comanderhearteyes tarafından

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Taylor swift is an uprising singer, songwriter and she's in the public eye. What happens when someone from he... Daha Fazla

Authors intro


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comanderhearteyes tarafından


Updates will be coming less frequently, school started back up and I have a few side hustles that I will be focusing on! The bare minimum will hopefully be once a week! How have you all been? Ready for Taylor's Tokyo show? Are we thinking of rep TV?


Lavender pov

The car ride to my mother's house was short, and Taylor's anxiety didn't help with it. I don't blame her- she thinks my mom is going to shred her. The closer we got to the house I noticed we were close to the beach, did my mother lie about where she bought a house? Because this wasn't a suburban neighborhood. The houses we drove past were expensive beach houses. Taylor kept her hand in mine as I looked out the window. The beach was empty- probably because it was a privately owned area. Most people headed to the public popular beaches.
   As we reached a driveway her hand tightened in mine. I gave her a reassuring squeeze before unbuckling.

"This will be good," I say

She doesn't say much but nods her head as she exits the vehicle with me. I quickly make my way around the car and loop my arm through hers.

"She knows we're together right" Taylor whispers glancing toward the house.

"Definitely " I smile and quickly place a kiss on her cheek.

  Taylor's face slightly blushes a light shade of pink. I make my way up to the large beach house and before I can connect my fist with the door it's flung open and my mom is standing in the doorway.

"TAYLOR" she screeches and throws her arms around her. I see Taylor slightly stiffen and send a look the way that makes me bust out laughing.

"You have gotten so big- oh my gosh let me get a look at you" she hums and pulls Taylor back keeping her hands on her shoulders at an arm's length away.

My mom takes in Taylor's features and quickly wipes a tear away.

"You a fine young woman Taylor" she hushes

"Mom don't forget about me." I slightly laugh

"Of course not," she says and pulls me in for a quick hug.

"Come on in, would you like anything to drink," she asks shutting the door behind us.

"Water will be fine" I nod and follow her into the kitchen.

I feel Taylor slip her hand back into mine as we enter the kitchen and I'm slightly taken away by the beauty. Her kitchen was hues of blue and white, the room screamed ocean beach house. There were a few barstools at the counter and by the back wall nestled was a breakfast nook. The nook walls were windows overlooking the ocean. The living room was ajar to the kitchen and no wall to separate it. They flowed into each other with perfect give and take. I saw photos of me on the wall and my heart was slightly happy.

"Your house is beautiful," Taylor said glancing around.

"Thank you" my mom smiles " I'm so glad you both came to visit- I've been wanting to see you," she says sliding two glasses over.

I pick one glass up and take a sip so I don't come off as rude.

"Come I'll show you where you'll be staying so you can relax a little before dinner, phil will be here tomorrow he's out on a call," she says and makes her way into the foyer.

Taylor and I follow her into the room and up the stairs. Along the stairwell wall are more photos of me growing up and I notice a few of me and Taylor. My heart lurches at the memories. I continued the rest of the way up before she led us to a door and pushed it open.

"There's a connecting bathroom with everything you should need but don't hesitate to ask if you need anything.

"Thank you" Taylor smiles before following me in.

My mom disappears and I notice our luggage already in the room. Before I can think to unpack Taylor's arms are around mine and her head is pressed into my neck. I hear her sigh before I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer.

"She still likes me" she hums

"Yes what is there not to like" I chuckled slightly.

Taylor's warm breath rolls over my skin and I try not to shudder. Her arms stay around my body and don't loosen up.

"Did you want to cuddle?" I ask her

She just nodded her head and I could hear the silent tears rolling down her face. She's relieved my mom still likes her after all this time. Maybe because of how things went with her parents, she was worried for mine. I pull away from her and pull her into the bed. I'm under the warm covers and she's glided back into my side before I blink. Her head fits into my chest and I can't help but close my eyes at the comfort. I didn't just miss Taylor's body, she can have anybody for all I care- it's her soul that draws me in, the most attractive thing about her. I feel her hike her leg and slightly wrap it around my legs. I glance at her to see if she is trying to hint at something yet she's passed out.

I tried to take a nap but I couldn't sleep, this typically happened after flights. Everything would get messed up even if it was in the same time zone. Taylor slept a solid two hours before she began to move and slightly groan. I started peppering kisses across her cheeks and she hid her face under the covers.

I'm exhausted.

My body won't sleep until this evening and I know I'll crash after dinner. The air outside was cool enough that a dip in the ocean most likely wouldn't happen.

"Did you sleep" Taylor yawned rolling over to drape an arm around my torso.

"No, but I wanted to" I sighed

Her hand slid up and caressed my face, she ran her fingers over the bags I knew were present. They lingered until they inched to my lips and she ran her thumb over my bottom lip slightly drawing it out. A small smirk slid across her face and she pushed up off the mattress to get closer to me. She sat next to me leaning over my frame, her arms on both sides of my body. My hands inched up to her sides.

"I'm so happy you're mine" she breathed.

Her smile was still there as she leaned down pressing a soft kiss to my lips. My stomach flipped at her words. Butterflys erupt sending a tingling to my toes. She always knew what to say. I felt her smile in the kiss and for once felt content with my life. Where I was and who I am.

"We better go spend some time with my mom" I hummed pulling apart from the kiss.

Taylor's face was a slight shade of pink but she nodded her head agreeing. She moved off of me and I sat up in the bed. My phone sent off an alert that made Taylor eye me suspiciously.

"Don't worry I'll change it" I groan

My monitor was dying and I needed to change it, soon I'm switching to a different pump where it's all built into one, that way I don't have to juggle 50 different items just to keep myself alive. I grabbed my bag and made my way into the kitchen with Taylor trailing behind me. I unzipped the pouch and put the bottles of insulin into the fridge when my mom came into the room.

"How was the nap" she asked sliding next to me and eyeing what I was doing.

"Great, much needed," I said yawning

"I was thinking we could go out for dinner tonight" she chirped slapping her hand on the table.

It was silent for a moment when I glanced up at Taylor. Was she okay with this idea? I mean she's the one that's going to get mobbed over me.

"We should be fine with that" I hummed as Taylor sent me an uneasy look.

"Perfect I love eating at the local seafood cafe down the road," my mom said excitedly.

I quickly changed my reader and threw away the old one.

"Do you think we will get noticed?" Taylor asked as my mom went into her room to get her keys.

"Maybe, but you're not alone," I said.

Taylor excused herself to the bathroom to freshen up before we left, while she was doing that I dug through my suitcase and wrapped my hands around the cold metal lying at the bottom of the bag. The fact I was able to get this through Taylor's security baffles me, then again they didn't check my bags for a private flight. I quickly pulled the gun out and reached back to slide it into a hidden holster in my jeans before pulling my jacket over it to help conceal it better.

"You girls ready" my mom called out.

"Yep be right down" I hollered

Taylor exited the bathroom and smiled, she was a bundle of nerves today.

"Come on" I smiled

My mom drove to the cafe, the neighborhood was cozy but still luxurious. The minute we stepped out of the car I was on edge, waiting for anything to happen. It's not common for Taylor to forgo her security- especially not in a big city.

The waitress sat us down in a booth by the window and didn't spare Taylor a look. Maybe we would be alright, maybe there would be mobs of fans and reporters.

"What can I get you guys started off to drink" the waitress asked.

She had to be no older than 25, her raven black hair cut into a bob right above her shoulders and her tan skin stood out.

"Water please" I hummed

After everyone gave their drink order she walked off.

The cafe was right on the beach, it had a perfect view of the water and sand. I'd be surprised if high tide didn't damage the parking lot. As my mother was looking through the menu Taylor slid her arm around me and as she dragged her hand down she grazed the object that I concealed.

  I felt her stiffen next to me and I instantly knew this was going to be an issue.

"Why did you bring that" she whispered

She was pissed.

"For safety" I hummed back

"From what the ocean" she seethed

I ignored her and looked through the menu. It's going to be a huge fight later so there's no reason to argue about it now.  After we ordered my mom sprang up a conversation with Taylor about what she has been up to the past few years. I drowned them out as Taylor had no problem talking to my mom now. The food came out and we dug in.  I ordered a grilled chicken while Taylor went with the chicken strips and my mom got a salad. Knowing her she will get halfway through it and say she's full. Taylor was still tense beside me the whole meal. She probably was mad that I didn't tell her. Should I have?

   I understand her frustration but at the same time, I'm not letting anyone hurt her. The ride back was quiet as my mom hummed along to some songs.

"I was thinking tomorrow we could go see the city a little and I could show you my favorite spots" my mom interrupted the silence.

"That sounds great Mom" I agreed

Who knows what she was going to show us tomorrow? Plus Phil would be in town so it will be nice to see him again. He's the closest thing I have to a father figure. I don't think I could ever call him dad.

"I'm going to call it a night, I'm tired" my mom called out

"Okay night Mom, see you in the morning" I mumbled and made my way back to my room across the other side of the house. I silently put my gun away in a safe I brought and placed it in the closet.

"Can we talk" Taylor spoke up

I just nodded my head and followed her outside. The beach was calm and peaceful. The waves were the only thing letting me know it was real. Nobody was on the beach, it was dark and the only light was from the moon. I stood there with my arms crossed facing the ocean as Taylor took a breath in.

"Why did you bring that tonight" she asked

There was an edge in her voice that made me furious she would even ask.

"Like I mentioned, to make sure everyone is safe" I huffed

"Lav I know that but a gun is NOT the right move " she raised her voice

"How is it, not the right move when people mob you for a damn autograph in the streets" I seethe out and kick a chinch of sand.

"I don't understand why you think it was necessary to bring that to a cafe" she slightly yelled

We were both mad at this point. We had worked it up with the silence all night.

"To protect you!! We have no security and your damn wrong if you think I'm going to let anyone touch you" I scream

Taylor's face hardens and she crosses her arms.

"Violence is not the solution"

"Your damn right it's not but for a second if you think I won't make a move on anyone who so helps me even looks at you the wrong way then you are mistaken" I yell

Tears prick my eyes and I blow the air out of my lungs. She thinks I'm some fucking psycho for bringing a gun to protect her. She had no damn security and I had a sunk idea of what this neighborhood is like. I won't lose her another time.

"Lav I didn't mean it like that" her voice softens

"Then what did you mean because I would die for you and that's not okay" I yell

A few tears slip out of my eyes and I'm furious.

"FUCK" I yell

Kicking another pile of sand I feel a hand on my arm. I know it's her and she just trying to calm me down. 

" Please look at me" she whispers

I take a few breaths before looking at her, her eyes meet mine and I can tell she regrets her words.

"I was surprised you had it, I know I don't have security right now but I figured we would be fine," she says

I suck another breath in to calm myself down. This is not how I expected my night to go. Nothing close. My body shudders as I start to come down from being worked up. My anger slowly subsided.

"I'm not going to take those chances and hope you're fine" I breathe another wave out.

"Just please tell me when you're bringing it places, they make me uneasy" Taylor whispers

I nod and don't say anything else. The tension is still there between us. I turn to Taylor to see her looking at me. Before I can think her lips are on mine and I'm pushed a few steps back.

"Regardless of the topic ....... Your hot when your angry" Taylor says in between kisses. Her warm hands slide underneath my shirt and roam.

I can't help but deepen the kiss, my anger disappearing and turning into passion. If she was anyone else I would have walked away by now, my anger and temper would have called it quits.

   Taylor pulls back from the kiss and places a few on my cheek.  She moves to my neck and I take a step back but she follows forward knocking me back into the sand.

"Shit" Taylor snickers following and landing on top of me.

We both start laughing before she's back on top of me and returns her lips to mine. I grip most of her shirt and start bringing it up. My hands roam and knead every area I can feel. My body comes alive with her, in ways that I haven't experienced such intensity before.

"Are we safe out here" Taylor whispers pulling back

"You safe with me" I hummed and pulled her shirt over her head. My lips attach to her chest and she curls her head back.

  "Shit lav" she breathes

I can't help the smirk that comes across my face as she can't hold back the profanity. I want her fully undressed and moaning my name underneath me. I want her begging for more while I carefully edge her on. I slightly add my teeth to the mix and she gasps before pulling back. She quickly reaches down towards the bottom of my shirt but plans change when I feel her tug on my sweatpants.

Shit, she's cutting all the corners tonight. I scramble and help her take my bottoms off. I go to reach to help her with hers but she shakes her head and pushes me back.

"Let me tonight" she hums

I try to sit back up when she places a hand on my shoulder and pushes me back down. She quickly pulls my legs apart and the cool ocean breeze hits my core.

I don't fight her when she goes down on me. She's sweet at first, teasing me and building me up. She catches me off guard when she inserts her tongue and I'm grunting out trying to stay on the quieter side.

"Shit Tay" I groan

I can tell she's enjoying seeing me either because she starts to play sounds with her fingers. She starts pumping a few fingers into me while keeping her tongue attached. She shifts and starts sucking while running her tongue across the bud.

  I can't help but throw my head back at the pleasure. How does she know how to do this? I can't help the moans that start erupting from my mouth.

"Sh baby, you are going to wake the whole neighborhood" Taylor coos

I gasp for hair as she continues to pump into me.

"I'm close" I whine

Suddenly her hands are off and her tongue is gone. I let out a cry before I feel her hands on my body guiding me up and over until I'm on my knees. Taylor quickly lays down and guides my legs over her until I'm positioned right over her face. Before I can question she stretches her lips back and slides a hand up to my chest.

"Shit" I moan

Taylor pushes my legs wider to get a better reach and I almost climax right there. It's not until I feel a rough hand slap my ass that my high hits. I almost fold over but Taylor keeps me in place and cominties to assault my pussy. I cry out as she rides my climax that wracks through my body.

As I come back down I slide off of her and lean back breathing into the night hair, my breath raggy and body raw.

"Your turn" I gasp and turn to her.

A few hours later after showering the sand and sweat off our bodies, we were lying in bed, it was a little past midnight and I knew I was bound to crash soon. Taylor was lying on her stomach while I lazily drew lines on her bare back. Her damp hair pushed to the side to give me access to her skin. I couldn't help but admire her glowing skin. She was gorgeous everywhere. The scar on the top of her shoulder was visible but I kept away from it- for both our sake.

"Are you happy" Taylor mumbled

I could tell she was half asleep and my grazing fingers did not help. We were both tired, especially after fighting and the silence lulled us into a deeper comfort.

"Yes, are you" I questioned

It took her a moment to respond. She rolled over and looked at me, her eyes half open and sleep evident all across her features.

"Move in with me" she mumbled

Her eyes closed and I slowly heard a snore emerge from her mouth. My heart thumped in my chest enough to make me take a big breath in. Did she mean that? She's exhausted there's no way she meant that- Taylor wouldn't just spring that on me. Would she? My mind raced at millions of scenarios.

There is no way I'm sleeping tonight.

Okumaya devam et

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