Journey of Love...

By Sarasuryavanshi

125K 9.9K 1.9K

{ 𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 #1 π–Žπ–“ π–‘π–”π–›π–Š π–˜π–Šπ–—π–Žπ–Šπ–˜} π•π’πšπšπ§π¬π‘π’ 𝐱 π’π‘π«πžπ²πšπ§π¬π‘ πŽπ›πžπ«π¨π’ She is soft-spo... More

||Character Aesthetics||
1. The beginning
2. Mystery
3. Missing Her....
Room Tour
4. Decision...
5. Emotions..
6. Hate
7. The Birth
8. Bad Omen
9. Childhood
10. Adoption??
12. Confusion!
13. Departure
14. Jaan
15. Alliance!
16. Fainted?
17. Childhood Crush!
18. Reflections of Love
19. Proposal
20. Culinary Gesture
21. Accused!
22. The Real Culprit
23. Unspoken Words
24. Broken Hearts
25. Emotional Gesture
26. Accident!
27. Danger?
28. Taking Care
29. Some Memories
30. Reunion
31. Answers - I
32 . Answers- II
33. Special Care
34. Strange Behavior
35. Frustration and reflection
36. One Step Closer
37. Feelings
38. Family Love
39. Argument!
40. Some Teasings
41. Special Surprise!
42. Tanya!
44. Betrayal!
45. Memory Lane...
46. Truth!
47. End?
48. Escaped?
49. Unexpected
50. Unveiling the Truth
52. Healing hearts
53. Homecoming
54. New Beginnings
55. A Proposal Plan
56. Pampering
57. A Night to Remember
58. Late Night Conversations
59. Happiness
60. Roka Ceremony
61. Regret!
62. Aarushi
63. Engagement
64. Some stolen moments
65. Conversation
66. Wedding Functions
67. Wedding
68. Farewell and Post Wedding Rituals
69. Wedding night
70. Morning
71. Peheli Rasoi
72. Pag phera
73. Jealous
74. Romance
75. Outburst
76. Warning
77. Ice - Cream
78. Dinner Date
79. Consummation
80. Chocolate bouquet
81. First Day
82. Funday
83. Angry Wifey
84. Journey of Love

51. Left

722 77 10
By Sarasuryavanshi

Third Person's Pov:-

Siddharth's action left everyone speechless. He was the one who had fired the fatal shot at Mayank. Anita's eyes widened in horror as she saw Mayank's lifeless body on the ground.

Siddharth fired the gun, the loud bang echoing through the room. Mayank's body crumpled to the floor.

"No!" Anita screamed, her eyes widening in horror. She rushed over, dropping to her knees beside Mayank. "Mayank! Can you hear me?"

His eyes were closed, his chest still. Anita shook his shoulders frantically.

"Mayank, please! Open your eyes! Don't do this to me." Tears filled her eyes as the reality sank in. "You can't leave me alone. Get up, dammit!"

But Mayank didn't stir. Anita cradled his head in her lap, sobbing. Despite everything, he was her husband, her partner through the darkest times.

Memories flashed through her mind the crimes, the lives they had destroyed together in pursuit of money and power. She had justified it all to herself then, convinced it was necessary for survival. But now, seeing Mayank's lifeless form, she couldn't escape the weight of her guilt.

The faces of their victims seemed to accuse her. She had told herself she was immune to consequences, but fate had a way of righting the scales eventually. As she wept over Mayank's body, Anita knew her past had finally caught up to her.

Abeer averted his gaze, his allegiance suddenly unclear. Betrayal sliced through Anita like a knife. She was alone, surrounded by danger.

"Take the body away,"

Yuvaansh ordered his men. Two large men approached and began dragging Mayank's lifeless form across the floor.

"No, stop!" Anita cried. She clutched at Mayank, trying to hold him back, but the men were too strong. They pulled him from her grasp, carrying him away.

Anita turned to Abeer desperately.

"Abeer, please, you can't let them do this!" But Abeer remained stonily silent.

Losing Mayank was one thing, but not being able to see his final rites felt like an unbearable cruelty. Anger rose in Anita's chest like a raging fire. She would fight this injustice with every breath.

But then Yuvansh's cold voice cut through her turmoil.

"Take her too. Hand her over to the police. It will be her biggest punishment to be unable to see her husband's last rites."

Anita's head whipped around, horror etched across her features as she met Yuvansh's pitiless gaze. Before she could protest, two large women seized her arms in a bruising grip.

"No!" She thrashed against their hold. "Let me go! I have to be with Mayank!"

But the women were unmoved, dragging Anita away from Mayank's body. She watched helplessly as his form disappeared from view.

"You monster!" she screamed at Yuvansh through her tears. "I'll make you pay for this!"

At the police station, Anita was forced into an interrogation room. Her hands were cuffed to the table as two stern-faced officers loomed over her.

"Talk," one ordered gruffly.

"Tell us everything about the criminal activities you and your husband were involved in."

Anita pressed her lips together defiantly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The officer's fist slammed down on the table, making her flinch.

"Don't play dumb with us! We know you were up to your necks in illegal dealings extortion, fraud, money laundering. Start talking or you'll be locked up for a long time."

Part of Anita wanted to confess, to unburden her soul of the years of guilt and deception. But another part, the defiant core that had kept her alive through it all, rebelled against cooperating.

"I'm not saying anything without my lawyer," she spat.

The officers exchanged an exasperated look. They tried other tactics empathy, threats, going around in circles for hours. But Anita remained stubbornly silent.
Finally, they gave up for the night, throwing her in a holding cell. Alone on the hard bunk, Anita curled into a ball, sobs wracking her body as she grieved not just for Mayank but for the life she had destroyed through her choices


Siddharth's gaze locked with Abeer's, a storm of emotions swirling in his eyes. Abeer stared back, bewildered, his mind struggling to make sense of the tension crackling between them.
Though he sensed some profound truth lurking beneath the surface, Abeer wasn't prepared for what came next. Closing the distance between them, Siddharth suddenly enveloped Abeer in a tight embrace.

Abeer froze, his body stiff with shock and confusion. But then he felt it a solitary tear trailing down his own cheek. As the dampness spread across his shoulder, he realized Siddharth was crying too.

The gathered onlookers watched the tender scene with misty eyes. No one dared disturb the heavy moment stretching between the two men.

Finally, in a choked whisper muffled against Abeer's shoulder, Siddharth uttered the words that rocked his world.


He drew a shuddering breath, seemingly unable to form the sentence. Abeer remained frozen, his heart pounding in his ears.

"I'm that ch...child,"

Siddharth managed at last, the words emerging slowly as if he struggled to give them life.

"I wasn't dead. Dad...adopted me."

He pulled back just enough to gesture shakily toward Yuvaansh before burying his face in his hands, sobs wracking his body.

Abeer's mind whirred as he tried to process the revelation.

Siddharth...his half-brother?

The words echoed dully in his mind, each syllable heavy with incomprehensible meaning.
He stared at Siddharth with new eyes, searching for similarities, desperate to find some way to understand how they could possibly share blood. His head spun with a thousand fragmented thoughts and memories reshaping under this new light.

Siddharth met his gaze again, expression awash with trepidation and vulnerability. He seemed to be waiting for Abeer's reaction, but Abeer had no idea what to say or feel.
The emotions churning inside were a jumbled storm confusion and a strange, unexpected sense of connection warring with each other.

At last, Abeer found his voice, the words emerging soft and uncertain.

"I...I don't know what to say. I never imagined...I mean, I had no idea."

Siddharth nodded jerkily, his eyes never leaving Abeer's face, as if searching for some sign of acceptance or rejection.

"I understand," he murmured, sounding oddly relieved. "It's...a lot to take in."

"We understand, Abeer," Vivaan began, his voice gentle yet resolute.

"But know that you're not alone. We're here for you, no matter what."

Abeer could only nod dumbly in response, feeling gratitude that Siddharth didn't seem to expect more from him in that moment. He needed time and space to let this monumental truth sink in, to process the fact that he had a brother he never knew existed.

As a heavy silence stretched between them, Abeer's mind drifted back unwittingly to memories of his lonely childhood. How he had longed for a sibling back then, someone to chase away the isolation and sadness. He'd dreamed of having a companion, a friend, someone to love unconditionally.

The stark realization that he'd had that person all along, just beyond his reach, was almost too much to bear.

Abeer said

"Now that everything is resolved," he said softly, "It's time for me to leave. To remove myself from everyone's life."

His gaze dropped to the floor as he drew an unsteady breath.

"After experiencing such profound betrayal from those I trusted most my adoptive parents I don't think I can face any more upheaval. It's...too much right now."

His words hung heavy in the air, the weight of his intentions palpable.
Siddharth opened his mouth, desperate to protest, but no sound emerged.

Vivaan stepped forward then, looking between the two men with sad understanding.

"You can come with us," he offered gently. "We'll stay together, like a family."

But Abeer just shook his head, a rueful smile tugging at his lips.

"Thank you, but it's not possible. Please, don't try to force me on this."

The quiet conviction in his voice was unmistakable. Vivaan held his questioning gaze for a long moment before giving a solemn nod of acceptance.

Abeer's heart felt impossibly heavy as he made his way toward Viaanshi. Her eyes were a swirl of confusion and concern when they met his. He knew the words he was about to say could shatter their friendship, just as his own world had been shattered.

"Viaanshi..." he began, his voice a hushed rasp. "There's something I need to tell you."

Her brow furrowed as she reached out, her warm touch sending a jolt through his veins that only amplified the ache in his chest.

"Abeer, what's wrong?" The worry in her voice was palpable.

He drew a steadying breath, steeling himself to meet her questioning gaze head-on.

"I...I've realized something."
The confession emerged slowly, each syllable laden with a weight that threatened to crush him.

"I love you, Viaanshi. More than words can express."
He saw the shock register in her eyes and pushed on quickly.

"But I can't keep holding on to something that was never truly mine to begin with."
Tears welled in Viaanshi's eyes as the meaning sank in. Her hands trembled against his arm.

"Abeer, please," she pleaded, her voice choked with anguished denial. "Don't do this."

But Abeer could only shake his head, resolute despite the sting of her pain mirrored in his soul.

"No, Viaanshi," he said gently, the words tinged with sadness. "Let me say this, so I can finally be free."

He searched for the right words to convey the tempest of emotion raging inside him.

"When I first laid eyes on you, I became obsessed with the idea of making you mine, no matter what. But over time, I've come to understand the true essence of love."

Viaanshi stared at him, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks, as he struggled to get the words out.

"You were once just an obsession, but now I genuinely, deeply love you. You're not just special to me  you're the only moon in my sky, amidst all the constellations."

He felt his own eyes sting with moisture.

"But I've realized I've spent too long chasing something that was never meant to be mine. You love Shreyansh, and I can't force my feelings on you. As much as it hurts, I know now that you'll never be able to love me the same way."

Viaanshi let out a choked sob, anguish written across her delicate features.

"Abeer, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you like this."

The rawness of her pain was like a physical blow, but Abeer refused to let it destroy his fragile resolve.

Gently, he reached out to wipe away the tears streaking her cheeks.

"I know," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "But sometimes, the only way to truly set someone free is to let them go."

With a heavy, leaden finality, Abeer stepped back, allowing his touch to linger for one last, torturous moment. Then, with every ounce of strength he possessed, he turned and began walking away.
Each step felt like wading through shards of glass, the shattered shards of his dreams cutting deep into his soul. The temptation to turn back, to beg her not to let him go, was nearly overpowering. But he kept putting one foot in front of the other, each step a death knell to the dreams he'd harbored for so long.

(Author: Ask your doubts related to any of the chapter or scenes. I know last 2 chapters and this one too is too much confusing)


Hellooooo! 🤭🤭

Hope you all are fine.❤✨

Here is the chapter.

let me know what do
you think through your

Love you all❤

Thank you✨


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