Emerald Sea (MCUx HP)

By BunnyWeasley23

8.8K 314 61

"Let me see if I'm understanding all this correctly." "Ok...?" "Not only are you a witch but you're a descend... More

Face Claims // Oc Info
Marauders Era Face Claims
Other Face Claims
0.0: The Beginning
0.1: Loki's hEir
0.2: Little Green Gemstones
0.3: Listening the the Raindrops
0.4: So, Sorry About Your Mum...?
0.5: Future Wife...Not Likely
0.6: Seeing Dragons and Talking Snakes
0.7: My Father's Fall From Grace
0.8: Magic School Bus(Train)
0.9: I'm a Snake...Hiss Hiss...Bitch
1.0: The First Day's Always Weird
1.1: That's The Golden Boy...Him?
1.2: New Seeker
1.3: Trolls and Shared Delusions
1.4:Spend Christmas With Me?
1.5: Matching Pajamas and Movie Marathons
1.6: Talks about Dads and Old Trees!
Author's Note/ Emerald's Lullaby
1.8:Mirror Mirror On The Wall
1.9:Girls Day... No Boys Allowed
2.0: Rainbow Pumpkin Disaster Punch
2.1: Sneak Out With Me?
2.2: The Word 'Father' Rots In My Mouth
2.3:I Enjoy Being Occasionally Poetic
2.4: My Tears Make The Waves That Drown Armies
2.5: Nobody Smart Plays Fair / That's The Game
2.6:New York, New York It's The City Of Dreams
2.7:Help Lessen The World's Load
2.8:Save The World, But Be Back In Time For Dinner!
2.9:Press, Press, Press, Press, Avengers Dont Need More Press
3.0:Birthday Cake and Swimming in a Lake
3.1: Summer Sun
3.2:Malfoy Manor
3.3: Book Shop Blues
Through the years/Slytherin
3.4: Magic Car Vs. Tree
3.5: Written On The Walls
3.6: Quidditch and Secret Chambers
3.7: Boys, Besties, & Reassurance

1.7: The Best Way To Spread Christmas Cheer

101 5 4
By BunnyWeasley23

December 25th, 2011

"Draco." I whispered shaking him awake with a smile. I was Christmas and it was almost noon. If he didn't wake up now we'd never have time to open presents before going into town with Nana later. The two of us agreed to spend the evening volunteering with Nana at the soup kitchens in town. We'd gone with her a few times in the past to read to the kids.

"Dottie...no!" He whined rolling over so his back was facing me. His hands pushing mine away when I continued to poke at him.

"But it's Christmas and we've got presents!" I exclaimed happily and he turned his head towards me.

"I got presents?" He asked confused as I tried to pull him out of bed.

"Yes! Come on!" I yelled now successfully getting him to follow me downstairs to the living room where Nana and Regulus sat. Both with a mug of tea in hand.

"There you two are! We were beginning to think we'd have to come wake you ourselves." Regulus joked winking in our direction as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh hush up. I'm sure you only just woke up yourself." I argued

"Nuh-uh! I-"

"Regulus and Aphrodite." Nana said sternly, putting a stop to our argument before it could even begin.

"Sorry Mum." Regulus muttered

"Sorry Nana." I sighed before going over to sit in front of the tree. I then looked over to see Draco was still standing on the steps. I silently waved him over with a reassuring smile, watching as he shared a look with Regulus before he came over and sat next to me.

Regulus then stood up and began passing all the gifts out. Some from close friends of Nana, some from him, the Malfoys(for Draco and I), but most were from nana.

She sat happily watching the three of us open our presents while she drank her tea.

Emerald from Cassandra⬇️:

•New Phone
•Slytherin Top
•Bracelet (matches Draco's)
•Water Cup

Draco from Cassandra⬇️:

•Slytherin Sweater
•Slytherin hoodie
•Bracelet (matches Emerald's)
•Water Bottle

Regulus from Cassandra⬇️:



December 26th, 2011

I was laying next to Draco in his room when we both suddenly heard a stampede of footsteps coming towards us.

"Our friends out here." We said in unison sitting up with a smile just as the door burst open. Theo was the first one to throw himself on the bed, wrapping his arms around each of us at the same time.

"Hello my loves! Did you miss me?!" He yelled turning his head to place a kiss on each of our cheeks.

"Hi Teddy!" I greeted happily, gently ruffling his hair a bit as he leaned into the touch. He then rolled over and was laying on Draco which gave me an opportunity to jump up and hug the next person waiting which happened to be Mattheo. Our other friends seemed to be talking amongst themselves also catching up as they hadn't seen each other all break either.

"Matty! How are you darling?" I asked wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he lifted me into the air.

"Wonderful now that I'm here. I do not enjoy the heat nearly as much as I excepted I would." He joked referring to his time in Hawaii and I laughed rolling my eyes. Leave it to him to complain about paradise, but I understood it. All Mattheo wore was long sleeves and black socks of course he'd hate the heat.

"Well I'm happy you're here and don't worry, it's absolutely freezing out." I winked before I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I knew it was Blaise without even having to look just by how gentle the person was holding me.

"Hi BeeZee!" I cheered turning around to hug him.

"EVee, how are you my dear? Has Malfoy been treating you well?" He asked with fake concern causing Draco to throw a pillow at him at the mention of his name before the blond returned to talking to Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo

"He's fine, I'm fine. How was Hawaii?" I asked curiously as I knew he'd been so excited to go. He began to excitedly ramble about his trip the two of us eventually sitting down on the floor instead of standing in the middle of the room.


Blaise, Draco, Enzo, Mattheo, Theo and I spent the next few hours talking and catching up while we waited for Greg, Vinnie, and the girls to show up. Somewhere along the way Theo was able to convince me to let him paint my nails.

"So Theo...did you write to Potter like you said you would?" Enzo asked with a smirk from where he was lying, flipping through a comic book.

Theo immediately groaned rolling his eyes. However before he could answer the question the door opened and in walked Greg Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Pansy, Daphne, Millicent, and Daphne's little sister Astoria. I hadn't met Astoria yet but I didn't want her to feel left out if all her childhood friends were at my house and she wasn't. Besides she'd be with us at Hogwarts next year anyway.

"Where's Tracey?" Goyle asked confused, the boy having had a very obvious crush on her.

"She said she wasn't feeling well, decided to rest up before returning to Hogwarts next week." Pansy explained though it didn't look like she believed her. The two girls didn't seem to get along for reasons I never truly understood.

"So...what do we want to do first?" I asked looking around at everyone when a wide smile made its way across Draco's face.

"I think we should go to the pond."

"Pond...in this weather? We'll freeze!" Mattheo argued but I shook my head.

"Not to swim, to skate. Come on! We have a bunch of skate in the closet!" I cheered leading everyone to the hall closet where they could find all the spare seasonal clothing.

After we were all bundled up we all made our way to the door.

"Nana, we're going skating!" I yelled, not really knowing where she was in the house.

"Alright dear, be safe." She called back from the kitchen and we all ran outside.


Later That Evening

After what felt like hours of skating around, laughing, and falling we were all gathered around a fire in the yard.

"This place is..." Pansy sighed struggling to find the right words to say.

"Peaceful?" Draco offered, his head leaning against my shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Better?" Theo smiled laying across both of Draco and I's laps.

"Yeah." She agreed.

"Seriously I could stay here forever." Mattheo commented from where he was lying beside Daphne looking up at the stars.

"Well my Nana loves all of you already so I'm sure she'd never have a problem with it." I shrugged. It was the truth, she had spent her day knitting hats, gloves, and sweaters for them.

"Kids! Come on inside now before you catch cold!" Nana called from the door and we all immediately began to pack up our blankets.

"Don't forget to put out that fire Aphrodite, Dray be a dear and help her?" She added before going back in.

"Of course Sandy!" Draco yelled even though she probably couldn't hear him anymore. He also randomly started calling her Sandy today which I wasn't going to comment on but it was strange. I handed him one of the pre-prepared buckets of snow and we started dumping them on the fire.

"You guys can go on in if you want. I'm sure Nana has hot chocolate or something waiting." I offered to all the others who nodded, making their way inside while Draco and I worked on the fire.

"So..." I started after the door finally closed after the last person went in.

"What?" Draco asked not looking up from where he was filling another bucket.

"Are you still having fun?" I asked awkwardly. It wasn't that I thought he wasn't having fun, it's just that I wanted to check in. Make sure he was still okay.

"Yeah. I'm glad our friends are here, I not sure how happy Sandy will be by this time next week but I'm glad she invited all of us to stay here." He joked pulling a laugh from me as I completely agreed.

"Well she's always wanted a big family so maybe having 14 preteens in her house for a week is a dream come true for her." I shrugged as the fire finally stopped hissing. I wiped my hands together to get the snow off before grabbing Draco's hand and letting him pull me to my feet.

"And you're having fun too...right?" He asked studying my face and I immediately nodded.

"Of course, I'm with you. I always have fun when I'm with you, you're my best friend. Wherever you are, fun is bound to happen." I smiled gently squeezing his hand as we still were hadn't let go yet.

"Come on before all the hot chocolate is gone!" I exclaimed pulling him inside with me to find all of our friends sitting around the kitchen

"There you two are! We were beginning to think the worst!" Theo gushed dramatically before gesturing to two mugs that sat beside him.

"Oh I'm sure you were." Draco muttered sarcastically while rolling his eyes. I quickly grabbed my mug before going over to the array of toppings Nana sat out.

I added extra chocolate chips, marshmallows, and a peppermint stick before turning to my friends.

"Christmas movie marathon?" I suggested earning mixed reactions

"Yes! Immediately yes!" Draco cheered going to grab some snacks. Christmas time clearly becoming his favorite time of year. 

"I've never seen one." Mattheo shrugged eating a handful of mini marshmallows

"Me either." Goyle, Crabbe, and Pansy said in unison

"I'm down to watch Charlie Brown!" Theo agreed getting up and beginning to make his way to the living room.

"Pause, Charlie Brown? That's your go too?" Blaise scoffed

"Yes! What's your go to? Frosty the snowman? Frosty the snowman is so basic and he's afraid of fire! Charlie Brown could fight Frosty the Snowman any day of the week-"

"Theodore! Relax, no one said anything about Frosty the Snowman. It's okay." I exclaimed with wide eyes while looking at him.

"I just think that guy is weird, okay. If we ever find a Magic snowman he can't be our friend. I'm not hanging out with a snowman." He muttered taking a bag of gummy bears from Draco and stomping into the living room as we all shared a look of confusion

"Maybe he's tired?" Pansy suggested

"Either way, let's go watch Charlie Brown." Enzo shrugged.


January 2nd, 2012

I stood in the kitchen next to Pansy teaching her how to make pancakes while the boys worked on the other parts of breakfast. Today was the day, we'd all be traveling to London to board the Hogwarts express in two hours. Crabbe, Goyle, Daphne, Astoria, Enzo, and Blaise left last night. They wanted to spend one more night in their own beds before returning to school which I completely understood.

I was going to miss waking up whenever I wanted and in my own bed. I was gonna miss my Nana being in the next room when I needed her.

"Mate! You're burning it!" Draco yelled at Theo who apparently does not know how to make eggs after claiming for 20 minutes that he did.

"I am not! It's supposed to be that color!" He argued

"Ok, well you'll be eating that by yourself because they're burnt." I grimaced looking in the pan of black and brownish eggs

"I bet Sandy would try som-"

"Of course she'd try them, that doesn't mean shit Nott! You are not feeding my grandmother burnt eggs!" I scoffed taking the pan away from him and dumping it in the trash. I then cracked a few eggs one handed before scrambling them up and looking over at Theo.

"That was undoubtedly the hottest thing I've ever seen you do." He said letting out a forced laugh as a winked at him.

"Well then you need to see me sword fight."

"Why on earth do you know sword combat?" Draco asked almost sounding nervous as he turned around from where he was plating the pancakes.

"My father taught me." I shrugged. Of course it would make more sense if they knew who my father was, or rather what my father was. But then I'd have to explain that I was Asgardian royalty and that I had all these powers. It was just a conversation best saved for a rainy day.

"Okay, fruit's cut!" Mattheo cheered turning around to present the tray of fruit he made.

"Pancakes are done!" Draco and Pansy said at the same time, just as I was turning off the stove and sliding the eggs on a serving plate.

"Nana! Breakfast!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear from her room. We'd eat then it would be time to gather our things and leave for school. I was excited to go back, but also absolutely devastated about leaving home again.

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