Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

228K 5.3K 1.6K

Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter No. 40
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter # 45

2.7K 85 23
By armaghan_ror

After the dust had settled, Half of the room was in pieces. Rimuru and Veldora had stopped the fight. But not before Diablo had beaten Carrera to such a state where she couldn't talk anymore.

Needless to say, the Demon Lords and the rulers had quite the show to watch.

After getting back to normal, including healing Carrera to such a state where she can at least react again. The reaction resumed.

Rimuru was experimenting with the new skills that he had obtained by killing Charybdis.

Right now, he was experimenting with [Gravity Manipulation].

Hinata= I think you said that you were going to take care of Shizu-san's students. So, what the hell are you doing right now?

Rimuru= Well there were quite a lot of things that I had to deal with before I left for Ingracia.

Alice= For example, what?

Shuna= For example, there were the delegations.

Fuze= Delegations?

Carrion= Oh so this is during the time when we exchanged delegations.

Rimuru= Yeah that is the time when we exchanged delegations and really started building relations.

Gazel= And if I am not wrong then this is also when you came to Dwargon at my invitation.

Rimuru= Yeah after I had dealt with the whole Eurazania business I then came back towards Dwargon.

Elmesia= So during this time you established permanent relations with both Eurazania and Dwargon.

Leon= So this was the time when you really appeared on the World map.

Rimuru= Yeah, I guess you can say that.

Yuuki= Dang Rimuru-san, you had deal with all this busy work makes sense why you had to delay your journey to Ingracia.

Rimuru= Yeah, I know that.

Ciel= <...>

Testarossa= So you absorbed Charybdis, then you must have gone way stronger.

Rimuru= Yeah Charybdis was as strong as me if not stronger. So yeah, I got quite the boost when I absorbed it.

Carrion= Oh so now it makes sense why your subordinates became so much stronger than before.

Milim= What do you mean?

Carrion= Remember Rimuru absorbed Charybdis.

Ultima= Yeah that's what she said genius.

Guy= And as Rimuru becomes stronger his subordinates also become stronger because of his skills. So, what you are trying to say is that because Rimuru became stronger his subordinates also became stronger. That's what you are trying to say right?

Carrion= Kind of an over explanation it but yeah.

Ultima= And how do you know that?

Carrion= Because during the delegation there were a few fights.

Carrera= So we will be watching some fights then, it will be fun.

Diablo= (She still hadn't learned her lesson.)

Ciel (T-C to Diablo) = Diablo keep yourself under control I don't want to you going into another rampage.

Diablo= (T-C to Ciel) = Yes Ciel-sama I will make sure that this doesn't happen.

Ciel (T-C to Diablo) = It better not.

While he was experimenting, Shuna came and called him as the Delegation to Eurazania was about to leave.

Shuna= Please grant them your presence.

Carrion= Oh at first, I thought this was a few days before the delegation exchange but turns out it was only a few minutes before the exchange.

Rimuru= Yeah, I had told them to get the preparation for the delegation ready. While they were doing that, I decided to experiment with my skills.

Hinata= You are quite bad at it right here.

Rimuru= Well this was my first time. But in a short amount of time, I was able to master it.

By the time I reached Ingracia I had complete control over it.

Dino= So you had complete control over it that quickly.

Velzard= Of course, you were able to master it this quickly.

Dagruel= At this point it shouldn't be a surprise anymore.

Milim= Well it isn't that difficult of a skill to master anyway.

Frey= To you it isn't that difficult.

Milim= To Rimuru it also isn't that difficult.

Carrion= That is true.

The participants of this delegation were some of the managing hobgoblins and Rigur as their Mediator. Benimaru was their Leader.

Rimuru knew that just how important this delegation would be.

Luminous= So you knew the weight behind this delegation.

Rimuru= Of course I knew it.

Testarossa= Well it makes sense as you are sending your most trusted subordinate as Benimaru with this delegation.

So, he decided to raise their morale.

Rimuru= Guys, do your best.

. . . . .

Shuna= Was that it?

Velgrynd= Are you kidding me? Is that seriously all you said? You hadn't thought of anything better?

Rudra= Now I can see why Gazel is always so disappointed in your speeches. That was seriously awful.

Gazel (While rubbing his forehead) = Took you long enough to see that. But seriously my disappointment is so great that it can be measured right now. Seriously Rimuru this is it.

Rimuru= Um ... well....

Gazel= And here I thought your speech in Dwargon was bad, but compared to this that speech can be called the speech of the century. Seriously you didn't even try.

Elmesia= I can see where you are coming from Gazel compared to this any speech would be the speech of the century. It was so bad that even his subordinates were like, is that seriously it?

At this Shuna began to feel a bit of guilt. As she thought that if she wouldn't had said that to Rimuru, he wouldn't had gotten disrespected like that.

Shuna= I am sorry Rimuru-sama. If I wouldn't had said that then you wouldn't have gotten disrespected like this. It is my fault.

Rimuru= It is not your fault Shuna. Instead, it is my fault. I should have tried better and given a better speech, the fact that you had to tell me shows my incompetence. You don't berate yourself.

Veldora= See Shuna you don't need take things like these as your own fault as it is a good thing that you reminded Rimuru that he is making a mistake. That is why Rimuru relies on you so much, so he doesn't make mistakes.

Shuna= Ok.

After that Rimuru gave a proper speech, about just how important this delegation was and how they should express their opinions freely as the pride of their nation stands behind them.

All the citizens who were listening to the speech cheered.

Dagruel= Well that was at least not that bad.

Elalude= Compared to the last speech every speech would be an amazing one.

Gazel= No that was actually not that bad of a speech. It was even better than the one that you gave in Dwargon.

Hakorou= So did Rimuru-sama pass your test here?

Gazel= Yes but barely.

Rimuru= Well that is good to hear.

Yuuki= After your worst performance maybe ever, you finally gave a good one.

Rimuru= Thanks Yuuki.

Rimuru after the speech talked with Benimaru in private and told him that he is counting on him.

Benimaru= Yes sir! I will discern with my own eyes if he is trustworthy or not.

He also told this to Rigur. Who assured Rimuru to not worry.

Then the delegation left, the carriages being drawn by Tempest Wolves.

As they left Rimuru asked Shuna.

Rimuru= how are the Chefs doing in the reception hall?

Shuna= Quite well.

Because they will be receiving a few guests.

Jeff= Now that they have left, the preparation on your end will start, right?

Rimuru= They had already started quite a while ago.

Shuna= This is more like the last stages.

Somewhere in the forest, a mother and a daughter were gathering fruits.

Ryota= Why are we suddenly in the middle of a forest?

Chloe= Yes that is just a random mother and daughter. We want to see Rimuru-sensei.

Tiss= C'mon you two. This must be important in some way.

Chloe= We will see.

As they were heading back, they were attacked by some monsters, but before they could harm the mother daughter. They were slashed in half and killed by Youm and his party.

Kenya= Oh so that is why we are here?

Gale= To see how Mr. Youm's journey is going.

Chloe= Boring.

Shizu= Well that is what's here right now. So, you can't do anything about that right now. So, deal with it.

Chloe= o-o-okay.

Rimuru= <I guess that is Shizu's strict side showing up.>

Ciel= <Looks like it.>

The mother daughter thanked them and praised their sword. At which Youm said.

Youm= Isn't that, right? I had it forged in Tempest, the country of monsters just ahead.

Fuze= So that is how they were spreading the good word of Tempest.

Diablo= Yes by using the equipment they got from Tempest. They were spreading the news that Tempest is a nation that helps humans.

Veldora= Which is exactly what Rimuru wanted.

Fuze= Well in Bulmund it worked quite well.

Dino= Well it better should had worked otherwise I can't think of any other reason Rimuru chose him as his puppet.

Back in Tempest. The preparation was going in full force.

Shuna was helping the Chefs. Vesta was making sure that the receptionists had proper etiquettes.

And Shion had decided that the streets would be spotless.

Frey= It really is going in full force.

Gazel= And of course, Shuna and Vesta are the ones that are teaching everyone else about etiquette.

Rimuru= Well they are the ones with the best knowledge in this field.

Around this Time, Youm came for a visit and asked why these preparations were happening.

And Rimuru told him about the situation of Demon Lord Carrion and delegations. Of course, Youm utterly lost his mind and asked Rimuru how that happened.

Ramiris= So he came to tempest. And of course, he again lost his mind.

Dino= By now that should be the title of Rimuru 'the one who makes others lose their mind'.

Ramiris= Too long.

Dino= Yeah you are right.

Rimuru= You are seriously making it into a title.

Ramiris= Why not?

Milim= Yeah, it's fun.

Rimuru= Well it's a long story.

Then Rimuru told Youm about everything that have happened.

At this Youm thought that any lackey of the Demon Lord would be strong.

Rimuru= We don't need to worry about something like that, it is not like we are picking a fight.

Youm= But you send Benimaru with them just in case, so don't you think they would send some strong people too?

Carrion= Well he is at least smart enough to know how things go around.

Rimuru= Why do you even think that he is stupid?

Dino= Probably because he looks like an idiot.

Rimuru= Do you have anything against him?

Dino= Yes.

Veldora= What?

Dino= You know that already I don't think I need to tell you.

Veldora= Fair enough.

Rimuru= That doesn't matter. Plus, I would be a fool to let this chance slip away.

Youm= That is true.

Rimuru= Just don't pick any fights with them, okay?

Youm= I am not that dumb.

And then Rimuru told that Youm Hakorou have been wanting to see him as he needs training, at which Youm quickly fell in a pit of alcoholic despair.

Luminous= Looks like even you think that he is an idiot.

Rimuru= I knew that he wouldn't pick any fights with them. I was joking with him. He is not a battle maniac.

Luminous= Oh so do know about the people that work under you.

Veldora= Oh you don't want to go there Luminous. First, Youm isn't his subordinates. Second, you shouldn't talk about knowing your subordinates when you yourself don't know what your subordinates do.

Luminous= What do you mean?

Veldora= Please don't try to act dumb. I doubt anyone here has forgotten about what happened to Adalman.

Luminous= So you are talking about the seven days clergy. That was a one-time thing.

Veldora= That one-time thing is what we know of. Who knows what they have done behind your back neither you know nor do us. So don't you dare criticize Rimuru in this category. When you yourself don't have control. So never compare yourself to him. You are nothing in front of my brother.

After what Veldora had said a few were quite shocked. Especially a certain Empress.

Velgrynd= (I have never seen Veldora behave like this. It looks like he really cares for this Rimuru. To the point where he might even kill anyone. He really has changed.)

(Author's  note: Well here you go today's  upload. I initially had thought making this reaction a big one with also including the fight between the beastketeers and Shion and Youm but then something happened. When I had almost completed it, the software crashed and I lost all of the progress. I was back to square one. So I had rewrite everything and if you know anything about rewriting you should know that it is excruciating.

Which is why I have decided for now this will be the end. But don't worry I have thought of a new strategy. If that strategy works then expect the reaction by Tuesday evening. If it doesn't then you know what day today is. Until then take care.)

Total Word Count = (2062 Words)

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