr Jeon please leave me le.. lea.. leave me please please." Mr min begged but  jungkook left from there. If anyone cames in jungkook's basement he or she will never come back outside alive. Jungkook come back mansion and he is angry and entered in and then " where are you coming from this early morning." Mrs Jeon said. " I go mansion for some important work.  I am going in my room don't disturb me. I want to leave alone sometimes." Jungkook said and start to walk but. "What happened with your mood jungkook ? Something wrong?." Mrs Jeon ask " no mom It's just work stress. Hmm." Jungkook is angry for what happened early in basement if he wants to kill semin he will but he is not doing anything because of Mr Kang. Mr Kang good man with good heart and jungkook can say good business partner and trusted man for his father when his father Company getting down Mr Kang is one who halp Jeon family and jungkook respect Mr Kang like his father but his son is not happy to see jeon's success and that why he do this and always. And he also in Mafias there he is also joulesy to see jungkook as a mafia King. And Mr Kang only have one son and can say only family that's why he don't do anything. And for that he is angry. Jungkook again trn and walk but Mrs Jeon hold his wirst and stop him. But jungkook look back at her with angry and scary face. Mrs Jeon scared and leave him hend and said. "Hmm o..ok..okay you go and take rest I will call you when breakfast is ready."  Jungkook not said anything and leave from there. If jungkook is angry no one can calm him and not try to say anything infort him even his family and friends. That's why Mrs Jeon not say anything because she knows about jungkook very much. Mrs Jeon look at jungkook back and then laft. Jungkook rest in his room to calm down himself.

Time skip 5pm and wedding will be 7pm in Seoul big and luxurious plecs.
Jeon family already their way to  wedding hall. And jungkook is in his own car. Jimin and jin both are also left apartment and made their way to hall. Jin and jimin's makeup artist already there and another things what they need. Jeon family arrived first and three luxurious car Stop infort hall. In First car is Jungkook's perents and namjoon, in secand jungkook and Last one is bodyguard car.



Byy guys💜💜💜💜

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